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"I feel no need for food and water" - Prahlad Jani

topic posted Wed, October 28, 2009 - 7:43 PM by  Oba

Doctors and experts are baffled by an Indian hermit who claims not to have eaten or drunk anything for several decades - but is still in perfect health.

Prahlad Jani, a holy man, or fakir, who is over 70 years old, has just spent 10 days under constant observation in Sterling Hospital, in the western Indian city of Ahmedabad.

During that time, he did not consume anything and "neither did he pass urine or stool", according to the hospital's deputy superintendent, Dr Dinesh Desai.

Yet he is in fine mental and physical fettle, say doctors.

Most people can live without food for several weeks, with the body drawing on its fat and protein stores. But the average human can survive for only three to four days without water.

Followers of Indian holy men and ascetics have often ascribed extraordinary powers to them, but such powers are seldom subject to scientific inspection.
posted by:
offline Oba
  • PuhLEASE! i remember the "breatharian"who popped into Santa cruz some time ago and was followed and found to be scarfing McDonalds and cokes!

    Let the buyer beware!
    • ...and Than-Que, it's No Fiction, I can AtTest, desPite the Frauds. It is a scientifically-documented Capability-capacity, but it Takes Discipline & Environment of a Serene Nature (conflict-free).
      Let the Potentialities not be undercut by reflexive Cynical skepticism. I Don't recommend it, but I Do recognize and acknowledge that it Exists as a Way for a very Few, that deserves not to be dissed.
      • << It is a scientifically-documented Capability-capacity>>

        So let us in! Some documentation, please!
        • It's out there, I've met TWO people at the raw festivals who have given Extensive Presentations (one, who teaches sungazing, went without food for 400+ days under strict scientific control-observation, the other is mostly breatharian but drinks some water as needed), and I'm Sure you can find it, because you desire it, whereas, I'm really too busy to do it for you.
          Do a search on Raw Spirit Festival, (or RawSpiritFest) and these two can be seen and investigated.
    • <<PuhLEASE! i remember the "breatharian"who popped into Santa cruz some time ago and was followed and found to be scarfing McDonalds and cokes! >>

      i have no science proof the guy in India acually lives without food or water, the news clip was pubished by the BBC, but of curse, they have no credibility ......

      anyway, how do you conclude based on a personal experience you had in SCruz that the guy in Inida is faking ? he is a Fakir, after all ; )
      • not too many McDonalds in Santa Cruz .... hard to hide in any of them .... do you have any science to backup your story ? i bet is just a rumor ...
        • I believe Will is confused, and is inferring to the best of best of the breatharians mr Wiley Brooks who was caught in '83 leaving 711 with a Slurpee, a hot dog and Twinkies.

          But his website is . In order to indulge in some not eating breatharian activity for a while, one should indulge in some real base 3d food, so as to avoid any cravings you might get while breatharianising. He recommends a diet of diet coke and McDonald’s double-quarter-pounder with cheese meal.
          • oh, I got confused too. allow me to rectify myself.

            according to mr brooks mcdonalds serve 5d food.


            If you are reading this, "You are already natural, true Breatharians. So stop trying to be something you already are and get on with the process of returning to your true home, which is the 5d Earth. What I call Earth prime on my web site.

            This concoction of 5d beef, 5d liquid light from the diet coke, the 5d sweetener aspartame, french fries fried in 5d de-hydrogenated oil and 5d water (5d water contains liquid gold) from the enter-earth oceans, is what makes this 5d catalyst work.

            Cows are 5d beings or higher. They incarnated on the 3d Earth to provide 5d food (beef) for humans. They provide 5d food for humans by converting 3d foods into 5d flesh.

            Their main mission is to serve mankind by feeding you, thus helping you to return home.
  • This is not the first time I've heard of this.
    It's sort of at the same faith level as homeopathic. There are those who cry "Show me the proof! Where is the documentation?" And even if you were to provide documentary evidence, they will cry out "This is a shonky operation. It has to be done here in OUR university, under OUR conditions."
    I presume that because Dr Desai is an Indian and in India, that would mean that any study within his/her scope would not be valid?
    And how long would the observation have to go on before it would be validated to and accepted by the sceptics? One month of incarceration, two? A year or two maybe?
    Because incarceration is what we're talking about here isn't it? It is the only way to PROOVE that no food or water was secretly delivered to the fakir.
    • <<It's sort of at the same faith level as homeopathic.>>

      No, it's not. I have tried homeopathic approaches and found they work for me in many case. This other stuff is bullshit because no one has ever verified it objectively or by subjective demonstrable experience, as with things like homeopathy.

      <<And how long would the observation have to go on before it would be validated to and accepted by the sceptics? One month of incarceration, two? A year or two maybe? >>

      So let's put it to some kind of test like the above, but it hasn't been so far! So let's just believe in Virgin Birth or proving that a woman is not a witch by putting her in boiling water; after all, witches will burn but the innocent won't, and the mother of god was a virgin. Q.E. D. Remember things like that?
    • how long would a breatharian have to go without eating food before they stopped being one?

      until they eat something. so we're all breatharian for a bit.

      claiming you can live for extra long times should be allowed to be scientifically observed, if only to back up or explain the phenomena in the language of the observers. saying you don't have to eat ever because a hole in your mouth drips spirit-semen into your throat might not be what's happening, even though he's doing without food.

      as it stands apart from Prahlad Jani going observed for 10 days in 2003, there's not much more about him. all other reports are pretty bunk.
      even the guy I think leslie is on about, Ratan Manek, who is a sun gazer, but I guess that counts if he's only breathing.

      so whats he doing at a raw food festival? Is that like leslie attending a barbeque?

      I dunno, but I do have a photo of him with a yummy fresh coconut in the archives. Even if you can go for days on end without eating, it's good to be free enough to make a choice as to whether you can.

      or something...
  • Prahlad Jani, a sadhu, spent ten days under strict observation by physicians in Ahmedabad, India, in 2003. The study was led by Dr Sudhir Shah, the same doctor who led the study of Hira Ratan Manek. Reportedly, during the observation, he was given only 100 millilitres of water a day to use as mouthwash, which was collected and measured after he used it, to make sure he hadn't consumed any. Throughout the observation, he passed no urine or stool, but doctors say urine appeared to form in the bladder, only to be reabsorbed.[30] However, despite Jani's claim to have gone without food for decades, Jani was not engaged in strenuous exercise during the ten-day trial, and longer trials were not recorded under similarly strict observation. Further, his weight did drop slightly during the 10 days, casting some doubt on his claim to go indefinitely without food. Jani claims a goddess sustains him through amrit that filters down through a hole in his palate.[30] The Indian Rationalist Association labels him a "village fraud".[31]

    On June 26, 2006, The Discovery Channel aired a documentary called "The Boy with Divine Powers" featuring a 5 minute interview with Prahlad Jani and Dr. Sudhir Shah.

    an opposing view ..

    Gullibility of the week award

    "Duncan Gill referred us to an article in The Australian about a man in India who claims he hasn't eaten or taken a drink in 68 years, a veritable inediate. Prahlad Jani also claims he hasn't gone to the bathroom in all those years. The story claims that Mr. Jani (whose name means Lying Through My Holy Palate) was put under round-the-clock surveillance at a hospital. Neurologist Sudhir Shah (whose name means I Am Too Smart to Be Fooled) said Jani was under watch for 10 days with a closed-circuit camera running and they didn't see him eat or drink anything or go to the bathroom. The story was sent to The Australian by "correspondents in Ahmedabad, India" Ahmedabad means City of the Credulous and is the commercial capital of the western state of Gujarat (which means Gotcha!). When The Australian was contacted and asked if they had verified their sources' claims, they replied: "No. Why do you ask? It could be true, you know." Skeptics accuse Jani of surreptitiously sucking in prana through his nose ring.

    The award must be shared with the BBC, CNN, Der Spiegel, China Daily, and the Hindustan Times. All report that Jani says he survives without food or water because of a hole in his palate and that his followers call him "mataji" or goddess. He also says he has lived in caves since he was eight, so how he attracted a following is not known, nor is it clear how a man who lives in caves and doesn't eat grew in size from a child to an adult as if he were an eater."
    • I suppose there's one born every minute. When I hear of fakirs, how people believe in that sort of thing without question and others who get so upset at their gullibility, I just smile and say "Hey, an entire country voted in a religious fanatical cretin to the position of President and they kept him there for eight years."
      Hell it's a lot better than the belief that a hundred virgins are waiting for them on the other end of a stick of explosive.
  • Celestine may get a synchro kick out of this subject since it is what we have been talking about the last few days and I have been re-researching it myself.

    Longest I have gone without solid food whilst physical is two weeks.. that was a 'master cleanse' and is well documented.. its not even much of a challenge if you choose to do it completely rather than half heartedly..

    As for eating and drinking nothing at all, I'm pretty certain it is possible...

    the core of this is twofold as I understand it..

    1. choosing to no longer be a 'creature of habit' is very revealing. In breaking a habit that was thought to be essential the mind wakes up that much more to the nature of reality and what is possible (i.e. pretty much everything!).
    "Ohhh, flying is impossible"... "oh look, a plane!"
    "Ohhh, space travel is impossibke"... "oh look, a shuttle"
    "ETs aren't real!"... "Oh look, a lightship!"
    "oohhh, not eating for weeks is impossible".. "oh look, I just didn't eat for weeks!"

    the choice to perceive impossibility is also a habit, just as much as eating.

    2. The fundamental key to such transformation lies in the reference point of who you are. If your reference point of who you are says something like "I am a human being made of meat and bone who needs to consume matter to live" then that is what you will experience.
    If your reference point says "I am manifesting experience both from and AS the source of all manifestation" then illussiory limits dissolve and the truth is understood.

    I recently watched a video which was highly amusing (I think from the early 1990s) whereby an Australian reporter attempted to debunk the quite famous Australian lady breatharian called Jasmuheen:

    The tone of the reporter is unusual compared to what is usually encountered even in the so called 'controlled press' (it is not controlled in the way people often perceive, it is simply that the PERCEPTION is highly limited and people get aggressive and highly biased for various reasons, which are not 'wrong'; it is right that we have unique perspectives.

    In this video the lady comes across as being a fraud and quite insane.. choosing to continue the experiment even though appearing ill and the doctor says she will die!

    On the surface this may seem cut and dry. "oh she says she can do it and clearly here she did not, she must be a scammer".
    However, having spent the last 10 years or so exploring these type of phenomena (essentially reality creation) I can say confidently that the outcome of any one 'experiment' is dependant on far more than is often given credit for.. the TOTAL state of consciousness is paramount and even being surrounded by lots of people who expect failure can influence greatly the outcome.. If the individual does not, for example, wish to 'compete', 'challlenge', 'battle' etc. in their soul then this may translate to the will of other individuals pervading when there is no need.. And this serves a purpose too.

    In the video you may also notice how she is mentally evasive and uncertain.. This is uncertainty within herself about what is going on... It is one thing to not eat, it is another to understand the vasntess of how this is possible when we look around and see virtually no-one else even believes this is possible. In a sense it is not disimilar to a person who is sent to a mental hospital becoming more and more unstable because they are surrounded by other people who are unstable and constantly reinforced by medical staff who expect and project 'unstable' at all times... "I don't feel that crazy but everyone else seems to be and that is the agenda I experience each day, so I guess I am" .. (*this thought in itself may lead to dis-ease if believed*).

    Here are a couple of other videos I watched after watching that initial one:

    The reality is that 'you are what you eat' is true BEFORE you eat 'it'.. thus there is not a need to eat. ;)
    • Nick ... a person can fast for many days .... is done all the time ..... This guy claims not to have eaten or drunk anything for several decades, big difference ....
      • aye nick. you're backing yourself up with nonsense polarized examples of habit belief. 2 weeks on a master cleanse isn't unheard of as your getting pleny of some nutrients - I'm impressed you could find high grade maple syrup in the uk!

        everyone I know of who done the the master cleanse lost weight, so couldn't keep it up indefinitely.

        I've tried it myself and sure, as a breaker of habitual awareness it's cool (I'd recommend the gall bladder cleanse too)

        but one thing I noticed about folk doing it, is despite their insistence on being love and lighters and thinking only pure thoughts etc. they often had really peculiar issues. like they were obsessed they had to do a cleanse to purge all the toxins out of them, despite being super yoga vegans. most certainly had food issues. considering the new clarity from a fast is what well fed folk might call being light-headed. although after a few days of not eating that term being called light-headed becomes a joyful irony.

        eventually they become weak, ratty, annoying, start eating again, and have successfully added another cycle to their habitual awareness.

        & this is the thing... maybe the guy who lived in a cave did manage it in some magical quantum infused atomic reality where he wasn't observed. but outside the dark womb here it does seem otherwise.

        Jasmuheen was another at the raw spirit fest. A festival of food. I know when some folk say they don't eat food they mean solids, fruit juice is "allowed". being an aspirant is one thing. claiming you can actually do it, when you just believe in it and don't quite meet your own standards, inspires others to eventually kill themselves in jasmuheens case.
        • Yes, you get quite skinny and start living off of the prana of the air (energy in the air)....

          my guru lived in a cave by himself for 14 years....doing sadhana, etc.....BUT (big but!), he had people who would come and drop off a liter of milk a day for him....that's it.....he got down to nearly 70 pounds (p.s. it wasn't a diet)

          you can develop powers from doing certain types of yoga (called sidhis) but it is really just another trap.....this guy is getting nutrients somehow.....who knows, maybe he really is a breatharian?!

          (Will-- would love to know more about the guy in S. Cruz....i can just picture that......had a couple of friends back east who were breatharian/ fruitarian jazz musicians, and one day one of them was freaking out cuz he "found out" his friend was sneaking McD's!) --- why is it when they fall off the wagon, it's really really horrible food?! haha......
          • "The Yogi, Paramhansa Yogananda is pictured with her, in 1936, at her home in the isolated Bengal village of Biur. Her non-eating state has been rigorously investigated by the Maharaja of Burdwan. She employs a certain yoga technique to recharge her body with cosmic energy from the ether, sun, and air."

            (Rumour has it, this woman, Born in 1868, who stopped eating in 1880, may still be alive.. )


            the technique in India clearly does not include a McDonals diet .... the guy that Will mentions might be the same guy in Chontler's link ...

            Few would consider Mr Wiley Brooks claims of breatharianism credible

            did you see this one ?

            "There are some claims that are far too implausible to warrant any serious examination, such as the "Breatharian" claims in which the applicant states that he can survive without food or water. Science conclusively tells us all we need to know about such matters, and the James Randi Educational Foundation feels no obligation to engage applicants in such delusions" -- James Randi
      • check out the bottom 2 links
        • nick ... i cant chk video links, sorry ... not enough bandwith ..... do you have anything i can read ?

          chk ths out

          Jasmuheen volunteered to be monitored by the Australian 60 minutes to demonstrate her supposed ability. After four days without food, the doctor involved noted pupil constriction, dehydration, and tachycardia, and discontinued the test, fearing kidney damage. As an explanation for the failure, Jasmuheen cited pollution from a nearby highway


          There are several confirmed cases of Breatharians that suffered death by starvation from the earnest practice of their beliefs:

          Verity Linn of Australia was found dead in 1999 in the Scottish highlands, where she was camping, apparently with the intention of not eating. Her death was due to hypothermia and dehydration, aggravated by self-neglect. Her diary specifically mentioned Jasmuheen’s teachings. She was nominated for a Darwin Award in 1999.

          Lani Morris of Australia went ten days without food before collapsing and dying. On the seventh day of her fast she became unable to speak or move her arms.

          Timo Degen of Germany went 19 days without food before falling into a coma. He recovered after four weeks of hospital treatment, for “almost total circulatory collapse”. He later died from a head injury in the hospital.

          I never seen a Breathtarian .... but i seen a Few Frutarians and people that only eat Raw Foods .... they dont look as heathy after a few years of practice .... they might swear they feel better, but they sure dont look it .... low weight, low muscle tone, problems with the gums and others ....

          • ah ok.. the text you quoted is basically what is shown in the form of a documentary in the 1st link I posted.

            the 2nd link is an interview with a guy from south america who provides no proof in the documentary yet I have no reason to disbelieve him.. its kind of pointless talking about it since his vibe is why I posted it.

            the 3rd link is a more recent video about jasmuheen and a russian lady who gives quite a bit of detail about how and why she lives without eating.

            On the subject of 'living by belief'... in a reality construct where belief creates experience and where individuals hide from themselves by way of denial/guilt/shame/invalidation and so on it is entirely possible (and common) to have one strongly held belief which conflicts with what is known or believed strongly which manifests an experience which is the apparent opposite of what may even be known to be true... Such is belief.
            • Nick, thanks for the explanation to the video links

              <<On the subject of 'living by belief'... in a reality construct where belief creates experience and where individuals hide from themselves by way of denial/guilt/shame/invalidation and so on it is entirely possible (and common) to have one strongly held belief which conflicts with what is known or believed strongly which manifests an experience which is the apparent opposite of what may even be known to be true... Such is belief. >>

              Thing with belief is that everyone beleives what they choose to believe ... this tribe is an example of people comunicating many different beliefs .... most of them contradictory .... in the world of belief anything is possible .... in the world of reality, not all is possible

              i find the story of Bretharians hard to believe, and harder to confirm with science, but i am open to the possibility that it could be possible, but so far i have not seen any convincing evidence that one can live of air only, not even plants can do that

              belief is a good thing, at times we do have to have "faith" (just like Indiana Jones leap of Faith) ... if i did not had a belief that i could do what it seem impossible (when i left PR, 18 years ago) i would not have achived half of what i have to this date ....

              on the other hand my beliefs have taken me to dead end roads, and one time i even got ripped off by a person i had the beleif was honest ..... the lesson (for me) is to take the risk of belief into consideration ....

              i might have the beleif that i can jump the grand canyon in arizona with a motocycle .... but reality is that if i fail, i might not be alive anymore after i try ...... that is a bigger risk that having the total belief that i will find a free parking spot next time i go to San Francisco ... or the beleif that one day we will all agree in this tribe on any particular subject (other than loving sex is good a thing to experience )

              thanks for sharing ...
          • I've been a total raw fooder for about 15 years. The first 3 years or so Are Often pretty rough going, which accounts for what you've seen, yet there are Lots of people like me who Thrive on total raw foods ....... and Every indication is that Most would benefit Tremendously from going raw. On the Other hand, the safest route (if you even desire to go there) to stopping eating food (I'm Happy eating food) would be to go Raw first for a decade or more. I'm of the opinion that Only those who have a heartfelt Desire to quit eating food, and are Suitably Inspired, will succeed, ... and going from cooked foods to no foods is a Recipe for death, indeed.
            I've been involved with "immortals" in past lives, and this life, and will testify that this is Real..... though the road is Littered with "wannabes" who aren't even remotely ready..... and Hence the many stories of Failure & apparent Fraud. Of course, not even the so-called Immortals are physically immortal (although generally they will ascend their physical bodies directly into spirit, rather than going through death), but like Babaji Nagaraj (whom I've had an involvement with) they can live without food or water, in remote locations, for centuries (a number of them live in the Himalayas)....... and on the other hand, we All are Immortal spiritually, although there appear to be many here on Earth incarnate who choose to exercise a kind of willful spiritual 'mortality', and who tend to encourage Others to be as they are..... indeed , usually Insisting there is nothing to Spirit, and Only Death to All in every case, with no continuum of being. They don't Actually have Any real knowledge regarding the whole truth, but will insist upon their correctness, based upon what they imagine to be a stern & courageous Rationalism, as opposed to the supposed "Irrationalism" of any Broader Understandings.
            • <<Thrive on total raw foods>>

              i had a gf that was into that (she still is more or less) i tried, my metahbolism is not good for that, i loose weight too fast ... people that have strong digestive fire (Pitta types) can do that, but a Vatta, no way .... we are air by nature.... if you take the lil earth we have we might as well be all air and water .... i find i need cooked roots, green leaves, grains to be vegetarian .... if i dont have the roots vegetarianism simply is not a realistc idea for me .... sometimes i do need to do hard physical activity, Mexicans in Cali work hard, but they do have to eat a few burritos and coronas before/after their hard days work .... if they could save the $'s of the cost of the meal they would .... trust me on that, they dont make much, but work harder than most people i know ..... just met this Mex that could trim 3 #'s in a days work .... most people i know can only do 1 maybe 1 1/2 .... how they do it ? ... well, "very fast and efficient", thats all i can honestly say
              • It has less to do with the doshas, or inherent tendencies, and More to do with personal desire, or lack of it. It's a Huge topic, which past experience has shown me is not fun to try and illuminate with anyone who is Resolved to remain as they are. All I will say, for everyone's consideration, is Life in the food is preferable to life (& chemical integrities) burned out of the food, in terms of a strategy for optimum health. As much as I Love Fire !!! ..... I do Not use it directly on my flesh, or to excess on what I would eat. (hint: cooking Vaporises the food itself into the air, creating exciting smells, which causes a chain reaction of base desire in the Limbic system....... and in raw foods, the chemistries remain intact, rather than vaporized..... but there are Ways to Incite Desire for Raw foods that rivals the odors of cooking)

                We are All Imprinted from very early age with the foods we are fed ..... and Overcoming, or bypassing that imprinting is Necessary if our parents fed us cooked foods, as most Everyone in the world was/is......... If we are to succeed in growing a culture of optimum health, rather than accepting disease as a 'normal' expectation that is 'inevitable'.
                • <<personal desire>>

                  i have no desire of doing to my body what "he" does not seem to like ... no matter what others do/say .... however, i dont claim my way is the right way for anyone other than me, and i know at times i thought to be correct to latter find out i was very wrong, thats why i like to have a lil margin of error for everything i reason to be right/wrong

                  evendo i feel i might be 100% correct at the time, there is a chance (it has happned ) that down the road i realize i did not take all that was needed in consideration before i made a decision .... however, i rather be wrong on my own path, that correctly doing what others tell me to do against my own desires ....

                  we make the path as we walk ....
                  • This is the maximum depth. Additional responses will not be threaded.
                    call me naive but well it is my sincere desire to become a breatharian! but i'm not going to be stupid about it.. i'll obviously need to be super aware of what's happening (so i don't get all foolhardy and die!!!) or have some smartypants observing me..
                    anyway i'm at stage 1 right now.. perfecting a vegan diet (just gotta kick fish now)..

                    as for even plants not being able to survive this way: the air plant survives on rain and air alone
                    • <<call me naive but well it is my sincere desire to become a breatharian!>>

                      no reasons to call you names just bc you want to follow your own dreams .....
                      maybe you will become the first one to be scientificaly recognized as a breatharian after 2012 ....

                      just make sure you keep some of this handy in case Wiley Brooks is right ...

                      good luck .... let us know how it goes
                      • Unsu...
                        let you know how it goes? i thought everybody was gonna join my cult :( nah sure thing i'll do my best if it seems like a good idea at the time :D

                        and that Maccas really does look appealing ya know..
                        • Cali .... there are other options to the BigMacs .... you could visit your local Catholic Church and have the Holy Eucharist Daily (like Therese Neumann), or you can drill a hole in your palate, and find a God/dess (not sure what stile you like best) that can sustain you trough there, like Prahlad Jani ...... anyway ... im am aready your devotee, i just did not wanted to tell you before, bc i know you are a bit pissed with me ; )
                          • Unsu...
                            secret admirer huh :D well i'm really not all i'm cracked up to be ;D

                            but i think i'd take the Eucharist over drilling holes¿?¿
                            • If God meant us to not eat or drink, we wouldn't have a bowel and a bladder.....
                              and even worse than that, he's depriving many forms of life the poo they need to grow in...
                              • withholding poo is a great sin
                                • Unsu...
                                  heh yeh i spose it is, but doin away with waste is redundant when you're not generating any excess
                                  (come to think of it.. if you're following a pure/frugal diet why be there regular by-products anyway? i don't get it o_O)

                                  as for the presence of guts bein an affirmation of their necessity well that's one way to look at it.. it's just i'm a believer in quite the opposite: "form (ever) follows function"
                                  and i thought the objective was to transcend the illusory limitation of the physical body
                                  well i for one will feel like checking out one day i'm sure ;D
                                  • << i thought the objective was to transcend the illusory limitation of the physical body >>

                                    the need to eat is an "illusory limitation of the physical body" ?

                                    you would be an economic date .... no expensive restaurant tickets !
                                    • such is liberation! hehe
                                      • I transcend the physical every time I shed a physical body....
                                        don't know what the big deal is.
                                        If I didn't want a physical body I wouldn't come back, and I do get a choice....
                                        • Unsu...
                                          for sure you get a choice!

                                          how do you value levitation then?
                                          • <<how do you value levitation then? >>

                                            Levitation, one of 8 geat "siddhis" !

                                            The eight classical siddhis are:

                                            1) anima: to be as small as an atom
                                            2) mahima: to become infinitely large
                                            3) laghima: super-lightness, levitation
                                            4) prapti: pervasiveness, extension, to be anywhere at will
                                            5) prakamya: fulfillment of desires
                                            6) vashitva: control of natural forces
                                            7) ishititva: supremacy over nature
                                            8) kama-avasayitva: complete satisfaction

                                            (as you can see bretharianism is not listed, i guess that comes a bit later) ...

                                            the supreme siddhi (parasiddhi) is realization of the Self, Parasiva !!!

                                            Here is a photo of a Bretharian Levitating (a few inches from the ground)
                                            is not that hard to do, if we can transend the mental foolishness that creates
                                            all physical limitations

                                            .... look here are a few other examples, anyone can levitate !


                                            too bad them peole in LA have not figured out how to do this ...
                                            it would sure help with the traffic there

                                            • hehe... I have looked for images of people levitating and only found a couple which are actual photographs which appear to not be fraudulant...
                                              I do know it is possible though, of course.. why not!
                                              • <<found a couple which are actual photographs which appear to not be fraudulant... >>

                                                please post them if you can ; )

                                                <<I do know it is possible though, of course.. why not!>>

                                                If Jesus and Superman can do it, then it must be possible ...
                                                all we need is the right vibes (i.e. magnetic field around us)

                                                • flying jesus?
                                                  • In the New Testament, one of the miracles attributed to Jesus, is that he had the ability to walk on water by levitating. It is also claimed in the New Testament that Jesus ascended into heaven (by levitating, i suppoce).

                                                    Some "physicists" think that levitation (if it can be scientifically confirmed) could be the result of the mind "tapping into" the quantum vacuum zero point energy in an altered state of consciousness[1][2]. While other "scientists" think that fine structures in the neurons called microtubules are capable of tapping into quantum mechanical processes and performing quantum computation.

                                                    1.^ Toben, Bob, in conversation with physicists Jack Sarfatti and Fred Alan Wolf Space-Time and Beyond New York:1975 E.P. Dutton Page 81 (diagram) and pages 125-159 (explanation)

                                                    2.^ Krauss, Lawrence M. Beyond Star Trek:Physics from Alien Invasions to the End of Time New York:1997 Basic Books (A Division of Harper Collins) Pages 124-132 Krauss describes the amount of energy in watts needed to levitate various objects and the number of cubic meters of empty space (the source of the zero point energy) that one would have to tap into the zero point energy from in order to perform these feats (assuming, which Krauss himself does not maintain, that the zero point energy was the source energy being used for levitation).

                                                    3.^ Kurzweil, Ray The Singularity is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology New York:2005 Viking Page 450

                                                    4.^ Penrose, Roger Shadows of the Mind: The Search for the Missing Science of Consciousness New York:1996 Oxford University Press

                                                    The only somewhat compelling and thorough case of controlled scientific tests performed recently were those of Nina Kulagina, a Russian 'psychokinetic', in the 1960s. She demonstrated the power to levitate small objects repeatedly in conditions which satisfied Russian, Czech, and American scientists, although she never levitated herself. (magnets ; )

                                                    i learned all these stuff from Guru Sat Chit Ananad Wiki Pedia ....
                                                    • Here is a "credible" photo:

                                                      and it comes handy... look !

                                                      Thess guys here are training with a (magical) sticks ...

                                                      i reason i cant do it bc i think too much ....
                                                      the moment you think ... flop ... you down ....
                                                      is all faith ... like you say
                                                      • not faith, knowing
                                                        • <<not faith, knowing >>

                                                          have you ever Levitated, or lived without food or water for at least a year? .... would you not need to know what is a "dominant 7 sharp 5 flat 9 chord" before you can explain it in a satisfactory way to a seasoned musician ?

                                                          unless you can prove (withouth any shadow of doubt) that is possible to levitate or live without food or water then you should not be teaching anyone that it can be done .... i reason it would be dis-honest, unless you talking about your personal "faith" that it can be done

                                                          Faith is not belief without proof, but trust without reservation.

                                                          “If it is a Miracle, any sort of evidence will answer, but if it is a Fact, proof is necessary” - Mark Twain
                                                          • oh before I reply.. I forgot you aren't able to stream video.. that last link shows how those levitating images with a guy seated or reclining with his hand on a stick are made by way of placing a seat attached to the stick....
                                                            I actually find it easier to beleive that levitation is possible naturally for humans than I do that these people use sticks/seats to appear to be levitating and that the people that crowd around them aren't aware of it.. I guess it can only really be done by way of claiming to be special and thus not allowing others to see the 'levitation process'.. lol...

                                                            anyway, back to your post:

                                                            "have you ever Levitated, or lived without food or water for at least a year?"

                                                            -> not in this incarnation, not in this level of density.

                                                            "would you not need to know what is a "dominant 7 sharp 5 flat 9 chord" before you can explain it in a satisfactory way to a seasoned musician ?"

                                                            -> of course, it is a language/labelling placed upon vibration.. yet the vibration and ratios inherent to that vibration are their own explanation... the labelling and description is its own vibration and superfluous to the idea of that chordal structure.

                                                            "unless you can prove (withouth any shadow of doubt) that is possible to levitate or live without food or water then you should not be teaching anyone that it can be done .... i reason it would be dis-honest, unless you talking about your personal "faith" that it can be done"

                                                            -> I am not teaching any more than I am teaching when simply walking down the road or breathing. I am sharing of my understanding, you can take it or leave it, just like you can whenever you see or hear anyone do anything.
                                                            what I know is that our experience of reality is created by our own allowance and trust/belief/knowing of what is possible. Experiences and knowledge that I have lead me to understand the way in which experience is created such that I know impossibility is impossible!

                                                            impossibility is so impossible that it is even possible to beleive that impossibility is possible!

                                                            now I am deliberately teaching. :)

                                                            • <<< those levitating images with a guy seated or reclining with his hand on a stick are made by way of placing a seat attached to the stick.... >>

                                                              no kidding ? ..... i would have never imagine so ; )

                                                              << not in this incarnation, not in this level of density >>

                                                              how 'bout other incarnations or levels of density ?

                                                              <<the labelling and description is its own vibration and superfluous to the idea of that chordal structure>>

                                                              the name (of a chord) tells you what to do (or how to manifest it) is like a cooking recepie ... if you overstand the terms (how a chord is constructed) and know where to find your notes then you dont need to memorize a 1000 chords book .... like many do

                                                              << impossibility is so impossible that it is even possible to beleive that impossibility is possible! >>

                                                              sure ... but consider this:

                                                              Something in a thirty-acre thermal thicket of thorns and thistles thumped and thundered threatening the three-D thoughts of Matthew the thug - although, theatrically, it was only the thirteen-thousand thistles and thorns through the underneath of his thigh that the thirty year old thug thought of that morning

                                                              << you can take it or leave it >>

                                                              where would i take it ?

                                                              <<now I am deliberately teaching>>

                                                              The tao that can be told is not the eternal Tao ... You can't step in the same river twice

                                                    • The Heart Center/Chakra Energetics is-are rather like the Gyroscope of bodymind consciousness.....
                                                      ............baseline consciousness for this world, is the Astral, the 3rd Chakra energies, the Bellybrain of infantilism, which relatively few sufficiently master .... that they might have STABILITY in the heart center......
                                                      ............although many will succeed in SKIPping OVer Heart Mastery and focus most fully on intellectual ascendency.

                                                      ..... no mastery of heart centery means the intellect remains tied Primarily to the Astral-Psychic mind ........ Negative focus of BellyEnergies Intended to Function to move Matter Down through the digestive system to TERMination at the Base Chakra of Power.

                                                      AScension through intellect without HeartMind is Karmically "What goes Up, must come down, ALLWays" .... although Cosmologically, this is just a Localized, astrophysical Condition of total relativity.

                                                      Those who are Able to do things like Levitate, have a Mastery of the heart Magnetisms.... & are tapped Into Zero Point without immediate loss-of-Balance..... and so can bring about the ability to direct & control BodyMind Magnetic forces, with gyroscopic precision, .... similar to learning to walk, .... the difference being most humans are content with such Hard-wired evolutionary body-mind development (such as learning to walk)...... and would risk death (at the hands of religio-rational zealots) to venture far into Actualization of metaphysical principles beyond normal human development. To work towards such abilities as Levitation is to fight a Niagra of Negative flows in the present world.......... BUT, mastery of Heart Energies can be done without disturbing anyone's peace.
                                                      • <<<the 3rd Chakra energies, the Bellybrain of infantilism, which relatively few sufficiently master>>>

                                                        mmm, im prob stuck there ....
                                                        • I see it as The ROOT Issue underlying All of humanity's Woes..... but this "condition" is SO Insidious that it is THE NORM .......... and to diverge from this is to invite social ostracization .......... Yet, heart-Centeredness Will be met "In Kind" by the Growing numbers of people who have quietly 'taken up residence' in This (everyone possesses heartmindedness, though few exercise it with vigor and constancy)............ but Many don't Understand the Principles Involved, so that they are selectively 'aware', yet Unaware that they may Still Pander to the Old Paradigms of Astrally-controlled CuLTure, "as seen on TV".
                                                          • << Unaware that they may Still Pander to the Old Paradigms of Astrally-controlled CuLTure>>

                                                            um honey pad the hum ... Please don't squeeze the Shaman!

                                                            Ten Guidelines to Enlightenment

                                                            1. Be a FUNdamentalist. Ensure that the FUN always comes before the MENTAL. Realize that life is a situation comedy that will never be cancelled. A laugh track has been provided and the reason we are put in the material world is to get more material from that track. Have a good laughsitive twice a day, which will ensure regularity.

                                                            2. Remember that each of us has been given a special gift just for entering, so you are already a winner!

                                                            3. The most powerful tool on the planet today is Tell-A-Vision. That's where I tell a vision to you and you tell a vision to me. That way, if we don't like the programming we're getting, we can change the channel.

                                                            4. Life is like photography -- you use the negative to develop. No matter what adversity you face, be reassured: of course God loves you. . .

                                                            5. It is true: as we go through life thinking heavy thoughts, thought particles tend to get caught between the ears and cause a condition called "truth decay." Be sure to use mental floss twice a day, and when you're tempted to practice 'tantrum yoga', remember what we teach in the Swami's Absurdiveness Training Class: don't get EVEN, get ODD.

                                                            6. If we want world peace, we must let go of our attachments and truly live like nomads. That's where I no mad at you and you no mad at me. That way there will surely be nomadness on the planet. Peace begins with each of us. A little peace here, a little peace there. Pretty soon all the peaces will fit together to make one big peace everywhere.

                                                            7. I know, great earth changes have been predicted for the future, so if you're looking to avoid earthquakes, my advice is simple: when you find a fault, don't dwell on it.

                                                            8. There's no need to change the world. All we have to do is toilet train the world and we'll never have to change it again.

                                                            9. If you're looking for the key to the Universe, I've got some good news, and some bad news. The bad news: there is no key to the Universe. The good news: it was never locked.

                                                            10. Finally, everything I've told you is 'channeled'. That way, if you don't like it, it's not my fault. But, remember: enlightenment is not a bureaucracy, so you don't have to go through channels.

                                                            Swami Beyondanada


                                                            2 things i learned about " common spirituality"

                                                            "There is nothing ultimate about life. Its best wisdom is the knowledge of how to play games."
                                                            -- BUBBA FREE JOHN

                                                            "Money for nothin' get chicks for free"
                                                            -- Dire Straits
                                                    • Unsu...
                                                      yeh it's a fascinating entry that one i like it :D

                                                      i think that "tapping into" and quantum computation plays a part in breatharianism too.. all 'miracles', in fact! again it reminds me of the section in The Divine Matrix about multiverses.. and miracles SIMply bein a cross-over of sorts

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