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Attributed to 




Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad 


Publishers : 

Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad 

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©Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad 
Lucknow, INDIA 

First Edition 

Rs. 75.00 
$ 15.00 

Printers : 

Pnar Mudrak 

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Phone : 43757 

Publishers’ Note 

The Parishad has already presented to the world of scholars a work entitled 
‘Verses Attributed to Murari ' by Prof. Ludwik Sternbach. Now it is 
brining out another work entitled c Unknown Verses Attributed to Ksemendra ’ 
by the same author. 

The aim of the author in the present study is to bring to light some 
“otherwise unknown Ksemendra's verses which, almost by chance, were saved 
from oblivion”. Here the author has collected as many as 415 verses, 
“specifically attributed to Ksemendra, of which only 170 could be identified 
in known Ksemendra's works. The remaining 245 verses give us an additional 
picture of Ksemendra as a poet and as a dramatist and throw an additional 
light on his literary activity”. Prof. Sternbach is of the opinion that “most 
of these verses seem to be genuine Ksemendra's verses and only a part of them 
were, probably, wrongly attributed to the author”. He has divided the 245 
“new” Ksemendra's verses under the following three heads— 

1. verses which were certainly Ksemendra's verses and formed a part of 
his non-extant works; 

2. verses which were certainly Ksemendra's verses and were included in 
some non-specified Ksemendra's w r orks; and 

3. verses which were attributed to Ksemendra in Subhasita-samgraha -s 
and were probably in the majority of cases Ksemendra's verses. 

The learned author has laid the entire Sanskrit world under a debt by 
presenting this interesting study. The Parishad is grateful to him for allowing 
it to bring out in this form his article published under the same caption in 
Vol. IX of the Rtam. Our thanks are also due to the Pnar Mudrak for 
taking all pains in the printing of this work. 

10th May , 1979. 


Ksemendra and his works. ** 1 

Aim of the Study. 11 

cc New^ Ksemendra J s Verses. 12 

Verses attributed to Ksemendra in his extant works, as recorded in the 

treatises of anthological character. 19 

Verses attributed generally to Ksemendra in his treatises of anthological 

character and not identified in his extant works. 24 

Verses attributed to Ksemendra in anthologies and not identified in his 

known works. 26 

Verses attributed to Ksemendra in anthologies and identified in his 

known works and verses specifically attributed to his known works. 30 


I. Verses attributed to Ksemendra in his not extant works, as 

recorded in the treatises of anthological character. 41 

II. Verses attributed generally to Ksemendra in his treatises of 

anthological character and not identified in his extant works. 50 

III. Verses attributed to Ksemendra in anthologies and not identified 

in his known works. 56 

IV. Verses attributed to Ksemendra in anthologies identified in his 

known works and verses specifically attributed to his known 
works. 73 

V. Bibliography and Abbreviations. 

J. Ksemendra^s Works and Studies about Ksemendra. 97 

2. Anthologies. 102 

3. Other Texts and Abbreviations. 110 


Authors and Works. 119 

Of quotations of Ksemendra's verses and verses attributed to Ksemendra 135 
Corrigenda 149 




1. Ksemendra’s contribution to the Sanskrit literature is undeniable. 
He was a versatile, proliphic and polymathic writer. 

2 . Information about his ancestry, the date of his literary activity can 
be gathered from his own writings and the introduction to the Avadanakal - 
palata written by his son Somendra. From these data we know that 
Ksemendra was the son of Prakasendra, grandson of Sindhu (or Sindu) and 
the descendant of Bhogindra and Narendra, minister of king Jayapida of 
Kasmlr; he was the brother of Cakrapala. His father Prakasendra was a 
rich man and a patron of Brahmana-s, so that Ksemendra had a comfor¬ 
table childhood in a well-to-do family. His teachers were Abhinavagupta, 
the author of the Vidyavivrti , with whom he studied rhetorics, Gangaka and 
Sompada. His other teachers, friends and pupils were! Ramayasas, a 
Brahmana at whose request he wrote the Brhatkathamahjarl , the Bharata- 
manjarl and the Rdmayanamahjarl; his father’s friends and pupils were : Nakka 
and Sajjanananda (at the request of the latter he wrote his Avadanakalpalata ); 
Viryabhadra, an authority of Buddhistic texts; SuryasrI, the scribe of the 
Avadanakalpalata; Ratnasimha, his friend and his father Udayasimha; Laksma- 
naditya, his pupil; and Devadhra, probably also his teacher. 

3. Some of Ksemendra’s works are dated 1 . And so, Brhatkathdmah - 
jari was completed in A. D. 1039; the Avadanakalpalata was written in A. D. 
1052; the Aucityavicaracarca was written during the reign of his patron 
Ananta, thus not later than in A. D. 1063 and probably in A. D. 1059; and 
the Da§avdtaracarita(kavya) was composed in A. D. 1066. We see, there¬ 
fore, that Ksemendra’s literary activity extended from A. D. 1035 to 1066 

1. Ksemendra used the Laukika era. 



and that—as can also be seen from the list of his friends and teachers—he 
must have lived between A. D. 990 or 1000 and 1066 or 1070. 

4 . Ksemendra was first a Saiva, as also his father was; under the influ¬ 
ence of his teacher Somapada, he became a Vaisnava and, probably, died as 
a Vaisnava, for his last known work, the Dasavataracarita (kavya) completed 
in A. D. 1066, was written in the spirit of Vaisnavism. But also Buddhism 
influenced Ksemendra; he was the first who included the Buddha amongst the 
avatara- s of Visnu and his Avadanakalpalata contains a collection of Jataka 
birth-stories; they were written wiih the assistance of his Buddhist teacher 
Vlryabhadra and was supposed to be composed with the help of Buddha him¬ 
self, who instructed him to finish the work after he has written three avadanas 
and left there the work unfinished. 

5. We know that Ksemendra w rote 39 poems (they are quoted here in 
alphabetical order): 

1. Amrtatarahgakavya (not extant; mentioned in the Kavikanthd- 
bharana ); 

2. Avadanakalpalata or Bauddhavaddanakalpalata or Boddhisattvavadanakal- 
palata w r ritten at the request of Sajjanananda, completed 
in A. D. 1052; published in the Bibliotheca Indica (2 volumes), work 
124, Calcutta 1888 and 1918 1 and in the Buddhist Sanskrit Texts. 
Darbhanga, 1959; partly translated by Nobin Chandra Das, 
Calcutta, Hare Press, 1895; 

3. Avasarasara (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca); 

4. Aucityavivekaracdrca completed during the reign of king Ananta, i. e. 
not later than in A. D. 1063 (probably in A. D. 1059), published in' 
KM. I., pp. 115-60, HSS. 25, Ks(RP) pp. 11-62; translated into 
English in SKS. pp. 118-172; 

5. Kanakaj anaki-ndtaka (not extant; montioned in the Kavikanthabharana ); 

6. Kalavilasa , critically published and translated into English by P. 
Lapanich (Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, Michigan, 
1974 2 , KM. I., pp. 34-79, Ks(RP) 219-271, translated into German 
by R. Schmidt I-V in Festgabe ehemaliger Schuler zum 70 Geburtstag des 
Professor Ernst Mehliss in Eisleben. 1914; and WZKM (VI-X) 38. 406- 

1. A Collection of Legendary stories about the Bodhisattva by Ksemendra with its Tibetan Version 

called Rtogs brjod dpag bsam hkhri Sift by Softton Lochava and Pandita Laksmikhara by 

Sarat Chandra Das, Vol. MI for the Bibliotheca Indica , Work 124, Baptist Mission 

Bibliotheca Indica Press, Calcutta 1888 (Vol. I), Calcutta 1918 (Vol. II). 

2. In the present study references to the Kalavilasa refer to this text. 

3. Cf. J. J. Meyer, Altindische SchelmenbUcher I. Lotus Verlag 3 Leipzig, pp. XI ff. 



7 . Kavikanthabharana, published in KM. IV., pp. 149-169, HSS. 24, 
Ks(RP) pp. 63-84, translated into English in SKS. pp. 91-117. Cf. 
J. Schonberg, Kschemendra's Kavikanthabharana , Wien 1884 and in 
Sitzungsberichte der phil-hist-Klasse der kais . Akademie der Wissenschaften 
GVI B. 1 Hft., Wien 18841; 

8. Kavikarnika (not extant; mentioned as a work on poetics in the 

9. Kalambarikathasamksepa (not extant); 

10. Ksemendraprakaia (not extant); 

11. Caturuargasamgraha, published in KM. V. pp. 75-88 and in Ks(RP) 
pp. 119-134 1 2 ; cf. Om Bajaj, The Caturuargasamgraha of Ksheme - 
ndra—A Study in The Vikram , Journal of the Vikram University Ujjain 
5.41; pp. 51-8; 

12. Carucarya(Sataka ), published in KM. II. pp. 128-138, Ks(RP) pp. 
135-144, Gupta Press, Calcutta, 1907, 1910 and 1966, Min to Press, 
Chittagong, 1913, Kamala Press, Coconnada 1925, Madras 1927, 
etc. 3 ; 

13. Citrabhorata-nataka (not extant; mentioned jin the Aucityavicara - 

cared and the Kavikanthabharana) ; 

14. Jimutavahanavadana (not extant; probably an extract from the 


15. Darpadalana , published in KM. VI. pp. 66-118, Ks(RP) pp. 145- 
206; translated into German by R. Schmidt in ZDMG. 69, pp. 1-59; 
(cf. B.A. Hirszbandt, UeberKschemendras Darpadalana St. Petersburg 
1892, Om Bajaj, The Darpadalana of Ksemendra. A study in PO. 27-3- 
4, pp. 69 ff.); 

16. Danaparijata (not extant); 

17. Daiavatdvacarita ( kdvya ) completed in A.D. 1066, published in KM. 
26; cf. O. Botto, II poeta Ksemendra e il suo Dasavataracarita , Torino 

18. De§opade§a{kavya ), published in KST. 40 and in Kj(RP) pp. 
273-306; third lesson translated and commented upon by L. Stern- 
bach in PO. 25.8-19; cf. J. R. A. Loman, Types of Kashmirian Society 
in Ksemendra's Deiopadela in Brahmavidya 31-32; pp. 171-184; Om 
Bajaj, Ksemendra as a Social Reformer in the Deiopadela inJOIB. 13.3 
(1964); pp.221-231; 

1. Cf. G. Biihler in JBBRAS 12 Extra No. 46. 

2. Cf. P. Peterson, Report 1882-83, p. 5. 

3. Cf. P. Peterson, Report 1882-83, pp. 4-5. 



19. Narmamala , published in KST. 40 and in Ks(RP) pp. 307-346; cf. 
J. Naudou, Aspects de la vie economique et sociale au Ka'smir medieval; these 
complementaire pour le doctor at es lettres presentee a la Faculte des Lettres 
et Sciences Humaines de VUniversite de Paris (n. d.); 

20. Nitikalpataru , critically edited with a preface by V. P. Mahajan, 
Poona, BORI, 1956; 

21. Nitilata (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca); possibly 
identical with the Nitikalpataru , but unlikely; 

22. Nrpavali or Rajavali (not extant list of kings; mentioned in the 
Rdjatarahgini 1.13 1 ; 

23. Padyakadambari (not extant; mentioned in the Kavikantha- 

24. PavanapaficaHka (not extant; mentioned in the Suvrttatilaka); 

25. Brhatkathamanjari , compiled in A. D. 1037, written at the request 
of Brahmana Ramayasas published in KM. 69; I-VIII translated 
into French by Sylvain Levi in J A. 1885, pp. 397-479 and 1886, 
pp. 178-222; also Extrait du . . . E. Leroux, Paris 1886; cf. L. von 
Mankowski, Der Auszug aus...dem Pancatantra in Kschemendra Brhatka - 
thamanjari y Leipzig 1892, O. Biihler, On the Vrhatkatha of Ksemendra 
in IA. 1 (1872); pp. 302-309; M. B. Emeneau, Ksemendra as kavi in 
JAOS. 53.124-143; 

26. Bharatamanjari, completed in A. D. 1037, written at the request of 
Brahmana Ramayasas; published in KM. 65 (wrongly marked 64); 
the Aranyaparvan was also edited by M. S. Bhandare; 

27. Muktdvali(kavya) (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca 
and the Kavkanthabharana); 

28. Munimatamimamsa (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca ); 
Rajavali see Nrpavali; 

29. Rdmayanamafijari or Ramayanakathasara, written at the request 
of Brahmana Ramayasas; published in KM. 83; 

30. Lalitaratnamala (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca); 

31. Lavanyavati(kavya) (not extant; mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca 
and the Kavikanthabharana); 

32. LokaprakaSa(koSa) , published in KST. 75; Shetha Devachandra 
Labhai Jain Pustakodhara Series, vol. 65, Bombay 1926, with a 
Gujarati translation by Vinayavijayaji, Bhavanagar 1935; translated 

1. G. Biihler noted in his Preliminary Report on the Result of the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts 
in Kaimir that three copies of the Rajavali were discovered (Indian Antiquary 
V; p. 29). 



and annotated in French by J. Bloch as Un manuel du scribe cachemirien 
au XVII siecle. Le Lokaprakasa attribue a Ksemendra , Paris, P. Geuthner 
1914: cf. A. Weber, Z u Kschemendras Lokaprakala, mit einem index 
verborum von M. Sieg, in Indische Studien; XVIII, pp. 289-397; 

33. Vatsyayanasutrasara (not extant, mentioned in the Aucityavicaracarca 
and by Kavisekhara in the Pancasayaka; 

34. Vinayavalli (not extant; mentioned in the Aucitayavicaracarca): 

35. Vyasastaka , published in the Bhar ataman jar l KM. 65, pp. 850-1, 
Iloka-s 13-20; 

36. Sasivamsanahakavya (n^t extant; mentioned in the Kavikantha- 

bharana) ; 

37. Samayamatrka; composed in A. D. 1050, published in KM. 10 and 
Ks(RP) pp. 349-416; translated into German by J.J. Meyer in 
Altindische Schelmenbiicher I. as Das £auberbuch der Helaren, Lotus 
Verlag, Leipzig (n. d.); this translation was used for the incomplete 
translation into English by E. Powys Mathers as The Harlot's 
Breviary in Eastern Love , Vol 2, London 1927 and by Louis de Langle 
in his incomplete translation into French as Le Breviere de la 
courtisane, le Livre des amours de l'Orient, Paris 1920 1 : 

38. Suvrttatilaka, published in KM. II; pp. 29-54, HSS.26, Ks(RP) 
pp. 85-116; translated into English in SKS. pp. 173-205; 

39. SevyasevakopadeSa, published in KM. II. pp. 79-85 and in Ks(RP) 
pp. 207-215; cf. Om Bajaj, The Sevyasevakopadela of Ksemendra in 
JBORS. 47; p. 324 ff. 

Three other works : 

40. Hastijanaprakala; 

41. Navancityavicara; and 

42. fyolUkavaivia were s j.netimis attributed to Ksemendra, but the 
first was written by Ksemendra, son of Yadu Sarman, the second is 
probably identical with Aucityavicaracarca and the third is an 
extract from the Avadanakalpalata. We also know of the existence 
of Ksemendra, the author of the Gitanisyanda quoted by 
Sivananda; Ksemendra the author of the commentary on Nitisara; 
Ksemendra, son of Bhudhara and author of the Mdtrkaviveka or 
Lipiviveka; Ksemendra, the musician and author of the Ragamala; 
Ksemendra the author of the Silalataka; Ksemendra, son of 
Haribhatta, the author of the commentary on the Dhatupatha of 
Sarasvata grammar; and Ksemendra, a medical writer. 

1. Cf. para. 29. 



6. Of the 39 works written by Ksemendra (some new works of 
Ksemendra can still come to light) over half, i. e. 20 works are not extant. 
We only know, in the majority of cases, that Ksemendra wrote these works 
from his own writings or from other sources; they are Nos. 1, 3, 5, 8, 9* 10, 
13, 14, (16), 21, 22, 23, 24, 27, 28, 30, 31, 33, 34 and 36. 

7. The extant writings of Ksemendra were divided by Dr. Suryakantha 1 
into four groups : 

7.1. 1. Poetical epitomes to which belong: (a) the Avadanakalpalata , 2 3 

a collection of Buddhistic birth-stories ( Jataka-s) illustrating six perfections 
of the Boddhisattva (charity, moral character, patience, diligence, contemp¬ 
lation and wisdom); this work was presented in A. D. 1202 by Sakya-sri to 
Kun-dgah Rgyal Mtsham, the Lama of Tibet; (b) the Da'savataracarita ?, 
a poetical abstract of the stories of Visnu’s incarnations, taken mostly from 
the Purana-s, the Ramayana (chapter 7) and Buddhistic works; (c) the 
Brhatkathdmahjari 4 , a summary of the Brhatkatha probably by Gunadhya; (d) the 
Bharatamanjari, 5 a summary of Vyasa's Mahabharata; (e) the Ramayanamanjari 
or the RamayanakathasaraP , a summary of Valmlki’s Ramayana. To the 
same group belongs probably also : (f ) the Kadambarlkathasanksepa (or 
° samgraha) 1 7 which is a summary of Bana’s Kadambari prose romance in 
metrical form, but could also be an extract of Ksemendra’s Brhatkatha- 
mahjari; and (g) the Vatsyayanasutrasara 8 which was, probably, a summary 
of Vatsyayana’s Kamasutra. 

7. Didactic poems (or better to say satiric and didactic poems) 9 , to which 
belong : (a) the Kalavilasa 10 , in which the legendary Muladeva discusses 
with his young disciple Gandragupta various forms of cheating, greed, the 
pitiable condition of those in love, the viles of women, the deceitful character 
of harlots, the unscrupulousness of kayastha- s, the pride and arrogance of 

1. Ksemendra Studies; POS. 91; p. 16. 

2. See Paras. 5 Nos. 2 and 28.8. 

3. See Paras. 5 Nos. 17 and 28.5. 

4. See Paras. 5 Nos. 25 and 28.7. 

5. See Para. 5 No. 26. 

6. See Para. 5 No. 29. 

7. See Para. 5. No. 9. 

8. See Paras. 5 No. 33 and 19.12. 

9. Cf. P. N. Pushp, . Social Satire in Ksemendra in Summaries of Papers submitted to the XVII 
Session of the All-India Conference , Allahabad 1953, p. 191 ff., S. K. De, Wit , Humour and 
Satire in Ancient Indian Literature in OH.3.2; p. 157 ff.; S. K. De, Ancient Indian Erotics 
and Erotic Literature , Calcutta 1959, p. 45 ff.; H. O. Narahari, Pearls of Wordly Wisdom in 

The Aryan Path , March 1967, p. 123-128; 

10. See paras. 5 No. 6 and 28.1. 



drunkards, bards, dancers, actors, singers, goldsmiths, etc. The poem ends 
with good advice to young men how to avoid falling into evil ways 1 ; 
(b) the Caturvargasafigraha 2 . or a practical handbook of morals describing 
the four purusdrtha- s : dharma , artha , kama and moksa ; (c) the Carucarya 
(sataka)Z or a century of “beautiful life”, a collection of moral teachings 
dealing mostly with dharma and artha in which, generally, the first line of 
the verse is a moral wise saying and the second the illustratioii 
of the truth proclaimed before, mostly drawn from Purana-s or epics 4 ; 
(d) the Darpadalana 5 , or a didactic diatribe against pride due to high 
birth, wealth, knowledge, beauty, heroism, charity and ascetism; (e) the 
Desopadesa 6 , a satire which ridicules the cheat, the miser, the prostitute, the 
bawd, the vita, the Gauda student of the Kasmlrl university for his behaviour 
and arrogance, the old man’s marriage with a young girl, kayastha-s , poets, 
fickle wives, merchants, alchemists, false ascetics, quacks, grammarians, 
etc. 7 ; (e) the JVarmamald 8 , a biting staire which ridicules the vilainous 
kayastha and the whole official administrative machinery of the Kasmirian 
state, as well as physicians, astrologers, guru-s, etc. 9 ; (f) the Samayamdtrkd 10 , 
or a didactic and satiric poem, inspired by Damodaragupta’s Kuttanimata; 
it depicts the snares of harlots, as told by an old procuress who taught a 
young prostitute how to achieve mastery in her new profession, illustrated 
by didatic sayings and amusing stories 11 ; and (h) the Sevyasevakopadesa 12 , a 
short poem of 61 verses containing shrewd reflections on the relationship 
between a master and a servant with a didactic motive to improve their 
mutual relations 13 . To this group belongs also partly the LokaprakasakofaM , 
as far as it contains satiric verses 15 . 

1. GDH. pp. 77-78. 

2. See Paras. 5 No. 11 and 28.2. 

3. See Paras. 5 No. 12 and 28.3. 

4. GDH. pp. 76-7. 

5. See Paras. 5 No. 15 and 28.4. 

6. See Paras. 5 No. 18 and 28.6. 

7. GDH. pp. 78-79. 

8. See Para. 5. No. 19. 

9. GDH. p. 79. 

10. See Para. 5 No. 37. 

11. GDH. pp. 79-82. 

12. See Paras. 5 No. 39 and 28.9. 

13. GDH. p. 79. 

14. See Para. 5 No. 32. 

15. See below “Miscellanea (b)” and footnote 41. 



3. Poetics and Metrics to which belong : (a) the Aucityavicaracarca 1 , or 
a treatise on literary criticism in which Ksemendra gave examples of com¬ 
positions conforming to the propriety in kavya (aucitya) and those devoided of 
it; (b) the Kavikanthdbharana 2, or a treatise on the making of a poet, 
training him and moulding his life and character, as well as merits and 
demerits of poetry; (c) the Suvrttatilaka 3 , a teatise on prosody dealing with 
various metres and their suitability for different kinds of compositions and 
merits and defects of poetry from the point of view of metrics, illustrated 
by numerous examples from his own works and verses of other authors. To 
this group belongs also: (d) the Kavikarnika or “Ear ornament for poets” 
mentioned in Ksemendra’s Aucity ay vicar acarca (2), a compendium on 
figures of speech in poetry. 

4. Miscellanea to which belong : (a) the Nitikalpataru 4 , a work on 
Rajaniti which “is like a primer for a budding prince; it introduces him to 
the responsibilities of kingship 5 ' 5 and (b) the Lokopraka§a£ or a koSa and a 
manual dealing with various aspects of the life and administration of Kasmlr; 
it gives the names of castes and subcastes, forms of hundi- s, or letters of 
exchange, bonds and the like, the titles of most of the Kasmiri officials, parag- 
ana-s into which Kasmlr was divided, lists of synonyms of different varieties of 
fish, birds, mice, salt, gold-ornaments and coins, as well as satiric verses on 
prostitutes, monks, kayastha- s, physicians, Brahmanas converted to Muham¬ 
madanism, etc. 7 ; (c) the Vyasastaka 8 or a Vyasastotra, an eight verses long 
panegyric in praise of Vyasa included in the epilogue to the Bharatamah- 
jari. To the same group belongs also : (d) the Nrpavali or the Rajavali , 9 
or a list of kings about which Kalhana wrote : “owing to a certain (or : 
incomprehensible) want of care there is not a single part in Ksemendra’s 
‘List of Kings 5 ( Nrpavali ) free from mistakes, though it is a work of a poet 5510 
(RT. 1.13). 

1. See Para. 5 No. 4. 

2. See Para. 5 No. 7. 

3. See Para. 5 No. 38. 

4. See Para. 5 No. 20. 

5. Introduction to the Nitikalpataru p. xix. 

6. See Para. 5 No, 32. 

7. It is not certain whether Ksemendra really wrote this kosa and if so, which part of it 
is his and which of other author(s). In part II Shah Jehan is mentioned; this indicates 
that a part of the work was written late in the seveth century; the satirical verses were 
probably written by Ksemendra, for they deal with the favourite subjects of the author. 

8. See Para. 5 No. 35. 

9. See Para. 5 No. 22. 

10. M. A. Stein’s translation. 



7.2 To the Suryakanta’s list of £semendra*s works, four poems, which 
are not extant, were added ; they are : the Kavikarnika (No. 8) which was 
here added to group [3 ; the Kadambarikathasamksepa (No. 10) which was 
here added to group 1 ; the Nrpavali (No. 22) which was here added to 
group 4 ; and the Vdtsydyanasutrasara (No. 33) which was here added to 
group 1. 

8. We do not know to what categories of poetry belong the Amrta- 
tarangakavya (No.l) 1 , the Avasarasara (No. 3) 2 , the Kanakajanaki 
(No. 5) 3 , the KsemendraprakaSa (No. 10), the Citrabharata-nataka 
(No. 13) 4 , the Jimutavahandvadana (No. 14) (if we do not consider it as a 
part of the Avadanakalpalata ), the Ddnaparijata (No. 16) (if it was composed 

-by our poet Ksemendra and not another Ksemendra), the Nitilata 
(No. 21 ) 5 , the Padyakadambari (No. 23) 6 , the Pavanapancafikd (No. 23) 7 , 
the Muktdvali(kavya) (No. 27) 8 , the Munimatamxmdmsd (No. 28) 9 , the 
Lalilaratnamald (No. 30) 10 , the Lavanyavatikavya (No. 30) 11 , the Vinayavalll 
(No. 34) 12 and the SaPivamiamahdkdvya (No. 36) 13 . In most cases these 
works are quoted in the three Ksemendra’s works which are of anthological 
character, i. e. the Auciiyavicdrocarca , the Kavikanthabharana and the 
Suvrtttatilaka ; some verses from these works are quoted there. From the 
quotations we may have an idea of the type of poetry, but we do not know 
what these works contain, for the verses quoted in the three Ksemendra’s 
works of anthological character do not need to be representative of the 
entire works and could also have been quoted as examples of some of 
Ksemendra’s teachings 14 . 

9. As to the chronology of works written by Ksemendra we know 
only that : 

1. See Para. 19.1. 

2. See Para. 19.2. 

3. See Para. 19.3. 

4. See Para. 19.4. 

5. See Para. 19.5. 

6. See Para. 19.6. 

7. See Para. 19.7. 

8. See Para. 19.8. 

9. See Para. 19.9. 

10. See Para. 19.10. 

11. See Para. 19.11. 

12. See Para. 19.13. 

13. See Para. 19.14. 

14. See Para. J9.Qi 



the Brhatkathamanjari was completed in A. D. 1037; 
the Samayamdtrka in A. D. 1050; 
the Avaddnakalpalata in A. D. 1052; 

the Aucityavicaracarca before A.D. 1063 (probably in A.D. 1059); and 
the Da§avataracarita(kavya) in A. D. 1066; 
and that before the Bharatamanjari the Ramdyanamanjari must have been 
written, for the title Vyasadasa was bestowed on Ksemendra after he has 
written the Bhdralamahjarl and in the Ramayanamafijari Ksemendra’s name 
is quoted without his sobriquet Vyasadasa. We further know that the Avada- 
nakalpalata„ the Avasardsara , the Kavikarnika , the Nitilatd , the Munimatami- 
mamsa , the Lalitaratnamald , the Vatsyayanasutrasara and the Vinayavalli must 
have been written before the Aucityavicaracarca was composed; that the 
Amrtatarahga(kavya), the Kanakajanaki-natka , the Padyakadambari and the 
Sativamtamahakavya must have been written before the Kavikanthabharana 
was composed; that the Pavanapdncasikd must have been written before the 
Suvrttatilaka was composed; that the Caturvargasamgraha , the Citrabharata- 
nataka , the Muktdvali and the Lavanyavatikavya must have been written 
before the Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana were composed, 
whichever was earlier, for these poems were quoted in both these works of 
anthological character; and,, finally, that the Suvrttatilaka must have been 
written as long as Ksemendra was a Saiva 1 , for they are of Saiva character 2 . 
In addition, Suryakanta tried to show 3 that the Kavikanthabharana was 
composed after Ksemendra has finished his Aucityavicaracarca. 

ID. Taking into account these considerations, it is impossible to accept 
unreservedly the chronological order of Ksemendra’s works, as given by 
M. K£ul (in his introduction to the edition of the DeSopadeSa and the 
Narmamala ) 4 , for, as far as M. Kaul’s chronological order is concerned, 
the Ramayanamanjan was composed before the Bharatamanjan and the 
Citrabharata-nataka and the Caturvargasamgraha before the Aucityavicara - 
carca ; and the Samayamdtrka must have been written much earlier, in any 
case before the Avaddnakalpalata and the Aucityavicaracarca were 
composed. As far as V. P. MahajanV chronological order of Ksemendra’s 
works is concerned 6 , the Kanahajdnaki-ndtaka must have been composed 

1. See Para. 4. 

2. See Para. 21.2.2. 

3. Ksemendra — Studies , POS. 91; p. 27. 

4. KTS. 40 p. 25. 

5. It is incomplete, for several works are omitted, e g. the Amrlatarangini , the Ci/ra- 
bharata-nataka y the Sasivamsamahakavya. 

6. In his edition of the Nitikalpataru, p. v. 

unknown Verses attributed to ksemendra 


before the Kavikanthabharana and the Caturvargasamgraha before the 
Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana were written. Should we 
accept the contention of Dr. Suryakanta that the Kavikanthabharana was 
composed after the Aucityavicaracarca , then the place of the Avadanakal - 
palata should be changed, for it was also quoted in the Aucityavicaracarca . 
Also Dr. Suryakanta’s order is not acceptable in toto , for the Citrabharata-nd- 
taka and tha Caturvargasamgraha belong to the group of works which must 
have been composed before the Aucityavicaracarca was written and the 
Padyakadambari to the group of works composed before the Kavikantha¬ 
bharana was written, for they are quoted in both treatises of Ksemendra on 

11 . It seems that in the first period, Ksemendra wrote mostly the 
poetical epitomes and in the last period some of his didactic and satiric poems, 
as the Darpadalana , SevyasevakopadeSa and the Dasavataracarita(kdvya ). 
Between these two extremes, it is impossible to fix the chronological order 
of Ksemendra’s writings. 


12 . As stated above, 1 out of the 39 works which Ksemendra is 
supposed to have written, twenty are unknown to us 2 ; they were lost and 
even their MSs. do not exist. Fortunately, some fragments of 
Ksemendra J s unknown writings are preserved in the three Ksemendra’s 
treatises of anthological character, viz. the Aucityavicaracarca. the Kavi - 
kanthabharana and the Suvrttatilaka and in classical and younger subhasita- 
samgroha-s. These sources quote as many as 415 verses, specifically attributed 
to Ksemendra, of which only 170 could be identified in know n Ksemendra’s 
works. The remaining 245 verses give us an additional picture of Ksemendra 
as a poet and as a dramatist and throw an additional light on his literary 
activity. The present study will be devoted to these otherwise unknown 
Ksemendra’s verses which, almost by chance, were saved from oblivion. 
Most of these verses seem to be genuine Ksemendra's verses and only a part 
of them were, probably, wrongly attributed to the author. 

1. See Para. 6. 

2. Possibly some of these twenty works are parts of known works or other titles of the 
same work, or written by another Ksemendra than our poet. And so, for instance, the 
Jimutavahanavaddna may be a part of the Avadanakalpalata; the Vetdlapaflcavimsdti 
and the Vyaidstaka a part of the Bfhatkathamadjari ; the Nitilala mayr be idehtiCal 
with the Nitikalpataru; and the Danaparijdta may' "have been Written by aflotfrtr 
Ksemendra, viz . Ksemendra Mahopadhyaya. 




13 # The 245 “new” Ksemendra’s verses can be divided into : 

1 . verses which were certainly Ksemendra’s verses and formed a 
part of his non-extant works ; 

2. verses which were certainly Ksemendra’s verses and were 
included in some non-specified Ksemendra’s works ; and 

3. verses which were attributed to Ksemendra in subhasita-samgraha- s. 
and were probably in the majority of cases Ksemendra *s verses. 

14 . The verses belonging to group 1, i.e. verses which were certainly 
Ksemendra’s stanzas and formed part of his non-extant works, are quoted 
by Ksemendra in his own treatises of anthological character 1 ; in these works 
Ksemendra, in order to illustrate his teachings on prosody, rhetorics and 
metrics, quoted examples from his own writings and clearly indicated from 
which of his works he culled them. There are 64 such verses, of which 
57 were culled from non-extant works of Ksemendra and 7 from his known 

15 . The examples from Ksemendra’s non-extant works were culled from 
the Amrtatarahga(kavya) (2 verses), the Avasarasara (1 verse), the Kanakajanaki - 
nataka (5 verses), the Citrabharata-nataka (3 verses), the Nitilata (4 verses), 
the Padyakadambari (8 verses), the Pavanapaficdsikd (1 verse), the Muktavali 
(2 verses), the Munimdlamimdmsd (15 verses), the Lalitaratnamdld (l verses), 
the Lavanyavati(kavya) (7 verses), the Vatsyayanasutrasara (1 verse), the 
Vinayavalli (2 verses) and the SativamSamahahavya (5 verses). 2 Examples 
from Ksemendra’s known works were culled from the Avadanakalpalata 
(3 verses), the Caturvargasamgraha (3 verses), and the DesopadeSa (1 verse) 3 . 
In the Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana Ksemendra culled from 
the Caturvargasamgraha , the Citrabharata-nataka , the Muktavali and the Lavanya- 
vati(kavya); in the Aucityavicaracarca only from the Avadanakalpalata , the 
Avasarasara , the Nitilata, the Munimatamimamsd , the Lalitaratnamdld the Vatsya - 
ybnasutrasara and the Vinayavalli, in the Kavikanthabharana only from 
the Amrtatarahga(kavya) , the Kanakajanaki-nataka , the Desopadesa , the Padya- 
kadambari and the Sativamsamahdkavya ; and in the Suvrttatilaka only from the 
Pavanapancatika*. There cannot be any doubt that these verses were genuine 
Ksemendra’s for they were so attributed by Ksemendra himself. 

16 . The verses belonging to group 2, i.e. verses wich were certainly 

1. The Aucityavicaracarca , the Kavikanthabharana and the Suvrttatilaka. 

2. See Para. 19. 

3. See Paras. 28.2.2, 28.6 and 28.8. 

A Qmm D... Q 



written by Ksemendra and were included in some non-specified Ksemendra’s 
works, are also quoted by Ksemendra in his own tretises of anthological 
character 1 as “my” verses {mama). There are 38 such verses (all, with one 
exception 2 , found in the Suvrttatilaka) and none of them could be identified 
in Ksemendra’s known writings. It is quite possible that some of these 
verses, i.e. those included in chapter one of the Suvrttatilaka were not culled 
from Ksemendra’s works, but were ad hoc composed by Ksemendra for the 
Suvrttatilaka , in order to illustrate the different metres with which he dealt 
with in this treatise 3 ; these stanzas, namely, contain the name of the metre 
in its contents and, it seems, that Ksemendra encountred sometimes some 
difficulty in including the name of the metre in the verse quoted. 4 How¬ 
ever, not all these verses seem to be of this sort 5 ; some must have been 
culled from some unknown works of Ksemendra, similarly as stanzas quoted 
in the Suvrttatilaka and attributed to other poets, such as Kalidasa, Bhava- 
bhuti, Bharavi, Ratnakara, Rajasekhara and many others. Here also there 
cannot be any doubt that these verses were Ksemendra’s genuine verses, for 
they were also attributed to Ksemendra by the author himself. 

17.0. The verses belonging to group 3, and attributed specifically to 
Ksemendra, are included in the following classical anthologies : Bhagadatta 
Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali , Sarhgadhara-Paddhati , Vallabhadeva’s Subhdsitavali 9 
Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara , Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi , Rupa 
Gosvamin’s Padyavali and the Harikavi’s Subhasitahdravali; younger anthologies: 
Laksmanabhatta Ankolakara’s Padyaracana , Gadadharabhatta’s Rasikajivana , 
Govindajit’s Sabhydlahkarana , Venidatta’s Padyaveni , anonymous Subhasita- 
savaskrta (l)-floka y as well as numerous modern anthologies. 

17.1. Anthologies are of three types : 

1. virtually composed only of sententious sayings; 

2. almost only composed of quotations from literary works, 
particularly “beatifully turned” and also eloquently said, 
as well as verses dealing with the description of nature, 
different moods, suggestions and anyokti- s; 

1. See footnote 67. 

2. One verse is attributed to Ksemendra himself {mama) in the Kavikanthabharana . 

3. See Paras. 21.2 and 19.7. 

4. E.g. in the Suvrttatilaka ad 1.20-21 (10) or ad 25 (14), where Ksemendra, in order to 
get the name of the dodhaka -or to taka -metres in the contents of “his” verses (quoted as 
examples of these metres) had to split them into two words {bhaktajanabhaya&o* tha 
ka pdli or parito* ta k&pdlakarah sumate. See Para. 21.2. 

5. E.g. those included in chapters 2 and 3 of the Suvrttatilaka . 



3. mixed, i.e. including both types of anthologies mentioned 
above. They can be further divided into classical antholo¬ 
gies, younger antholigies and modern anthologies. 

17 . 1 . 1 . A. Classical anthologies : Bhagadatta Jalhana’s (or Jahlana's) 
Suktimuktavali belongs to type 3 and was written in A. D. 1258 1 2 ; it served 
as a model to Harikavi’s Subhasitahdravail} Samgadhata’s Paddhati belongs 
to type 3 and was written in A. D. 1363 3 ; it contains also some 
‘‘useful information” which cannot be considered as poetical, 
Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitdvali belongs to type 3 and was written in the 
fifteenth century. 4 Vallabhadeva was a Kasmiri author and quoted many 
Kasmiri poets. Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara 5 belongs to type 1 and 
was written after Vallabhedeva’s Subhasitdvali 6 7 8 . Say ana’s Subhasitasudha - 
nidhi 7 (which seems to be another version of the Suktiratnahara or another 
work almost identical with, and based on, the Suktiranahara ) belongs, 
evidently,also to type 1 and was written at the same time as the Suktiratna - 
hara&; the Suktiratnahara quotes also subhasita- s in Prakrta, which are usually 
omitted in the Subhasitasudhdnidhi 9 ; both anthologies quote often verses with 
attributions to authors or works often not mentioned in other anthologies; 10 

1. GOS. 82. See GDH. p. 17. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

2. L. Sternbach, Main Sources of Harikavi’s Subhasitahdr avail. ABORI, Diamond Jubilee 
Number (1978-79); pp. 349-363. Many verses were reproduced in the Subhdsitahdravali 
from the Suktimuktavali and the Padyavali. See also footnote 3 on p. 15. 

3. BSS. 37, Bombay 1888. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

4. BSS. 31, Bombay 1886. For bibligraphical data see Annex V. 

5. TSS CXLI, Trivandrum 1938. For bibliographical data see Annex V. The author¬ 
ship is contested. 

6. Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara quotes as one of the poets whose verses he cites 
Vallabhadeva; these attributions refer, howeer, not to the author Vallabhadeva, but 
to the Subhasitdvali of Vallabhadeva. 

7. Karnatak University, Dharwar 1968. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

8. L. Sternbach, Sayana's Subhasitasudhdnidhi and Siiryapandita's Suktiratnahara in Journal 
of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Samskrta Vidyapitha, pp. 166-260; Differently 
V. Raghavan, Sayana’s Subhasitasudhdnidhi and Surya Pardita’s Suktiratnahara in Journal 
of the Ganganatha Jha Kendriya Sarhskrta Vidyapilha 29.401-404. 

9. L. Sternbach, On the Sanskrit Suktiratnahara, as Subhdsita-sangr aha of Prakrit Subhasita-s in 
Sambodhi . Special Issue in Memory of Dr. A. N. Upadhye, Vol. 5. Nos. 2-3; 

pp. 81-93. 

10. Cf. L* Sternbach, Qjwtations from the KautUiya Arthasastra in JAOS 88.3; pp. 495-520 
and 88.4; pp. 717-727; paras 4-5 and Nos. 1-31; The Vyasa-subhasitasangraha, critically 
edited . by L. Sternbach, KSS. 193; Introduction* paras 6, 8, 12 and Appendices I-II; 
L. Sternbach, Ravigupta and his Gnomic Verses in ABORI 48, pp. 137-160; L. Sternbach, 
An Additional Note on Sundarapandeya's Nitidvisasfika in JGJRI. 25; pp. 333-365* 



the attributions included in these anthologies are often not reliable 1 . Rupa 
Gosvamin’s Padyavali belongs to type 3, but contains mostly devotional 
Vaisnava verses and only seldom secular verses are quoted in it; it was 
composed by the end of the fifteenth and beginning of the sixteenth 
century. 2 HarikavPs Subhasitaharavail belongs to type 3 and was composed 
in the second half of the seventeenth centuary; 3 the anthology repeats 
many verses from Jalhana’s SuktimuktavaH and Rupa Gosvamin’s Padydvali 4 
and because of that, though from the seventeenth century, can be counted 
amongst classical anthologies 5 6 . 

17.1.2* Also to the classical anthologies are counted the two oldest 
Sanskrit anthologies, viz. Vidyakara's Subhasitaratnakosa , belonging to type 
2, probably from the beginning of the twelfth centuary®, of which a 
fragment was published by F. VV. Thomas as the Kavindravacanasamuccnyd 7 
and an immitation of which is the Prasannasahityaratnakara of Nandana from 
the fifteenth century 8 ; and Sridharadasa’s Sad-ukti-karnarnrla belonging to 
type 2 and compiled in A.D. 1205 9 ; Vidyakara was a Kasmiri and Srldhara- 
dasa was a Gauda; both preferably quoted Kasmiri and Gauda poets 
respectively, but both do not quote Ksemendra by name, while they cite 
anonymously some verses which in other anthologies 10 were attributed to 
Ksemendra. No explanation can be offered for it, particularly as far as 
Vidyakara’s Subhasitaralnakosa is concerned, for it is unlikely that 
Ksemendra’s writings were unknown in Kasmir in the beginning of the 
twelfth century.Did Vidyakara not appreciate Ksemendra’s writings or had 
he a personal dislike to his poetry, which suits his Subhasitaratnakosa well, or 
did he compose, perhaps, his arthology before Ksemendra’s time ? 

17.2 B. Younger anothologies : Laksmanabhatta Ankolakara’s Padyaracana 

1. See Para. 28.7.3. 

2. Ed. by S. K. De, Dacca University, Dacca 1934. For bibliographical data see 
Annex V. 

3. Not published; see GDH. pp. 25-26. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

4. See footnote 2 on p. 14. 

5. As the anthologies quoted above. 

6. HOS.42. Cf. GDH. pp. 15-16. For bibliographical data see Appendix V. 

7. Ed. in B. I., New Series No. 1309; GDH. p. 15. For bibliographical data sefc 
Appendix. V. 

8. Not published and incomplete but used in the edition of Vidyakara’s Subhasitaratnakosa 
(HOS. 42). Cf. GDH. p. 16. 

9. Published three times: in B.I. 217, PSS. 15 and by S. C.Banerji, Calcutta. Cf. GDH. 
p. 16. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

10. In Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali arid Vallabhadeva’s Subhdsiidvali , 



belongs to type 2; it was written between A.D. 1625 and 1650 and contains 
numerous anyokti- s and some Prakrta verses. 1 Godadharabhatta’s Rasikajivana 
belongs to type 3 and was composed in the middle of the seventeenth century, 2 
it contains mostly verses quoted in earlier and contemporaneous anthologies; 
attributions contained in the Rasikajivana are often not reliable. Govinda- 
jit’s Sabhyalahkarana belongs to type 3 and was composed after A.D. 1656; 3 
it also contains mostly verses quoted in ealier and contemporaneous antholo¬ 
gies. Venidatta’s Padyaveni belongs to type 2 and was composed in the latter 
half of the seventeenth century 4 5 ; it seldom quotes other poets than those 
contemporaneous with Venldatta or from the seventeenth century; partly 
based on it is the anonymous Subhasitasdrasamuccaya b . Vrajanatha’s Padya- 
tarahgini belongs to type 3 from the middle of the eighteenth century. 6 
The anonymous Subdsita-savaskrta( ?)-sloka belongs to type 2 and was 
composed probably in the eighteenth or nineteenth century 7 . Vallabha- 
deva’s 8 Vidagdhajanavallabha belongs to type 3 and is from an unknown date 9 , 
it contains very unreliable attributions 10 . Also to this group belong inter alia 
the anonymous SubhasP amuktavali from the end of the sixteenth and the 
beginning of the seventeenth century (type 3) 11 ; the Vyasa-subhasita-samgraha 
older than Suryakalirigaraja’s Suhtiratnahara and Say ana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi 
also incorporated as the Vyasakaraya and Vyasasataka in the literatures of 
Ceylon and Siam respectively (type l) 12 ; they do not contain any attributions 
to individual authors. Also quoting Ksemendra's poetry are some antholo¬ 
gies preserved only in MSs., viz. the Subhasitaratnakosa of Bhattasrlkrsna 

1. KM. 89. Cf. GDH. p. 27. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

2. Published in Pracyavani Mandira. Samskrta Granthamala, Sanskrit Text Series II ; 
no place, no date. Cf. GDH. p. 27. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

3. Published in Pracyavani Gopal Chunder Law Memorial Sanskrit Series No. 4; cf. 
GDH. p. 28. For bibliographical data see Annex. V. 

4. Published in Pracyavani Mandira. Samskrta Granthamala I, Samskjta-hosa-kavya - 
samgraha III; cf GDH. p. 28. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

5. Not published. Cf* GDH. p. 38. For bibliographical data see Appendix V. 

6. An analysis and index puplished in PO. 9; pp. 45-56; cf. GDH. p. 29. For biblio¬ 
graphical data see Annex V. 

7. Ed. by P. Regnaud. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

8. Different from Vallabhadeva, the compiler of the Subhasitavali . 

9. Not published. See GDH. p. 39. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

10. Vallabhadeva distorts and twists often the names of the authors to whom he attributes 
some verses. 

11. Edited by and published by R. N. Dandekar in the Journal of the University of Poona , 
Humanities Section y 1962: cf. GDH. p. 24. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

12- Ed. by L. Sternbach. for bibliographical data see Anpex V, 



(incomplete) 1 ; the Jaina Subhasitakhanda of Ganesabhatta 2 ; the Subhasita - 
suradruma of Ke]adi Basavappa 3 ; the Jaina Subhasitasagara (anonymous) 4 ; 
the Jaina anonymous and incomplete Subhasita 5 and others. 

17 . 3 . The modern anthologies are, from the point of view of the 
present study of no particular importance, for they recopy the subhasita-s 
from older anthologies sometimes with and sometimes without attributions 
included in these anthologies. These are, in particular, the Subhasitasudha - 
ratnabhandagaram 6 and based on it the Subhasitaratnabhandagaram 7 , the Subha- 
sitaratnamala 8 , the Subhasitaratnahara? , the Jaina Subhasitafiadyaratnakara 10 , the 
Subhasitasamgraha 11 , the Subhasitaratnasamuccaya 12 , the Subhasitasaptafati 13 , the 
Subhasitasudhanandalahari u , the Samskrtasuktiratnakara 1S , which contains some¬ 
times correct attributions, the Nitisamgraha 16 which contains nearly three- 
quarters of verses from the Carucarya 17 , the Samayocitapadya(ratna)malikd ls , a 
popular anthology belonging to type 1 and many others. 

17 . 4 . It is well-known that attributions in anthologies to individual 

1. Not published. Cf. GDH. p. 57. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

2. Not published. Cf. GDH. p. 37. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

3. Not published. Cf. CDH. p. 38. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

4. Not published. Cf. GDH. p. 38. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

5. Not published. Of. GDH. p. 37. For bibliographical data see Annax V. 

6. Sri Vehkatesvara Steam Press, Bombay samvat 1985 (A. D. 1927); cf. GDH. p. 30. 
For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

7. Eighth edition published in the Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay 1952; cf. GDH. p. 30. 
For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

8. Poona 1912 and 1923; cf. GDH. p. 35. For bibliogiaphical data see Annex V. 

9 . Bombay 1872; 4th edition 1918. Cf. GDH. p. 34. For bibliographical data see 
Annex. V. 

10. Sri Vijayadharmasuri Jaina Granthamala 27, 31, 34, 52, 48. For bibliographical 
data see Annex V. Cf. L. Stermbach in Mahavira and his Teachings Bombay 1977; 
pp. 47-9. 

11. Bombay 1885. GDH. p. 35. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

12. 5th edition, Ahmedabad 1922. Cf. GDH. p. 35. For bibliographical data see 
Annex V. 

13. Delhi 1960. Cf. GDH. p. 35. For bibliographical data see Annex V. 

’4. In Maloyamdrulah III. ed. by V. Raghavan, Delhi 1973, pp. 92-115. For bibliograhical 
data see Annex V. 

15. Gandhi Visvaraparisad, Dhana, Sagara, 1959. Cf. GDH. p. 33. For bibliographical 
data see Annex V. 

1 * 5 . Venkatesvara Press, Bombay, samvat 1994 (A. D. 1936). Cf. GDH. p. 32. For biblio¬ 
graphical data see Annex V. 

17. See Paras. 17.7 and 28.3. 

13. Often published, e.g. HSS. 165 or by Gangadhara Krsna, saka 1879 (A. D. 1957). Cf. 
GDH. p. 33. For bibliographical data s$c Apnex V, 



authors are so often carelessly set down and confusing that they can, only 
with varying degrees of probability, be attributable to the poets to whom 
they were ascribed 1 . Therefore, not all the verses belonging to this group, 
though specifically attributed to Ksemendra, must have been written by this 
author; some of them, but very few, were certainly not Ksemendra’s verses 2 , 
though the bulk of them were composed by Ksemendra. 

17 . 5 . The verse belonging to group 3 3 might be divided into two 
sub-groups : 

(a) verses which could not be identified in any of the works of 
Ksemendra non extant or extant; and 

(b) verses which could be identified in Ksemdra’s known writings and 
verses specifically attributed to his known works. 

The two sub-groups are interrelated, for sub-group (b) contains also verses 
which could not be identified in any of the Ksernendra's works, although 
they were sometimes specifically attributed to such works of Ksemendra. 
There are 320 verses which belong to group 3, of which 91 verses belong to 
sub-group (a) and 229 verses to sub-group (b). 

17 . 5 . 1 . With regard to sub-group (a) it should be noted that some of the 
verses attributed in anthologies to Ksemendra 

(i) were also quoted in group l 4 ; these verses were in Ksemendra’s 
three works of anthological character specifically attributed to his 
non-extant works (e-g. Annex I. Nos. 8, 17); and 

(ii) were not attributed specifically to Ksemendra, but to his extant 
works, such as the Kalavilasa or Brhatkathamahjari ; some of these 
verses could be identified in the respective extant works of 
Ksemendra, but some could not; these verses attributed in anthologies 
to extant works, whether they could be or could not be identified 
in these works were, included in group 3, sub-group (b). 

17 . 6 . With regard to sub-group (b), verses even identified in extant 
works of Ksemendra are in anthologies often recorded with unknown 
readings; these readings are sometimes better than those chosen for the 
critical editions of some known works of Ksemendra 4 and should be always 
taken into consideration for the critical editions of Ksemendra’s writings. 

1. M. 13.Emeneau, Signed Verses by Sanskrit Poets in Indian Linguistics 10 (S. K. Chatterji 
Jubilee Volume; pp. 47-48; ABORI. 17. 298; L. Sternbach, Introduction to the 
Descriptive Catalogue of Authors Quoted in Sanskrit Anthologies and Inscriptions , Otto 
Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1978, Vol. I, Paras. 19-73. 

2. See Paras. 22, 25, 28.7.2. 

3. See Para. 13. 

4. E.g. by P. Lapanich in her critical edition of the Kalavilasa . Cf. also Para 27 t 


17.7. Anthologies also quote some Ksemendra’s writings anonymously 1 
and even some anthologies, like the small modern anthology, the Nitisam - 
graha , quotes anonymously in its beginning, almost three-quarters of the 
Carucarya, while the Subhasitaharavail of Harikavi and the Suktimuktavali of 
Bhagadatta Jalhana (which served, probably, as a model for Harikavi 2 ) 
quotes the same lot of verses (in the order of the stanzas) with the attribu¬ 
tion to Ksemendra 3 . Also the Sarhgadhara-paddhati quoted a great part of 
the Carucarya in a group (in the order of the stanzas as preserved in the 
Carucarya). All this proves that the Carucarya , with minor variants, must 
have been very popular from the thirteenth century onwards. 

18. The verses attributed to Ksemendra and, as divided above into 
four groups 4 , are quoted in extenso in the annexes I-IV, with the exception 
of those verses which were identified in the Ksemendra’s known works. It 
was felt that these verses are easily accessible and there is no need of 
repeating them in the annexes; to identify them their first pada was only 
quoted with reference to the respective sources; all variants found in the 
anthologies were noted; the same system was also often adopted for verses 
attributed in anthologies to Ksemendra which occur in some well-known 
sources, when it was felt that the full quotation of these verses is of 
no importance for the proper reconstruction of the text. 


19.0. In Annex I we find verses attributed to Ksemendra in his not- 
extant works, as they are recorded in the three treatises of anthological 
character. These verses do not give us a definite idea of the content and 
character of Ksemendra’s non extant works; however, the following 
can be noted: 

19.1. The Amrtatarahga(kdvya), dealing with the churning of 
the milky ocean by Deva-s and Purvadeva-s, must have been composed before 
Ksemendra wrote his Kavikanthabharana, for two verses from this work 
(Annex I; Nos. 1-2) are preserved in the Kavikanthabharana . They are quoted 

1. E.g. Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitdvali quoted anonymously, Kalavilasa, 8.11. 

2. See Para. 17.1.1. 

3. Bhagadatta Jalhana quoted in his Suktimuktavali parts of some sarga -s of the Kalavilasa 

4 . Cf. Paras. 13 and 17.5, i.e. three groups, of which group 3 is divided into sub-groups 
(a) and (b) (see Annexes III and IV). 


Lubwik sterNbach 

there in order to show the familiarity of Ksemendra with the characteristics 
of horses. Both verses form an entity and are mythological in their 
contents; they do not give any idea of the contents or character of the 
Amrtatarahga ( kavya ). 

19 . 2 . The Avasarasara must have been composed before Ksemendra 
wrote his Aucityavicaracarca, for a single verse from this work (Annex I; No. 3) 
is preserved in the Aucityavicaracarca only. The verse is a flattery verse 
containing an often in Sanskrit literature repeated insincere eulogy of an 
unknown king (or god) for his bravery and success on the battlefield which 
“causes pain to the wives'” of his foe. If this single verse from the Avasarasara 
is respresentative of the whole poem, we may assume that it was a praiasti , 
perhaps of his patron king Ananta, of no great literary value. 

19 . 3 . The Kanakajanaki-ndtaka must have been a drama compo¬ 
sed by Ksemendra before he wrote his Kavikanthabharana, for five verses from 
this work (Annex I; Nos. 4-8) are preserved in the Kavikanthabharana only. 
The verses were considered by Ksemendra himself as good, as having charm 
(No. 4) and showing familiarity of the author with trees (No. 7), wild-life 
(No. 8), characteristics of elephants (No. 6) and archery (No. 5) ; most of 
the verses of the Kanakajanaki are dull and, from the poetical point of view, 
of no great value ; particularly poetically poor is verse No. 7, which is, in 
reality, a list of twenty-four different trees ; only verses Nos. 8 and 4 are 
poetically important ; therefore, verse No. 8 is also quoted in Bhagadatta 
Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali , where it is also attributed to Ksemendra (but not to 
the Kanakajanaki). Two verses (Nos. 4 and 5) refer to Rak§asa-s Khara, 
Dusana and Trisiras, so that it is likely that the poem was based on an 
episode from the Ramayana and described, particularly, the abduction of 
Slta by Ravana and, probably, the search for her in the forest ; most of the 
verses dealt with the description of the forest and forest life. In the 
thirteenth century, the drama must have been current, since Bhagadata 
Jalhana knew it and included a verse from it in his Suktimuktavali . 

19 . 4 . The Citrabharat a-n ataka must have been a drama composed 
by Ksemendra before he wrote his Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana , 
whichever was earlier, for two verses from this drama, (Annex I ; Nos. 9 and 
11) are preserved in the Kavikanthabharana and one verse (Annex I ; No. 10) 
in the Aucityavicaracarca . Ksemendra quoted the stanzas from the drama as 
examples of verses having charm (Nos. 9 and 11) and familiarity of the 
author with spiritual science (No. 10). Verse No. 10 refers to Yudhisthira 
and it is possible that the drama was based on an episode from the 
Mahdbharata . Poetically good is verse No. 9 and reveals the talent of its 


author. Verse No. 9 which is of mythological character is, as many of the 
author’s verses, a sententious verse. 

19 . 5 . The Ni til at a must have been composed before Ksemendra 
wrote his Aucityavicaracarca , for four verses from this work (Annex I ; Nos. 
12-15) arc preserved in the Aucityavicaracarca . Ksemendra quoted the stanzas 
as examples of different proprieties ; all the four verses are based on the Rama 
story and it seems that the poem dealt with an episode from the Ramayana. 
The examples culled by Ksemendra and included in the Aucityavicaracarca 
from the Nitilata do not confirm the suggestion that Nitilata is identical with 
the Nitikalpataru (NCC 5 168). In any case none of the verses of the Nitilata 
could be identified in the latter work. 

19.6. The P a d y ak a d a mb a r i must have been composed before Kse¬ 
mendra wrote his Kavikavthabharana, for 6 verses from this work (Annex I - Nos. 
16-23) are preserved in the Kavikanthabharana. Ksemendra quoted the stanzas as 
examples of his familiarity with medical science (No. 16), with logic (No. 22) 
and politics (No. 23), as well as examples of charm which has to be thought 
out (No. 17), in word and meauing (No. 19) and purity in flavour (No. 18) 
and words (No. 20). All the verses, with the exception of the last one, which 
is a very good sententious verse (maxim) (No. 23) are detatched charming 
lyrical and amatory verses showing that at the time Ksemendra composed 
them, he was already a mature poet. The Padyakadambari , which is consi¬ 
dered to be a rendering of Bana’s Kadambari in metrical form 1 , must have 
been composed by Ksemendra at a later stage of his activity than his other 
epitomes. The verses show great talent of its author and one of the verses 
(No. 17) was also quoted over the name of Ksemendra (and not Padyakadam - 
bari ) in the Sarhgadhara-paddJiati and Rupa Gosvamin’s Padyavall and over the 
name of Rajasekhara in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suhlimuktavali ; the attribution 
in the latter anthology to Rajasekhara is certainly wrong, for it is a 
Ksemendra’s verse ; it is inconceivable that Ksemendra would have appro¬ 
priated to himself a verse written not by him but written by Rajasekhara. 
In the fourteenth century (and probably in the thirteenth century also) the 
work must have been current, since Sarngadhara quoted a verse from it over 
the name of Ksemendra (as well as Rupa Gosvamin at the end of the 
fifteenth or begining of the sixteenth century) and Bhagadatta Jalhana quoted 
a verse from it (but over the name of Rajasekhara) in the thirteenth 

19.7. The PavanapaftcaSika must have been composed in 50 verses 

1. V. P. Mahajan's edition of the Nitikalpataru , p. v. 



before Ksemendra wrote his Suvrttatilaka , for one verse from this work (Annex 
I ; No. 24) is preserved in the Suvrttatilaka. This is the only case when a verse 
quoted from a specific non-extant work of Ksemendra is cited in the Suvrttati¬ 
laka ; all the other verses quoted by Ksemendra in the Suvrttatilaka, in addi¬ 
tion to those attributed to other authors, . are his own verses from his 
unspecified works or were composed by him ad hoc to illustrate his teachings 
of metrics 1 . The verse is quoted as an example of a sragdhara- verse and 
describes a strong wind ; it does not give any idea of the contents or character 
of the PavanapaficaSika . 

19.8. The Muktavali must have been composed before Ksemendra 
wrote his Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana , whichever was earlier, 
for one verse from this work (Annex I ; No. 25) is preserved in the Aucityavicd - 
racarca and the other (Annex I ; No. 26) in the Kavikanthabharana. Ksemendra 
quoted these verses as examples of purity of mind (No. 25) and familiarity 
with the means of emancipation (No, 26). Both verses are religious, so that 
it is likely that the Muktavali was a collection of stray verses of devotional 

19.9. The M uni m a t am i m am s a must have been composed before 
Ksemendra wrote his Aucityavicaracarca , for fifteen verses from this work (Annex 
I; Nos. 27-41) are preserved in the Aucityavicaracarca . Ksemendra quoted these 
verses as examples of proprieties and improprieties of naturalness (Nos. 29 
and 36), of thought (Nos. 27 and 35), of repulsive sentiment (verses Nos. 40 
and 39), of proprieties in the sentiment of tranquility (No. 30), in mixture 
of sentiments of heroism and pathos (No. 31), or quietism, eroticism, pathos 
and repulsion (No. 33), or sentiment of pathos (No. 34), charm through the 
use of suitable adjectives (No. 32), prepositions (No. 28), particles (No. 41), 
or tenses (No. 37) and the meaning of composition (No. 38). The verses 
are mostly mythological verses often based on stories included in the 
Mahabharata (Nos. 27, 28, 29, 31, 34) and sententious verses. The work 
itself was probably a technical tratise dealing with religion and philosophy, 
particularly with moksa , or with teachings of Vyasa. 

19.10. The Lalitaratn am ala must have been composed before Kse¬ 
mendra wrote his Aucityavicaracarca , for the single verse quoted by Ksemendra 
from this work (Annex I; No. 42) is preserved in the Aucityavicaracarca. Ksemen¬ 
dra quoted the verse as an example of the use of proper genders. This beauti¬ 
ful lyrical verse describes the grief of king Vatsa owing to the separation from 

1. See Paras. 16 and 21.2. 



Ratnavali. It is possible that the Lalitaratnamala was an epithome of Harsa’s 
Ratnavali . 

19.11. The Lav any av at i-{k a vy a) must have been composed before 
Ksemendra wrote his Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikanthabharana , whichever 
was earlier, for five verses (Annex I. Nos. 43-46 and 48) are preserved in the 
Aucityavicaracarca ; one verse (Annex I ; No. 49) in the Kavikanthabharana 
and one verse (Annex I ; No. 47) in the Aucityavicaracarca and the Kavikantha¬ 
bharana. Ksemendra quoted the verses as examples of charm in the figure of 
speech (No. 49), the poet’s proper composition (Nos. 43,44 and 46), use of 
the accusative case (No. 47) and sentiment of humour and srhgara (Nos. 45 
and 48). The Lavanyavati(kavya) must have been a satirical poem of the 
sort of the Kalavilasa ; the verses deal mostly with tricks of women or 
prostitutes to deceive their lovers (Nos. 43, 44, 45, 48), description of the 
beauty of women (No. 49) and coming to age of an adolescent girl (No. 46) ; 
only one verse is a flattery verse which could have been said by a prostitute 
or a woman to her client or lover. Lavanyavati was probably the heroine 
of this kavya and the work might have dealt with the seduction of Atrivasu by 
Vasantika. All the verses are lyrical and must have belonged to the satirical 
poems of Ksemendra, as the Kalavilasa and the Samayamdtrka. They probably 
belong to the later period of Ksemendra’s poetical activity. 

19.12. The Vatsydyanasutrasdra must have been composed 
before Ksemendra wrote his Aucityavicdracarca , for the single verse quoted by 
Ksemendra from this work is preserved in the Aucityavicdracarca (Annex I ; 
No. 50). Ksemendra quoted the verse as an example of the use of the 
proper benediction. The verse is an invocatory and benedictory verse to 
Kama, the god of Love. It probably prefaced the Vatsydyanasutrasdra 
which was, probably, an epithome of Vatsyayana’s Kdmasutra . 

19.13. The V i nay a v a 11 i must have been composed before Ksemen¬ 
dra wrote his Aucityavicaracarca , for the two verses which form an entity, and 
were quoted by Ksemendra, are preserved in the Aucityavicaracarca (Annex I ; 
Nos. 51-52). The verses are quoted by Ksemendra as an example of a 
sentence composed with propriety. The verses deal with Bhlma and the 
poem was probably based on the Mahabharata. The verses quoted are of 
mythological character and do not give any idea of the character and 
contents of the Vinayavalli. 

19.14. The Sasiv a msamahakavya must have been written before 
Ksemendra wrote his Kavikanthabharana , for the five verses quoted by Ksemendra 
from this work are preserved in the Kavikanthabharana (Annex I ; Nos. 53-57). 
Ksemendra must have considered tHs work as very good and charming, foy 



he quoted verses from it as examples of charm in the whole verse (No. 55), 
of spontaneous charm (No. 56), of charm residing in the story of a famous 
person (No. 53), of purity of sense (No. 57) and familiarity of the author 
with the country (No. 54). The verses are mostly lyrical and amatory 
verses ; some of them are connected with the Mahabharata story, so that it is 
possible that this poem was also based on an episode from the Mahabharata . 

20. Out of the fourteen non-extant works of Ksemendra mentioned 
above, the Lavanyavati-(kavya) seems to be the most typical work for Kse- 
mendra’s writings and perhaps the most valuable. 


21.1. In Annex II we find verses generally attributed to Ksemendra in 
his three treatises of anthological character and not identified in his extant 
works. As mentioned above 1 , these verses were certainly Ksemendra’s 
verses, because they were attributed to the author by Ksemendra himself 
and there is no doubt that Ksemendra would not appropriate to himself any 
verse written by another author and that he knew unquestionably which 
verses he wrote. 

21.2.1. It was also stated above 2 that all, but one, verse in this group 
are quoted in the Suvrttatilaka and that those found in the first chapter of the 
Suvrttatilaka were probably composed ad hoc by Ksemendra in order to define 
and illustrate the various metres and were not culled from Ksemendra’s any 
non-extant (or extant) works. There are 25 such verses (Annex I. Nos. 62- 
73, 76-78, 80-87 and 93-94). They are, usually, of inferior poetical 
value, because Ksemendra wanted to incorporate in the verse the name 
of the metre, which usually denote some attributes of women, and it was not 
easy, even for a poet, of Ksemendra’s stature, to build around the names of 
metres a good verse with a good sense 3 . Particularly difficult was it when 
the verse was short of less than 14 syllables to a quarter. Much easier was 
to compose good verses in longer metres ; therefore, examples of the 
Manddkrantd-( Annex I : No. 80), or Harini-{ Annex I ; No. 72), or Sikharini - 
verses (Annex I; No. 84) are of considerable poetical value. 

21.2.2. The verses quoted in chapter 1 of the Suvrttatilaka are usually 

1. See Paras. 14 and 16. 

2. See Paras. 16 and 19.7. 

?. See footnote 4 on p. 13, 



lyrical, religious and devotional, descriptive or flattery verses. All of the 
religious verses show that Ksemendra, when composing his Suvrttatilaka , was 
a Saiva ; therefore, we can assume that the Suvrttatilaka was composed in the 

earlier part of his life, before he became a Vaisnava 1 . 

21.2.3. The verses composed ad hoc for the Suvrttatilaka , in order to 
quote examples of different metres, illustrate the following metres (quoted 
in the order of syllables to a quarter) : 

6 syllables to a quarter : Tanumadhya metre (Annex II ; No. 67) ; 

7 syllables to a quarter : Kumaralalita metre (Annex II ; No. 62) ; 

8 syllables to a quarter : Vidyunmala metre (Annex II ; No. 83) ; 

Pramani metre (Annex II ; No. 87) ; 

9 syllables to a quarter : Bhujaga-Stiusrta metre (Annex II : No. 70) ; 

10 syllables to a quarter : Rukmavatl metre (Annex II ; No. 76) ; 

11 syllables to a quarter : Indravajra metre (Annex II ; No. 68) ; 

Upcndravajra metre (Annex II ; No. 65) ; 
Dodhaka metre (Annex II ; No. 77) 2 ; 

Salinl metre (Annex II ; No. 78) ; 

Rathoddhata metre (Annex II ; No. 86) ; 
Svagata metre (Annex II ; No. 85) ; 

12 syllables to a quarter : Totaka metre (Annex II ; No. 93) 3 ; 

Vamsastha metre (Annex II ; No. 63) ; 
Drutavilamhita metre (Annex II ; No. 71) ; 

13 syllables to a quarter : Praharsini metre (Annex II ; No. 82) ; 

14 syllables to a quarter : Vasantatilaka metre (Annex II ; No. 66) ; 

15 syllables to a quarter : Malinl metre (Annex II ; No. 69) ; 

17 syllables to a quarter : Narkuta metre (Annex II ; No. 73) ; 

Prthvi metre (Annex II ; No. 64) ; 

Mandakranta metre (Annex II ; No. 80) (good 
poetry) ; 

Sikharini metre (Annex II ; No. 84) (good 
poetry) ; 

Harini metre (Annex II ; No. 72) (good 
poetry) ; 

19 syllables to a quarter : Sardulavikridita metre (Annex II ; No. 81) ; 

21 syllables to a quarter Sragdhara metre (Annex II ; No. 94). 

1. See Para. 4. 

2. Cf. footnoted on p. 13. 

3. Cf. footnote 4 on p. 13. 



21.3. Chapters II and III of the Suvrtlalilaka deal with the merits and 
demerits of the different metres ; there. Ksemendra mostly quoted verses of 
other poets and verses of his own ; these are verses included in Annex II 
Nos. 58-61, 74-75, 79, 88-92 and 95 (the latter verse is not quoted in the 
Suvrttatilaka but in the Kavikanthabharana in order to show that the author 
‘‘thrived in a shadow of another poet” 1 ) ; the veises in this group are often 
charming, as, for instance a sententious verse composed in the Druiavilambita 
metre (Annex II; No. 61) ; they are mostly lyrical verses which are of high 
poetical value. The verses are quoted as examples of the merits of the 
Dodhaka (No. 92;, Salini (No. 88), Rathoddhata (Nos. 58-59), Svagatd (No. 89), 
Totaka (No. 79), Druiavilambita (No. 61), Praharsini (No. 91), Plrhvi (No. 60) 
and Sragdhara (No. 90) metres. 


22.0. In Annex III, representing verses belonging to group 3 (a) 2 
ninety-one verses attributed in anthologies 3 to Ksemendra are quoted. As 
stated above 4 , not all these verses are Ksemendra’s genuine verses. Some 
were, probably, wrongly attributed in anthologies to Ksemendra, but the 
bulk of the verses quoted in this group were verses composed by Ksemendra 
and must be considered as “new” Ksemendra’s verses, i. e. verses of the poet 
otherwise unknown. They, probably belonged, in their great ma jority, to non 
extant Ksemendra’s writings. Their knowledge seems to be of primordial 
importance for the assessment of Ksemendra's poetry. 

22.1. Out of these 91 verses, verse No. 102 is not a Ksemendra’s verse. 
It is attributed to Ksemendra in the Padyaracana and the Subhasiiasavartrta{?)~ 
Hoka and to Ksemesvara in the Saduktikarnamrta. Because of the similarity 
of names Ksemendra-Ksemesvara the two authors were sometimes con¬ 
founded. The vefse occurs in the Naisadhana-nataka of Ksemesvara, as 
recorded in P. Peterson’s Second Report ; it is a Ksemesvara's verse. 

22.2. Verse No. 106 attributed in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali to 
Ksemendra is not also a Ksemendra’s verse ; it is a verse of Ksemendra's 
pupil Laksmanaditya, as Ksemendra clearly stated in the Kavikanthabharana. 

1. Quoted in Annex II, for it is attributed by Ksemendra to himself {mama). 

2. See Para. 17.4. 

3. About different anthologies quoted in this study see Paras, 17.1 to 17.3. 

4. Cf. P*ra. 17,4, 



22 . 3 . Verse No. 123 which is in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali attributed 
to Ksemendra 1 and in Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara to Sakalavidyakara 
and is quoted anonymously in the Narabharana and in some alahkara- works 
(Kuvalayananda, Citramlmamsa) is probably also not a Ksemendra’s verse ; it is 
a popular sententious saying which also occurs in some texts of the Southern 
Pancatantra. 1 

22 . 4 . Verse No. 126, though attributed to Ksemendra in Bhagadatta 
Jalhana’s Suktimuktdvali and, probably through this anthology 2 , in Hari- 
kavi’s Subhasitaharavali, is also not a Kseiuendra’s verse. It is a Pancatantra 
verse, already known in the earliest recensions of the Pancatantra (the Tantra- 
khyayikd, Southern, Nepalese recensions and offshoots of the Tantrdkhyayikd- 
Purnabhadra, textus simplicior) ; from the Paiicatantra it was included in the 
Hitopadesa and probably, in the Vikramacarita (southern recension) ; this verse 
was also attributed to Bhartrhari (512) and king Munja in the Bhojaprabandha ; 
we come also across the same teaching in the Kathasaritsagara. 

22.5. Verse No. 132 is attributed only to Ksemendra 3 in the Sarhgarapa- 
ddhati, while in Sridharadasa's Saduktikarndmrta } Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimuk - 
tdvali and Govindajit's Sabhyalahkarana it is attributed to Rajasekhara and in 
Surya Kalihgaraja’s Suktisahasra to Vatsyayana (jzc/), It also occurs 
anonymously in Vidyakara's bubhasitaralnakosa / Kavindravacanasamuccaya , 
Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali , Say ana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi , Gadadharabhatta’s 
Rasikajivana and numerous works on poetics and rhetorics (Mammata's 
Kavyaprakasa , Govinda’s Kavyapradipa , Hemacandra’s Kdvydnusdsana , Appayya 
Dlksita’s Kuvalayananda , Rajanaka Ruyyaka’s Alamkarasarvasva 9 Sobhakara- 
mitra’s Alamkararatnakara 9 Alamkaratilaka , Vagbhata’s Kavyanufasana , Visvanatha 
Kaviraja’s Sdhityadarpana, Jayadeva’s Candraloka, Pandita Jagannatha’s 
Rasagangadhara , Mahimabhatta’s Vyaktiviveka y Narendraprabhasuri’s Alamkara- 
mahodadhi, etc.). It is not a Ksemendra’s but a Rajasekhara’s verse culled 
from the latter’s ViddhaSalabhanjika (1.2). 

22 . 6 . Verse No. 146, attributed to Ksemendra in Vallabhadeva’s 
Subhasitawaliy seems also not to be our poet’s verse, but a Bhartrhari verse, 
though it does not belong to the nucleus of Bhartrhari’s epigrams ; it occurs 

1. The verse is also attributed in the Subhasitasudhdratnabhdritfdgdiam to Ksemendra, but 
that work is a modern anthology and its attributions are not original but were taken 
from classical anthologies (in this case from Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali ), generally, 
they are, therefore, not mentioned here. 

2. See para. 17.1.1 and footnote 2 on p. 14. 

3. Cf. footnote 1 above (on p. 27). 



also in the Subhasitasuradruma of Keladi Basavappa Nayaka and in the 
modern Subhasitaratnakara. 

23. Doubtful Ksemendra’s verses are : No. 97, which is not clearly 
attributed to Ksemendra in Surya Kalihgaraja’s Suktisahasra and is quoted 
anonymously in Vidyakara’s Subhasitaratnakosa and the Samayocitaratnamalikd ; 
the verse is, probably, a Hitipadesa verse ; No. 100 which is only attributed to 
Ksemendra in Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavail , while in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavali and Vidyakara’s Subhasitaratnakosa it is quoted anonymously 1 
and in Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi and Surya Kalihgaraja’s Suktiratnahara it 
is attributed to Ruyyaka ; the verse, a well-known devotional Saiva verse, 
appears also in Rajanaka Ruyyaka’s Alamkarasarvasva and is often quoted in 
treatises of poetics and rhetorics ; No. 101 is in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavali attributed to Ksemendra or Ksemesvara, in &ridharadasa's 
Saduktikarnamrta to Abhimanyu, for the alternate attribution to Ksemesvara 
is in view of Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavail attribution to Ksemavara more 
likely ; No. 107 which is attributed to Ksemendra only in the modern 
Samskrta-Suktiratnakara , while it is attributed in Surya Kalihgaraja’s Suktira - 
tnahara to Vallabha and is quoted anonymously in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasi- 
tavali , Subhasitapadyaratnakara , Subhasitaratnamala , Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi , 
Subhasitaratnasamuccaya and the Subhasitasaptasati ; the verse is a well-known 
sententious verse which also appears in numerous works on poetics and 
rhetorics and amongst the so-called Canakya’s sayings and in younger 
recensions of the Paflcatantra and the Sukasaptati ; No. Ill which is in Bhaga¬ 
datta Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali doubtfully attributed to Ksemendra and in 
Surya Kalihgaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi is attri¬ 
buted to Manasollasa ; it is an antaralapa riddle, probably attributed to 
Ksemendra because of his notorious acerbic castigation of kayastha-s ; 
No. 129, which is attributed to Ksemendra in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali 
only while it is quoted in Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi anonymously is also a 
sententious verse which occurs amongst the so-called Canakya’s sayings 
(and in the Brhaspatisamhitd of the Garuda-purana) ; No. 138, which is only in 
one MS. of the Sarhgadhara-paddhati attributed to Ksemendra and appears also 
amongst the so-called Canakya’s sayings (and in the Brhaspati-samhita of the 
Garuda-purana ), in some younger recensions of the Paflcatantra, the Hitopadesa, 
the Vikramacarita, the Sukasaptati, the Padma-purana and the Katharatnakara of 

1. Attributions of Harikavi in his Subhasitaharavail, when they are different from attribu* 
tions in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali are not reliable. See L. Sternbach, quoted 
in footnote 2 on p. 14. 



Hemavijaya ; verses Nos. 139, 158 and 184, which are in Vallabhadeva’s 
Subhasitdvali attributed to Vyasadasa, a sobriquet of Ksemendra, but who, 
probably, refers in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitdvali to another author than 
Ksemendra, for none of the verses attributed there to Vyasadasa could be 
identified in any of Ksemendra’s works ; No. 142, which in Harikavi’s 
Subhasitaharavali is attributed to Ksemendra and in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavali to Laksmidhara, for the attributions in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavail are more reliable than those in Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavali 3 ; 
No. 172, which is in Gadadharabhatta’s Rasikajivana attributed to Kse¬ 
mendra, while in Bhagadatta Jalhana's Suktimukt avail, Harikavi’s Subhdsita - 
hdrdvalij Sarhgadharapaddhati and Laksmanabhatta Ankolakara’s Padyaracand is 
quoted anonymously 1 ; and No. 185, which is in Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavali 
attributed to Ksemendra, while in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimukt avail to 
Trailocana 2 . 

24. We may assume that verses attributed to Ksemendra in more than 
one independent anthology 3 are genuine Ksemendra’s verses, e. g. Nos. 104, 
133, 137 (the verse is in Vallabhadeva’s Vidagdhajanavallabha attributed to 
Ksemasimha, but the latter anthology is known for twisting and distorting 
the names of the authors to whom they attribute verses, and in Vidyakara’s 
Subhasitaratnakosaj Kavmdravacatias amuccay a IN andanz s Prasannasahityaratnakara 
where it is quoted anonymously), 144 and 186 (we find this verse also in the 
Nitidvisastika and some younger offshoots of the Tanlrdkhydyika ), while others 
are, probably, genuine Ksemendra’s verses, even if they are sometimes 
attributed also to other authors, as Nos. 96, 98, 99 (attributed in Valla¬ 
bhadeva’s Subhasitdvali and in Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara to Valla- 
bhadeva) 4 , 103, 105, 108, 109 (which is in the Sarhgadharapaddhati and 
Laksmanabhatta Ankoiakara’s Padyaracand attributed to Ksemendra and 
in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitdvali to Damodaragupta • it is in the style of the 
Kuttanimata or the Samayamdlrka) , 110, 112, 113, 114,115,116,117,118, 
119, 120, 121, 122, 124, 125, 127, 128, 130, 131, 134, 135 (despite the fact 
that the verse is in Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavali attributed to Haribhadra and 

1. See footnote 1 on p. 28. 

2. Gadadharabhatta’s Rasikajivana is not reliable as far as attributions are concerned. 
The two editions (cf. footnote 2 on p. 16) are not identical from this point of view. 

3. Not independent anthologies are Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Sayana’i 
Subhasitasudhanidhi (para 17.1.1 footnote 8 on p. 14) as well as Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavali and Harikavi’s Subhasitaharavali (para. 17.1.1 and footnote 2 on p. 14). 

4. The compiler of the Suktiratnahara referred here probably to the Subhasitdvali and not 
to Vallabhadeva, a poet (cf. footnote 6 on p. 14). 



in the Subhasitasudharatna-bhandagaram to Bilhana, for the latter two antholo¬ 
gies* attributions are not reliable, particularly, in view of the faet that 
Bhagadatta Jalhana's Suktimuktavali attributed the verse to Ksemendra), 136, 
140, 141, 143, 145, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 159, 
160, 161, 162, 163, 164, 165, 166, 167, 168, 169, 170, 171, 173, 174, 175, 176, 
177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182 and 183. 

25. We see that out of the 91 verses quoted in Annex II only six verses 
are not Ksemendra’s verses, 13 are doubtful Ksemendra^s verses and the 
rest, i. e. 72 verses (5 attributed to Ksemendra in more than one anthology 
and 67 attributed to Kserrendra in one anthology only, or in two not 
independent anthologies 1 ), arc probably genuine, otherwise unknown, 
Ksemendra’s verses. They deal with a variety of subjects—some are lyrical, 
some sententious, some satirical, some descriptive, etc. Some of these verses 
are typical for Ksemendra's writings, e. g. verses Nos. 99 , 105 ( Cdrucarcyd ),. 
109 ( Kalavilasa or S amayamdtrkd or Darpadalana }, etc., but some verses dealing 
with favourite subjects of Ksemendra might have been attributed to the 
author only because of the subjects dealt with in the verses 2 . 


26. In Annex IV, representing verses belonging to group 3 (b) 3 , 229 
verses are cited ; these are verses quoted in anthologies, either with a general 
attribution to Ksemendra and identified in his extant v\orks or with an attri¬ 
bution to his individual extant works and identified, or not identified jn these 
works ; the works are: (A). Kalavilasa (verses Nos. 187-242 ; 56 verses) ; 
(B). Calurvargasamgraha (verses Nos. 243-255 ; 13 verses) ; (C). Cdrucarya 
(Nos. 256-328 ; 73 verses) ; (D). Darpadalana (Nos. 329-343 ; 15 verses) ; (E). 
Daldvatdracarita (kdvya ) (No. 344 ; 1 verse) ; (F). Desopadesa (Nos. 345-353 ; 
9 verses) ; (G). BrhatkaUuimanjari (Nos. 354-411 ; 58 verses) ; (H). Bauddhavad- 
anakalpalata ( Boddha ) or Avadanakalpalata (Nos. 412-414 ; 3 verses) ; and (I). 
SevyasavakopadeSa (No. 415 ; 1 verse). The knowledge of these verses are 
doubly important, for they show in what form, i. e. with what variants they 
were known in the thirteenth and later centuries and which of the Kse¬ 
mendra’s verses and from which of his works were particularly popular in 
that time. 

1. Cf. footnote 3 on p. 29. 

2. E.g. when they deal critically with kayastha- s. 

3. See Paras. 17.6 and 17.7. 



27. As stated above 1 , the various readings of the respective verses 
were recorded in order to enable the future editors of critical texts of the 
respective Ksemendra^s works to reconstruct them properly 2 . P. Lapanich’s 
critical edition of Ksemendra’s Kalavilasa would have been greatly improved 
it the editor would have taken into consideration all the anthologies which 
quote the Kalavilasa verses, some of which are sometimes quoted anony¬ 
mously 3 . 

28.1.1. Ad (A) the Kalavilasa 4 . Out of 56 verses (Annex IV ; Nos. 
187-242), quoted in anthologies and attributed to Ksemendra or, specifically, 
to the Kalavilasa, seven could not be identified in this work. The verses 
identified in the Kalavilasa are ; 



Attributed in s : 

Kalavilasa : No.: 

Attributed in 6 : 



SP. (Ks.) 



JS. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 



SRHt. (Ka.), 

SSSN. (Ka.) 

SSSN. (Ka.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks), SH. (Ks), 



SRHt. (Ka.) 

SRHt. (Ka.), 



SP. (Ks.), RJ. 

SSSN. (Ka.) 

(Ks. or an ); 



JS. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks ) 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.), RJ. (Ks.), 



SP. (Ks.) 

SH. (an.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.) 

1. See Para. 18. 

2. See Para. 17.6. 

3. E.g. in 2.45 (No. 189) in b it would be better to have as in the Sarngadhara-paddhati , 
Suktiralnahdra y Subhasitasudhanidhi and Subhdsitahdrdvali, arthanam instead of anyesdm ; in 
7.7 (No. 195) in b °huwkdra° instead of 0 jhafnkdra" as in SP., P., and LKS; in 8.20 
(No. 223) in b dhiya instead of bhiyd , as in the Suktvalnahdra and Subhasitasudhanidhi; in 
10.3 (No. 192 in b niyamdt instead of niyamah as in the Suktimukldvali and Subhdsita - 
hdrdvali ; in 10.9 (No. 208) in d manlraraksaram-tydgah instead of surupatdjha ca as in the 
Suktimuktdvaliy the Subhdsitahdrdvali and KS.; in 10.10 (No. 209) in d prabhdvasya instead 
of prabhutvasya as in the Suktimuktdvali , Subhdsitahdrdvali and KS. etc. 

4. Cf. Paras. 5 No. 1 and 7.1. 

5. Ks. means attributed to Ksemendra; Ka.means attributed to Kalavilasa; an. means quoted 





SRHt. (Ka.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 



SRHt. (Ka.) 

SSSN. (an.) 



SRHt. (Ka.) 



VS. (an.) 



SP. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.), 



SRHt. (Ka.), 

SRHt. (Ka.), 

SSSN. (Ka.) 

SSSN. (Ka.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 

8 29 


SP. (Ks.) 

SSSN. (Ka.) 



JS. (Ks.) 



J S (Ks.), SP. (Ks), 



JS. (Ks.) 

SRHt. (Ka.) 

10 2 


JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SRIIt. (Ka.), 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 

SSSN. (an.) 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 

SSSN. (an.) 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



sp. (Ks.; 



JS. (Ks.) 



SP. (Ks.) 

10.9 1 


JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SP. (Ks.) 

10.10 J 


JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 

SSSN. (an.) 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 



SRHt. (Ka.), 



JS. (Ks.), SH. (an.) 

SSSN. (an.) 

28.1.2. Most of the verses from sarga-s 9 and 10 of the Kalavilasa are 
included in Bhagadatta Jalhanas Suktimuktavali and Harikavis Subhasitaharavali; 
from sarga-s 4, 5 and 6 in Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Say ana's 
Subhasilasudhanidhi; and from sarga 2 in the Sarhgadharapaddhati ; Vallabha- 
deva’s Subhdsitavail quotes only one verse from the Kalavilasa and this one it 
quotes anonymously. 

28.1.3. The following seven verses attributed in anthologies to the 
Kalavilasa could not be identified in that work: Nos. 200 (SRHt.; Ka.), 
203 (SRHt. Ka; SSSN. Ka. or an.), 211 (SRHt. Ka.), 212 (SRHt. Ka.; SSSN. 
an.), 226 (SRHt. Ka.; SSSN. Ka. or an.), 231. (SRHt. Ka.; SSSN.) and 
240 (SRHt.Ka.). Most of the “new” Kalavilasa verses, which occur in the 
Surya Kalingaraja's Suktiratnahdraj Sayana's Subhasilasudhanidhi do not suit the 
Kalavilasa and are mostly composed in metres other than arya; these verses 
must be considered as doubtful Kalavilasa verses. 

28.2.1. Ad (B.) the C a t u r v a r g a s a m g r a h a. 1 . 13 verses Annex IV; 

Nos. 243-255), quoted in Annex IV were identified in the Caturvarmgasagraha ; 

l. Cf. Paras. 8 No. U and 7.1, 



ten of them are quoted in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali and are attributed to 
Ksemendra, two in the Kavikanthabharana , where they are attributed to mama 
Caturvargasamgrahe and one in the Aucityavicaracarca , where it is attributed to 
mama Caturvargasamgrahe. The verses identified in the CaturvargasamgrahaX 
are as follows: 

Ca tur varga- 


Attributed in: 



Attributed in : 

sathgraha : 

samgraha : 








































28 . 2 . 2 . The Caturvargasahgraha verses quoted in anthologies contain 
only minor variants or no variants at all. 

28 . 3 . 1 . Ad (C.) the Carucarya(sataka) 1 2 (Annex IV; No. 256-328). As 
stated aboveSj the Carucarya (pataka ) must have been a very popular work in 
India, at least from the 13th century onwards* for great parts of it were 
included in the Sariigadhara-paddhati and Harikavi's Subhasitahar avail and 
almost all of the first 72 stanzas in the modern Nitisamgraha . This is under¬ 
standable, since Cdrucaryd(fataka)'s verses are moralistic verses which suit 
anthologies well. Also one verse in group 2 (i.e. quoted in anthologies as 
Ksemendra’s verses which could not be identified in any of the known works 
of Ksemendra 3 , seems to have belonged to the Carucarya (Annex III; 
No. 105). 73 verses quoted in anthologies with or without attributions to 

Ksemendra (all verses quoted in the Nitisamgraha are quoted anonymously) 
could be identified in the Carucarya(Sataka) , thereof 49 in the Nitisahgraha 
only 4 and 24 in classical anthologies. The verses identified in the 
Carucarya(sataka) are: 

1. Cf. Paras. 5 No. 12 and 7.1. 

2. Cf. Para. 17.7. 

3. Cf. Para. 25. 

4. Verses 1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19, 22, 23, 24, 25, 27, 28, 32, 33, 34, 35, 
36, 37, 40, 44, 46, 47, 48, 49,50,51, 53,54, 5?, 60, 61, 62, 63, 65, 66, 67, 
68, 69, 70, 71 and 72. 



Caru- : 


Attributed in : 

Caru- : 


Attributed in : 


Variants: 1 













SP., SH., Nlsam. 
































SP., SH., Nlsam. 












SP., SH,, Nisam. 








SP., SH., Nsam. 












SP., SH., Nlsam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 












SP., SH., Nisam. 












































SP., SH., Nlsam. 
















SP., Nisam. 








SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 
























SP., SH., Nisam. 








SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 






=VCsr. 31.4 











SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 




SP., SH., Nisam. 








SP., SH., Nlsam., 





VP. (an.) 






1. Sometimes also in the Nitisamgraha , viz. verses 2, 6, 10, 11, 18, 20, 21, 26, 29, 30, 31, 
38, 39, 41, 43, 52, 55, 56, 57, 59, 80, 83, 91 and 99. 



car yd 

: No. 


in : 

Variant 1 



. No. 


in : 

Variant 1 














SP., SH. 















— "i 
















































SP., SH. 




























































SP., SH. 




SP., SH. 










28.3.2. AU but one verses of the Cdmcarya (No. 274) quoted in classical 
anthologies contain some variants, while all, but two verses of the 
Garucaryd quoted in the Nitisafigraha only (No. 318 and 327) do not contain 
any variants. 

28.3.3. Only 27 verses of the Carucarya were not quoted in any of the 
classical or modern anthologies. 2 3 

28.4.1. Ad (D) The D a r p a d a l an a?. 15 verses (Annex IV; Nos. 

329-343) attributed in anthologies to Ksemendra could be identified in the 
Darpadalana. They are as follows : 

1. The sign—denotes that no variants in the respective verse was noted; the sign x denotes 
that variants in the respective verse were noted. 

2. Verses 42, 45, 64, 73-79, 81, 82, 84-90, 92-98 and 100. 

3. Cf. Paras. 5 No. 15 and 7.1. 



Darpa -: 

: No.: 

Attributed in : 

Darpa -: 


Attributed in : 











JS., SH. 






JS., SH., SP„ 




Pad. (an.) 



JS., SH., SP. 



JS., SH. 




Pad. (an.) 



JS- \ 



JS., SP, SH., 



JS., SH. 



JS., SH. 



JS., SH., SP. 





All the verses, 

but one (No. 330) 

from the Darpadalana are 

quoted in Bhagadatta Jalhna’s Suktimuktavali (sometimes also in the 
Harikavi’s Subhasitahdrdvali) 9 the Sarhgadhara-paddhati and some in the 
Laksmanabhatta Ankolakara’s Padyaracandj but the latter anonymously. 

28.4.3. The different anthologies contain some important variants 
and only three verses are quoted in anthologies without variants (Nos. 334, 
339 and 342). 

28*5. Ad (E). The D a f a v a t dr a c a r i t a(k a v y a) 1 . Only one verse 
(Annex IV; No. 344) attributed to Ksemendra could be identified in the 
Dafavdtarcarita(kdvya) t viz. verse No. 3; it is quoted in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s 
Suktimuktavali only where it contains minor variants. 

28.6.1. Ad (F.) The Desopadefa 2 9 verses (Annex IV; Nos. 345-353), 
attributed to Ksemendra could be identified in the Desopadefa . They are 
the following : 

Desopade'sa : 


Attributed in : 

DeiopadeSa : 


Attributed in : 





























1. Cf. Paras. No. 17 and 7.1. 

2. Cf. Paras. 5 No. 18 and 7.1. 



28.6.2. Of the nine verses identified in the Desopadesa, eight are from 
the first upadesa and occur in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali and one verse 
is from the fourth upadesa and occurs in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimuktavali 
and the Kavikanthabharana; in the latter case it is attibuted to mama Desopadefe. 
Only that verse and verse No. 347 contain in anthologies minor variants. 

28.7.1. Ad (G). The Brhatkathamanjari 1 . This is an epitome of Guna- 
dhya’s Brhatkatha and is an early lon^ work of Ksemendra. As many as 
fifty-eight verses are specifically attributed in Surya Kalirigaraja’s Suktiratna- 
hdra and Sayana's Subhasitasudhanidhi to the Brhatkathamanjari (Annex IV; 
Nos. 354-411). 

28.7.2. Only ten verses attributed to Ksemendra, or specifically to the 
Brhatkathamanjari , could have been identified in the poem. Unlike other 
Ksemendra’s works the Brhatkathamanjari was probably not in the majority of 
cases the source Of verses attributed to it in Surya Kalifigaiaja^s Suktiratnahara 
and $ayana*s Subhasitasudhanidhi. This conclusion was reached after the 
study of the verses which could not be identified in the Brhatkathamanjari , for 
as many as thirteen verses (out of 48) are certainly not Ksemendra’s verses. 
And so, verse No. 403 is Bharavi’s Kiratarjuniya verse; 2 ; verse No. 355 is 
Harsa's Nagananda verse also quoted in the Hitopadesa; verse No. 370 is a 
Pahcatantra verse which belongs to the oldest recension of the work, the Tan- 
trdkhyayikd; verse No. 384 is a Bhartrhari’s verse; verses Nos. 369 and 391 are 
Manavadharmafastra verses which were also included in Ksemendra’s Nitikal - 
pataru ; 2 verses Nos. 360, 392, 394 398, 405 and 411 are Mahabharata verses and 
No. 383 is a Hitopadesa verse. Doubtful Ksemendra’s verses are No. 357, for 
it belongs to the so-called Canakya’s sayings and is a well-known sententious 
verse and Nos. 399 and 408, for only in one MS. of Surya Kalingaraja's 
Suktiratnahara they are attributed to the Brhatkalhdmanjari , while in other MSs. 
of this anthology and in the Subhasitasudhanidhi they are quted anonymously 4 . 
The rest of the unidentified verses quoted as Brhatkathamanjari’s verses in 
Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi are usually 
sententious verses composed in i/ak-s. 

28.7.3. The verses are attributed to the Brhatkathamanjari in Surya 

p Cf. Paras. 5 No. 5 and 7.1. 

2. Probably due to a scribal error, for the next verse in the Suktiratnahara is attributed in 
the printed text to Bharavi; in the Subhasitasudhanidhi the verse is quoted anonymously. 

3. Amongst other ManavaSastra verses. 

4. The first of these verses is also qouted in the South Indian Vyasasubhdfitasathgraha 
which does not contain any attributions to individual poets. 



Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Say ana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi and most of 
them are doubtful Brhatkathdmanjari* s verses. Four identified Brhatkathdmah - 
jarts verses are attributed to Ksemendra in Bhagadatta Jalhana’s Suktimukta - 
vali , of which one is also so attributed in HarikavFs Subhdsilahar avail and one 
also in the Sariigadhapaddhati; the latter was also included by Kokkoka in 
his Ratirahasya. 



ten verses which 

could have 


identified in the 


are the following : 



Attributed : in 



Attributed : in 

manjari : 

manjari : 























SSSN. (an.) 



JS., = Ratira¬ 



JS, SH. 

hasya 1.1 




28.7.5. The following verses attributed to the Brhatkathdmanjari in 
Surya Kalingaraja’s Suktiratnahara and Sayana’s Subhasitasudhanidhi , which 
could not be identified in the extant of the Brhatkathdmanjari and for which 
no proof exists that they are not Brhatkathdmanjari^ verses are : Nos. 356, 
358, 361, 363, 364, 365, 366 (also quoted anonymously in the Narabharana ), 
367, 368, 372 (also quoted in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitdvali where it is 
attributed to Vallabha), 373, 374, 375, 377, 379 (also quoted anonymously 
in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali) , 380 (also quoted in Vallabhadeva’s Subha- 
sitavali where it is attributed to Vyasamuni), 382, 386, 387, 388, 389, 390, 
393, 395, 396, 397, 400, 401, 402, 404, 406 and 409. 

28.7.6. The variants, particularly amongst the verses attributed to the 
Brhatkathdmanjari are numerous and often important. 

28.8. Ad (H) the Bauddhavadanakalpalata ( Boddha°) or the AvadanakalpalataP • 
Only three verses (Annex IV; Nos. 412-414) attributed by Ksemendra 
himself in the Aucityavicaracarca a s mama Bauddhavadanakalpalata or Bauddha - 
vadanalatika verses are quoted in this Ksemendra’s work of anthological 
character. None of the verses could be identified in the Tibetan 
extant text. 

1. Cf. Paras. 5 No. 2 and 7.1. 



28.9. Ad (I) The SevyasevakopadeSa 1 . Only one verse (Annex IV; 
No. 415) attributed to Ksemendra in Vallabhadeva’s Subhasitavali could be 
identifihd in this work. The text included in Vallabhadeva’s Subasitavali is 
identical with Sevyasevakopadesa 53. 

29. None of the verses of other extant Ksemendra’s works occur in the 
classical anthologies. The fact that none of the Samayamatrka verses is 
quoted in anthologies is noteworthy and surprising, for many verses 
from this satirical work would have suited well the classical and younger 

30. The 415 verses attributed in the three works of the author of 
anthological character and in anthologies are quoted in Annexes I-IV ? as 
explained above in paragraph 18. The abbreviations used in these annexes 
and the bibliography are quoted in Annex V. 

1. Cf. Paras No. 39 and 7.1, 



extant works, as recorded in the treatises 


A. Amrtataranga-kavya (cf. Para 19.1) : 

1-2 RRtfrRTTfsr: 

3T?3T?fiT ffT^rmmsfia: ll Kavi ad 5.1 (50). 


a PnaararsaRasretm: i 
fatfeamsiR cTf*FJ: || Kavi ad 5.1 (51). 

B. Avasarasdra (cf. Para 19.2): 

F^feRT^fr: I 
cm aatfa f^rfrf^nfRRtRt 
RFprRfaRRRarR RRcSTRPT: 11 Auc ad 20 (57). 

C. Kanakajanaki (cf. Para 19.3) : 

4. RRTR: ^^TRfRfRTRT RT^T^sft^ 

wm rrr caaT Rf;paar thst fa*5: sorr i 

RFRl^TRafa R3RR R fma afRTRRTRT RR: II Kavi ad 3.2 (23). 



wfirf^ZTtTJfV *RJTf?*ra!rePIT 
?ff^ mm fF?rfer n Kavi ad 5.1(48). 

®^5©^ftTTf3TTr^^ft'Wt'cfV firvftiter<JT: | 

?TTr?y TrmFpmT: fampnilTTpFTlr wmr 

RrJTrht s#njr>-trJTT ^ftr II Kavi ad 5 I (49). 

7. anfff^njcp^tsrfFr^irsr^.TrtrTSTreiw'fTTn^T- 

ht ¥rcmr^ft-5g1%5gfcr3r5p35rcmcr??rrf3r?T- 

^mT^TOin^Rf^^iRJTriT ^^TP-PTff II Kavi aa 5.1 (57). 

8 . g-r*r^T??rffT^'Jr?rr^f??r5rifaTfqmat^^r- 

^mms^fa^'T^RrcqpimJT 'Trf i 4«7*r@mtm^ i 


Rmaq; 1 9T: I Kavi ad 5.1 (58) JS. 

332.4 (a Ksemendra). 

l. ^ts'remr 

D. Citrabhdratandtaka (cf. Para 19.4) : 


mfKr: tfrffa ftf3t ftfsr ftpraft *§F<»i^m i 
qmrrrrrt ^Tmnmfer^^'t 

far^wr% ^nTPrf5rrrqmm»Tfegf5: ll Kavi ad 3. 2 (19), SMS 5787. 


^TcfT^irTmfafa^SmfmsrH^: I 
^ mr m tm ?<prf<T srgffvm qfamrpr 

3T^<TPTt *prfa faffamr RgrTTR ll Auc ad 31 (88). 

11. Ffm i 

CO c > 

3P%C£SEf srm^r ar^^^FdTTmTR ll Kavi ad 5.1 (43), Suvr ad 3.16 
(a. mama). 



E. Nitilata (probably different from Nitikalpataru ) (cf. Para. 19.5): 

12. fqsrHfH.pH^HTfafVr: 

SfWTfT: RTHRH=P9THf 5Tfiqqs.% fsR: | 


ffffSTff’HHqqrii? RTHtfifas 11 Auc ad 22 (68). 

13. X: sr®TTcT3r?: Herr f^Rrf^nt ^crTfsJTflfeJTt^' 

(im fa^TR 1 

q; qrqi^R^iRq srfaq# fqfRR tTRifqq 

p'Vqiqqfq^fd^sq^qf^ h far ll Auc ad 19 (52). 

14. w’lTTflffarf rhhsh: fqr«rf 

imffTtPTfRTTfiT *rm>qt«RrfiT 1 

ERqfasRffisn' hr 35 

HqH'HRTH ll Auc ad 21 (67). 

15. ^HfTrfWffHHHPTq^: 1 ^HtrgFHTfH 0 !: 

fHHPT HStHHHf 5PTlf%HT crtewTcTlH I 

^HTrqTqffTqftlHT 3)HHHt ^TT^ft HfsTOT f*q%: 11 Auc ad 16 (33). 

(1)KM edition has 

F. Padjiakadambari (cf. Para. 19.6) : 

16 . a*SR ^f^fTT^TfSTf^f^Tar^rtH ffff 
HT7: 31T<T StRoPT?: sp*?: ff'sfTqrr'TH: | 


3fRf: snHftpn^RH^WT: H HRT ^(X: II Kavi ad 5.1 (46), SMS 267. 

17. 3Tf SH^RTfcR^THSTfa 6HHf5T 

qms afar: ^Tfa^FR 1 qlHSTTHt qpfFT: I 
sr^ qWr 2 Hif% nfa 

HRT: HH H 3 RT faHT Rif*? 11 

Kavi ad 3.2 (16), SP 3474 (a. Ksemendra), PG 354 (a. Ksemendra), 
SSB 125.52 (a. Ksemendra), JS 157.6 (a. Rajasekhara), SR 289.48 
(a. Kavi), SMS 332. 

1. PG. 2. %oft SP, SSB, SR., JS. 3. atfq Sp, SSB, SR. 



18. Wfatf 

PTRTSJ^: ?JnR5r^JTtiT^r I 

II Kavi ad 4.1 (27), SMS 803. 

19. fafacr ff^cwro^R^imfa't fef^m 

•T*ffftl5: feTcffiTfolfa: fgfaRn STIW^mf f»R; I 

TT*fT^~^f ; T9f|jf'*T; swr^rfcfflFeriSTOT 

angrar <TT*T cWI TfcT^: HM gWTT ^4: II Kavi ad 3.2 (21), SMS 1008S 

20. rT^F-ftT^ ^q^fTOft fT gu3Tt%fa cFT 

qporaqtfq EtfqJuMrf um fnT'F?mipf^^ 

?!TT71TF'T 4 3: fg?T4 ^fOT; ipq qfaqgq^ |l Kavi ad 4.1 (25). 

21. facqTErf f5!Tfr«rcreir fRVT: 

cersrrJTRft 5rq: I 

g-«Hq ^qr^fiqr^rr -q^TqqT g^g 

4447 ^fagf^r fcqq^q c^RmfncT II Kavi ad 3.2 (18). 

22. *RT RT c *i 4 JTfftTqsf epTWT ^flsfcr ETST fT 5cT 
W'TTfr ^R^fq'sr^rsmTfTHt smTTftnTR^: i 

Tff ^fafkfiTfiR'SS^itf % g-RTPUT #7 |l Kavi ad 5.1 (35). 

23. F?rfir srar^r q?q) 

sptn’R 4Tl9: | 

fet’H' f*T f^'OT’JT 

^t?0Tf»T^ SPRl% TraTir II Kavi ad 5.1 (38). 



Pavanapancatika (cf. Para. 19.7): 


SpSR^TTWTRlfsrcsrT Tcrf^T?«r^S^t *F?jqT^T: II SuvF ad 3.22 (91). 



H. Muktavali (cf. Para. 19.8) : 

25. am 4^444: qsrrfsiq: 



4T<T4T ^4 f44Tf4T 'TI^TT: II Auc ad 29 (84). 

26. faim^r 5ftfqfqqqf444ts4r4 5 qf^: 

f44t% WTsrmt erq^fq fqqi: srferfeqq 1 


apf 454^4 eifwHHmgTJrT^ 

^ft^ten^-q^qurff^Aw: qfTqJT; II Kavi ad 5.1 (42). 

I. Munimatam imams a (cf. Para. 19.9) : 

27. apj^m^TfWTOqJr 4rqqqft4Tf?4T 

fjTC’JT fsrfnrsraT 44 arrfqq i 

4f 4*41^4^44 W4 tf^qq^qr; 44T 

5 T^ 4^44*4*4 qfiqqTTfqT fqqpqT f«qq: II Auc ad 37 (100). 

28. armR SRrT <qq?qfq 44 44FqqRFq^ 

4>^' qmsfq 4 ■^'fl"^qf^qrrT'^Tp*mrq 44: i 

fq-wfqqqq: fiftraiw: wst qq: 

5rT«rfcnif55ftfT5ft^5ftm?nfq qwiqcrm n Auc ad 24 (72), sms 4421. 


Erar?cmt gqfqrqT sftffq qtcqqftq) i 

fqafaT^qqqrrqqfmqqqT ?qr;nqqT?rs^fTT 

STFRq^PR'bnT q J^cT 444 ^T# 44: II Auc ad 33 (92), SMS 8845. 

30. 54,4444 4I4T4t 4r fstf 444 44 

445 4^4FT5T 4Rrfc44 c 44 4IT4t I 
4T445T4 5?4T4T 4T 44lf4 cT4Tf4 4T 
5r4fgg9T4T4s|^ 44 4^Tr44f4 II Auc ad 16 (44). 

31 . 

4r'5V4^ o 44T444'4f44: *414*4 4P4T*fforgr 
404 ^T J 444T4444f4 44 ?ft4444 fq^RT: I 

4?*rf4 4^4 t?4449rcs4Tf4 ! 4tf: 44: II Auc ad 17-18 (48). 



32. =## qfaqt 

5zn??qisnqT«Tlfq qnrr: ff^PT: l 

tfq ^TCcTC q Sfpq qfiffir qftR^ cl? 

<PT ^frTfqwq'qnRfqq faqsrq sfffecPT II Auc ad 23 (70), SMS VII. 

33. ^WPqf^?ra«Tqf<prrPTT sqrKtfqrBTffiT: 
q^rfe^T^q qwrq , q q TjflqFftqsirqTqf: i 
*?f|q%qTfcr5r*q: £;firfafTcr fq^^swqr: 

RqRq^qpqTfaqftnpRq; qqq tftefcr q-qr: n Auc ad 17-8 (49). 

34. qm^qqqrfwgfa^ §r q?tr ?r 3 ^%- 

-JTJFTTSTrg- gvr^Jir 5RfTcf qrqRT em-JT: I 

»q=qcqTsqnqq^ , qq^Fq:qq*qqK ftqqq 11 Auc ad 10 (29). 

35. FF^n% fq^T^Trcfqm^qrRSRmor 
f?T TTCT?rq9T?r qfe f?T vftTTq ^ srmit i 
q^mrfq'qr q;qnwrw™qqqra fqq 


ft? "ftcf n-frfTTqmqqFfq^^IT^rT: q?I: ll Auc ad 37 (101). 

36. wfrfi: WciTcrf arm CT«rzrrt ^J^fqqfrfrr 
srq ?R°rqT qfa: q^qt fqarnRr sfcprm 1 1 
iqrff q3^qrcTt qq: qTfqtqi qfcqqq GPW 

qSTrtrafcTtTT fq7T frfTR ST qtqifq qtqrif crm || Auc ad 33 (93). 

(1) gftwrm KM edition. 

37. jftsij? q'Tqfaij: qq^qfafsrewfa: qr&qqrqff 
^srrsr srqcqcr ®rqq% srft 3?rr ^ i 
sffacsriiS srfftfq ?^fqqq: qmfr 

qrrefRT fqqqqsmfqqt qrq?fqrqm#^: || Auc ad 26 (76). 

38. fqfqsjq^qqKtpqqqRwrtq 
^fqFqrF^fqFqcjqqc^TB' q f%for i 
frqqfqqfqqR qrcifqq q^qq 

3Tffqfq qq^qqfffiqqq qfa: n Auc ad 34 (94). 


39. sr^rfHfkrqTT: 999^19 
99tsc9T999 99 f'Rfcr 94^9 9 fsp$r gf4: i 

c9c9l?49 994r99T9F9Tf9 999* 

9fR9$9 spt 9T 999f9 99T5 ! 999TfoT9 II Auc ad 16 (42). 

40. 99f9T94r9r s 99?9 fsr*Rf 9>c9rf94rr9?9 f% 

9rT9f9R9 f?^<it: : I 

9-9949 9r^grcgrfq^99>9TF5m979?^r ^ 

Wf^rTfe^r JT9Tf?9 f9g¥T: 9ftrT94999 3rf9 II Auc ad 16 (39). 

41. 94 w»T^rr«nT: 5 : 551 #: 9419 

4 T 4734 R9Tf9 ^ 39 ; 499 ; 9904 9 49 1 

$f*9 joq-g^ f?«ri%!T 5 99T %39)9| 9TTF99T 

HT9T9 maT^!# 99THT99 91: 9c9 =4 f4r9 4 99 II Auc ad 25 (74). 

J. Lalitaratnamala (cf. Para. 19.10) : 

42. fart w pjstPt flrirwfir uPr ott f?gf9 4 44f43' I 
9*9? %f% 49T 89*9 4 99^ 99?c94r f99'f99 
ef9TTra99T Tr9?9er5T'Te9Tft9 Tc9T99)T 

f4:9^4 ’TTT'f^'Tfw 4T9lf9 4T 9199 II Auc ad 21 (66). 
(1) Ks(RP) has 99f99 l 

K. Laoanyavati (cf. Para. 19.1 1) : 

43. 3R9 931 f9 c9 f9*9f9e9rat *T 

99 999 frTTIST: 9494*-|'49T9T9 | 

?f9 9f9999c9 JT7$3irenT9n 

f999f9 ^5^: 9TF99 f 95T4^5t |l Auc ad 35 (96), SMS 817. 

44. fqgf?T 9f99 9| (9994 f99f?99T^ f9 
999 9T9T9^mfnf4 9t 91419^4^991 I 
91419*9*991991 9T9f99* g c 9!5949f9r4*- 
cg4?9T 4lf4f9999: 9 94919I94#F*99: II Auc ad 35 (97). 
(1) K? (RP) has °9199: 



45. RR ?ftc4nfTift %TOt 

ffTO^T 3?T: 3R fa2%RfTOT tfftTOT I 
sfrorr ?R^f^f^^5rr?T^ftc?frrqt^ srnf 
ff^rf^rasrftwRta cOpf TOT ^T^RTO II Auc ad 16 (27). 

46. ^l^fa’SrTOfTTTOr RrTO ^T?q'lf%rn 
rNr fasfcr^TTfTOT ^«Tfcr'5r^iTR«T^ I 
*T5pffFJTi PtFto TO|9ir l?TOfera tow 

<TT fWTO: ^TOTfTOTTOTWTWT# pRSlT «TT : II Auc ad 36 (98). 

47. tortt; sir fTOTOmsrRrrftfTO 
TO^WTff: eWT^TO^TOTW) *TgpT W: I 

W fTO 3R1TT ^TOTOTOFT STTOfa II Auc ad 20 (56), Kavl ad 3.2 (20). 

48. whpajsmH; 4 ^rfa to Ft mf?r^rr iTfw 

t t srtfsiTOT frmfa fatR-r w^sfw fror i 

^34r^T TOWTrTOTOT ?mfnT5frr TTTRFTt 

fflTOlTfTOWt: spTtffT WJW^JTTTOT^TOW II Auc ad 16 (26). 

49. FfPTt fcTotfV aYenf fru^TO 

^ffrF?F^ffmTft5ffT*rfbr: i 

rrarw-fr s'qrferf'rr Pm i^tow 

TO't R61T %n: wrsrfa fra ^trarcr^5WT*T ll Kavi ad 3.2 (22). 

L. Vatsjiayanasutrasdra (cf. Para. 19.12) : 

50. 4TO: qrnf TOTOTOrra<ra?frarwt 
srwPjwfawTOTO: sfara wrafTT w; i 
?»enraif7 F^tfryiTT TOwfar^r^f 

TOTTfijsra ^FWTffTfRTTORTOR TOTT II Auc ad 39 (106), SMS 9568. 

M. Vinayavalli (cf. Para. 19.13) ; 

51. %cff torr Pitot fromr 

sfw wror: ^TOT 5rraF^ 

W: 4ftW4n%TOTOi?>TO II Auc ad 1.12 (5); 



52. R fatffosrzrgTlfT: 


qq^OTiTW^cTTfa - : II Auc ad 1.12 (6). 

N. SaSivamfamahakavya (cf. Para. 19.14): 

53. 3TO' offfsTfcT TSTfT 

at nit <T3?m JT5IKT sTrTcTt RT qt ftarfd I 

tlrtRT *rfer: qf^urm 

^umftsr srqvrsqrr rsm trnfar ^Rr: n Kavi ad 3.2 (24). 

54. ^^3arsTwkf*Tfar^f?rar sjmftfaq 
trifa? rfr? mrrtmwA mrfm) qm: i 

vS ^ 

q^rqiqfqq'^'S'qT'iqW ’P 

«br: ¥T5Pf^f qTFTWqfcRW: ftqqq II Kavi ad 5.1 (56). 

55. mgqf^sfq rr q;:rqq qtaqr: tjrti: qt; 
qqfrrff«TcTcTTTq?T srfq qqf TiqRpRftsrqT: i 
qqt>srf'q fq^rqqnqqqqrgf^qqrfeqlq 

qtsqq f^srffcr q yrqft q Tqqqqr n Kavi ad '6.2 (17). 

56. ^tT: qf'rT qfPjrn': <ptT 3HT7 qfj?q: 

*re?n qrfrfT qrqrayf qgqf: Tn^qqrqrr: Peru: i 

-tppt n. fart* fqqqqqqfq: TOlfs qVqrfutt 

qtsfcqq ^fqfqtjquf tjqfqfqq^tT qq gqq: | Kavi ad 3.2 (15). 

57. ftq^qTqqsrrs^ qtqqq^srqTfaqVqTqq 

£r fqq^q-^iq^ i 
aRqpqrfqgtsrtM ?q*qqfc 

cRT qq M): faq^t"^q^gtqttqf^q 5rTtS^fq: |l Kavi adAA (26). 




58. m =3333*1 f3T?3TT: 
sftfaTT f333t33T3TT: I 
3Tf*3 TT’JT33tf33lll3T 

*3133)333313^331: Suvr ad 2.12-3 (34), SMS 712 (cf. Para 21.3). 

59. 3TT3TSTJ3T3 fRPT3R 
333^^3^33*% I 

TT 3f3: 'if-IT TT3f33T? || Suvr ad 2.15 (37) (cf. Para 21.3). 

60. irm srrifrrTTFw^nrrr^'ft^nrH- 
fs^¥3¥f33T3?:33)<;f:3T3?;3T: i 

S^R?f3^TJpr3fT33t fasmT: II Suvr ad 2.27 (56), SMS 8324 
(cf. Para 21.3). 

61. ^339?333TfaU3)'T3 
frf*T3 qtf3 33T fTO* 333 I 


P33333lf3 39lif3 3 3)f333 II Suvr ad 2.18 (41), SMS 8649 

(cf. Para 21.3). 

62. 33 FTfa'?9TT t 3 f*F3 I 

3 Srtafa 3>3R3f33 33 II Suvr ad 1.11 (2) (cf. Paras21.1; 21.2.3). 

3*rf3T 33T: 333 3^331: I 
f33T33^3f33I P33Tp3 ^ 

^31339^3331 33)f33T: II Suvr 1.26 (15), SMS VIII (cf. Paras 

21.1; 21.2.3). 



64. 99T9 9 T99T $9: 99f99**r9T^: 99T 

999 999%94>: f«T^raT»T %59 99t: I 


sr?: frrjR-qftfrfrffT^ 9^9 II Suvr ad 1.32 (21), SMS VIII 

(cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

65. fsfrft 99c%9 99W9S9T 
9F%9 Prfw FT#9 I 


99TC99T9 5F99T99TSTT 

ll Suvr ad 1.19 (9) (cf. Paras 21.1, 21.2.3). 

66. rf^fjT 9*99%% HHTTOR^f 
STI'% «T^5W^qrF>^0T I 

spff^y fa^facTT 1J: II Suvr ad 1.29 (18), SMS VIII 

(cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3) . 

67. 99 7f9999T 4T9 99TTT ITT I 

9f99T9 99 939E9T II Suvr ad 1.10 (1) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

68. ijft apiPTst 9T99 *T^*T 

wt frrf^r ff? 'Erwl'ft i 

9 |:9t£TT9T 599% ; SW- 

919)996 9^srs3TTf93Tf?9 |l Suvr ad 1.18 (8) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 


srfsrsrsrfor 9T9 9K$*Rft 5^99 1 

3999994 sf 9 TtfTTjft 9 Tf 9 T 9 r 

fcfsT fcfTT ^cT^f^mf^Rt 9FT 11 Suvr ad 1.30 (19) 



Paras 21.1, 

70. 9 99% 9T9) 99r9T 
faf9% 999f?Rfa: I 
9999999 ) SWtr 1 

9^90^99199 II Suvr ad 1.16 (6). (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 
(1) The KM ed. has 9T9> 


71. aqfir 

safqsrfaraq; qfrqTfra: i 


facPfrT: ^?5T|?r ^Tfsraa 

rRfa qg^ffafa: ll Suvr ad 1.27 (16) (cf. Paras 21.1, 21.2.3). 

72. a ?nrOTBT: «bi% qtqprqa wftqq 
j^a gfa rrrar?%*f ag: srferaft^cT i 
ft?trf«T qrPTT ^r^PT 5T«JTqfa aPT^T 

'^srfaaifrift II Suvr a<af 1.33 (22) (cf. Paras 21.1, 

21.2.3) . 

73. fasr^sr^f^rr^orfa^a^VfinsrT: 
jrfqqsrar gsrt^aqq qqaT qqqq i 
E fr«r*r erref ^qqftTTrqaaf araar 

'STfTrTW^^sr fR a II Suvr ad 1.31 (20) (cf. Paras 21.1; 

21.2.3) , 

74. ffmcri «r*rar fqfairjgTaT 
sfqwt qfRrcipfoq: i 
aggat qq gar ww 

Wtm 'qqqrqqa’Rqq II Suvr ad 2.1» (42) (cf. Para 21.3). 

75. C5ftqq%?r sr¥«iarqT fq?Faf 
JTRTarpT qrfqqlqf qsjTqr I 
are 1 aa>r qqg'jp^rrfaqTq 

=q;^q qqRq qrar ll Suvr ad 2.10 (32) (cf. Para 21.3). 
(1) K§(RP) has BTS (wrongly) 

76. ^P*T*THc*n \ 

gqf qqmqr i 
^afqaTOT qtqfqqtqr 

wnrat «ft: I Suvr 1.17 (7) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 




iTSScT ^c^fTT *W I 

fa*5fa %fr% '^RTW^ 1 

^TWsrJTT^^sO' EpTr^ft II Suvr ad 1.20-1 (10) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

(1) Ks (RP) has 

78. HrTT Tfl'tfPm^JFTT'TT 

sfhn nrsTf^rf^cn i 

fsrtpTI nrhfrsrrRrfft ^q- %crr || Suvr ad 1.22 (11) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 


WsrerfiT ^Tfjqfjqqrf 

II Suvr ad 2.16 (38) (cf. Para 21.3). 


t qf? ufa^S: 9%TT?IT^JT«TT: I 
rfq; fa fir<qT famf-wr: qn-ffa afael air 

TT^T3TI7cTr ^frffT fafWT 9?Pft 'TTfatPRTT II Suvr ad 1.35 (24) (cf. Paras 
21.1; 21.2.3). 

81. 9r^^99r99l9^'9ilf^4'4jr'4? s 49- 

%9r; x i 

^^rrr«T^q^r s 9fiT^r9^: ffptfacT: 

sr^rr 9rifa 9TTf ?lfa#tfea9 li Suvr ad 1.36 (25) (cf. Paras 

21.1; 21.2.3). 

(1) K?(RP) has %5R: 

82. *rnfN:5Tp(T3«hhT:fiRrT5tf 

[rj o^Tstt f»T'9'H ) ' j i sr +i 5t> u i 1 I 

yg qp rr tfRfirqrsr^fquft <sft: ll Suvr ad 1.28 (17) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.2). 



83. SRH 9PRT ^ riTUT: RTrRTRfRr I 

Jr^tcR^Tt RtmTRcn RfRPT R5T$r fag-RTlSTr ll Suvr ad 1.12 (3) (of. Paras 
21.1; 21.2.3). 

84. RRT *P§5ffa: R fasTRsnfT: RTTRRff 
er«rr 3rr?r ^rmr snrepprenrr qfcwfir i 
?RT!ff ?TfTTTKTf?TRTT^TT tflsPTT*! 

fafaWT 5^1 ^ m fsntfT'Jft ll Suvr ad 1.34 (23) (cf. Paras 

21.2; 21.2.3). 

85. TcTff^RTT^JFT^T * 

fa HFTP : I 

aftsq% aprfcr *nr§fa^R ll Suvr ad 1.24 (l3) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

86. ^RR4R>*TR>RT3nft 

TRTTfwrfafrTR i 

s\ *1 

tsrq^Rfagwt T«fr 

RTqref reft^aT ll Suvr ad 1.23 (12) (cf. Paras 21.2; 21.2.3). 

87. 'T'R w?T %35T»T I 

a RiT crtftpPIT^ srfcr rPT SPTFRf'T II Suvr ad 1.13 (4) (i f. Paras 21.1; 

88. 5r5^rrJTJ5r?^rrRp^i'm- 

rt?r faaffar ^r: 

RR>^cReRvfTeftRRT«TT: ll Suvr ad 2.11 (33; (cf. Para 21.3). 

(1) Ks (RP) has r?RRffpT5c%RRTt J ; KM has ffRRSfRRc%R^° 

89. sRTRsrfa rwt sttort: 

RPRRRR9%: Rft^TCr: I 
MI ti<cR Ph^H fq sujRTTT: 

STTRR: ^RRRtSR^nr : ll Suvr ad 2.15 (36) (cf. Para 21.3). 



90. itftf 

f fef-i *Tfa<T£: I 



5fc4 ^fa^TST: f^JTf^sfjfy 3**r Tinl f'Tm: II Suvr ad 2.42 (75) 
(cf. Para 21.3). 


f?T?ife*rW*mTT: I 

s X 

3TTT®sr: sTnrfacr ^wtot onrcmw 

ScTr* ?Plfaf*n**r sft^PT: II Suvr ad 2.19 (44). (cf. Para 21.3). 

91. fT7^rap;ml7R5fwFT( 

3T5T>r tr i 


tpjarfT^rrvtirgrvwiffTrr ll Suvr ad 2.9 (30) (cf. Para 21.3). 

93. ¥*TT«TTrTfr ^T: 

*PFT: ^i?fif%9^IFTfrPT: I 

Tftrftsa; T'TT^T: (J9?r II Suvr ad 1.25 (14) (cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

^TT^f WcWfau Hd^orspmrrT *T>a?T?cqr I 
affiTTfcT SJTW5^rTT^f^?ra5fl^r5f^^T^JJT 

afferent r^refr«i?Y 11 Suvr ad 1.37 (26) 

(cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 

96. ?^'r fa^np ?§fa: srr^sfa yrihm 

«rtsu spfaf%? fe^nfa ?rrw?pmm ^%ct i 

> > «\ 

c«TW«i|!T ^frfir ^tTJTT’JT>B? 

*F> JJ^spn *T»T «PPT: ll Kavi ad 2.1 (9) 

(cf. Paras 21.1; 21.2.3). 




9(5. 3Tf 

3??3: %qf7’ T3f37kd7^r% : I 

srTTrr:#: 2 qf7<Tt33T33f3?r f3:73^faf%P377 

«(7%3 f3*l3^( ? 3333: 35%5T% II VS 756 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 258 

(cf. Para 24). 

(1) 3Trfa%>% VS (var.); (2) 3T79TT3: VS (var.) 

97. aratsst ssfa 1 q;?3 3%m fft^nmr ^ 2 1 
TWlfT 93331: 93 P9 ?f\sfd 3 II 

SRHt 194.77 (a. (?) Ksemendra), SkV 1687 an., SR 163.467 (a. H), 
SSB 495.467 an., Sama l*r 44; 2 w 63 an., GSL 10 an., IS 231, 
SMS 1141 =HJ 2.2 (cf. Para 23). 

(1) sratSST: 9393: H, SkV, SR, SSB, Sama, GSL, IS, SMS. (2) 

H ( var,), SR, SSB, Sama, GSL. (3) 5ffT3cTF or SfTfefrT H ( var.). 

98. 3r'T*m4*'jfaf*RffT5I ^OTFpr 4TTtftT 

49 44% 494 9!?T9<%9 I 

wranjen^prfer ft 5 T: 9t339439 939T9 
f4:49: £3 f3?rf9 ?jf49t l| 

VS 3202 (a. Ksemendra), SR 67.54 an., SSB 334.55 an., SMS 2171 
(cf. Para 24). 

99. 3T9f9999Tc9r99 arfSPrPT ?3TfcT 9T I 
cTmTrRf^fq 1 fq:f3^T 9tS97%f9 93% II 

VS 3370 (a. Ksemendra), SRHt 139.7 (a. Vallabhadeva), SMS 2924 
(cf. Paras. 24; 25). 

(1) 3T9Tc979Tf9 SRHt (Better) 

100. 3T9Tr7: 3r^rT73”7^'TT?r qfr^rm 1 

f49ft%3% 2 93 % ^ 9 99 9§99t: 3 1 

3R7SPT 49T%7f9 99T975ft7 4 

%a> 3# ffS9 f?3T3% 5 33 % 537% 11 

SH 866 (a. Ksemendra); SH 62* an., SkV 1344 an., JS 414.12 an., 



SRHt 57.6 (a. AR), SSSN 46.4 (a. Ruyyaka), JSub. 263.4, 

SR 93.94 (a. Kpr.), SSB 378.103 (a. Kpr.), AR 198.3-6, ARJ 183. 
3-6, Kp2 9.369; KaP 295.2-5, KH 272.10-4, ASS 10 . 5 , Kavyan 
13.16-9, Amd 221.588 and 315.911, SMS 3084 (cf. Para. 23). 

(1) °W4T: qfore: SkV, trfard Amd 315.911, ASS; (2) Amd 

315.911, SkV; (3) *RPTOT: Amd, ASS; (4) 4Rrf*T4gfK JS, SRHt, SSSN, 
JSub, SR, SSB, AR, x-\RJ, Kpr, KaP, KH, ASS, Kavyan, Amd (var.) 
(5) sr»T4f% AR. 

101 . srcfafew: qpd’prpr 1 4T 

a 4ft? 441545 4 
qrrtlc'fl^t 4 fezvin TTfsrnr 5 11 

JS 143.19 (a. Kscmendra or Kscmesvara), SH 2018 (a. Ksemavara), 
Skm (Skm (B) 746, Skrn (BOS) 2.35.1) (a. Abhimanyu), SMS 3241. 
(cf, Para. 23). 

(l) 4TPT 4P44T Skm; (2) qipT jpftr«T: (4) °TtTTTtrf (4) 4F qfolTTHt SH; 
(5) CTfeiftJT (°*ft:) Skm. 

102. arrant fprip^ sfft 444 w*ftf% =4 

®4T4tT sriTI PcfbfTaT VTlon i I 

TlfTpftqfdf^trgf^TiTST iflSfpRR 2 fsRT 

TPTH 4; 5WfTT4)s4firftT 4t :j ?n4<T: 4T yxrrssrfTT: II 

Pad 7.39 (a. Kscmendra), Re II 14 (p. 198) (a. Kscmendra), Skm 
(Skm(B) 33-1, Skm (POS) 1.67.4) (a. Ksemcsvara), SR 16.10 an., 
SSB 27.11 an. = Ksemesvara's Naisadhananda nataka 1 (P. Peteron’s 

Report III), p. 341, SMS 4361. (cf. Para 22.) 

( 1) apsftor 3Tft Skm; 3T?ft Re II; (2) ?ft?r?T5T Skm, Re, Nai ? a°; ?fr5T- 
ftr?m 0 SR, SSB, (3) Skm, SR, SSB, Re, Nai ? a°. 

A Ksemesvara^s verse. 

103. strut EPTr^^ftprr fasuT fw?T4?ft 

ftra?IT: I 

3^4T!454r^PT: R^rRTfT^TT 2 

^SJPTnT?r4r>^r: sfaq? 'fTfcr fsrWWf ll JS 415.3 (a. Kscmendra) SH 
845 an, 41* an, SMS 4617 (cf, Para 24), 



(1) JS (suggestion); 345T4T SH; SH ; (3) farDTUPT 

SH 545. 

104. 3 rretrrcfr 5 ^T 4 ^% 5 f 

?f49 on 1 rWi *i«n f<w: 1 i 
f^trf^nTTrtRm^TfefTsrsr^^^T: 8 

**TjffT4 cfifaffcT 444T: li JS 217.25 (a. Ksemendra), 

SP 3853 (a. Ksemendra), SG 536 (a, Ksemendra), RJ 1240 (a. 
Ksemendra), SSB 211.1 (a. Ksemendra), SR 339.124 (a. SP), 
SuSS 333 an., SMS 4812. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) 0 crlBW¥raTF55T: SR, SSB; (2) 4TCT SP; (3) SP, SR, SSB. 

105. STFRTpf 44 44r«T4sK4 I 

TTfT'IRRt^ fcT: li JS 404.18 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1080 

(a. Ksemendra), and 600 an., SMS 4925 (cf. Paras 24, 25). 

106. 3nwmif45f^f4?47rg^r ^rtrafTcTf^fT: 

^^af^TRpftvrfurfrr: wcflu^r 44: 1 
f^41 f^MoPftirdT'Tf^ir K^sfq- fTT:4^fTT 

*f)WPR: II VS 3479 (a. Ksemendra), Kavi 
ad 5.1(62) (a. Laksmanaditya), SMS 5432 (cf. Para 22.2). 

107. gtfa 1 flf44T TBit 2 T?fi t^rr^fa 4 3 \ 

R^IT^F'TdTII SRRU 881 (a. Kgemendra), 

SRHt 209.3 (a. Vallabha), VS 220 an., SPR 9.16.30 an., SRM 1.1.41 
an., SSNL 87 an., SRS 2.1.38 an., SR 45.19 an., SSB 301.20 an., 
SRK 13.25 an., SSap 665 an., (cf. KHpk 299.448 an., Kpr 7.244 
an., KaP 227.1-2 an., Sah ad 7.575 (224) an., Rasaganga 623.1-2, 
Sama 13 13 an., NBh 26 an., Any 5.40 an., IS 1237, Subh 61 an.), 
IS 6874 cd/ab =Cr 1267, P(PtsK 2.7 cdjab, PD 315.224), StsM 
14.8-9, SMS 6734,6775 (cf. Para. 23). 

(1) ^ SRS, SR, SSB, SRK, SSap, Cr,P, StsM; (2) TtB RfaeTT SRHt, 
SRM SSNL; (3) TtB iT4T?4irfa ( 0 tT4 or °trq-) =4 VS, SRHt, SSNL, 



108. 33PT qrfejft ^>T ? crT %fa: gfrT ^«TT I 

fffaT ^fcTsFhf: f?«RT: II JS 303.4 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 

6894 (cf. Para. 24). 

109. 3'T^gf<r^4:- 1 
^crmTFI^TWqTcT 2 I 
Pr?rfc ^ffsq 

flfsftr cTTcT fUcT^T 4 II SP 4051 (a, Ksemendra), Pad 84.2 (a. 

Ksemendra), VS 2336 (a. Damodaragupta), PV 800 (a. Ramajit), 
RJ 1306 an , SR 364.32 an., SSB 256.46 an., SRK 292.11 (a. 
Rasikajivana), SRM 2.2.321 an., (v. Kav. p. 47), SMS 7096 
(cf. Paras. 24, 25). 

(1) sq^rfi 0 Pad, PV, RJ, SR, SSB, SRK, SRM; (2) faSTO® SRK, 

(contra metrum ) (3) f| SP, SRK; (4) fq mfr sft 

fq^fB VS (contra metrum). 

110. ir%s?r sTTB^q^ q^ 4 R^ 34: qx 1 

ff«f ft*ffi** mfiw 37: %fT 3frai^ ll SP 4137 (a. Ksemendra), SSB 
269.31 (a. Ksemendra), SR 372.145 (a. &P), SMS 7655, (v. AP 20, 
ZDMG 27.629) (cf. Para. 24). 

111. qRRf sfW w^sqrrftrciTJT 1 i 

tr^eTTTTrCTT 2 <unrw: %q fafacT: ll JS 310.35 (a. [?] Ksemendra), 
SRHt 140.1 (a. Manasollasa), SSSN 127.1 (a. Manasollasa), SP 

4044 an., VS 2324 an., SR 45.1 (a. JS), SSB 300.1 an., SMS 

9317 (cf. Para. 23). 

(1) °fq7irarfa 0 VS; °^ferq JS(var); SRHt; (2) 3TTSTSmftJT 

SRHt, sssn, sp, vs, sr, ssb. 

112. Fqj sfaiqfspT'srqj'wfcRTfirasFgfaT 

ir i 

srarafflm: f^qT^qzq: *r«m; wr 

q^zf^r f*RrOT?RrTi|% tfctf ^TRENTT: ll VS 3043 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
10127 (cf. Para. 24). 

113. f% qfe f?TT: ST^rnTT^Tef 

qr^TsR;qirMw: fern qfe i 

Pf ^ f & qr? irf? -sn^cr 

fqir qn^tBf'qqJfiTJTf? qn;: II JS 420.13 (a. Ksemendra), 



SMS 10304 (cf. Para. 24). 

114. JdTfwd fdddt fdddsfddd dd: I 

dfafcfdddT sPTTcrT dtdtSd dFddddTd II JS 303.3 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
VI (cf. Para. 24). 

115. ^>5 %s5rrsrfTm?Tncr jdvrdiddTFTfd i 

stPt dd ft^rar^r ll VS 3371 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
VI (cf. Para 24). 

116. qV^r4T0Tfrr fadiPfid: 1 

spidtfsEtd 2 ar dfddedddnrerd ll JS 413.5 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
VII (cf. Para 24). 

117. iffcrf ^r^diwddddsrdtaf^di dfraid 
gft?r Tr^$®$didid^>ftd*ddTf*di^«T 1 

Tidf % o R3n?mr^R°ft»ftcr k fod dcd-irr 

dfddfefFfd d d*d ^jfdT: 4dd: f^d: fax: ll VS 3323 (a. Ksemendra), 
SMS VII (cf. Para 24). 

118. ^V^ifsgfir 2*0 srwr^*r 3 i 

^=2^: WdftdTdl ft 5 dflrrrfdddt ll vs 223 (a. Ksemendra), SR 

46.76 (a. VS), SSB 303.78 an., SMS VII (cf. Para 24). 

119. 3Ffq; dsir dddfg%c£% 
dd ^fadlfd dd JJdTdt I 
d diddl'd# d ddd- 

eddFddfdfdd |d f: ddfdd 11 JS 456.74 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VIII 
(cf. Para 24). 

120. did #TdTfjfdT^dfddT ^dl^dTfdfeddT 
d^^T fddtfdTddddT frctsfd qpaf fd: I 
irdldd^ dfo ^ddlfd dddt dd TT d?d< 

dfcd^dd SRftddd SdRdTfd dt %fd fod II VS 2151 (a. Ksemendra), 
SMS VIII (cf. Para 24). 

Annexes 6i 

121. 3 rr?r ^T^rrsrJT^: t£t|«t: fadfar ^ i 

TO 3<NTRnfddT: fait dfadfad: II JS 408.50 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
VIII (cf. Para 24). 

122. srpTs?3mr%r from ffro a ^tt 

HcJTsrprftr fa^rnr^aar Trn i 

9TOrrmafTO?adT a a 1 faRTf? fa’pd'Rg) 

RTiTR f aiaaT fr afacrr RT dST ll VS 1 122 (a. Ksemendra), 

SMS VIII (cf. Para 24). 

(1) or a d VS (var.) 

123. ataaaga tot agterr jaaftaaT: 1 i 

Ft Tfd'ST; dd 2 ^ E 5T 3 «T^VqTOTO J^dT: li VS 331 (a. Ksemendra), SSB 
316.53 (a. Ksemendra), SRHt 35.42 (a. Sakalavidyhdhara), SRK 
27.63 (a. Padyatarartgini), SR 55 .51 (a. Kuv), NBh 265 an., Kuv 

ad 10.25 (25)an., Cit(V) 211.1-2 an., IS 2429, SMS VIII.^P$h 
1.68 (cf. Para 22.3). 

(1) d^adT: SSB, SRHt, SRK, SR, NBh, Kuv, Cit(V) (2) fog all 

texts; (3) PSh; ^2T: NBh. 

124. aVTOdTOd aNT I 

^Tfwm^TFTt HTOaT drfVd dkdR II VS 3182 (a. Ksemendra), SR 
66.31 an., SSB 333.32 an., SMS VIII (cf. Para 24). 

125. adTt ST^ STaraeTOTT 

id froaerfara a faafa to srgafcaaa i 

cTT^Tr: TOaRddafagaT ataTa^irFaa 

aa STFtr fTOTddi ddR^T fTOT TORFdt ll VS 1358 (a. Ksemendra). 
SMS VIII (cf. Para 24). 

dT fFsTsrfafRT aaa a^a i 

3T«ffTOWT fdTf^d: JW: Wad 3 

^ftsrq^T t(d 4 aadlfd 5 fdfq^Tdd® II JS 437.6 (a. Ksemendra), SH 

900,94 (a. Ksemendra), SR 65.19 (a. P), SSB 331.8 (a. H), SRK 
45.21 (a. RJ), GVS 120, Sama 1 a 9 an., SSg 87 an., SSJ 39.29 an., 


Ludwik sternbach 

SSD 2f. 1406 an., SKG f. 16 an. = P (PT 2.61 PTem 2.51. PS 2.33, 
PN 1.30, PP 2.81, Pts 5.26, PRE 2.35), H (HJ 1.137, HS 
1.121, HM 1.126, HK 1.129, HP 1.97, HN 1.98, HH 26.3-6, HG 
35.7-10), VCsr 21.8, BhS 512, BhPr 7 (a. Mufija), (cf. KSS 
10.61.110; Rul01,JAOS 38.289), SMS VIII (cf. Para. 22.4). 

(1) cTHtfesTTfa BhS, (2) SR, SSB, SRK, BhS,(3) ffirer all texts with 
the exceptioh of JS, SH; (4) tprr: ST<ipT all texts with the exception of 
JS, SH, (but) 3PIT: H(var.) ^tptT: SR, SSB, SRK, Sama; ^TTKT: P(var.) 
(5) 5PT° P (var.) (6) fefnpr VCsr; P (var,), $1% gspR 

I? farnfSTTirar: PT, PTem. 

127. frfC5f*rT ferR%G%q- *T?TT arrf: fsrtTSTeT: I 

stTCPTlfa^r'TRr^ tf ftw: ll JS 408.52 (a. Kjicrnend ra), SMS 

IX (cf. Para 24). 

128. ^rgfor^crar 1 ftjrm - : Rf^r; rr 

^ tTJWr?f45PT4RT«ff?tn: I 
<PT^pmTsBR sfilTJTRcfijremsiT 

2 WfiR*Pr 43 B: ll JS415.1(a. Ksemendra), SH 843 
bis; 39* an., SMS IX (cf. Para 24). 

(i) °?T3rm SH; (2) 3nr*3T!r 0 sh. 

129. 4ET1 srfsprf^PPFt 1 

**pf RpIV ^T^T*m?*T 3 *?S^ 4 I 
4B3 ) 5 9PT «PEPPte ^ff 6 

tpftS4(J fsTPT tr«r^4TW 7 II VS 3106 (a. Ksemendra), SSSN 45.40 an. (cf. 
SkV 1475 an., Prasanna 39 a an, ^P 448 an., SR 91.48 (a. GP), 
SK 6.509 an., SRK 73.27 (a. Kalpataru). RJ 1464 (a. Bhartrhari) 
= Cr 446, GP 1.113.16. SMS IX (cf. Para 23). 

(1) q refam Cr (var.) (2) ^ Cr (var.); gTrft: Cr (var); (3) R^PtTfa- 
rpJH SSSN; GP; TlfatPIRT or tnfspj’JRt Cr (var.); (4) 4rT5T: Cr 

(var.), SSSN; (5) iJPTT (°% “v^rt GP); Cr, GP; Z*i Cr (var.); v^ET Cr, 
SSSN; (7) % (“for GPy) GP; ffCR TPTfozTtTPT Cr (var.). 



130. ^RTRrlT ^cPTJPTF? 
sifters? fafrtfl stor: i 
fao’Tfatsreirfafa: ?nrt 

qTt'T^RI^R'Jrf^TT^T ll JS 54.20 (a. Ksemendra), SMS [IX (cf. 
Para 24). 

131. art ^ i 

mmtft ftr^cTf^rwft Tfa: ll VS 1888 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 
IX (cf. Para 24). 

132. ^SIT *TSTf%T3f Sft^JTffcT T5TT SIT: I 

a «• 

faPTTSTPT WE II SP 3078 (a. Ksemendra), 

SSB 57.2 (a. Ksemendra), Skm (Skm (B) 582, Skm (POS) 
2 .22.2) (a. Rajasekhara), JS 130.2 (a. Rajasekhara), SG 38 
(a. Rajasekhara), SRHt 138.1 (a. Vatsyayana or an.), SkV 

395/Kav 157 an., VS 1309 an., SSSN 205.1 an., RJ 631 an., SR 
250.1 (a. Viddha), Kpr 567 an., KaP 388 an. Sih 259(275) an,, 
KH 167; 326 an., Kuv 157 an., ARR 155 an., AR 174 an. Kavyan 
44 an. AIR 350 an., AIK 408 an. Alamksratilaka 44 an., Can 
95 an., Rasaganga 729 an., VyVi ad 2.70 an., Amd 303.873 an., 
IS 2926 SMSX Viddha 1.2 (cf. Para 22.4). 

133. sRJTrf I 

w: w^wnwra ’mfr ll JS 267.7 (a. Ksemendra). SP 3647 

(a. Ksemendra), SuSS 687 (a. Ksemendra), SR 314.1 (a. JS), SSB 
169.1, SMSX (cf. Para 24). 

(1) TmV^ Sp. 

134. ?cj 4 rfq- <nfnit qrfV tit i 

^TTrT^tofgmrr ^ ll JS 436.14 (a. Ksemendra), 

SMSX (cf. Para 24). 

135. sratasr OTsjjpyiH 1 gffir: 

t %5fT ^sTT^ft srq^T || Js 50.1 (a. Ksemendra), SH 363 (a. 



Haribhadra), SR 37.16 (a. JS), SSB 29.16 (a. Bilhana), SMSX (cf. 
Para 24). 

(1) STT° om. SH. 

136. tm 3?TT5rr ^su'ts'imrr urfPw: i 

fipfPTFT: ^^Tc^nvit * affaRTT^ II JS 438.7 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 

Para 24). 


qfrq)f?rrT sr^re: i 

f% ?T wri? 

afcr ff fq^WTTfcl fsmwr II jS 279.20 (a. Ksemendra), VS 2126 (a. 
Ksemendra), Vjv 200 (a. Ksemasiiiiha), SkV 586/Kav 310 an. 
Prasanna 135 b an. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) SflfTTfa® Prasanna (contra mctrum ) Kav (2) •’-ff'.S VS. 

138. ^ n srf^ir srenTfamm i 

fcnrijmt fa srrefar ?tftg TTsrfjHg; ^ 11 SP in MSC (ad SP 76.102 (1521) 
(a. Ksemendra), Cr 527; also P(PP 1.52, Pin 1.45), HJ 1.18, VC 
(VCsr VII 8, VCjr VII.l), Sts 20.9-19, GP 1.109.14, IMP 5, 18.363, 
KR 5.107.3. For Other references and v.l. see Cr 527 ( add ; SSSN 
109.15 an; MhN (P) 239) (cf. Para 23). 

139. sramr 1 

WTelsff qfajRcft *TfNte^siTftpft «mt II VS 1658 (a. Vyasadasa) (cf. 
Para 23) 

140. 5T eTJ3l% ?Tx3r^^Ht2TJn 
*I^PT: 1 
fa*i f immr»pnf«r^Tf7Tiflf 

faSRaFR II VS 359 (a. Ksemendra), SR 59.225 (a, 

VS), SSB 323. 233 an. (cf. Para 24). 



141. ?T 

STd^©m: frmfHTfsRR^TSFKmT I 

3tPt?t <mF?r?p4ta:m?nipmr 

mjSTOn^mf'T 1 9 TR II vs 491 (a. Ksemendra), SR 
72.56 (a. VS), SSB 342,56 an. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) f^JiTTni^cer^rq- VS(var.), 

142. iTTFcTffV^5T 3*TrF*rFff: l 

Kfrt T'm Pm«T: f*V: SnmtfrT II SH 1292 (a. Ksemendra), 

JS 403.3 (a. Laksmidhara (cf. Para 23). 

(1) SH, 

143. ffTtStfrfta- 7R4? R^JTHT»IW% 3T?t: I 

TOqPRI*TO*mCT*S5»t ilft II JS 251.21 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 
Para 24). 

144. f-T^T smfff fffOT: T^Trffemi 1 

=sq^f jparppsf cfarfaRr 2 j 

ITT: ^Tqf^ggr; 

fpftr^Rm^ 3 srftnnfcT tpr fs^rTTef: n JS 214.11 (a. Ksemendra), SP 
3832 (a. Ksemendra), SSB 205.22 (a. Ksemendra), RJ 1234 (a. 
Bhavabliuti), SuSS 321, SR 336.21 (a. SP) (cf. AP 21, ZDMG 
27.629) (cf. Para 24). 

(1) spimfo? SP (2) SP (3) Enfkr° SP, SR,SSB. 

145. ?nm: qfttRPPTfacrs^ Em: 

^TT^r: 4 tRt: «Tt smrT: | 

ET7%wr ST^F^OTT^ 

II VS 317 (a. Ksemendra , SR 50.208 
(a. VS), SSB 309.213 an. (cf. Para 24). 

146. q’fr'smfR f% gsrr 1 F^tt fer-srwmt 2 

m 3 *r*n «rF<t ?ra ct«tt 5 wn i 

sTcftcnr^fR^FT 6 4 m3*w*P?<Rmr 7 

^F^RmRm^lFR 8 II VS 3153 (a. Ksemendra), SRK 



99.9 (a. Sphutasloka, SSD 4f. 30 a an., IS 3963=BhS 267 (cf. 
Para 22.6). 

(1) T«TT BhS (but some texts as above or SJ3T or gtJT; (2)fq?<snrqat BhS; 
(3) q^T or tr«TT BhS (var.); (4) Wlfa BhS (var) ; (5) cTtHTT BhS (var.); (6) 
3TF<T q or spjF'T^TR'T or arf'T TTfiRq BhS (var.); (7) ?TTTq?TTc , iqq or 

BhS (var.); (8) arfqTq 0 BhS (var.); °qqT»nTPT BhS (var.); 
(9) ^HlF^ BhS (var.); °q>qrfpf BhS (var.) 

147. qrfoscq qfe stt*t qq Ft 

3rr$?q'f?rF^r F?Erpff?rferr arr Ft srsTc^rrar^’: i 

rrsq ‘qfjfufsTF*^ Ft 

«jnrr ^IT^rS^cRtfOT: cftqmqTTq: II JS 415.4 (a Kscmendra) (cf. 

Para 24). 

148. 1T5f qfqqqfrT ftq trotTST FerTtfir 
a q^rFr TTfr tr qgir i 
a tm 

5fmr?lF«T Ttsfq-qftT: II vs 324 (a. Kscmendra), SR, 51.216 
(a.VS), SSB 309.222 an. (cf. Para 24). 

149. f'TSrrqta fqsrcqfcrsr 1 ®T&q ST Wq^TR I 

'SrWtRtrTTT ?ftT qqfir 2 l. SH 1066 (a. Ksemendra), JS 
438.6 (a. (?) Ksemendra) (cf. Para 24). 

(1) FqSRq^r: SH; (2) SH. 

150. qVstesTT^q FsrfqqRTrqqT qvqqrqt snrrt: 

qRrsffcTTqqrq 1 i 

tFtFcT TPTT qTTnTfor f«rqf?q ll SPinAP21 (inSPed. 
4028 an.) (v.ZDMG (27.630), SR 365.55 (a. SP),SSB 358-76 an. 

(ef. Para 24). 

(i) °fT/qte tt qmmJrq SR, ssb. 


151. ?TT?rR9nr*fifTh^T 1 1 

SBT^TR g*R: 11 JS 179.14 (a. Ksemendra), Stl 
1629 an. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) °q?TR Rtfaj^R SH. 

152. JW#? ^ 

ts^r fftsPr <riR faRfa *rt sr fsRg faaft i 
f% fesTTfasr WfcTcn >rrt *pr 

541^^311? fa*5fa 'Erf 3RTt: g'TSJWT II VS 3155 (a. Ksemendra) 

(cf. Para 24). 

153. 5<tavr ^ tItr F^rararcwJr ^ i 

srr?ITSTTTfirr ¥fJT^!T ^mTET# 5T)%n; l| PV 802 (a. Ksemendra), SR 
45.1 an , SSB 300.1 an. 

154. «$* %rf <r> q**irc *rqi% jfj^ 1 1 

TTWfqrznfTSfr'JTT 33T ETSST 2 cT<lf?iRt ll SP 4052 (a. Kscmcndra), (AP 22), 
SR 364.4 (a. SP), SSB 254.4 an. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) SP in AP; (2) %?iTT STTcTT SP in AP. 

155. 'ff^BfsnRRt grRRmfmrri' 

5^f?? s ¥^TqmRr4?iT4TiT i 
f^TJTf^d?Trfpf *R3rm*(t^qrfTr 

STRFPPf f^WTTcft HTT'iTW ll VS 3498 (a. Ksemendra) (cf- 
Para 24). 

156. ?RfcT fWTSR: qswfSfTcqrtnt 

va va 

arqirqqfqcrTat f?rs^Hii«i4sR: 

: 9TTfl%qq 9T§ : l| VS 3148 (a. Ksemendra) (cf- 

Para 24). 

157. ^ RR fltfePJ: TR% 
qn*r: g^riRta sffaqiR r>| *Rt i 
jrFgrRTRT^pjRTT W(ir qricR qn*R qr 

4)> 5TRTfa B SffrT^:: 4^5 TRRtftR: II VS 2152 (a. Ksemendra ( 
(cf. Para 24). 



158. ^qT^'l'jT: sppfafafa: 

?ft% f5eTir OT EPlfafa ®*T^qT 5Tftrfs »T#: I 

*T: ^lT: fsRKt ^ 5TR #R TRlf* f%f^RT »B5f 


f*RT II VS 3039 (a. V> asadasa) 

(cf. Para 23). 

159 qRsrgi^sf'T n er*ft sft 5 ^ <r *r: i 

sfffTSTTfT fa^sfa 2 q ff ?T: || SP 286 (a. Ksemendra), SH 

992; 198* (a. Ksemendra), SSB 352.3 (a. Ksemendra), SR 18.3 (a. 
SP), IS 4988 (cf. Para 24). 

(1) fipftfir SH 992. 

160. fw% ,3r?®f!fl5«jfjT 5TR'd RV4R ^ I 

Emfo? * ^Fri4rTiTTffl%cT^ 3J5IT: II SRHt 194.78 (a. Ksemendra) 

(cf. Para 24). 

161. qRr 1 TR% 5 m: fqpfr I 

arrfOTf*rf?r ll JS 408.53 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 

Para 24). 

162. eRRWt O^tfgrpft ^ TRST: I 

tfWf l^sr^Rt ^ qi4^ 4°IT: ll SP 3987 (a. Ksemendra) SSB446.1G 
(a'. Ksemendra), SR 360.10 (a. SP) (cf. Para 24). 

163. srsaN 1 TT^tTR HTRsft: I 

3RfaccfRI qRftj «ft: SHTlfs*: 2 II JS 404.17 (a. Ksemendra), 

SH 854;50* (a. Ksemendra) (cf. Para 24). 

(1) fasR SH 50*; (2) «flr!TTrT 0 SH 854. 

164. sTTW’I^Tfft iffaT SIH+TRr I 

rRTT: Trr?qT«ff fFRtrnr STCTSr^T II VS 230 (a. Ksemendra), SR 

47.80 (a. VS), SSB 303.82 an. (cf. Para 24). 



165. % ^ P r eq rT^it^T 444*4^4 * f494%4 I 

4944044^544 11 JS 311.36 (a. (?) Ksemendra) 

(cf. Para 24). 

166. arcs^qfaf^WTJi & 54 454 % I 

%5t f44<5£ ! 465T4T ^ tJ4f4445: Il JS 415.5 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 

Para 24). 

167. 44 fspTT^T 4T51> 94*rfcTST%91?ra I 

3T4r4T4T 5T'TvTr^TT fiTOIT^T^Wq; II SH 1079 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1379 
an. (cf. Para 24). 

168. farf 4 %f% %?4! 

? JTT ff 43f 9jfe34 *141 iff 0 ! 1 ! I 

fart fa^rfa %% 

?JT4459i ff954 5TTT^ff°t*T II VS 2369 (a. Ksemendra), CIVS 253 
(cf. Para 24). 

169. f%%%5 04 f^STT £491%f 04 4f%:i 

<T4?Tl% 04 ?fl4 444 4 044 II VS 3053 (a. Ksemendra), SR 

04.13 (a. VS), SSB 361.13 an. (cf. Para 24). 

170. 44T65 W 4 441 f%414% 4f4 304% I 

5^5^049144 fs^4 4f^ 5^4% II JS 447.1 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 

Para 24). 

171. 544 4449lt444 1 4% 94g49?9 4 I 

55c«04 4^440444 04 fP»nfH44: II JS 61.5 (a. Ksemendra), SH 956; 

149* (a. Ksemendra) (cf. Para 24). 

(1) 0^44141044 SH (both places). 

172. 3400#! 4ff45^4T45f%4T!49 1 ^44 

3 ^44 64 f44t?4 4I4454 2 941444 444 45 3 I 
94=4 44lf4 4 O^tfacfad 5 44444® 4T0 fO*: 

43H4444 7 4%4 Tff4: 8 9lP'?c441’ : 4 44T4 9 II RJ 1423 (a. Ksemendra), 


JS 50.6 an. SH 361 an., SP 205 an., Pad 115.66 an., SR 41.63 
(a. SP), SSB 295.63 an. (cf. Para 23). 

(1) SP, SH, Pad, SR SSB; (2) SH, 

(3) <T5fT SH; (4) faqfT sP; (5) 9° SH; (6) TOW SH; (7) *rer- 

cqar# SH; (8) qfj^T: SH; (9) aTT'^ftr fatt SH. 

173. sqfcq; wirnfatf^r^ cTTTfrr^spirT^sft i 

spiPTRsW >?R: ll VS 2156 (a. Ksemcndra) (cf. 

Para 24). 

174. faqr? fqqffr 

faw fer^TTJT i 


SPT ?T mg: II VS 31$ (a. Ksemendra), SR 49. IH2 (a. 

VS), SSB 307.187 an. (cf. Para 24). 

175. q?i: fg gic Hf gr ^ t nfa 

spftiqprm frocgr^T^mR i 

WWTfcT RfcT *TT«T |f?cT faoftfr ^ 

faffa ^T^IRT f?T ^raim: 1 ll VS 363 (a. Kscmendra), SR 
61.257 (a. VS), SSB 325.666 (cf. Para 24). 

(1) ^oITTirftT: VS (var.) 

176. srrfMsi^RjmfpT 1 sirmfif q^ri qcmftWfmit 

fra: ffrarfmnm 3 3w?=rranq*nra>fa mr 

%5TT*f: 5^9T«T q?T ll JS 415.2 (a. Ksemendra), SH 844; 

40* an. (cf. Para 24). 

(1) snfMr: ?9° SH 844; (2) om- SH 40* (4) fa^: T° SH40*. 

177. smsm f^fPT: ffrR: 1 9?msrFT 

q^r^Tfg|9: gufta: i 
sr^V gsforofiFTtefq mm 

^T^f%cTT ^fVf%7^n=q%5T 2 II JS 444.11 (a Ksen.tndra), SH 1056 (a. 



Ksemendra) (cf. Para 24). 

(1) SH; (2) SH (Scrib. i 3 s error). 

178. mfrorsHrasnsTO srtf^rsgrofsrTO i 

9T * >T»fl^r: II VS 310 (a. Ksemendra), SR 

47.85 (a. VS\ SSB 303.87 an. (cf. Para 24). 

179. gfsr srfamsrftr^ 

WHii'm;: ^RF^fWflr-1 

^nf f?^TT c rra T cTVR?f vTimfsErTTr to: 


S’? <£3m*nr%?T af?TT wtsff firms? 5%: H VS 362 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 
Para 24). 

180. ¥T?T TOTOOTfm TORT* f? ffcTt 3T3: 2 I 

9T W^4?ft 3 c rctf^ G 2T 49*> ^ *Prft 4 TORT II JS 433.14 (Ksemendra), 
SH 1006 (a. Ksemendra), SH 212* an. (cf. para 24). 

(1) SH; (2) °5PT: or jrtt JS; (3) m fafeaf JS (var.); (4) rprr 

JS (var.). 

181. faftpfT; STsfT 9^<RT ¥TOWPT I 

S» -I SV *s 

TO>ft fim* jPTT faTTOT* II JS 408.51 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 

Para 24), 


5r^ftTT*rfipJT 'TfV4#g | 

fa* pgcTT5PT: fo?T TOr^r: TOcPTPT 

H ThiTOfir fam STTfir modifier: «FTf*RT II JS 416.7 (a. Ksemendra) 
(cf. Para 24). 

183. ^ *TOTOf^ STCTfasTfatjhr 

^rwm srarofror ^sroftsfafro;: i 


3TT9^TO 5T^5mt spleTOFfa 9TT^T 

cfiT TTOTT fipnfa W^cft 5gST II JS 415.6 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. 
Para 24). 



184. ^frftSTf:#' 9^0 

*Tf^t5Te*R: 4tTO%% I 

^f?r firer infant f% =* nta: 

■jWrsriTJTe'T snfacft ^tfa II VS 460 (a. VyEsadasa), SR 68.248 (a. 
VS), SSB 324.257 (cf. Para 23). 

185. il'arf^T ypj^fT#: 

ST^fnPJ fq^fnerPl 1 tTxinrfar | 

Tfa ^ %^q-JT5r^Tomr sft9> 

SPT’nnf'«i l l8+ 4 4" sfarsrsjra: II SH 522 (a. Ksemendra), JS 54.22 (a. 

Trailocana), (cf. Kav p. 42 and Para 23). 

(1) fq^T 3ff<T SH; (2) W SH. 

186. ^WnffTi 

srro n wq% i 


epT nppf ni|^VT 3 H JS 437.8 (a. Ksemendra), SH 907 (a. Ksemendra), 
SH 101* (a. Mrddha (?,), SP335 (a. Ksemendra), SSB 332.10 (a. 
Ksemendra), SR 65.8 (a. SP) IS 7413 (v. AAus 241)=Dvi 

31, P (PP 2.103, Pts (Gottingen) p. 130, PM 2.37). tcf. Para24). 
(l) afffetr SH ioi*; srftrw Dvi; h^dt qr^nntfn P; (2) 4W 

sw P; 3KPT Dvi. 





A. KALAVILASA (cf. Paras. 26: 28 1.1) 

187. Kal 1.52 = SP 4029 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 313 v. 1; 

c $p 

188. Kal 4.12 = SRHt 140.17 (a. Kalavilasa), SMS 422. v. 1. h 

if*TTGZT^ SHT*T*T SRHt ; c rt^tJTrr SRHt ; d SRHt. 

189. Kal 2.46= SP 429 (a. Ksemendra), SRHt 18.16 (a. 

Kalavilasa), SSSN 28.10 (a. Kalavilasa). SH 932, 125* (a. Ksemendra), 
IS 157, SMS 624 (cf. Para 158); v. 1. a 3rfdf:4n3T SH; b soqfaPT 
(3T?*°) SP, SRHt, SSSN, SH ; c tff ff[ SSSN; d [<| SH; SH 

125*; ftfrlr SH 932. 

190. 3W Kal 1.30 = SP 3623 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP 19), SMS 

753 ; v. 1. d WTT^WPT &P. 

191. arerrfa Kal 4.24= SRHt 140.16 (a Kalavilasa), SMS 983; 

V. 1. c [°tTtfT] SRHt; d *ramTTsrr!Pr SRHt. 

WHT: nfaqftrr see eK:TTrf I 

192. WiT 041^14 Kal 10.3 =JS 481.3 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1032 an., (cf. 

fn. 158); v. 1. b fwTIW JS, SH; WTHR JS; [4*t°] SH. 

193. spiff 4UT 3RHT Kal 7.1 =SP 4046 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP 19, ZDMG 
27.627, A. B. Keith, HSL p.240), SMS 3029; v. 1. b 'jftfWTfT i RT fiFqT- 


194. 3n®TTfirspT57Tiff Kal 2.6=SP4036 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 4362 v. I.— 

195. W«PJF»TtT9T5t: Kal 7.7=SP 4048 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 5016, (cf. fn, 
1.58) ; v. 1 . b STfrR^R $P, 



196. sfassfa RRfa Kal 2.10=JS 311.40 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 6530; 

V. I. b R ?RPTR JS; c 0 qrfW5r JS; d ST^TT: JS. 

197. tr# ^m^5STT Kal 2.37=gP 431 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP 20, ZDMG 
27.629), SMS 8256. v. 1. a anrf SP 

198. n>tflTTllPl4dH<tO° 

Kal 5.7=JS 311.37 (a. Ksemendra), SP 4041 (a. Ksemendra) SRHt 
141.13 (a. Kalavilasa), (v. AP 20), SMS 8982; v. 1. a 
SRHt; °4TtTRRT°jS; °*mt° JS, SP, SRHt; b tf^RTT^nT: 
SRHt; °4^TJS;SP; c °g*5?PJH (^e 0 SRHt), JS, SP; SRHt; d 

199. 47PRR ^WfaTKal 10.4=JS 431.4 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1033; 239+ an., 

SMS 9623 ; v. 1. a missing SH 239*, ^sraflW SH 1033 ; b missing up to 
SH 239* 

$qWf see 3* 

200. fa 

JRTfa gcT^TiR I 

trlw II SRHt 92.18 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 104.11 

(a. Kalavilasa), SMS 10295; (cf. Paras. 28.1.2). 

201. Kal 5.4 = SRHt 141.11 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.9 

(a. Kalavilasa), SMS VI, v. 1. a °»RrfafaTT SRHt; c fSTtJTT (fa°) 
SSSN; fafatT (fa 0 ) SRHt; SRHt, SSSN. 

202. %sf<r Kal 2.87 = SP 430 (a. Ksemendra), RJ-( 10.89 [a. 

Ksemendra]), SH 931; 154* an., (v. AP 21), SMS VI; v. 1. a, tfa (%sfa) 
Kal; d WRR (^°) SP, SH; ?RT3Rr: RtraR SP, SH, 



203. qrtft farftw 5pTcH 41W 


Hlffa ^JprTOT I 
5T?t<r<ftf c d < 

f? tRTPTPRTCrfqTSrr II SRHt 113.2 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 134.2 an. (or 
a. Kalavilasa), SMS VI; (cf. Para 28.1.3). v. 1. c sfelfteT 0 SSSN. 

204. Sfsrfaifiir^rri 0 Kal 2.4 = SP 4035 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VI; v. 1. b 
^froiTr#: SP, d Jr^nrsr SP 

orsTtm v. jfsr: Hr? 

205. sncrrWOTTfrsrT Kal 5.3 = SRHt 141.10 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.8 an., 
SMS VIII. v. 1. a sn?TT SSSN; b surfer ^crs!Ic^!T SSSN; c amenr SSSN 

206. i-prfa qwmltJKal 7.4*-SP 4047 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VIII, v. 1. 
c ep«TTt SP d fciT 5T tflfd 4?TS*PT SP 

207. JT^PfPTPT Kal 8.29 = SP 4050 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VIII. v. 

1. b SP 

108-9 iTor: star 

arjTFi: trfdSftTT Kal 10.9-10=JS 431.8-9 (a. Ksemendra) SH 1037-8; 
243*-244* an., SMS XI-VIII (cf. fn. 158) v. 1. a afl^: (et°) 
js, SH; c g^nr: js, SH; d f^Tim tT^rrei^ ctmr: JS, SH; e ^rpt: 
SH 244*; JS, SH; / arpreter JS, SH; JS; g SH 244* 

h $nrPPf4 JS, SH. 

210. 4rTT fefar ftftr Kal 2.8 = SP 4037 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP. 20), 

SMS IX v. 1. c =4hc SP; b SP 

211. stqqnpfta 

q i ciqfd i 

Mld^ld J^Pd'l 

jftcraf»I^4T II SRHt 207.19 (a. Kalavilasa), SMS IX, (cf. 
Para 28.1.3) 



212 . oTfar 

o^foot’TPrpnfaw o=oo i 
•topt% ijpovTW f*r4 

^r^fr f% tp>wf^l%rRiT || SRHt 113.1 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 134.1 an. 
(or) Kalavilasa) (cf. Para 28.1.3) V. 1. b. Terr favft° SSSN 

213. S-PTTffi fOOfir 5fSf> Kal 2.54 =JS 437.5 (a. Ksemendra) V. 1. JS; 

d OfhTTT:JS 

214. SIlfPT VOTT ®4 b 5T Kal 10.2 =JS 431.2 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1031 an. V. 
1. a ZfcZI SH. 

215. Kal 3.14 = §P 3765 (a. Ksemendra) (v. AP 21). Gf. Bh6 
247. V.l. d frrarr srtsr (*o°) $P 

216. Kal 7.13 = SRHt 150.2 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.2 
an. V. 1. b rTOTfflT SRHt, SSSN tTPRTT SSSN; d frfqfif; SRHt, SSSN. 

217. SPTff Kal 9.7= JS 311.39 (a. Ksemendra) V.l .b 

(f*°) JS, c mtnsftpnT JS d fimrsrafrT js JS. 

218. SWWIfJST Ka 4.23 = SRHt 140.15 (a. Kalavilasa). V. 1.- 

219. 5T50: =6*0 f*rf%OT Kal 8.11 = VS 2364 an. V. 1. a. Mw: VS ; 

vs; d tm^srtprsf t: vs 

220. ORflOFT rqT»T: Kal 10.7 =JS 431.6 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1035; 241* an. 
v.l. a JROOqftxOPT: Kal (var.) b fsprorfoo SH 241*; O 040 JS, SH; c 
0TT90 JS, SH 1035; 0TT*f SH 241*; d conect text to 05=0 

221. JTTOrsrrs^O^Rf 0 Kal 5.9 = SRHt 141.19 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.7 an. 
V. 1.- 

222. srfireft 0tl9T Kal 1.62 = SP 4030 (a. Ksemendra) V. 1. d OPft 

(4t«lt) $P 



223. Kal 8.20 = §P 4049 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP22), SRHt 
150.2 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 28.1 (a. Kalavilasa), (cf. fn. 158). V. 1. 
a faf* Kal (var.) $P SRHt sfa ft SSSN; b fsPTT SRHt, SSSN; 
ffPTT om. &P; c [q°] £P; d qtw SRHt, SSSN. 

224. faifarfir: Kal 10.5 =JS 431.5 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1034; 

240* an. V. 1. a f&R! SH; b R ; d>r: JS, SH; c 

JS, SH; d SOSOm JS. 

225. Tfl^TvftrtRRT^T 0 Kal 10.11 =J$ 431,10 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1039; 

245* an. v. 1. a correct text to aflflW 0 (JS, SH); ^ [’T] SH. d ^rfi; 
[HT°] SH; SH 245+. 

226. Ir^Rwiiftr^r 

sfltft 'Tff'lfaTTqq: qqq: | 

fvTRirfr q 

q ST |B|^q^riEfrsqJT II SRHt 141.12 (a. Kalavilasa); SSSN 128.10 
(a. Kalavilasa). (cf. Para 28.1.3). 

227. faqiftPT^Kal 1.64 = SRHt 16.4 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 38.2 

(a. Kalavilasa). V. 1. c q fasiT SRHt, SSSN ; d ?tWf SRHt. 

228. 5ftW: Kal 2.1 = SP 428 (a. Ksemendra), RJ 1458 (10.88) 

(a. Ksemendra or an.). V. 1. qYqfq^q SP «T>ft RJ. 

229. qfarqqrffssrqr 0 Kal 7.14= SRHt 150.1 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.1 
an. V.l. b fafsrar: q^ffeerqfrqrqT: SRHt, SSSN; c STTqTSq SSSN; 
d qvqrmPqq SRHt, SSSN; qr [qq] SSSN. 

230. qqqqfqq: Kal 4.40 = SP 4053 (a. Ksemendra). 


(1) SSSN; (2) SSSN; (3) ST<JT#ffa fa.*H7% 


232. fagfa *Tr*ft Kal 2.56 =JS 437.4 (a. Ksemendra), SH 902 ;96* an. 

V. 1. b f^^cT^mr SH 902 ; cwtfiT: SH 96* ; JS ;d farrfifaPEr 

SH 902 (scribe’s error). 

233. ft-^%5 #nWT: Kal 10.13=JS 432.12 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1041; 
247* an. V. 1. b *r?5fasfa SW: JS, SH; c [fa 0 ] 4i<fteWJT 
SH 1041. 

234. 3TtTifaft& Kal 10.12=JS 432.11 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1040; 246* 
an, V. 1. a srTtfifaTt& JS, SH; b cTcJNftfa^ SH 246* ; JS ; d tr (jf° 
om.) SH 1040, 

235. srerSrrft fasl Jr Kal 9.8 =JS 431.38 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1. a ^ 

fa¥: JS; b tf^faStJS; d R° $° tr. JS. 

236. SriTTFff; Kal 1.59 = SRHt 16.3 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 38.1 
(a. Kalavilasa); V. 1. a sr/TTWR (°S*R: SRHt) SSSN, SRHt; b ff*nf*T- 

SRHt; § fa] SRHt, SSSN; ifa SRHt, SSSN; sraTTIW SRHt, 


237. sfafast TOTSff Kal 6.6-= SRHt 207.18 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 164.20 
an. V. 1. a sjaprct SSSN {contra metrum ); b read 5'T«JTTf??9ff, d faw'T- 


238. fff*re9Pm<Ttfa: Kal 2.3 = £P 432 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1. a SvTSm 0 £P; 
b SETt^sr^: SP; d correct to f^TTHTSTHT. 

239. Kal 10.8= JS 431.7 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1036; 242* 
an. Read b yRfa*T. 

240. *FW5F5f|%?rmT grBts^fafa I 

srrefa ll SRHt 15.1 (a. [?] Kalavilasa). 

(cf. Para 28.1.3). 

(1) SRHt (var.) (v. JOR [Madras] 13.297). 



241. Kal 8.3 = SRHt 150.1 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 128.2 an. 

V. 1. a SSSN; b SSSN. 

242. SFf3R; Kal 2.45 = SRHt 203.10 (a. Kalavilasa), SSSN 135.7 
(a. Kalavilasa), SMS 9758. V. 1. a VlnWf SRHt, SSSN. 

B. CATURVARGASAMGRAHA (cf. Paras 26; 28.2.1). 

243. spsr: sroqfaRrt 3. Catu° 1.8 = VS 3031 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 

1680. V. 1. a VS; b ms: VS. 

244. arf> cTbott EhJWT WfT^aHTTrtfTrft' Catu° 4.13 = VS 3263 (a. Ksemendra), 
SMS 4141. V. 1. </fftsT; VS 

245. Catu 0 3.10 = VS 2249 (a. 

K?emcndra), SMS 9446, V. 1. a VS; < ^qt^TWTfrcT VS. 

246. f%Trf strafafflfffqftprftnf F? fgt n hmP T Catu° 4.23 = Kavi ad 5.1 (63) 
(a. mama Caturvargasamgrahe), SMS VII. V. 1— 

247. SPT: W9 w wort TflT: Catu® 1.3 = VS 3030 (a. 

Ksemendra) V. 1.— 

248. wmrftwrffT Catu® 3.11 = VS 2250 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1.— 

249. faHT 3T?IT 5pft$faTOT«pm ww VJ«T.;W|trt Catu® 1.5 = VS 3029 (a. 
Ksemendra). V, 1.— 

250. smrrwt 'tftT^omT SWrt flOT: tnfuwt Catu° 1.13 = VS 3033 (a. 

Ksemendra) V. 1.— 

251. tfrtr ^rtpnr ftrf Catu" 4.7 = Auc ad 16 (43) (a. 

mama Caturvargasamgrahe). V. 1.— 

252. tn«T: ff?T3Trtr fr?rrwrw Catu° 1.26 = Kavi ad 5.1 (59) (a. mama 
Caturvargasamgrahe) V. 1,- 



253. ’STJT SPTCwr 'nf’JT: gTRfaPTST Catu 0 1.19 = VS 3034 (a. 
Ksemendra). V. 1.— 

254. iftsPRt ^ spt^RTTt Catu° 1.20 = VS 3035 (a. 

Ksemendra) .V. 1.- 

255 . ptr ^f?t 5 fffir*T^r ^f^nrT^rrftr’ft Catu® 1.11 = vs 3032 (a. 

Ksemendra). V. 1 a SfHlqwTcTT VS; b 'tlI+-Hf*'cT ' 3 ff^TTl 9^ VS. 

C. CARUGARYA (cf. Paras 26; 28.3.1) 

256. 3t?g«R'r9T¥«: Car 57 = SP 1522 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1286 (a. 
Ksemendra), Nlsam 56 an. SMS 701 = VCsv 31.4. V. 1. a atcfRcTTC 
RFd: VCsv; c m c *T SP. 

257. Car 24 = Nlsam 25 an., SMS 1019 V. 1.— 
lidf r l r T4 fa*®! Car 99. See SUT^eftSfT 

258. 3Tf%^TfiRrw 9W Car 7 = Nlsam 8 an., SMS 3002. V. 1.- 

259. 3^q'R«raRw)'5T Cir 49= Nlsam 48 an., SMS 3194. V. 1.— 

260. WT?T Car 25 = Nlsam 26 an., SMS 3412. V. 1.— 

261. STT’R'H^fPr^Tliig Car 72 = Nlsam 70 an., SMS 4897. V. 1.- 

262. fan sp^fei PUR Car 12 = Nlsam 13 an., SMS 6240. V.I.- 

263. aftf^cUSRjmRTfr.Car 51=Nisam 50 an., SMS 8239. V. 1.— 

264. firfcT rfRfrffsT: $50? Car 71 = Nlsam 69 an. SMS VI. V. 1.— 

265. Car 40 --- Nlisam 42, SMS VI. V. 1.— 

266. fqfrr jffasRrRRr Car 31=§P 1514 (a Ksemendra), SH 1279 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nlsam 32 an., VP 9.130 an., SMS VI V. 1. b Q'&Z 
SH, Nisam; c &P, SH; °9T35rm: Car (var.) 

Nlsam; d <?04dT &P; SH, 



267. Jjffa Car 15 = Nisam 16 an., SMS VI. V. 1- 

268. fe^ qm5TTtf?ft«?®rT5T Car 29 = SP 1512 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1277 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nisam 30 an., SMS VI. V. 1. a °siri>£ftTTfT Sp, SH; b 
°firr:gcnTr 6p, SH. c om. SH; om, SH. 

269. ^oritTtiT SRffaCar 35 = Nisam 36 an., SMS VII. V. 1.— 

270. ^orB^TTJT fHf!T Car 36 = Nisam 37, SMS VII. V. 1.— 

271. gwnrra^ Car 67 = Nisam 65 an., SMS VII. V. 1.- 

272. ^SefPTFH Car 8 = Nlsam 9 an., SMS VIII. V. 1.- 

273. Car 17- Nisam 18 an., SMS VIII. V. 1.— 

274. fflt dlfll Car 39=SP 1516 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1281 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nisam 40 an., SMS IX (cf. Para 28.3.2). V. 1,— 

275. -3^T?T iTiTSJTSircT* Car 28 Nisam 29 an., SMS IX. V. 1.- 

276. fUFf imfafa: f*lfa Car 19 = Nisam 20 an., SMS IX. V. 1— 

277. 5*wTT*wrl5ff OT Car 21 = $P 1510 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1275 (a. 
Ksemendra). Nisam 22 an., SMS IX. V. 1. a °mrt3T SP,£h, b H 


278. ^?TT i T Car 18 = SP 1508 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1274 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra), Nisam 19 an., SMS X. V.l. a SP; SH ; b 

tTTErmmR vr^r Sp, sh. 

279. H 7W5T Car 46 = Nisam 45 an. V. 1.- 

280. H f nfeT Car 10 = SP 1506 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1272 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nisam 11 an., IS 3201. V. 1. c §P, SH; d 

fa^T*T: (?) SH. 

281. * Car 91 = Sp 1526 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1290 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra). V. 1. a 0 *TThtf SH; b (fmi° SH) SP, SH; 

cd $P, SH, 



282. 5T f#T fsRt Vlf%? Car 4 = Nisam 5 an. V. 1.— 

283. ^ Car 41 = §P 1518 (a. Ksemendra) (var.), SH 1283 

(var.), Nisam 41 an.V. 1. a IFtlT SH ; b TftTTTfiT^BfkERWro (“tfaFJTF SH) 
Sp, SH; c frqtasrnrsftrc: (faTT^ST^ 0 SH) Sp, SH; d stn faiST *T#7T: 
Sp, SH. 

284. ?T 4^ Car 32 = Nisam 33 an. V. 1. — 

285. F dfarPTClt Car 53 — Nisam 52 an. V. 1.— 

286. =T Car 65== Nisam 63 an. V. 1.— 

287. ’f u4 t f I lT4l I f Car 13 = Nisam H an. V. 1- 

288. ?T f^*tr+'vT^MPr% Car 54*= Nisam 53 an. V. 1.- 

289 H Car 80 —1524 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1288 (a. Kseme¬ 

ndra). V.l. b fufcPT W*fiiT SP, SH; c 5?TTf«rfT: SH. 

290. ?T Car 33 = Nisam 34 an. V. 1.- 

291. ?T Site; C*r 11 =§P 1507 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1273 (a. 

K?emendra), Nisam 12 an. V. 1 a *T?Tff?T: §P, SH; WT: SH ; b 

f*5PT*r 6p, SH; d $P, SH. 

292. IT rfHl4d4l^ ; T Car 56 = &P 1521 (a, Ksemendra), SH 1285 bis (a. 
Ksemendra), Nisam 55 an. V. 1. b nl(ea+: Wlf<<44a: SP, SH. 

293. *T Car 34 = Nisam 35 an. V. 1.— 

294. ^ TT^^STteT: ¥*TFT Car 9 = Nisam 10 an. V.I.— 

295. »T TpfhTT FTtftFf Car 66 = Nisam 64 an. V. 1.— 

296. IT TRiTSrHn^T Car 14 = Nisam 15 an. V. 1.— 

297. ?T *3# TTT^TtT Car 27 = Nisam 28 an. V. 1.— 

298 . Car 37 — Nisam 38 an. V. 1.—* 



299. TERT? C^r 22 =Nisam 23 an. V. 1. a 537? Njsam. 

300. fftfTT??Tt Car 6 = SP 1505 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1271 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nisam 7 an. V. 1. d ?lf<d: ( 91 °) $P, SH. 

301. Car 23= Nisam 24 an. V. 1.— 

302. 9^9f RtrSTof Car 30 = SP 1513 (a. K ? emendra), SH 1278 (a. 

Ksemendra), Nisam 31 an., IS 3974. V. 1. a &P, SH; b 

5njfa? SH; c 9^9 SH. 

303. HTT?T Car 3 = Nisam 4 an. V. 1. a STTtT: Nisam 

304. R^SRIT^ IRRHlt Car 55 = SP 1520 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1285’ (a. 
Ksemendra), Nisam 54 an. V. 1. a ffiRTHT [fl°] SP, SH; b jqfa 

SH {contra metrum ) * c fwfertct: (fa° fCT° SH) 6P„ SH ; d fff (sflr) SP ; 
° 5 Ttsfq SH. 

305. Car 60 = Njsam 59 an., V. 1. a *pTT 0 Nisam. 

306. STTf^T'JTPT 9199*%? Car 20 = £P 1509 (a. Ksemendra), Nisam 21 an., 

IS 4509. V. 1. c RcT: 9?l9r^ (f°) 6P; d SrpFTFT $P 

307. srr^ fjR Car 2 = Sp 1504 (a. Ksimsndra), SH 1270 (a. K ? e- 
mendra), Nisam 24 an., V. 1. c qq’ Rfd: Rf« f? SP, SH; d qqfa §P, 

308. 'em' TW Car 43 = SP 1517 (a. Ksemendra),. SH 1282 (a. 

K?emendra), Nisam 44 an., IS 4515. V. 1. a 9>7i TrE 4TrE SP, 
SH; 9fE' [9°] Nisam, 5fi9r5n?9Tfpft° SP; SH. 

309. faeTC 99^9T C^r 16 = Nisam 17 an. V. 1. — 

310. 9r%9 3t9%? Car 61 = Nisam 60 an. V. 1 — 

311. 999: 9>TcR^ r Car 38 = SP 1515 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1280 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra), Njsam 39 an., IS 5902 V. 1. b 5Tf?TCPlf3: SH. 



312. Car 52 = SP 1519 (a. K ? emendra), SH 1284 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra), Nisam 51 an. V. 1. a (°H SH) §P, SH ; b ft oft [ft’ 0 ] 

SH; [ft°] Sp 5 c in Car (Ks [RP] should read 5^4. 

313. g’g ift «rsrrc Car 68 = Nisam 66 an. 

314. ft* 14 ^ * «£SPTT Car 63 = Nisam 63 an. 

315. fatfRfrft iRfrs'ir: car 44 = Nisam 43 an. 

316. Car 48 = Nisam 47 an. 

317. aqr^ertsft ftrcTT#: Car 99 = §P 1527 (a. K ? emendra), SH 1291 (a. 

Ksemendra), IS 1666. V. 1. a Car; fas^ld: SH; b 

gTcTt T irrrerTT car. 

318. smi JJlfa Car 47= Nisam 46 an., (cf. Para 28.3.2). V. 1. Slfr^- 
t*f t] Nisam. 

319. «TT3 Car 5 = Nisam 6 an. V. 1.— 

320. efftninjiipr: «cm° Cgr 1 = Nisam 2 an. V. 1.— 

321. <^ftWart'SF4K Car 83 — £P 1525 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1289 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra). v. l. d. HrU’Emfoirr^Tir SP, sh. 

322. ftffW ftJOTT Car 58 = Nisam 57 an. V. 1.— 

323. flTSPTC EPT4JPTT#T Car 69 = Nisam 67 an. V. 1— 

324. ssftfsftt *T sft9PT Car 26 = £P 1511 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1276 (a. 
Ksemendra), Nisam 27 an., IS 3495. V. 1. ff ^^fVftrd: 5T^«(:) 44T? SP, 
SH, IS. 

325. farcdTSli ^ Car 62 = Nisam 61 an. V. 1. 

326. ?2PP3TPT ssjparr ^5§cT Car 70 = Nisam 68 an. V. 1. Nisam. 

327. f^TT jh<d<I^FTt Car 50 = Nisam 49 an. (cf. Para 28.3.2). V. 1. ab in 
Car missing; in Nisam ab f^T sfi<d<i4i<t/JT ftwiiJfllH. 



328. %T>T&f «T a c5T 5 Car 59 = §P 1523 (a. Ksemendra), SH 1287 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra), Nisam 58 an. V. 1. 94919; $P, SH ; sftr [f] Nlsam; b 991- 
fenT SP, SH ; c [ 5 ] §P. SH ; d 4rtT9: srPP3Te9lirT9? $P, SH. 

D. DARPADALANA (cf. Paras 26; 28.4.1). 

329. 499 Dar 2.6 =JS 61.4 (a. Ksemendra), SH 955; 148* 

(a. Kgemendra), SMS 6288. V. 1. ab °99T IT^rS' SH. 

330. qrfq’piT'T Dar 3.10= SP 195 (a. Ksemendra), (v. AP 20 ), SMS 

9110, (cf. Para. 28.4.2]. V. 1. b f«mr° SP. 

331. 9t9R4HHT9: TrWd^nTTST fort: Spf49: Dar 3.68 «=JS 51.7 (a. K ? cme- 

ndra), SP 207 (a. Ksemendra), SH 360 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VII. 

V. 1. b “nfa 0 !: JS (var.) °^9Ti%; JS; c SH;</ [«f°] SH; 

sTfmfoscrtfr JS, £P, »rrwTfosrmjS ( var.). 

332. 999l9t<T9T 9T<9t Dar 1.56=JS 446.3 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1. c Srf4T9TH 

JS; d <199 JS. 

333. f4Jr3B59£S9T4J93T9: 4tJ 99?ftfo3T9: Dar 2.64 =JS 62.20 (a. Kse¬ 

mendra), SH 952; 145* (a. Ksemendra). V. 1. b 999991° JS, SH; 
9?37^T9T9 SH ; c SH ; d 9Htf4 f 4 W: JS ; 4Hlfd ^94: 


334. qfos'flT; 9 > 99 : Dar 2.30 =JS 437.7 (a. Ksemendra), SH 906 (a. 

Ksemendra), SH 100 * an., (cf. Para 28.4.2). V. 1.— 

235. 94 qnter#! 9 %?! Dar 2.33=JS 61.3 (a. Ksemendra), SP 379 (a. Kse¬ 
mendra), SH 954; 147* (a. Ksemendra); Pad 112.48 an. (v. AAus 238 
[ZDMG 25]), IS 5034. V. 1. a *PTfc9Tf99%° Pad; 9?Ttc9Tf4 SP; 
c 9 ° 9 (v. SH); d Pad; 9 : [44] JS, SH, Pad. 

336. 99 f %9 4 fT 9 % 9 TT Dar 2.8 =JS 61.6 (a. Ksemendra), §P 378 (a. Ksemen¬ 
dra), SH 951; 144* (a. Ksemendra), Pad 112.47 an., IS 5183, (v. 
AAus 238 [ZDNG 25], V. 1. a 93T49 JS, SP; 99*9% SH, Pad; c 494f 
SH, Pad; 5*$ SH 144*; d 9*944 SH 144* 

Ludwik sternbach 


337. IT tftTcg f??r^5T: ^rn>?rr: Dar 3.14=JS 51.8 (a. Ksemen- 

dra); £P 206 (a. Ksemendra), SH 359 (a. K ? emendra), (v. AP 22). 
V. 1. flTOlfel: SH; JS, SH; SreRfiRT: SP STSITfRrcIT: JS; 

c ^T'Wrfr: JS, SP, SH; d spftfkfaTft JS, SP, aPTtfsPFft 

338. WPft STTDfH*! Uar. 3.46 =JS 411.3 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1. b =9 iff 
[9°] J s ; d fJTW JS. 

339. first! f^f ?t?T Dar. 3.5=JS 411.2 (a. Ksemendra). (cf. Para 
28.4.2) V. 1.— 

340. Jfpjrif Dar. 3.51—JS 61.2 (a. Kgemendra), SH 953; 146* 

(a, Ksemendra), V. 1. d eft [fir 0 ^°] JS, SH; 

SH 953. 

341. 3fPt *T? fsmfcT 9 tT 9 ST# fa?r Dar. 3.13 —JS 412.9 (a. Kse¬ 

mendra) V. 1. ^ftfftjrosrt JS; b fimJS; d °9T5 <5 JS 

342. sfftT STfjRTTRfffA Dar 3.24 =JS 411.5 (a. Ksemendra) (cf. Para 28.4.2) 
V. 1.— 

343. ^([oftetT Reft ftT95 Dar 3.7 =JS 411.4 (a. Kgemendra). V. 1. a Reft JS. 

E. DAS A VA VA TA RA CARITA {°STUtI) (cf. Paras 26; 28.5) 

344. R 3f<TdT? Daga 3=JS 27.66 (a. KSamendra), SMS 4730 V. 1. 

b rerateelTMT JS ; c 9° fa® tr. JS. 

F. DESOPADE&A (cf. Para 26; 28.6.1) 

345. STjft 99 *99: De$o° 1.9 = VS 334 (a. Ksemendra) sMs 4163. (cf. 

Para 28.6.2) V. 1.— 

346. 9PTT9V Deso 1.16 = VS 338 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VI. 
V. 1.— 

347. RRT: $999^5% De»o 1.10 = VS 335 (a. K?emencra), SmS VI. V. 1. c 

wftnrr^fi% vs. 

348. *9%9 99939 Deso 1.17 = VS 339 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VI. V. 1.— 



349. De£o 1.7 = VS 333 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VIII 
V. 1.— 

350. ^iTCTTspninsqT Defo 4.5 =JS 312.47 (a. Ksemendra), Kavi ad 5.1 (40) 
(a. mama Dcsopadese) V. 1. a “sWUnUT JS; b ^54441JS Kavi. 

351. JTPTPPT: srfc95r Deso 1.12 = VS 337 (a. Ksemendra). V- 1-— 

352. 1®*** Peso 1.11= VS 336 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1.— 

353. set snsfOitonJr Drso 1.5 = VS 332 (a. Ksemendra). V. 1.—- 
C. BRHATKATHAMANJARI (cf. Para 26 ; 28.7.1). 

354. Br 9.2.126-7-JS 279.19 (a. Ksemendra), SMS 105. 

355. 5r«r*r q’qTurTcflTfn'cTOT 2 I 

9T?ft9 msfl T^TtIST 3 W. WH 6 n SRHt 263.14 (a. Brhatkatha)* 

JS 448.12 (a. Sn Harsa), Sama 41 70, Aim 163 — Nagananda 4.8. 
H (HJ 4.67 etc.), SMS VI. (cf. Para 28.7.2), 

(1) fftshfiflfcT all texts with the exception of SRHt; (2)45 JS, Naga 0 , 
H (var.); (3) ctm JS, N5ga°, H (var.) ; (4) sftaw H (var.) (5) <srw: 
JS (var.) 

356. arf4aTT?cT1Tfrl7T74tT 3T4149R4FRHT I 

43T %tf45fT53t: I I SRHt 269.21 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SMS 533. (ch Para. 28.7.5) 

357. *14141 *50% ftntr 1 trscfel I 

5T9TT 2 4i<T<J! 3 *T?% RcrJ 4 St9«r * II SRHt 17.14 (a. Brhatkatha) and 

215.8 (a. Sfagaraprakasa), Sp 468 (a. Vyasa), Vyas 28 an. Vyas (C) 
26). Vyas (S) 26), SuM 5.15 an., KK 30 an., IS 2745, SMS 823 = Cr, 
33. (cf. Para 28.7.2) 

(1) 9% 4c*TWT Cr, SRHt 215.8, Cr (var.), SP, Vyas, SuM, KK; (2) 
4T4TST Cr (var.) ; (3) 4t<>TT Cr (var.) ; (4) JT?f Cr (var.). 

358. 319 % %tpn ;ft'T%BTro 4*9f%9 i 

4?5% 'rf'cRTT BT9T II SRHt 42.35 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS 

1044. (cf. Para 28.7,5). 



359. 3T^fTT^Rr^r5r Brll.l=JS 130.1 (a. Ksemendra), SP 3076 (a. 
Ksemendra), (v. AP 19), SMS 1197 = Rati rah asya. (cf. Paras 28.7.3; 

360. arf^T 1 TTTf 2 F9 tftfeTcT 3 764449.4 , 

srrttrgrS fsr949T4 > 6 9^*5 4 7 qf>49 : 8 || SRHt 263.23 (a. Brhatkatha), 

SPR 452.12 (a. MBh), Bahud 9, IS 290 — MBh [MBh (Bh) 3.2.45; 
11.2.15; 12.317.14; MBh (R) 3.2.46; 11.2.25; 12.205.4; MBh (G) 
3.93; 11.70; 12.7463; 12.12495) (v. SS (OJ) 390, Sit (OJ) (cf. Para 

(1) 3rf*94 or arftsR or MBh (var.); qfafT MBh (var.), SPR; 

9»44 MBh (var.); (3) 3ft° tfftw (for trot) tr. MBh (Bh) 11.2.15; 
^44 MBh (var.), Bahud; (4) 4 or J44$4 or ^StT^TTST: or 

759999 T (°4) MBh (var.) ; ?-944trT: TcH° 8tra° tjfr°99 9° MBh (var.); 
(4) 2?44 MBh (var.); (5) fswwerrct (°fW) or fawrrnt or 4444T41 
MBh (var.) ; fsr944T9r Bahud ; (6) 45^4^ or 4 ITCTTfq; or ^5 

or 45*14^ or 464x4 ^ or tr^fr or *Tw^5 or 4e^tT4 ( 5 ^%° ; Or^T 0 ) 
MBh (var.) ; SpR (7) qfb^T: MBh (var.) 

361. at'Tvfte-T 1 *T '419*9 4r444T 4 x94p4 4 I 

**'941 441^ 4*1^477971: fr49: ii SRHt 139.9 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 

206.3 an,, SMS 2136 (cf. Para 28.7.5) 

(1) °*ft° om. SRHt; ar!Tf?4err SSSN. 

362. 3pF4I44f|4T f4?rr Br 2.89 = SRHt 139.1 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 205.1 

an., SMS 2385. (cf. Para 28.7.4). V. 1. b SRHt, SSSN;c %4- 

9>9T44 SRHt, SSSN; d °9^4T SRHt, SSSN. 

363. 3mT?44f4? 44 f4444T4 4R4 I 

444)4f44) 414: 44> ft9F9 4 f999 II SRHt 263.21 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SMS 3485. (cf. Para 28.7.5) 

364. 3T4Tfcra?44t tlrf 4Tcj 4G7?9 4997: I 


?4.?44 9S94T 97-47 4ff 9c4f9 4t4?T II SRHt 262.6 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SMS 3532. (cf. Para 28.7.5) 



365. f^^nr: i 

fawq: W^ftsPr qn^qtq'qJtRT ll SRHt 42.36 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
37.12 an, SMS 3670. (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

366. srrsrrfTsnf^^Tfgce’: q*q qr^qfqq | 

faff'd Fd'rfd TTfefd S^qf'T ll SRHt 224.7 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
173.7 (a. Brhatkatha), NBh 299 an., SMS 5437. (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

367. fafqer wgfg^T: j¥Pt fq^tPST: 1 I 

arfqqrTir: 9qpp% ^ftT7^ftT5rttf«T: II SRHt 75.4 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS 
6239. (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) jcswtW: suggested reading. 

368. tTfrra^a 1 gqfccr faqtt^rFrrsrrfq'q: i 

q q*q qifsqq f5ra?r qtsrq qqtrfqq n SRHt 269.18 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SMS 7929 (a in MBh (Bh) 3. 32. 31) .(cf. Para 28.7.5). 

369. qmtartj qqrfi) fg sq^ij qgWfd: I 

f^q^sqqrTRiqqt 1 UlsqtqTtlTqq V: 2 II SRHt 75.2 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
70.2 (a. Manu), SMS 9598=Mn 7.46, (cf. KN 1.39), Nnikalpataru 
of Ksemcndra 82.3. (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) STObW Mn; (2) § Mn. 

370. tut: qfdfkdrTTg: 1 mz-. 'rqqrqqra' 2 1 

qqrqqr: qrqw: qqqr'Tifq'' 5 VTjffQ* ll SRHt 263.15 (a. Brhatkatha), vs 
3299 an., Sama * 32, IS 1664, SMS 9687=P (PT 2.164, PTem 2.146, 
PS 2.81, PN 1.77, (PP 2.194, Pts 2.177, PtsK 2.192, PRE 2.92, Old 
Arabic 3.210), H (HJ 1.224 etc.), (cf. Ru 125), SMS 9687. (cf. 
Para 28.7.2) 

(1) fffqf^cftqrq: IS; (2) dWT?: PS; $r»nir^T: PtsK; (3) dcTtfe VS 

Sama, P,H, 3c<TTq° (°d°) PT, PTem; (4) *mripr IfjprnT PtsK; qq 

371. a?i(I irq yq^TBr 9.1.531 =SRHt 234.9 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS VI. 
(cf. Para 28.7.4) V. 1. a SRHt, 



372. forfar smrsrfatT -1 i 

m cresmnr T^sFTfas^RT II SRHt 40.8 (a. Brhatkatha), VS 345 
(a. Bhatta Vallabha), SMS VI. (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) 44*Hfa5' VS. 

373. »PT nfr^ftT 4?T =TPT ii: srm: 1 3T: 2 I 

f^sT^cft «P«T 9S?TTfe 4J3cP®HT II SRHt 264.25 (a. Brhatkatha), 

SSSN 243.5 an. SMS VII, (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) sw SSSN; (2) %n. SSSN. 

374. *pfw*TT srfhr^w I 

^TPI^ 3^WT^ftT I TTSITrTIr I T*nTTTT l T II SRHt 269.20 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS 
VII, (cf. Para 82.7.5). 

375. fgr f^r i 

TcTTTtTTTT ffaftsfa 1 TPJ^fSfrl fwi: II SRHt 35.20 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS 

VII, (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

376. sprfa TT JTrfW^ 6 Br 9.1.303=JS 12.29 (a. Ksemendra), SMS VIII, 
(cf. Para 28.7.4 ).V. 1. b. x^+<M£frfitcrTfar 0 JS. 

377. drrfaWrPrtr: fafsprlfar: i 

^f^flflsfsntrcTStT: WT^ft fs^f^FTT II SRHt 6.6 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS 

VIII, (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

378. TTMt^r^^Br 9.1.5l5=SRHt 17.15 (a. Brhatkatha), SMS VIII (cf, 
Para 82.7.4 V. I. a Thrft 6 SRHt (var.), d, fasfPT SRHt 

379. TTtTJTR^Ttftw?: ^TPRlipT sffor: I 

tr^Ttl sqjfalFr 1 %G5ffT 2 II SRHt 17.10 (a. Brhatkatha), 

SSSN 28.5 (a. Brhatkatha), VS 2759 an., SMS IX, (cf. Para 28.7.5). 
(1) 3qn%T SSSN; (2) *T^Bf5!T VS 

380. sro*tTP$?*r frmstr *P?rcft sfrtzr^q- ^ I 

SW C ?TT: JW TT^PT *TRTT STr^fa ^ II SRHt 263.18 (a. Brhatkatha), 
VS 3306 an. (a. Vyasamuni), (cf. Para 28.7.5). 



381. fosFmr: Br 2.92=SRHt 139.4 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 206.4 

(a. Brhatkatha), (cf. Para 28.7.4). V. 1. a qrrJTftfT'nft SRHt; b 
SSSN; c f*RqT9{|R 0 SRHt, SSSN. 

382. 9TT«T RPJT 9T 91% 39T ^*TT: I 

T’T'BTfH RFTT 5F9ft '•FBfa II SRHt 126.4 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. 
Para 28.7.5). 

383. qifosch 1 easier 2 =9 %fm i 

wtarH XT 9Tnm’ 3 fct^: 4 9«t 5 fcIT^nr: 6 || SRHt 193.73 (a, Brhatkatha), 
VP 9.31 an., IS 4000. = H (HJ 1.148 etc.), (v. ShD(T) 40, SRN (T) 
259, VS (T) 69), (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) gw (°w) gw (*o^; °o%- °o%; °9ii 5) Cr; qtfwftl Cr (var.) ; 

(2) sF9^ttf ("fatf Cr [var.]) H (var.) Cr (var.) ; ^SFIT 3 Cr (var.) ; 

(3) TTTtfta Cr, H; (4) f^fVT: Cr (var.) ; (5) J'tft Cr (var.); (6) fCTJTT 
Cr (var.); ftnrjpj Cr (var.); f«rnw (°?°) Cr (var.); 3’“ fa° tr. Cr. 

384. qifatftsfa 1 ^fTtR^T 2 | 

STT^tr 5?rntmr 3 3FtnftF?fl 4 fsrmtr 5 11 SRHt 34.10 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SP 486 an., VS 222 an., SH 1514 an., VP 1.8 an., Sa 24.117 an., 
SSV 406 an., SSD 2/126 an., SKG/17 b an., IS 3886, Subh 195 
an. = BhS 270, (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) qfrTcftSfq 9TTCTPTT BhS (var.); (2) or BhS 

(var.); (3) RT§9vrHt (°rftHT) BhS; (4) arrpqrfanfr BhS (var.); 
(5) BhS (var.). 

385. Br 9.1.530=SRHt 230.10 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. Para 
28.7.4). V. 1. a SRHt; d tTT; SRHt. 

386. 9% tFPTMtol TT5TT STTt fassfa I 

%«rfrT 2 7 II SRHt 148.10 ;(a. Brhatkatha), 

SSSN, 169.8 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. Para 28.5.5). 

(1) SSSN; (2) 9 SSSN; (3) * jsifa SSSN. 



387. sr^rfar fimfgfsrV f^T: ttftafcr t^m 1 1 

xrfim fn^Tf^r frfW tT tfa tftfawPT ll SRHt 139.5 (a. Brhatkatha), 
SSSN 206 5 an., (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) SSSN. 

388. srfa i 

trqnmtT f^frrf JJTftT W tT^T qf^^I II SRHt 264.24 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. 
Para 28.7.5). 

389. RfRWf^Tftr'i^?TT5»rnrift«Rfgrfr I 

^?r sftftPTRT f5t vrf^cTT 5TT%Sfq R: || SRHt 269.19 (a. Brhatkatha), 
(cf. Para 28.7.5). 

390. RntjOTTiT tTTnrr trtnfqq Tfrfsrqr^ i 

«nR»WTO^ x ®ar<qf«r9 mitT^ ll SRHt 75.5 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
70.6 an., (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(l) TTcnF^fRrq (or in; 0 ) SRHt. 

391. JTtPTTBTT 1 fenHFq: 2 qft®TK; *TC: I 

tffefM ^THI^TT 3 qqjp5r> m>T II SRHt 75.1 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
69.1 (a. Manu)=Mn 7.47, Nidkalpataru of Kscmendra 82.4 (v. Vi. 
3.50), (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) wpiTeTT SRHt; some texts of Ma; (2) SSSN; 5«lTJtTT =tr 

MnJ W'RTtnT^T Nltikalpataru) (Nitikalpataru 82.4. 

392. q*rr qnw ^ snrarat 1 i 

q- 4 ajfcrrat 5 dS? 6 ^Rrqrqq; ll SRHt 263.17 (a. Brhatkatha), VS 
3287 an; SSkr 57 an. IS 5093= MBh [MBh (Bh) 12.28.36, 
12.168.15, 13 App. 15 1.3945-6), MBh(R) 12.28.36; 12.174.16, MBh(C) 
12.868-9, [12.6471-2], R [R (Bar) 2.98.25, R (B) 2.105.26, R (C) 
2.105.26, R (G) 2.114.17 R (Kumbh) ? 105.26, R (L) 2.119.12, Cr 
802, H (HJ 4.72 etc.), (v. SS (OJ) 490, ShD (T) 66, JSAIL 30.05; 
31.5; 24.106), (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) RtfaRTT Cr (var.) ; (2) R; or JT^l^ Cr (var.) ; (3) 

RiftT or H (var.) ; (4) 3 R (var.) ; (5) otRffWT MBh (var.), 

Cr (var.); (6) tjtf Cr (var.); qtrspmTTST or ftsRtTT f%f%q WW|IH'<*I 

R (var.) 



393. 44T 4TT t[3?4<q sftw ?g«ra4ftqftr I 

44144^4^1441 W4tg4tf 441: 11 SRHt 263.13 (a Brhatkatha). (cf. Para 

394. qaftfrqtfq 1 4t 2 ftrf 3 ^4<&q 4 4 4444 s 1 

qirfq 3 45141 45TT 7 4*4 44l 4 ^fq 8 II SRHt 108.11 (a. Brhatkatha) = 
MBh (Bh) 5.39.34, (cf. para 28.5.2). 

(1) 4t4 or 4t If: MBh (var.) ; f?rf 0 or 45T MBh (var.) ; (2) $ or 4 MBh 
(var.) ; ((3) or 41 f4rT' (4vT') MBh (var.) (4) 44cq or 444*4 or 
#4 tT or f444 MBh (var.); (5) 4*fcT 44^4 4T (tr) MBh (fq4%q or 
fq^q or 4) MBh (var.) (6); 4%c4 MBh (var.); (7) 4STT MBh (var.); 
(8) MBh. 

395. q^qm, eqqq *T5T4 r434tef*4 444: I 

444544^ W-rT 1 4T4Rfq II SRHt 75.3 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
70.5 an., (cf., Para 28.7.5). 

(P) SSSN (var.). 

396. qr^T f4T4 4?34T 4S4 4t 4T 44R3rTmT: I 

cTWcr^ST^ 45/45 1 *M4> qfqwrfq II SRHt 263.19 (B r hatkatha), (cf. 
Para 28.7.5). 

(i) qqgfqq (?) 

397. Jr^f^TTfr^r^: spser trqqqqq i 

^4*4 ^4444ru 4rT>4TSJ 4 4SPI: II SRHt 17.9 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
28.4 (a. Brhatkatha.),(cf. Para 28.7.5). 

398. irm TT^Tt 1 544trTT4T4 2 angTvqqT 3 44T 4 I 

qrata% 5 4444 54 6 f4^4 4Tjf44:» II SRHt 263.22 (a. Brhatkatha), IS 

5781 =MBh (MBh (Bh) 12.169.11, MBh (R) 12.175.11, MBh (C) 
12.6532, (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) TT4t TT4t or 3T^TP4 or 444T TP4T or TT^qf TT^q MBh )var.) ; (2) 
314)41414 MBh (var.); (3) 34444 MBh (var.); (4) 44T or 441 or 44T 
or 441 MBh; (5) 4T4t4% or qpjf or 3T4T4T MBh (var.); (6) 4T4>4%4 
4r444 MBh (var.); (7) tjfq MBh (var.); (8) 4*44T (or 44: or 44:) MBh. 


Ludwik sternbach 

399. 4t ^r#; 1 45 4^414 1 

4FF4) f? 8 gTc4tf f?4 ^4 11 SRHt 34.9 (a. Brhatkatha) or an., 

(V. JOR (Madras) 13.297), SSSN 34.7 an., Vyas 82 an. Vyas (G) 92, 
Vyas (S) 98). (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) ffrgft*: Vyas. (2) sfa Vyfls. 

400 . ^r*T«frtrcTr #r% 4T44i444T4trr 1 

^g- 4>4rf ffivTltB 2 II SRHt 127.11 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 

151.10 an., (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) or "to: SRHt; (v. ABORI 53.14s); (2) SSSN. 

401 . 1 

q-i^RtsPr 1 *r »*fT5riftrrt?oiff II SRHt 127.12 (a. Brhatkatha), 

SSSN 151.11 an., (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) SSSN 

402- agrm 1 girtr ftstrer ^rdi^sR^ 2 4pTq. 1 

4 <J wt: ^frsrTSrtrr: IISRHt 67.29 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 

54.17 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) *TTc5T; SRHt; squT: SSSN (var.); (2) SSSN. 

403. 44)44 : 2 1 

srfffffft OTT^fTHr 4 44) oft): |l SRHt 129.3 (a. Brhatkatha; cf. 

JOR (Madras), 13.300), SSSN 152.2 an., IS 6344=Kir 11.59, PP 1.81, 
PtsK 1.119, (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) SrfrfiT SSSN; (2) °?«rr?5pTteff: Kir, P. 

404. W4?*J4: r44 43 54)44: I 

TSTt 4>*Tf^r 454 5Rjg*STfq qwfat) il SRHt 269.22 (a. Brhatkatha), (cf. 
Para 28.7.5). 

405 . fagjqrm 1 ^ronor 2 snf“i4f sjqr: 3 i 

f?f4) 4)^5 4 44fcT 4 44f?4 <4 II SRHt 263.20 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
243.4 an.=MBh (MBh (Bh) 12.27.28, MBh (R) 12.27.29, MBh (C) 
12.827), (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) 44*)4T f45rtf)4T74 SSSN, MBh; (44)4° or qqt4T4 ; f45rqtq?4T MBh 

(var.), but also as above); (2) '304)4) MBh (var.); (3) 5444 MBh (or 
as above or 544: or 5441), SSSN; (4) vf)%5 MBh (var.). 



406. ffsrsrrfxsrwsft *nrf<TrrfiTfmT!ft i 

Wmi sTRtTPTT 4«4t ^IiR4f4^T II SRHt 262.4 (a- Brhatkatha), (cf. 

Para 28.7.5). 

407. B*P»rffrfaP'JT% Br 9.1.1 =JS 24.46 (a. Ksemendra), SH 

116 (a. Ksemendra). (cf. Para 21.7.4). V .1 a ^OT° JS (printing 
error); JS, SH ; b °<Hire% jS, SH ; c JS ; d 

?rftr?rfn9T® JS, SH. 

408. 9^4 1 

mefr: 'RFi ^JT 3^ ll SRHt 34.0 (a. Brhatkatha or an., cf. 

JOR (Madras) 13.297, SSSN 34.6 an., (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) SSSN (or as; above); SSSN (var.). 

409. rtfpj; 9T«rfcr 'Efwfa: i 

TMIJTqfr 3Jg> 9T?fa9T5m: ll SRHt 148.9 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 
169.7 (a [?J Brhatkatha), (cf. Para 28.7.5). 

(1) 999 SSSN. 

410. f*99 99 JHferT Br 2.95=SRHt 139.2 (a. Brhatkatha), SSSN 205.2 an., 
(cf. Para 28.7.4). V. 1. d 9TT9tf99: SRHt, SSSN. 

411. 9 fa9rf9f a Ntatftf 1 2 3 * I 

aTTfrt^ 4rcrf*TT 5 39 : 39 : 6 ll SRHt 263.16 (a. Brhatkatha), IS, 

7264=MBh (MBh (Bh) 12.318.5, MBh (R) 12.331.5, MBh (C) 12. 
12516; MBh (Bh) 13 App. 15 l. 4058-9. (cf. Para 28.7.2). 

(1) 9^f?9 or or or or N99T or 99f*9 MBh (var.); 

(2) f499:% MBh; f9999 MBh (var.); (3) sfclffa MBh (var.); (4) 

[?9] MBh (var.); (5) 9r9T9T or ^fTTflt MBh (var.); ( 6 ) 39 : on. MBh 

(var.) (contra metrum). 




(cf. Para 26; 28.8) 


TrUlfvr»HTtj < H*1l I 

5PfTrfT^fsBJTT?nriTWRT^?f ! R^'f*lTftrt^fiftr ll Awe ad 17 8 (47) (a. mama 


(1) Auc (var.). 

413. m^?r fa'fld'fm'nTT *rm^3T^rfP>ff 
erarg-»r?Tr 5^?rra»Hr^*rawV *r%;rerT^fti>dT i 
fd^WT'TTIsRW: fWTTWTlfadW f«T*TT 

?TT"SlTjSr dddT 43T fa^TUd ?5T farTIdPJsr: II Auc ad. 38 (10$) (a. mama 
Bauddhavadana(kalpa)lata), SMS VIII. 

414. f3fa 'fipTW>% qfair 51 

fdsr»wr^ misruim*! *rr i 
flf»Rflnrit{ CT ft: dddr ^rraft 

Vdfd fadPtf: ^T®r: STItH^H II A u c ad 30 (86) (a. mama Bauddhava- 
danakalpalatika) , SMS IX. 

I. SEVYASEVAKOPADE^A (cf. Paras 26; 28.9). 

415. SP" TT'cl JTT d«T^ Scvya® 54=-VS 3238 (a. Ksemendra). 




Aucityavicaracarca published in KM. ] * pp. 115-150 ; in HSS. 25 ; Auc. 
Ks (RP) ; pp. 11-62 * translated into English by Dr. Suryakanta 
in SKS. ; pp. T l 18-172. 

Avaddnakdlpalatd or Batiddhdvaddnakalpalata or Boddhisattvavadanakal- 
palatd published in the Bibliotheca Mica, Work 124 as : Avada- 
nakalpalatd,., by Ksemendra with its Tibetan version called Rings 
hr\nd dp g b i am /jkhri Sifl by Sofiton Lochdva and Pandita Lakshmikara. 

Edited ... by Sarat Chandra Das ... and Pandit Hari Mohan 
Vidyabhushana. 2 volumes, Calcutta, Asiatic Society of Bengal , 

Baptist Mitsion Press , Calcutta 1888 (Vol. I), Calcutta 1918 
(Vol. II) (Partial, translation of Cantos 65, 51, 9, 8, Collected 
from Journal of the Buddhist Test Society of India): Legends and 
Miracles of Buddha , Sakya Simha. Part I. Translated from the 
Avadanakalpalata of Boddhisattvas of ... Ksemendra, by Nobin 
Chandra Das, Calcutta, Hare Press, 1895. Published also in 
BST , Darbhanga 1959. Cf. N. S. Sukla, The Avadanakalpalata 
of Ksemendra in Bulletin of the Institute of Post-Graduate (Evening 
Studies) 9 Delhi 1963; pp. 46-50. 

S. Ch. Banerji, Cultural Heritage of Kashmir , Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar , 


Bharatamahjari published in KM. 65 (title page wrongly marked 64). 

The Aranya-parvan also published by M. S. Bhandare. 

Brhatkathamahjari published in KM. 69 ; I-VIII translated into Br. 
French by Sylvain Levi in JA. s. 8; t. 6 (1885) ; pp. 397-479 
and s, 8; t. 7 (1886); pp. 178-222 ; also Exit ait du Brhatkathfc 



mafljarij E. Leroux, Paris 1886 ; L. von Mankowski, Der 
Ausiug am ... deni Paftcatantra in Kschemendras Brhatkathamanjari> 

Leipzig, 1892 ; G. Biihler, On the Vrihatkatha of Kshemendra 
in IA. 1 (1872) ; pp. 302-309 ; M. B. Emeneau (see below). 

L; A. Weber, Correspondence and Miscellanea in I A 2 (1873) ; pp. 

57 Sgg.; A. G. Burnell, Letter to the Editor of the Academy, dated 
Tanjore , 21st July 1871 in the Academy. A Record of Literature . 

Learning , Science and Art IT (1871) ; pp. 447 ; F. Lacote, Essai sur 
Gunadhya et la Brhatkalhd Paris 1908; pp. Ill Sgg; N. S. 

Sukla, Posteriority of the Ramnyanamanjan to Brhatkathamanjarx 
of Kfernendra, in Papers of the XXVI International Congress of 
Orientalists , pp. 236 Sgg. 

Gdrucarya published in KM. II ; pp. 128-138, in Ks(RP) ; pp. Car. 

135-144, Gupta Press, Calcutta 1907, 1910, 1966 ; Minto 
Press, Chittagong, 1913 ; Kamala Press, Coconnada, 1925 ; 

Madras, 1927, etc. ; P. Peterson Report for 1882*3 ; pp. 4-5 ; 

GDH. 16*11 f 3, 21, 32. 

Caturvargasaiigraha published in KM. V, ; pp, 7^-88, in Ks(RP) ; Catur, 
pp. 119-134; P. Peterson, Report for 1882-3 ; p. 5 ; GDH. 

76-77 ; Om Bajaj, The Caturvargasamgraha of Ksemendra — A Study 
in the Vikram, Journal of Vikram University 5.4 (1961) ; pp. 51-58. 

Darpadalana published in KM. VI • pp. 66-118, in Ks(RP) ; pp. Dar. 
145-206 ; Translated into German by R. Schmidt in ZDMG. 

69 ; pp. 1-59 ; cf. B. A. Hirszbandt, Ueber Kschemendra’s Darpa¬ 
dalana, St. Petersburg, 1692 ; Om Bajja. The Darpadalana of 
Ksemendra— A Study in PO. 27.3-4 p;p. 69 ff. : GDH. 78. 

Dafavataracarita(kdvya) published in KM. 26 ; translated into Dasa 
Italian (the Narasimhavatara only) by O. Botto (see next entry) ; 

O. Botto, II poeta Ksemendra e il suo Dasavataracarita . Universita 
di Torino Pub blicazioni della Facolta di Lettere e Filosofia. Vol. 

III. f. 1 ; Torino 1951 ; cf. J A 1953) ; p. 287 and (1962) ; 
p. 473 GDH. 76. 

Dattaray K. A Critical Survey of the Life and Works of Ksemendra , 

Sanskrit Pustak Bhandar, Calcutta, 1974. 

De, S. K. Wit , Humour and Satire in Ancient Indian Literature in OH, 

3,2 ; pp. 157 ff. 


De, S. K. Ancient Indian Erotics and Erotic Literature, Calcutta 1959. 

DeSopadrta{kdvya) published in KST. 40 (together with the De&L 

Narmamala) in Ks(RP) ; pp. 273-306 ; translated into English 
and annotated (Third Lesson only) by L. Sternfoach in PO. 25, 

0-19 ; cf. J. R. A, Loman. Types of Kashmirian Society in 
Kshemendra's Defopadeja in Brahmavidyd 31-32 (1967-68) ; pp. 

171-184; Orn Bajaj, Ksemendra as a Social Reformer in the DelOpadCstX 
in J01B 13.3(1964) ; pp. 221-231 ; GDH. pp. 78-9. 

Duttaray R. Vyasadasa 3 A Name of Ksemendra in OH. (1961) 11; 
pp. 73-78. 

Emcneau, M. B. Ksemendra as kavi in JAOS. 53 ; pp- 124-143. 

Kalavilasa critically edited, published and translated into English Kal, 
by P. Lapanich, Xerox University Microfilms, Ann Arbor, 
Michigan, 1974 ; published also in KM, I ; pp. 34-79 • in 
K$(RP); 219-71 ; translated into German by R. Schmidt in 
Feslgabe ehemaUger Schiller ZUm 70 Geburtstag des Professor Ernst 
Mehliss in Eisleben 1914 (I-IV) and in WZKM. 211 ; pp. 406 ff. ; 
cf. J. J. Meyer, Ksemendra’S Samayamairika, Lotus Vtrlag— Leipzig 
(n. d.), Vorwort. GDH. pp. 77-78. 

Kaul, Pt. M., Preface and Introduction to the DeSOpadesd and 
Narmamala , KST. 40. 

Kavikanthdbharana published in KM. IV ; pp. 149-169 ; in HSS. Kavi. 
24 ; in Ks(RP) ; pp. 63-04 ; translated into English by Dr. 
Suryakanta in SKS.; pp- 91-117; cf. j. Schonberg, Kschemendra’s 
Kavikanthdbharana (with a partial translation into German) ; 

Wien 1884 and in Sitzungsberichte der phil.-hist. Klasse der kais. 

Akademie der Wissenschaften CVI B. 1 ; Hft., Wien 1884 ; G. 

Biihler in JBBRAS 12, Extra No. 46 ; GDH. ; p. 77. 

Ksemendra-laghu-kavya-samgraha. Minor Works of Ksemendra. General Ks(RP), 
Editor : Dr. Ary end ra Sharma. Edited by Vidyaratna E. 

V. V. Raghavacarya and D. G. Padhye. Sanskrit Academy Series 
No. 7. The Sanskrit Academy. Osmania University, Hyderabad 



Lokaprakata (kosa ) published in KST. 75 ; Shetha Devachandra 
Labhai Jain Pustakodhdra Series 65, Bombay 1926 ; with a 
Gujarati translation by Vinayavaijayaji, Bhavanagar, 1935 ; 
translated into French and annotated by J. Bloch as Un 
Manuel du scribe cachtmirien au XVII sicclc . Lc Lokaprakata 
attributed Ksemendra , Paris, P» Gcuthner , 1914- ; A, Weber, Z u 
Kshemendra’s Lokaprakdfa, mit einem index verborurn von M. Sieg 
in Indische Studien 18 ; pp. 289-397. 

Mahajan, V. P. 3 Introduction to the edition of the Nihkalpataru 
(see below). 

Nagarjan ; K. S v Contribution of Kashmir to Sanskrit Literature with 
a Foreword by Hon'ble Dr . Karan Singhs Bangalore, 1970. 

Narahari 3 H. G., Pearls of Worldly Wisdom in The Aryan Path , 

March 1967 ; pp. 123-8. 

Narmamdla published in KST. 40 (together with the Deiopa - Narma, 
dda) ; in Ks(RP) ; pp. 307-346 ; J. Naudou, Aspects de la 
vie economique et sociale au Ka$m\r midUval \ these compUmentaire 
pour le doctoral is lettres presentee d la Faculte des Lettres et Sciences 
Humaines de F University de Paris (n. d.) ; GDH. p, 79. 

Mtikalpataru critically edited by V. P. Mahajan. Bhandarkar 
Oriental Research Institute. Post-Graduate and Research Department 
Series No. 1. Poona 1956. 

Nrpdvali or Rajavali (not extant, but three copies of the “List of 
Kings 7 ' reported as discovered in G. Btihler in Preliminary 
Report on the Results of the Search for Sanskrit Manuscripts in 
Kamtr , IA. Vol. V. p. 29a - Gf. RT. 1.13. 

Pushp, P. N., Social Satire in Ksemendra in Summaries of Papers sub¬ 
mitted to the Seventeenth Session of the All-India Oriental Conference , 
Allahabad 1953 ; pp. 191 ff. 

Ramayanamahjari or Ramayanakathasara published in KM. 83. See also 
Brhatkathamaftj arl. 

Samayamdtrka published in KM. 10 ; in K§(RP) ; pp. 349-416 ; Sam. 
translated into German by J. J. Meyer in Altindische 


Schclmcnbiicher I as Das £auberbuch der Hetdren , Lotus Verlag , 

Leipzig (n. d.) ; translated into English (incomplete trans¬ 
lation) by E. Powys Mathers in Eastern Love , Vol. II, as 
The Harlot’s Breviary , London 1927 ; translated into French 
(incomplete translation) in Les Madtres de Pamour. Le Livre 
d'amour de l 3 Orient as Le Breviaire de la Courtisane par Louis de 
Langle, Paris 1920 ; GDH. pp. 79-82. 

Sarma K. V. Ksmendra-kaver anupalabdhdh krtayah (in Sanskrit) in 
Vi&va-samskrtam 3.2 (1961) ; pp. 130-141. 

Sevyasevakopadesa published in KM. II ; pp. 79-85 ; in Ks(RP) ; Sevya. 
pp. 207-215; Om Rajaj, The Sevyasavakopaddci of Ksemendra 
inJBORS. 47 ; pp. 324 IT. 

Sharma, A., Introduction to Ks(RP) ; pp. 1-31; 

Sukla N. S. 7 Administration of Kashmir in the Eleventh Century in the 
Bulletin of the Post-Graduate ( Evening ) Studies, Delhi, for 1963, 
p. 46 ff. 

Suryakantha, Ksemendra Studies in Poona Orintal Series No. 91., Poona, SKS. 
1954 and in PO. 

Suvrttatilaka published in KM. II ; pp. 29-54 ; in HSS. 26 ; in Suvf. 
Ks(RP) ; pp. 85-116; translated into English in SKS. pp. 


Ved Kumari, Ksemendra's View about Education in Vishveshvaranand 
Indological Journal (1975) 13; pp. 411-4. 

Ved Kumari, Ksemendra’s Grudge against indisciplined Students in 
Charudeva Shastri Felicitation Volume; pp. 488-495, 

Vyasdstaka published in the Bharatamanjari KM. 65, pp. 850-1 ; and 
in Ks(RP) ; p. 8. 

Also : 

Ksemendra 3 s Bibliographical Sketch eulled from his works the 
Dafavataracarita, the Rdmdyanamanjari , the Bharatamanjari and 
the Brhatkathdmanjari , Nirnaya Sagara Press ; 



Vdlmiki-Prasamsa taken from the Ramayanamanjari in KM. 83 and 
reprinted in Ks(RP) p. 7. 

DaSdvatarastuti taken from the Dabdvataracarita in Ks(RP) ; p. 5. 

DaSavataracaritopasamharastham ; Brhatkathdmanjaristham , Bharatama- 
fijaristham , Rdmdyanamahjaristham in Ks(RP) ; pp. 419-422. 


Aufreehtj Th. Auswahl von uneditierten Strophen verschiedener Dichter in AAus. 
ZDMG. 16. 749-51 ; 25. 238-243 • 25. 455-463. 

AufreCht, Th, Beitr'&ge cur KenntniSS Indischer Dichter in ZDMG. 36. AB. 
361-383 ; 509-559. 

Aufrecht, Th. Ober die Paddhati von Sarngadhara in ZDMG. AP- 
27. 1-120. 

Kavindravacanasamuccaya. A Sanskrit Anthology of Verses . Ed. Kav. 

•••by F. W, Thomas, Bibliotheca Indica Work 208 ; S. K. De, 

Some Passages from the Kavindravacanasamuccaya in 1HQ,. 30.3 • 
pp. 282-4 ; GDH. p. 15. (See also SkV.). 

Kavitamrtakupa of Gauramohana with a translation into Bengali. Kk. 
Calcutta School Book Society Press f Calcutta 1828 * also in 
Malayamarutah /., Tirupati 1966 ; pp. 34-46 ; GDH. p. 32. 

Mahdsubhdsila-samgraha by L. Sternbach. See below III. SMS. 

Narabharana in Malayamarutah Tirupati 1966 ; pp. 47-83 ; NBh. 

L. Sternbach. On the Reconstruction of Some Verses of the 
Narabharana in Rtam 2-6 being Prof K. A. S. Iyer Felicitation 
Volume , 1976 ; pp. 1-8 (Part II) ; GDH. p. 32. 

Nitisamgraha . Vehkatesvara Steam Press , Bombay, samvat 1994 (A. D. Nlsam. 
1936) ; GDH. p, 32. 

Padyaracana of Laksmanabhatta Ankolakara in KM. 89 ; P. K. 

Gode in JOR (Madras) 15 (1940); pp. 184-193 ; GDH. p. 27. 



Padyatarafigini of Vrajanatha, An Analysis and an Index in P. O. 

9 ; pp. 45-56 by N. A. Gore ; TwoVersions of the Padyatarafigini 
of Vrajanatha by N. A. Gore in Dr. Kunhan Raja Commemoration 
Volume ; pp. 423-7 ; P. K. Gode 7 The Afuamedha performed by 
Sevai Jayasing of Amber in PO. 2 ; pp. 160 ff, ; GDH. p. 29. 

Padyavali of Rupa Gosvamin ; an Anthology of Vaisnava Verses in PG. 
Sanskrit compiled by ... Ed. by S. K. De 7 Dacca University ? Oriental 
Publication Series No. 3, University of Dacca , 1934; review by 
Har Dutta Sharma in ABORI 17 ; pp, 305 ff. and bv K. N. 

Mittcr in Indian Culture 2.2 ; pp. 382-3 ; GDH. pp. 23-4. 

Padyaveni of Venldatta published in Prdcyavani Mandira , Samskrta- PV. 
granthamdla, /. Samskrta-kosa-samgraha I 7 Series IV 7 Calcutta 

1941 ; R, G. Bhandarkar Report 9 1887-01 7 pp. lx-lxi ; GDH; 

p. 28. 

Prasannasahityaralnakara of Nandana (not published) quoted in Prasanna, 
SkV. (HOS. 42 ; pp. xxii-xxiii) ; GDH. p. 16. 

Rasikajivana of Gadadharabhatta in Prdcyavatii Mandira Sariitkrtd- RJ. 
granthamdla . Sanskrit Text Series II 7 Calcutta 1944 (pratika-s 
only) ; full edition no date, no place. Beginning edited also by 
P. Regnaud (with translation into French) in Annuaire de la 
Faculte des Lettres de Lyon, Paris, 1844 ; P. K. Gode, Rasikajivana 
of Gadddhaiabhatta and its probable Date in ABORI 12; pp. 396-9 ; 

V. V. Raghavacarya. Some Further Light on the Date of 
Gadadharabhatta and the Rasikajivana in Summaries of Papers of 
the Eleventh All-India Oriental Conference , Hyderabad, p. 92 ; 

GDH. p. 27. 

Sabhyalamkarana of Govindajit in Prdcyavatii Gopal Chunder Law S(5. 
Memorial Sanskrit Series , No. 4 ; Samskrtakosakauyasamgraha V 7 
Calcutta 1947 ; MS. No. 417 of 1884-87 in BORI ; P. K. Gode, 

Date of the Sabhyalamkarana , an Anthology of Govindajit in New 
Indian Antiquary 4.11 ; pp. 366-9 ; R. G. Bhandarkar, Report 
1887-91 ; pp. Ixii-lxiii ; cf. ABORI 12, p. 396 ; GDH. p. 28. 

Saduktikarnamrta by Sridharadasa edited by Rarnavatara Sarma, Skm. 
Bibliotheca Indica work 217; by Rarnavatara Sarma with an 
Introduction by Har Dutt Sharma anti Pt. P^dma Singh 



Sharma in Punjab Oriental Series (Skm (POS) ) ; by S. G. 
Banerji, Calcutta 1965 (Skm (B) ) ; review by L. Sternbach 
in JAOS 90.2 ; p. 352 ff. ; S. K. De. Bengal's Contribution to 
Sanskrit Literature in 1SPP. 1.4 ; pp, 639-641 ; Th. Aufrecht 
in ZDMG. 36 5 pp. 361 and 599 ; R. Pischel, Hofdichter des 
Laksmanasena , Gottingen 1893 ; GDH. p. 16. 

Samayocitapadya(ratna)mdlikd often published ; in alphabetical 
order edited by P. T. Matriprasada Pandeya, in HSS, 165 ; 
according to subject matters listed in alphabetical order edited 
by Gangadhara Krsna, $aka 1879 (A. D. 1957) ; GDH. p. 33. 

Samskrlapathopakaraka published in Calcutta, &aka 1761 (A. D. 
1839) ; GDH. p, 33. 

Samskrtasuktisamgraha published in Gandki Visvaparijad, Dhana, 
Sagara 1959 - GDH. p. 33. 

Sdrasamueeaya published in Sanskrit and Old Javanese with the 
translation of the Sanskrit Text by Raghu Vira in Sata-pitaka 
Series 24, Delhi 1962 ; reprinted with an Indonesian trans¬ 
lation by Rai Sudharta in Parisada Hindu Dharma Pusat , 
Denpasar 1968 (incomplete) ; H. H. Juynboll in Bijdragen tot 
de Taal-j Land- m Vulkenkunde van Nedcrlandsch-Indie 6. 8-52, 
1951 ; pp. 393-398 ; L. Sternbach, Sanskrit Subhasita-samgraha-s 
in Old Javanese and Tibetan in ABORI. 48; pp. 115-158 ; L. 
Sternbach, On the Sanskrit Niti Literature of Old Java and Bali in 
fndologica Tauriiunsia 5; pp. 190-288; L. Sternbach, The Spread¬ 
ing of Canakya’s Aphorisms over cc Greater India 77 , Calcutta 1969 ; 
pp. 63-4 ; GDH. p. 42. 

Sdrasuktavali not published ; MS. BOR I 1492 of 1886-92 dated 
samvat 1650 (A. D. 1592) compiled by Sri Municandragani 
written by Pt. Sivahamsa ; GDH. p. 37. 

Sarngadharapaddhati publised by P. Peterson in BSS. 37 (see also 
AP. above ; ZDMG. 28. 156-7) ; M. YVinternitz, The Sarhga- 
dharapaddhati in PO. 1.2; pp ; 22-26 ; H. D. Sharma, An 
Analysis of Authorities quoted in the Sarngadhapadhati in ABORI. 
18 ; pp. 77-84; L. Sternbach, On the Authorship of Some Stanzas 
of the Sarngadharapaddhati in Rajasthan University Studies , 1 ; pp. 









8-30 ; A. D. Pusalkar, Sarhgadharapaddkati and Brhat-Sarhga - 
dharapaddhati in Prof. P. K. Gode Commemoration Volume III ; p. 

157 ff. 5 GDH. pp. 17-8. 

Satagalhd of VararUci (Mchog sred 7 Tshigs-su bcad-pa brgy-pa VS (T) 
included in the Tibetan Tanjur) ; cl. L. Sternbach., The Spread¬ 
ing (op. cit.), pp. 15 and 23-4. 

She-rab Dong-bu or Prajhadanda by Li Thub (Nagarjuna). ShD (T). 
Edited and Translated by W. L. Campbel, Calcutta 1919 ; 

L. Sternbach, Sanskrit Subhasita-samgrahas in Old Javanese and 
Tibetan in ABORI 43; pp. 115-158; L. Sternbach, The 
Spreading (op. cit.) ; pp. 20-2. GDH. p. 40. 

Slokanlara edited by Sharada Rani in the Dvlpantara-Pitaka Sit (Oj). 
No. 2. International Academy of Indian Culture , Delhi 1957 ; 
cf. L. Sternbach, On the Sanskrit Nili Literature ... (op. cit.) ; 
pp. 217-8; 259-264. L. Sternbach, Spreading (op. cit) 
pp. 61-2 ; GDH. 42-3. 

Subhasita ( Jainistfc) not published, MS. BORI 1425 of 1887-91; JSub. 
GDH. p. 37. 

Subhdsitahoravail of Harikavi not published. MS. BORI 92 of SH. 
1883-89 ; P. K. Gode, Harikavi alias Bhanubhatta , a Court-poet 
of king Sambhaji and Works in ABORI 16 ; pp. 262-91. H. 

Sharma, The Subh&sitaharavail in IHQ. (1934) ; pp. 478 ff. ; L. 
Sternbach, On the Subhdsitahardvali and on the Suktisahasra in 
JCJRI. 28.3-4 ; pp. 101-147 ; L. Sternbach, Subhasita-s of the 
Subhasitahardvali of Harikavi in Rajasthan University Studies 6 
(1973-4) ; pp. 33-66 ; L. Sternbach, Main Sources of Harikavi’s 
SubJidsitaharavail in Diamond Jubilee Number of ABORI ; 
pp. 349-363; cf. New Indian Antiquary 3 (1940); p. 81-100; 

Review of the Padyavali (see above ; Padyavall); ABORI 
17.305 ; P. Peterson, Second Report for 1883-84; pp. 57-64 ; 

GDH. pp. 25-6. 

Subhasitakhanda of Ganesabhatta not published ? MS. 105 in SKG, 

Rajapur ; GDH. p. 37, 



Subha sitamukt avail (anonymous) edited by R. N. Dandekar, 
University of Poona , reprinted from the Journal of the University of 
Poona, Humanities Section , 1962i P.K. G-ode, Date of the Subba$ita - 
muktdvali in 1HQ,. 22 ; pp. 55-9 ; L. Sternbach, On the Authorship 
of Some Stanzas of the Subhasitamukt avail in Journal of the 
University ofPoona> Humanities Section , No. 19 ; pp. 37-65 ; GDH. 
p. 24. 

Subhasitapadyaratnakara edited with a commentary in Gujarati 
by Muniraja Sri Visalavijayaji in Sri Vijayadharmasilri Jaina 
Granthamdid Nos. 27, 31, 34, 52, 48 ; cf. L. Sternbach, On Some 
Non-canonical Subhasita Collections in Jaina Literature in A.lahavira 
and his Teachings 9 Bombay 1977 ; pp. 41-75 ; para. 7. 

Subhasitaralnabhandagdram by Narayana Rama Acarya “Kavya- 
tirtha” (or GemS of Sanskrit Poetry being a Collection of Witty 3 
Epigrammatic, Instructive and Descriptive Verses with their Sources , 
Enlarged and Re-edited with Sources, etc.) ; 8th edition, 
Nirnaya Sagara Press, Bombay 1952 ; GDH. p. 30. 

Subhasitaratndkara , A Collection of Witty and Epigrammatic Sayings in 
Sanskrit , compiled and edited ... by Krsnasastri Bhatavadekar, 
Bombay 1872 ; fourth edition 1918 ; GDH. p. 34. 

Subhasitaratnakosa of BhattaSnkrsna not published, MS: BOR I 93 
of 1883-84, folia 1-155 ; R. G. Bhandarkar Report 1883-84 ; 
pp. 56-7 ; GDH. p. 37. 

Subhasitaratnakosa of Vidyakara edited by D. D. Kosambi and 
V. V. Gokhale in HOS. 42 ; translated into English as tc An 
Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry ; Vidyakara s e< Subhasitara- 
tnakosa" by H. H. Ingalls in HOS 44 and £C Sanskrit Poetry from 
Vidyakara's Treasury ”, Cambridge, Mass. 1970 ; Krishna Sarma, 
A Note on two Verses of the Subhasitaratnakosa in Sri Vehkatesvara 
University Oriental Journal 2.1-2 ; pp. 82-84; V. Raghavan, A 
New Sanskrit Anthology in Islamic Review , London 65 ; pp. 1-2 ; 
pp. 19-21 ; cf. Book-reviews in JR AS (1959) 172 and (1966) 
78; in JAS (Calcutta), Yearbook 1959 (II. 1) ; pp. 80-1 and 
7 (1963) ; p. 107 ; in ABORI 38 ; pp. 309-12, in IIJ. 10.1 ; 
p. 74 ; in VIJ. 3 ; p. 2 ; 319, in Critique (1965) ; p. 222 ; in 
JAOS 78 j p. 316 ; GDH. pp. 15-16, 









Subhasitaratnamala by G K. Chiplonkar 4th ed. Poona 1923 and SRM. 

Subhasitaratnanidhi of Sa skya Pandita in Tibetan and Mongolian SRN(T). 
by J. E. Bosson, (with an English Translation). University 
Microfilms , Ann Arbor, 1965 ; also published with a German 
translation by W. L. Campbell in Ost-Asiatische fyitung, Ncue 
Folge , 1925 ; pp. 31-65 and 159-185 ; and partly with an 
English translation by A. Csoma de Kbros in 1855-6 in JASB 
24 ; pp. 141 ff. ; and 25 ; pp. 257 ff. ; reprinted in JASB. 

Extra 1911; also in French by Ph. E. Foucaux in Le tresor des 
belles paroles . Ghoix de sentences composes par It Lama Saskya Pandita , 

Paris 1859. The text in Mongolian : Le Subhasitaratnanidhi 
Mongol, Un document du moyen Mongol par Louis Ligeti, SRN(Mo)* 
Par tip Trp, Le manuscript libeto-mongol en reproduction pkototypique avec 
une introduction. In Bibliotheca Orientalis Hungarica VI. Budapest 
1948 ] SociJtJ Korosi Csoma ; P. Aalto, Fragmenle des mongolischen 
Subhasilanidhi in Qiiadratschrift in Mitteilungen des Institute fiif 
Orientforschungj Deutsche Akademie der Wissenschaften Berlin III, 

Ilefl 2, Berlin 1955 ; pp. 279-90 ; J. E. Bosson, A Rediscovered 
Xylograph Fragment from the Mongolian P'hags-pa Version of the 
Subhasilanidhi \n Central Asiatic Journal 6 ; pp. 85-102 ; P. Aalto, 

The Mannerheim Fragment of Mongolian Quadratic Script in Studia 
Orintalia , Helsinki 17.7 ; pp. 3-9 ; L. Sternbach, Influence of the 
Sanskrit Gnomic Literature on the Gnomic Literature of Mongolia 
in Proceedings of the III International Congress of Mongo lists, Ullaan 
Baatar, 1976 ; L. Sternbach, Spreading ... (op. cit.) ; pp. 24-7 ; 

GDH. d. 40. 

Subhafita-ralna-samuccaya (an.) ed. by K. R. Jaglekar and V. G. Sant SRS 
5th edition, Ahmedabad 1922. 

Subhasitasagara not published. MS. BORI 424 of 1899-1915 : SSJ. 

GDH. p. 38. 

Subhdfitasamgraha of Purusottama Mayarama Pandya, published SSg. 
in Bombay, 1885. GDH. p. 35. 

Subhafitasaptalati compiled by Mahgeladeva Sastri, Delhi 1960. SSap. 
GDH. p. 35. 



Subhdsitasarasamuccaya not published. MS. No. 10526-136-7 of 

the Asiatic Society, Calcutta ; cf. J. B. Chaudhuri in B. C. 
Law Volume //, Poona 1946 ; pp. 145-158 ; GDH. p. 38. 

Subhasifasavaskrta ( ?)-sloka s MS, R. 41 in the Bibliotheque de 
VUniversite de Lyon, partly edited by P, Regnaud in Stances 
Sanskrites inedites d’apres un manuscrit de la Bibliotheque UniversiZaire 
de Lyon in Annuaire de la Faculte des Letrres de Lyon; fasc . 2 (1884); 
pp. 1-22 and (1885) fasc . 2 and from a Manuscript in the 
Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris ( ibidem, VI) ; GDH. p. 38. 

Subhasitasudhdnandalahari (anonymous) in Malayamarutah III , New 
Delhi, 1973 ; pp. 92-115; cf. L. Sternbach, review in JAOS 
95.2 ; pp. 309-310. 

Subhdsitasudhdnidhi of Sayana edited by K. Krishnamoorthy, 
Karnatak University, Dharwar 1968 ; L. Sternbach, Sayana S 
Subhdsitasudhdnidhi and Suryapandita's Suktiratnahara in Gatlgandtha 
Jhd Samskrta Kendriya Vidydpitha 27. ; pp. 166-260 ; V. 
Raghavan, Sayana's Subhdsitasudhdnidhi and Suryapandita's 

Suktiratnahara in Gahganatha Jha Samskrta Kendriya Vidyapitha 29 ; 
pp. 401 -404. See also Suktiratnahara (below) ; GDH. pp. 19-20. 

Subhd$itasudharatnabhdnddgdratn or Treasuries of Sanskrit Poetry being 
a Collection of Amusing, Sarcastic and Instructive Verses compiled and 
annotated by Pandit Sivadattakaviratna, Thoroughly revised, 
Enlarged and Brought Up to date in Sri Vehkateluara Steam Press, 
Bombay, samvat 1985 (1927) ; GDH. p. 30. 

Subhasitasuradruma of Keladi Basavappa Nay aka, not published. 
MS. BORI 228 of later additions and 2271-2 at Srngeri (Lewis 
Rice in the Cathalogue, Bangalore 1884) and in the Lilbrary of 
the University of Bombay ; P. K. Gode in BhV. 3 ; p. 40-6, 
Kavindra Paramananda and Keladi Basabhupala ; GDH. p. 38. 

Subhasitarnava (anonymous) not published. MS ; in the former 
Asiatisches Museum der Wissenschaften in Bengali characters 
quoted by O. Bohtlingk in Indische Spriiche ; pp. 37-38. 

Subhafitavali of Vallabhadeva, edited by P. Peterson and Pt. 
Durgaprasada, BSS. 31 ; P. Peterson, Specimens of the Text and 










10 ) 

Translation of the Subhasitavali in Actes du sixieme Gongres Inter - 
national des Orientalistes ... 1883 a Leide, troisieme partie } sect . 

2 ; pp. 339-465 ; C. Cappeller, Vallabhadeva's Subhasitavali in 

Album Kern ; pp. 239-44 ; M. Ramakrishna Kavi, MSS. Of 
SubhdSitdVCtli Of Vallabhadeva in Journal of Sri VehkateJvara Oriental 
Institute 2.2 ; pp. 375-398 ; L. Sternbach, De Vorigint des vers 
cites dans le Niti-paddhati du Subhasitavali de Vallabhadeva in 
Melanges L. Renou , pp. 683-714 ; S. K. De, On the Date of the 
Subhasitavali, JRAS (1927) pp. 471 ff. ; A. B Keith, The Date of 
Subhasitavali in JBSOS. 5.3 ; pp. 27 ff. ; S. K, De, Sarvananda 
and Vallabhadeva in BSOS 5.3 ; pp, 499 ff, ; S. K. De* Aspects of 
Sanskrit Literature, pp. 157-61 ; D. S. Bliattacharya, Date of the 
Subhasitavali in JRAS (1927) pp. 471 ff. and (1928) pp. 135 ff, 
403 and 900 ; S. C. Banerjee, On the Date of the Tikasaruasva 
by Sarvanandeva in JRAS. (1928) p. 900 * cf, review articles by 
G. M. C. and by G. Buhler with a note by J. F. Fleet in IA. 
(1886) ; pp 239- 242 and reviews by A. Barth in ReVUC critique 
d'histoire et de literature (1887), No. 22 ; pp. 421-431 and by G. 
Buhler in I A, 15 ; pp. 240 ff. Gf. also P. Peterson, Panini , Poet 
and Grammarian with some Remarks on the Age of Sanskrit Classical 
Poetry in JRAS (1891) ; pp. 311-36; Th. Aufrecht, J?wei 
Panini zugetheilte Strophen in ZDMG 14 ; pp, 81 ff, ; Th. 
Aufrecht, Misecellen in Indische Studien 17; pp. 169 ff. ; P. 
Peterson, Report 1882^3 ; p. 30 ff. ; GDH. pp, 22-3. 

Suktiratnahara of Surya Kalirigaraja edited by K. Sambagiva Sastri, 
published in Trivandrum Sanskrit Series No. CXLI ; &ri Gitro - 
dayamanjari No. XXX, Trivandrum 1938 ; V. Raghavan, 
The Suktiratnahara of Kalihgaraya Surya , JOR (Madras) 
13.293-306 ; L, Sternbach, On the Reconstruction of some Verses or 
their Parts of the Suktiratnahara in ABORI 53 ; pp. 127-160 ; L. 
Sternbach, On the Sanskrit Suktiratnahara as Subhdsita-samgraha of 
Prakrit Subhdsita-s in Sambodhi, Special Issue in Memory of Dr, 
A. jV*. Upadhye , Vol. 5 ; Nos. 2-3 ; pp. 81-93; A. S. Ramanatha 
Aiyer in Summaries of Papers of the III All-India Oriental Con¬ 
ference, pp. 115-129. Gf. Subasitasudhanidhi above, Vyasasubha- 
sitasamgraha below ; L. Sternbach, Quotations from tho Kautiliya 
Arthafastra in JAOS. 88.3; pp. 495-520; 88.4; pp. 495-520; 
88.4; pp. 717-727; paras. 4-5 and Nos. 1-31; L. Sternbach 




An Additional Note on Sundarapandya^s Nitidvisastika in JGJRI 25 ; 
pp. 333-365 ; L. Sternbach, Ravigupta and his Gnomic Verses in 
ABORI. 48.; pp. 137-160; GDH. pp. 19-20. 

Suktimuktavali of Bhagadatta Jalhana ed. by Embar Krishnamacarya,, JS. 
GOS. 82; GDH. 17; (see also SH). 

Vidagdhajanavallabha of Vallabhadeva not published. V. Raghavan, Vjv. 
The Vidagdhajanavallabha in Journal of the Kerala University Or . 

MSs. Library , Trivandrum 12.1-2; pp. 133-154; GDH. p. 39. 

Vyasasubhdsita-sangraha ... edited ... by L f Sternbach in Kali Sanskrit Vyas. 
Series j No. 193 with the Ceylonese Vyasakdraya (in Sanskrit - Vyas(C) 
texte aus Gey loti herausgeben von H. Bechert, I. Toil. Miinchener 
Studien cur Sprachwisscnschaft, Beiheft D., Munchen 1962) ; Also: Vyas(S) 
the Siamese Vyfcafataka B. E. 2464 (A, D. 1920); L. Sternbach, 

On ihe Sanskrit Niti-Literature of Ceylon I in Brahmavidya 31-32; 
pp. 636 If.; idem 111 in Brahmavidya 36; pp. 258-69; L. 
Sternbach, Sur la Literature didactique et gnomique laique d 9 origine 
sanskrite a Ceylan in JA. T. 260; pp. 79-87 : L. Sternbach, On the 
Vydsasubhasita in Felicitation Volume in Honour of Professor E. 
Sluszkiewicz f Warszawa 1974; pp. 221-227. GDH. pp. 20-21. 

(in the alphabetical order of the Abbreviations) 

Annals of the Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute , Poona. ABORI 

Alaflkarakaustubha of Vi3ve£vara, KM. 66. AIK. 

Alahkrti-mani-mald ed. by G. V. Devasthali. Keshav Bhikaji Bhawale, Aim. 
Bombay, 1948. 

Alamkaratnakara of SobhakararmiSra in POS.77. AIR. 

Alamkaramahodadhi of Narendraprabhasuri in GOS. 95. Amd. 

anonymously quoted. an. 

Anyokimuktavali of Harbsavijayaganl$a in KM. 88. Any. 


Alamkarasarvasva of Rajanaka Ruyyaka in KM. 35. Translated into AR. 
German by H. Jacobi in ZDMG. 62; pp. 289-458 and 
597-628; and ed. by K. S. S. Janaki, Mehcrchand Lachhmandas , 

Delhi 1965. ARJ. 

Alankarasutram of Ruyyaka in TSS. 40. ARR. 

Anyoktyastaka-samgraha edited by P. D. Trivedi, Bharatiya Vidyd ASS. 

Series 11. 

Bhartrhari, Satakatrayadisubhasitasamgraha. The Epigrams attributed Bh§. 
to Bhartrhart, cd. by D. D. Kosambi. SJS. 33. The first 200 
epigrams translated into English by B. S. Miller, New York— 

London, 1967. For other editions and translations, as well as 

bibliography on Bhartrhari sse GDH. pp. 48-55. 

Bharatiya Vidyd. A Monthly Research Organ of the Bhavan. BhV. 

Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute , Poona. BORI, 

Bibliotheca Indica 7 (Royal) Asiatic Society , Calcutta. B.I. 

Bombay Sanskrit (and Prakrit) Series . Bombay. BSS. 

Buddhist Sanskrit Texts published by the Milhila Institute of Post - BST. 
Graduate Studies and Research in Sanskrit Learning. Darbhanga. 

Bulletin of the School of Oriental Studies , London, BSOS. 

Candraloka of Jayadeva. ChSS. 458-9. Can. 

Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series , Varanasi. ChSS. 

Citramimamsa of Appayya Diksita with the Commentary of Cit(V). 

Dharananda. Ed. by K. P. Shukla, Varanasi 1965. 

Canakya-niti Text Tradition (Canakyaniti Sakha-sampradayah ) by Cr. 

L. Sternbach. VIS. 27-29; GDH. pp. 44-48. 

Dhammanlti in Pali. See MhN(P) below DhN(P). 

Nitidvisastika of Sundarapandya ed. and published by K. Markandeya Dvi. 
garmii, 1928; M. G, Narafiari, A New Version of Nitidvisastika 



of Sundarapandya in Brahmavidya 10 ; pp. 133-8 and 263 ; partly 
translated in Bharatiya Journal , 14.1; pp. 95-96 and 14.2; 

pp. 23-4; cf. L. Sternbach, An Additional Note on Sundarapandya 3 s 
Nitidvisastika in JGJRI 25 ; pp. 333-365 ; GDH. pp. 59-60. 

Subhdsita , Gnomic and Didactic Literature by L. Sternbach in GDH- 
A History of Indian Literature 3 cd. by J. Gonda, Vol. IV. 1. Otto 
Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, 1974. 

Gaekwad Oriental Series, Baroda. GOS« 

Gantka-vrtta-sathgraha, Compiled and presented by L. Sternbach. GVS. 
VIS. 4; GDH. p. 39. 

Garuda-pltrdnam cd. by J. Viyasagara, Calcutta 1890; also Vahgauasi GP. 
Press, Calcutta 1890 and in Kasi Sanskrit Series 165; 
translated by M. N. Dutt in Wealth of India } Calcutta 1908; 

GDH. p. 47. 

Gems from Sanskrit Literature. Compiled and translated by Dr. A. GSL. 
Sharrna and Vid. L. V. Vira Raghavacharya. Sanskrit 
Academy Series J. Osmania University , Hyderabad 1959; GDH. 
p. 35. 

Harvard Oriental Series 7 Cambridge, Mass. HOS. 

Ilaridas Sanskrit Series, Varanasi. HSS. 

Iiitopadesa of Ndrayana ed. and translated by F. Johnson, HJ. 
Hartford-London 1864. For other editions and translations sec 
L. Sternbach, Hitopade’sa and its Sources , American Oriental 
Series , 44 

Indian Antiquary , Bombay. IA. 

Indian Historical Quarterly, Calcutta. IHQ. 

Indo-Iranian Journal, The Hague. IIJ. 

Indische Spruche by O. Bohtlingk, Sanskrit und Deutsch, zweile . . . IS. 
Ausgabe I-III, St. Petersburg, 1870-3; Erster und zweiter Nachtrag Bulletin de V Academie des Sciences de St. Petersbourg , XXI. 

401-9; XXIII. 401-432 ; O. Eohtlingk, %ur Kritik und Erklarung 



verschiedener indischer Werke in Bull, de I’Accdcmic des Sciences de St. 
Petersbourg XXI.93-132; 200-242; 370-409; A. Blau, Index gu 
O. Bohllingks Indischen Sprilchen in Abhandlungen fiiT die Kunde des 
Morgenlandes IX.4, Leipzig 1093; Th. Aufrecht, Bemerkungen 
Z.u Bohllingks Indischen Sprilchen in ZDMG, 52.255 ; Pt. Durga 
Prasada Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche in JRRRAS 16.361 ft'.; L. 
St.ernbach, Supplement to 0. Bohtlingk's Indische Spruche in 
Abhandlungen fiiT die Kunde des Morgenlandes XXXVII.1, Wiesbaden 
1965 ; L. Sternbacli, Revised Supplement to 0. Bohtlingk's Indische 
Spruche, Part I; Verses I to 500 in Indologica Taurinensia, II; pp. 

305-407 ; GDH. p. 30. 

Indian Studies Past and Present , Calcutta. 

Journal Asiatique> Paris, 

Journal of the American Oriental Society, New Haven, Conn. 

Journal of the Asiatic Society, Calcutta. 

Journal of the Bombay Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society , Bombay. 

Journal oj the Bihar and Orissa Research Society , Patna. 

Journal of the Ganganalha Jha Research Institute , Allahabad. 

Journal of the Oriental Institute , Baroda. 

Journal of the Oriental Institute , Madras. JOR. (Madras) 

Juridical Studies in Ancient Indian Law by L. Sternbach volumes JSAIL. 
I-II, Delhi, 1965-1967. The numbers of the Studies refer to the 
original studies, as listed in Vol. I.; pp.24-28. 

Kashmir Series of Texts and Studies , The Research Department, Jammu KST. 
and Kashmir State. 









Katharatnakara of Hemavijaya, Jamnagar 1911. KR. 

Kathasaritsagara of Somadcvabhatta ed. by H. Brockhaus in Abhandlun- KSS. 
gen fur die Kunde des Murgenlandes, vol. 2.5 and 4.5; in JVirnaya 
Sagara Press, 4th edition, Bombay 1930; translated by C. H. 

Tawney, Calcutta, 1880 and 1884 and with N* M. Penzer ix\ 



the Ocean of Stories, London 1924-28 reprinted by Motilal 
Banarsidass. For further bibliographical data. See L. 
StcrnbaclFs Introduction to Proverbs and Aphorisms from the 
Kathasarit S cigar a, Akhila Bharatiya Sanskrit Parishad, Luckuow. 

Kdvyapradipa of Mm. Govind, KM. 24. KaP. 

Kdvydtutsdsana of Vagbliata. KM. 43. Kavyan. 

Kavyamifasana of Hcmacandra in KM, 71 (KH.) and with KH. 
Alahkaraciiddmani and Viueka, Sri Mahavira Jaina Vidyalaya, KHpk. 
Bombay 1964 (KHpk.) 

Kavyamala Series published by the Nirnaya Sdgara Press. Roman KM. 

numbers refer to guccha-s; Arabic numbers refer to the 95 
Kavyamala booklets. 

Kamandakiya-nitisara published in BI. 4 and translated by M. N. KN. 
Dutt, Calcutta 1966; in Anandaframa Sanskrit Series 136, and 
in TSS. 14. 

Kdvyaprakdsa of Mammata, BORI 1950; also in Anandasrama Kpr. 

Sanskrit Series 89. Translated by G. Jha (Reprint from the 
Pant. DI. Benares 1898) and by R. G. Dvivedi in the Poetic 
Light, Delhi, 1966. 

Kiratnrjuniya ofBharavi, 4th edition, JsTirriaya Sdgara Press, Bombay Kir. 

Kuvalayananda of Appayya Dlk$ita, Nirnaya Sdgara Press , 1947 ; Vidya Kuv. 
Bhavana Samskrta Granthamala 24; GhSS. 1956. 

Malayamdrutah edited by V. Raghavan, I, II, III, Central Malaya. 

Sanskrit Institute , Tirupati 1966, 1971, New Delhi 1973. 

Mahabharata Poona critical edition, Poona, BORI, 1927-1966 MBh. 
[MBh(Bh)] ; The Asiatic Society of Bengal edition, Calcutta 
1834-9 [MBh(C)] ; Roy and Bombay editions [MBh(R) ] ; 
translated by M. N. Dutt, Calcutta 1897-1901; and by V. P. 

N. Menon; The Scholar Press , Palghat 1955; Parvans I-V 
translated by J. A. B, van Buitenen, University of Chicago Press , 

1973, 1975, 1978. 



Maharahaniti in Pali in Dhammaniti und Maharahaniti. £aj«'MhN(P). 
Texte der Spruchlitetur aus Birma von H. Braun, Gottingen 1975. 

Mdnava-dharmatdslra edited by J. Jolly, London, 1887 and translated Mn. 
by G. Buhler in Sacred Books of the East , 25. (For other 
editions, translations and Studios, see P. V. Kane, History 
of DharmaSastra I and L. Sternbach, Bibliography on dharma and 
artha in Ancient and Mediaeval India, Otto Harrassowitz, 
Wiesbaden, 1973. 

Our Heritage , Calcutta. OH. 

Pancatantra\ of Durgasimha (PD.) by A. Venkatasubbiah in fyitschrift P.(PD). 
fur Indologie und Iranistik , 6.255 ff.; Meghavijaya (PM.) in (PM). 
ZDMG. 67.639 ff. • Nepali text (PN.) in PS. XXXIX and 100- (PN). 

26; in PT. 117-35 and PRE. 2.192-258; Paftcakahyanaka of (PP,) 
Purnabhadra (PP.) in HOS. 11-2 translated by A. W. Ryder, 

University of Chicago Press, Chicago 1925; Paftcatantra Recons- (PRE.) 
tructed by F. Edgerton (PRE) with translation into English in 
American Oriental Series 2-3 ; Siidliche Paftcatantra (PS.) heratisg. (PS.) 
von J. Hertel in Abhandlungen der phiL-hist. KL der kon . Sachs. G es. 
d. Wiss f XXIV.5, Leipzig 1906 and by M, Haberlandt in Sit- (PSh.) 
zungsberichte der Wiener Akademie der Wissenschaften (PSll.) ; (PT.) 

Tantrakhyayikd ed. by J. Hertel (PT.) in HOS. 14; translated 
into German by J. Hertel I-II, Leipzig und Berlin 1909 and in (PTcm.) 
Abhandlungen der phil,-hist . Klasse der kon, Suchs, Gcsellschaft der 
Wissenschaften , Leipzig, 1904 (PTem.) ; textus simplitior ed. by E. (Pts.) 
Kielhorn and G. Buhler in BSS. 1, 3, 4 (Pts.) and translated 
into German by L. Fritze, Leipzig, 1884 and ed. by I. O. G. L. (PtsK.) 
Kosegarten (PtsK.), Bonnae ad Rhenum, 1848 and translated 
into German by Th. Benfey, Leipzig 1859 and into French by 
L. Lanceraux, Paris 1871 and 1965. (For other bibliographical 
data see J. Hertel, Das Pahcatantra , seine Geschichte und seine 
Verbreitung , Leipzig und Berlin, 1914; PRE. Introduction by 
L. Sternbach, On the kavya-portions in the katha-literature, Vol. I; 

Delhi, 1971). Cf. Ru. below. 

Padmapurana in Anandaframa Sanskrit Series , Extra I. PdP. 

Poona Orientalist, Poona. 




Poona Orientdl Series , Poona. POS. 

Punjab Sanskrit Series , Lahore. PSS. 

Rdmayana critical Baroda edition (R. (BaJ.) ), Bombay edition R. 

[R. (B),], Gerrosio 3 s edition [R. (G.) ], Kubhakonam edition (R. 

[Kumbh) ], North-Western Recension, Lahore [R (L) ], M. 

L. J. Press, Mylapore, Madras 1958 edition [R. (R.) ] ; transla- 
tedby M. N. Dutt, Calcutta 1892; by Hari Prasad Shastri, 

London 1959, etc. ; T. Srinivasa Raghavacharya, Gems from 
Rdmayana , Bhavan 3 s Book University , No. 119. 

Rasagahgadhara by Jagannatha Pandita, Sixth ed. in KM. 12. Rasagangt 

Rdjatarangini of Kalhana edited by M. A. Stein with translation RT. 

into English ; BSS. 45, 51 and 54 edition J in Vishveshvaranand 
Research Institute Publications , 273, 357 ; by M. A. Troyer with 
translation into French. 

Das Paftcalanlra und seine Moralhhre by W. Ruben, Berlin 1959. Ru. 

Sahityadarpana of Visvanatha Kaviraja in BI. 9 with translation into Sah. 
English by J. R. Ballantyne, 

Sihghi Jam Series , Bombay. SJS. 

Mahdsubhdsitasamgraha being an extensive Collection of Wise Sayings SMS. 
in Sanskrit critically edited with Introduction , English Translation , 

Critical Notes by L. Sternbach, Vol. I-II1. VIS. 64, 69, 71. See 
Introduction , pp. lxv-clxii. 

Die Sukasaplati , textus simplicior (Sts.) herausgegeben von R. Schmidt Sts. 
in Abhandlungen fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes , 10.1, 1893; textus 
ornatior (Sto.) in Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Akademie der Wissen- Sto. 
schaften , phil. Klasse, 212 for 1889-90; die Marathi Ubersetzung (StsM.) 
(StsM.), Marathi und Deutsch von R. Schmidt in Abhandlungen fur 
die Kunde des Morgenlandes , 10.4, 1897, etc. For bibliographical 
data and translations see L. Sternbach, On the kavya-portions of 
thekatha literature , Vol. Ill, Delhi, 1976. 

Trivandrum Sanskrit Series , Trivandrum. 




Vikrama's Adventures, or the tkiry-two tales of the Throne ( Vikramacarita ) VC. 

ed. in four ... Recensions: Southern (VCsr.), Jainistic (VCjr.), 

Metrical (VCmr.) and Brief (VCbr.) ... and translation into 
English by F. Edgerton, HOS. 26-7. (For other editions and 
translations, see L. Stembach, Kavya-portions in the kathd-literature 
II, Delhi 1974. 

ViddhaSalabhafijiku of RajaSekhara, ed. by Bh. R. Arte, Ary a Viddha. 

Bhusana Press, Poona, 1886. Also in Vidydbhavana Sahskrta- 
granthamdld. 125, ChSS. 1965; translated into English by L. H. 

Gray inJAOS. 27.1-71. 

Vishveshvaranand Indological Series , Hoshiarpur. VIS. 

Varia(e) lectio (nea). v.l. 

Vyaktiviveka of Rajanaka Sri Mahimabhatta Rttii Sanskrit Series, VyVi. 

Vyasa-subliasitasamgraha ; Critically edited for the first time by L. Vyas 

Sternbach, The Kasi Sanskrit Series 193, Varanasi 1969; The 
Sanskrit Vyasa-subhdsita-samgraha with the Ceylonese Vyasakaraya Vyas(C) 
[Vyas(C)] and the Siamese Vydkarasataka [Vyas(S)] in Chowkhamba Vyas(C) 
Orientalia 1979. 

Wiener geitschrift fur die Kunde des Morgenlandes, Vienna. WZKM. 

Zeitschrifl der Deutschen Morgenlandischen Cesellschaft. 



[The numbers refer to the paragraphs of the text. The numbers after V refer 
to Part V *‘Bibliography and Abbreviations.^ 1 

Aalto P. V. 2 [SRN(Mo)] 

Abhimanyu 23 
Abhinavagupta 2 
Actors see Dancers 

Administration of Kasmir 7.1.2; 7.1.4 
Alamkaracudamani V. 3 (KH) 

Aldmkdramahodadhi of Narendraprabhasuri V. 3 (Amd.) 

Afomkararatnakara of Sobhakaramitra 22.5 ; V. 3 (Aik) 

Alamkarasarvasva of Rajanaka Ruyyaka 22.5 ; 23 ; V. 3 (AR) 

Alamkarasutra of Rajanaka Ruyyaka V. 3 (ARR) 

Alainkrlumani-mala V. 3 (Aim) 
alchemist Int. 2 

Amrtatarahga(kavya) 5.1 ; 8 ; 9 ; lOfn. 5; 15; J9.1 ; Annex I A. 
Nos. 1-2. 

Ananta 3 ; 5.4; 19.2 
ancestry of Ksemcndra 2 
annexes, explanation of 18; 30 
antardlapa see riddle 
anthologies (see also attributions in) 17 
division of 17.1 

classical anthologies 17.1.1 ; 17.1.2 
younger anthologies 17.2 
modern anthologies 17.3 
independent and dependent anthologies 24 
Anyoktimuktavali of Hemavijayagani V. 3 (Any) 

1. For instance Aalto P V. 2 [SRN(Mo)] see chapter V. Part I Anthologies. Abbreviation 



Anyoktya^takasamgraha V. 3 (ASS) 

Appayya Diksita see Kuvalayananda of; Gitramimamsd of 

arrogance 7.1.2 

Arte R. V. 3 (Viddha) 

artha see purusartha-s 

Aryendra Sharma V. 1 [Ks (RP)]; V. 1 (Sharma A.), V. 3 (GSL) 
ascetics 7.1.2 
astrologers 7.1.2 
Atrivasu 19.11 

attributions in anthologies 17.3 
aucitya 7.1.3 

Aucityavicdracarcd or Aucityavivekacarca 3; 5.3; 

5.4; 5.8; 5.13 ; 5.21 ; 5.27 ; 5.28 ; 5.30; 5.31 ; 5.33; 5.34; 
5.42; 7.1.3; 9; 10; 12; 15 ; 19.2 ; 19.4; 19.5; 19.8; 19.9; 
19.10; 19.11; 19.12; 19.13; 28.2.1; 28.8; V. 1 (Auc). 
(See also : Works of Ksemendra of Anthologlcal character). 
Aucityavivekacarca see A ucityavicaracarcd 
Aufrecht Th. V. 2 (Aufrecht) ; (A. B.) ; (A. P.) ; (8km) ; VS ; V. 3 (IS) 
Avadanakalpalata or Bauddha° or Bodhi° "avadana 2 ; 3 ; 4 ; 5.2 ; 

5.14; 5.42; 7.1.1 ; 8; 9; 10; 12 fn. 2; 15; 2b; 28.8.8 \ V. 1 
(Avadan 0 ) ; Annex IV H. Nos. 412-414 
Avasarasara 5.3 ; 8 ; 9 ; 15 ; 19.2 ; Annex B ? No. 3 

Ballantyne J. B, V. 3 (Sah) 

Bana see Kadambari of 

Banerjcc S. G. 17.1.2 fn. 9, V. 1 (Banerjee), V. 2 (Skm) ; (VS) 
bards sec dancers 
Barth A. V. 2 (VS) 

Bauddhavaddnakalpalata see Avadanakalpalata. 

bawds see harlots 

Bechert H. V. 2 [Vyas(c)] 

Bcnfey Th. V. 3 (Ptsk). 

Bhandarc M. S. 5.26; V. 1 (j Bharatamahjari) 

Bhagadatta Jalhana see Suktimuktavail of 
Bhandarkar R. G. (report) V. 2 (PV) ; (SG) ; SK) 

Bhanudatta V. 2 (SH) 

Bhdratamanjari 2 ; 5.26 ; 5.35 ; 7.1.4 ; 9; 10 ; 26 ; V. 1 ( Bharata - 
manjari) (Ksemendra's Bibliographical Sketch) ; Annex IV G. 
fslos. 354-411; Aranyaparvan of V. 1 {BharatamaHjari) 



Bharavi 16; 28.7.2 fn. 2; V. 3 (Kir) 

Bhartrhari (, Satakatrayj ) 22.4; 22.6; 28.7.2; V. 3 (BhS) 

Bhatavadekar, Krsnasastri V. 2 (SRK) 

Bhattacharya D. V. 2 (VS) 

Bhattasrikrsna see Subhdsitaratnakosa of 

Bhavabhuti 16 

Bhogindra 2 

Bhojaprabandha 22.4 

Bilhani 24 

Blau A. V. 3 (IS) 

Bloch J. 5.32; V. ( Lokaprakala) 

BoddfiisattVaVadanakalpalata see A u a d a n a k a l p a l a I a 
Bohtlingk O. V. 2 (Subh) ; V. 3 (IS) 

Bosson E. V. 2 [SRN(T)]; SRN(Mo) 

Botto O. 5.17 ; V. 1 ( DdsaVataYaCariia ) 

Braun H. V. 3 (MhN) 

Brhaspaiisamhifa of the Garudapuraw sec 1 Garudapurdlta 
Brhalkathd of Gunadhya 

Brhatkathdmanjari 2; 5.25; 7.1.1; 9; 12 fn. 2; 17.5.1 ; 2 8,7,1- 
28.7.6 [V. 1 ( Brhatkathamarljari )] 

Brockhaus H. V. 3 (KSS) 

Buitenen* van. J. A. B. V. 3 (Mbh.) 

Biihler G. 5.7 fn. 1 ; 5.17 fn. 1; 5.22 fn. 1 ; 5; 25 ; V. 1 [Brhatkathmanjan , 
Kavi; Nrpavali V. 2 (VS) ; (Pts)] 

Burnell A. C. V. 1 ( Brhatkathdmanjari) 

Cakrapala 2 

Campbell W. L. V. 2 [ShD(T)] ; [SRN(T)] 

Canakya^s sayings 23 ; 28.7.2 ; V. 2 [SS(OJ)] ; V. 3 (Cr.) 

Candragupta 7.1.2 

Candraloka of Jayadeva 22.5 ; V. 3 (Can.) 

Cappeller C V. 2 (VS) 

C drucary djataka 5.11; 17.3; 17.7; 25; 26; 28.3.1-283.8 ; V. 1 
(Car) ; Annex IV. C Nos. 256-328 

Caturvargasamgraha 5.12; 7.1.2; 9; 10; 15 ; 26; 28.2.1-28.2.2 ; 

V. 1 (Catur) ; Annex IV B. Nos. 243-255 
C(h)audhuri J. B. V. 2 (PV) ; (RJ) ; (SG) ; (SuSS) 
cheats 7.1.2 

Chronological order of K^emendra J s Works 9 ; 10 J 19.11 periods of writing N 



C i t r a b k a r a t a n a t a k a 5A3 ] 8] 9; 10; lOfn. 5; 15; 19.4; Annex I D 
Nos. 9-11 

Citramimdmsd of Appayya Diksita 22.3; V. 3 [Cit(V)] 

Csoma de Ko"ro"s V. 2 [SRN(T)] 

Damodaragupta (see also Kuttanimata of ) 24 

D&napdrijdta 5.16 ; 8 ; 12 fn. 2 
dancers, bards, actors, singers 7.1.2 
Dandekar R. N. 17.2 fn. 11 ; V. 2 (SllM) 

Darpadalati a 5.15; 7.1.2; 11; 25; 26; 28.4.1-28.4,3 ; V. 1 (Dar), 
Annex IV D, Nos. 329-343 
Das, Nobin Candra 5.3, V. 1 (Avadana**) 

Das, Sarat Candra 5.3, V. 1 (Avadana 0 ) 

D a i d V a t d r a e a r i t a ( k a V y a ) 3 ; 4 ; 5.17; 7.1.1; 9.4 ; 26 ; 28.5, 

Annex IV E No. 344; (sec also V. 1 Da£a) and Ksemendra^s 
Bibliographical Sketch 

Dasnvatdrcaritopasamflitd V. 1 in Ks (RP) pp. 419-422 
DasdvatdrastUti V. 1. in Ks (RP) p. 5 
Date of Ksemendra 2 

dating of Ksemendra^s works see Chronology 
Dattaray K. see V. 1 (Dattaray) 

De S. K. (see also poems of Kscmendra, didactic) 17.1.1; fn. 2; V. 1 (Dd ; 
V. 2) ; (Kav.) ; (Pa) ; (Skm) ; (VS) 

Desopadefa 5.18; 7.1.2; 10 ; 15; 26; 28.6,1-28.6.2 ; V. 2 (De^o 0 ) ; 
(Kaul) ; Annex IV F. Nos. 345-353 

Devadhara 2 

Devasthali G. V. V. 3 (Aim.) 
devotional verses 17.1.1; 19.8; 21.2.2; 23 
Dhammanili (in Pali) Y. 3 (MhN) 

Dharananda V. 39 [Cit(V)] 

dharma see purusartha-s 

Dhatupatha of Sarasvata (grammar) 5.42 

didactic poems of Ksemendra see poems 

drunkards 7.1.2 

Durga Prasad V. 3 (IS) 

Durgasimha, Pancatantra of V. 3 (PD) 

Dutt M. N. V. 3 (GP); (KN); (Mbh); (R) 

Duttaray R. V. 1 (Duttaray) 

Dvivedi R, C. V. 3 (Kpr) 


Edgerton F. (see also Pancatantra) V. 3 (PRE), (VC.) 
Emeneau A. B. 5.25; 1.7.4 fn. 1 ; V. 1 (Br), (Emeneau) 

family of Ksemendra 2 
father of Ksemendra 2 
figures of speech 7.1.3 
Fleet J. F. V* 2 (VS) 

Foucaux Ph. H. V. 2 [SRN(T)] 
friends and pupils of Ksemendra's father 2 
Frit 2 e L. V. 3 (Pts) 

Ganegabhatta see Subhdsitakhanda of 
Gaftgadhara Krsna V. 2 (Sama) 

Gaftgaka 2 

Garudapurana 23; V. 3 (GP) 

Gauramohana see Kavitamftakupa of 

Gitdtiisyanda 5.42 

gnomic verses see poems, didactic 

Gadadharabliaita see Rasikajlvana of 

Gode P. V. V. 2 (Pad) ; (VP) ; (RJ); (SG) ; (SH) ; (SuM) 

Gokhale V. V. V. 2 (SkV) 

Goldsmith 7.1.2 
Gore N. A. V. 2 (VP) 

Gorresio G. V. 3 (RG) 

Gcvinda see Kfivyapradipa of 
Govindajit see Sabhyalamkara of 
grammarians 7.1.2 
Gray L. H. V. 3 (Viddha) 

Gunadhya see Brhatkathd of 
guru- s 7.1.2 

Haberlandt M. V. 3 (Psh) 

Haravali see Subhasitahdravail 
Haribhadra 24 

Harikavi see Subhasitahdr avail and V. 2 (SH) 
harlots, bawds 7.1.2; 7.1.4 
Harsa see Nagananda of, Ratnavali of 
H a s t i j a nakaprakas a 5.40 
Hemacandra see Kavyanusasana of 



Hemavijaya see KathaTatnakoSa of 
Hemavijayagamsa V. 3 (Any) 

Hertel J. V. 3 (PS); (PT); (PTem) 
Hirschbandt 5.15; V. 1 (Dar.) 
Hitopadesa 22.4; 23 ; 28.7.2; V. 3 (HJ) 
hundi-5 7*1.4 

Ingalls D. H. H. V. 3 (SkV) 

Jacobi H. V. 3 (AR) 

Janakj R. S. S. V. 3 (ARJ) 

Jataka-s 4; 7.1.1 
Jayadcva see Candrdloka of 
Jayapida of Kadrrnr 2 

J i m ii t a v a h a n d u a d a, n a 5.14; 8; 12 fn. 2 
Johnson F. V* 3 (HJ) 

Jolly J. V. 3 (Mn) 

Joynbull H. H. V. 1 [SS(OJ)] 

Jy o i i s k a u d a n a 5.12 

Kadambari of Bana 7.1.1; 19.6 
Kadambarikathdsamk$epa 3.9; 7.1.1 ; 7.2 

KdldVilasdS.Sl 7.1.2; 17.5.9; 17.7 fn. 1 and 3 ; 19.11 ; 25 ; 26 ; 23 ; 

2$. 1,1-28.13 and 28.1.1 fn. 5 ; V. 1 (Kal) ; Annex IV A. 
Nos. 187-242 

Kathdratnakara of Hemavijaya 23; V. 3 (KR) 

Kathdsaritsdgara of Somadeva 22.4; V. 3 (KSS) 

Kaul M. 10 V. 1 (Kaul) 

Kautiliya-arthaSastra 7.1.1 fn. 10, V. 2 (SRHt) 

K a V i k a n t h d b h a r a n a 5.1; 5.5; 5.7; 5.13; 5.23; 5.27; 5.31; 5.36; 

7.4.3; 9; 10; 14.2; 15; 16 fn. 2; 19.1; 19.3; 19.4; 19.6; 
19.8; 19.11 ; 19.14; 21.3; 22.2; 28.2.1 ; 28.6.1 ; 28.6.2; V. 1 
(Kour) ; see also Works of Ksemendra of anthological 

Kavikarnika 5.8; 7.1.3 ; 7.2.9 
Kavindravacanasamuccaya (an.) 17.1.2; 22.5; 24; V. 2 (Kav) 

Kaviiekhara 5.33 

Kavitamrtakupa of Gauramohana V. 2 (KK) 

Kavyanusasana of Hemacandra 22.5, V. 3 (KH) 

Kavyanusasana of Vagbhata V. 3 (Kavyan) 



Kavyapradipa of Govinda 22.5, V.3 (KaP) 

Kavyaprakasa of Mammata V. 3 (Kpr) 

Kayastha-s 7.1.2; 7.1.4; 23; 25 fn. 2 
Keith A. B. V. 2 (VS) 

Keladi Basavappa see Subhasitasuradruma of 
Kielhorn E. V. 3 (Pts) 

Kingship see rHjarilti 

Kiratarjuniya of Bharavi 28.7.2, V. 3 (Kir) 

Kokkoka see Ratirahasya of 
Kosambi D. D. V. 2 (SkV); V. 3 (BhS) 

Kosegarten, I.O.S. L. V. 3 (PtsK) 

Krishna Sarma V. 2 (SkV) 

Krisnamoorthy K V. 2 (SSSN) 

Ksemasimha 24 
Ksemavara 23 

Ksemendra author of the Gitanisyanda 5.42 

MatrkaViveka or ° lip ika 5.42 
Nitisara 5.42 

Ragamala (and music writer) 5,42 
Silafataka 5.42 

the commentary on Dhatupatha 5.42 
Son of Bhudhara 5.42 
Haridra 5.44 
Yadu Sarma 5.42 

Ksemendra Mahopahyaya 12 fn. 2 

Ksemendra's Bibliographical Sketch V. 1 (Ksemendra) 

Ksemendraprakasa 5, 10 

Ksemesvara (see also Naisadhana-nataka of), 22.1 ; 23 

Kun-dgal Rgyal Mibham 7.1.1 

Kuttanimata of Damodaragupta 7.1.2* 24 

Kuvalayananda of Appayya Diksita 22.3 ; 22.5; V. 3 (Kuv) 

Lacote F. V. 1 (Br) 

Laghukavyasamgraha V. 1 [Ks(RP)] 
Laksmanabhatja Ankolakara see Padyaracana of 
Laksmanaditya 2; 22.2 
Laksmanasena V. 2 (Skm) 

Laksmidhara 23 

Laksmikara Pandit V. 1 (Avadana 0 ) 


Lalitaratnamdld 5.30 ; 8; 9; 15 ; 19.10 Annex IJ. No. 42 
Lancereau L. V. 3 (PtsK) 

Langle, L. de 5.37, V. 1 (Sam) 

Lapanich P. 5.6; 17.6 fn. 27, V. 1 (Kal) 

Lavanyavati(kavya) 5.31 ; 8 ; 9 ; 15 ; 19 A1 Annex I J. Nos. 43-49 
Uvi S. 5.25 (see V. 1 Br) 

Ligeti L. V. 2 [SRN(T)] 

Lipiviveka see Matrkdviveka 5.42 

Lokprakasa(kosa) (?) 5.31; 7.1.2; 7.1.4 (V. 1 Lokaprakdsa) 

Loman J. B. A. 5.18, [V. 1 (Dada)] 

Mahdbhdrata 7.1.1; 19.4; 19,9; 19.13; 19.14; 28.7.2; V. 3 (Mbh) 

Mahajan V. S. 5.20.10; 19.0 fn. 1 ; V. 1 (Mahajan) ; (. Niiikalpaiaru) 
Mahtirahaniti in Pali V. 3 [MhN(P)] 

Makasubdsitasdmgrdhd \. 1 (Maha 6 ) ; V. 3 (SMS) 

Mahimabhtta see Vyaktiviveka of 
Malayamnrutah V. 2 (KK) ; (NBh.) ; V. 3 (Malaya) 

Mammata see Kauyaprakdsa ol 
Manasollasa 23 

Mdnavadharmasdstra (Manu) 28.7.2; V. 3 (Mn) 

Mankowski, von L. 5.25 ; V. 1 (Br) 

Markandeya Sarma V. 3 (Dvi) 

Marriage of an old man with a young girl ridiculed 7,1.2 
Master and servant, relationship between 7.1.2 
Matri Prasada Pandeya V, 2 (Sama) 

Matrkaviveka or Lipiviveka 5.42 

Mchog Sred, Tshigs-su beadpe hrgyapa V. 2 [VS(T)] 

Meghavijaya ( Pancatantra) V. 3 (PM) 

Menon VPN V. 3 (Mbh) 
merchants 7.1.2 

metrics (see also poems of Ksemendra) 7.1.3 ; 16; 19.7 ; 2.2.1 ; 21.2.3 ; 21.3; 

Meyer J. J. 5.6 fn. 3; 5.37; V. 1 (Kal); (Sam) 

Miller B. S. V. 3 (BhS) 
misers 7.1.2 

Mitter K. N. V. 2 (P. G.) 

Muktavali(kavya) 5.27 ; 8; 9; 15 ; 19.8 ; Annex I H. Nos. 25-26 
Muladeva 7.1.2 

MuniamtamimUmsd 5.28; 8; 9; 15 ; 19.9 ; Annex I. 1 Nos. 27-41 
Muftja 22.4 



Nagananda of Harsa 28.7.2 
Nagarjan K. S. V. 1 (Nagarjan) 

Naijfidhana-ndtakam of Ksemesvara 22.1 

Nakka 2 

Nandana see PrasannasfihUyaratnakOsa of 
Nardbharana 22.3; 28.7.5; V. 2 (NBh) 

Narahari H. G. V. 1 (Narahari) ; V, 3 (Dvi) : see also poems of Ksemendra, 


Narayna Ramacarya V. 2 (SR) 

Narenrlara 2 

Narendraprabhasuri see Alamharamahodadhi of 
Narmamala 5.19; 7.1.2 ; 10; V. 1 (Narma) ; (Kaul) 

NandonJ. 5; 19; V. 1 (Narma 0 ) 

Navaucttyaviwra 5.41 

“New” Ksemendra^s verses (see also poems of Ksemendra preserved in antho¬ 
logies ; and in Ksemendra^S poems) 

which certainly are Kgemendra^s verses and formed part of his not 
extant works : 13; 14; 15; 19; 20: Annex I, Nos, 1-57 
which certainly are Ksemendra's verses and are not included in some 
specified Ksemendra J s works 13; 11; 18; Annex II Nos. 58-95 
attributed to Ksemendra in Anthologies 13; 17.0-17.7 ; 18 ; identified 
17; 18; 26-30; Annex IV Nos. 187-415; not identified 17.5.1 ; 18; 
22.0-25; Annex III. Nos. 96-186 

attributed to Ksemendra in his treatises of anthological character and 
not identified 21.1-21.3 
different readings (variants) 28.4.3; 28.7.6 
not Ksemendia's verses 22.1-22.6; 31 
doubtful Ksemendra^s verses 23-25 

Nitikalpataru 5.20; 5.21 ; 7.1.4 and fn. 5 ; 10 fn. 6; 12 fn. 3 ; 19.5 ; 
28.7.2; V. 1 (, Nitikalpataru) 

Nitilata 5.21 ; 8; 9; 12 fn. 2; 15; 19.5 ; Annex I E. Nos. 12-15 
Nitidvisastika of Sundarpandya 17.1.1 fn. 10; 24; V. 2 (SRHt), (Dvi) 
Nilisamgraha 17.3; 17.7; 28.3.1 and fn. 1, 28.3.2; V. 2 (Nlsam) 

Nitisara see Nitisara of Kamandiki 
Nitisara, commentary on 5.42 

Nrpavali or Rajavali 5.22 ; 5.28 ; 7.1.4; 7.2 ; V. 2 (Nrpavali) 
Om Bajaj 5.11 ; 5.15; 5.18; 5.39; V. 1 (Gatur.) ; (Dar) ; (Deso) ; (Sevya) 
Padmapuratia 23; V. 3 (PdP) 



Padyakadambari 5.23; 8; 9; 10; 15; 19.6 ; Annex I F. Nos. 16-21 
Padyaracana of Laksmanadatta Ankolakara 17.0; 17.2 ; 22.1 ; 23 ; 24.1 ; 28-4.1- 
28.4.2; V. 2 (Pad) 

Padyatarahgitti of Vrajanatha 17.2; V. 2 (VP) 

Padyuvali of Rupa-Goswamin 17.0; 17.1.1 and fn. 2; 19.6; V. 2 (PG) ; 

Padyaveni of Venldatta 17.0; 17.1.1 ; 17.2; V. 2 (PV) 

Pancakhyanaka {Paricatantra) of Purnabhadra ; V. 3 (PP) 

Pancasayaka 5.33 

Paricatantra (see also Tanlrakhyayika) 22.3; 22.4; 23; 28.7.2; V. 3 (P), (Ru) 
Paricatantra Nepalese V. 3 (PN) 

Paflcatantra Simplitior V. 3 (Pts), (Ptsk) 

Paricatantra , Southern V. 3 (PS) 

Pandita Jagannatha see Rasagangndhara of 

Pavanapancnfika 5.24 ; 8 ; 9 ; 15 ; 79.7; Annex I G. No. 24 
Peterson P. 5.11 fn. 2; 5.12 fn. 3 ; 22.1 ; V. 1 (Car) ; V. 2 (SP) ; (SH) ; (VS) 
Physicians 7.12 
Pischel R. V. 1 (Skm) 
poems (writings) of Ksemcndra 5 ; 7 ; 8 
division of 7 

poetical epitomes of Ksemendra 7.1.1 ; 11 

didactic, sententious and satiric poems 7.1.2; 11; 19.11; 

' V. 2 ; (GDH) 

on poetics and metrics 7.1.3 
miscellanea 7.14 
lost 12 

preserved in Ksemendra^s works of anthological character 
(see Works) 12 

preserved in classical and younger anthologies (see also 
“anthologies^ and u new” verses) 12 

their identification 

poet(s) ridiculed 7.1.3 

poet(s) and poetry 14.3 
poetics see poems of Ksemendra 
Powys Mathurs E. 5-37; V. 1 (Sam) 

Prajnadanda (She-rab-dony-lu) (Tibetan) V. 2 [ShD(T)] 

Prakasendra 2 

Prakrta-verses 17.1.1 and fn. 9 

Prasannasahityaratnakara of Nandana 17.1.2; 24; V. 2 (Prasanna) 
pride, diatribe against 7.1 ,Z 




prostitutes see harlots 
pupils jW\friends 
Purnabhaora V. 3 (PP) 
pnru$artha -s 1.2 

Purusottama Mayarama Pandya V. 2 (SSg) 

Pusalkar A. D. V. 2 (SP) 

Pushp P. N. V. 2 (Pushp) ; see also poems of Ksemendra, didactu 
Purana-'s 7.1.1 {sec also individual Purina- s) 

Quacks 7.1.2 

Raghavacarya V. 1 [Ks(RP)] ; V. 2 (RJ) ; V. 3 (GSL) 

Raghavan V. 17.1.1 fn. 8; 17.3 fn. 14; V. 2 (SkV) ; (SSSN) ; (SRHt); 

(Vjv); V. 3 (Malaya) 

Raghu Vira V. 2 [SS(OJ)] 

Rai Sudharta V. 2 [SS(OJ)] 
rajanili 7.1.4 

Rajnsc khara (srr also Viddhasdlabhdnjika) 16; 19.6; 22.5 
Rajatarahgini 5.22 ; 7.1.4 ; V. 3 (RT) 

Rajavali see Nr pavali 
Ramakrsna Kavi V. 2 (VS) 

Ramanatha Arya V. 2 (SRHt) 

Ramayana 7.1.1 ; 19.3; 19.5; V. 3 (R) 

Rdmayanakathdsagara sec Ramfiyanamanjari 
Ramayanamanjari or Ramdyanakathnsagara 2; 5.29; 

7.1.1; 9; 10; V. 1 ( Ramayanamafljari) (Ksemendra 3 s Biblio¬ 
graphical Sketch), (Valmiki), (Sukla N. S; Br) 

Ramayasas 2 ; 5.25 ; 5.26; 5.29 

Rasagahgadhara of Pandita Jagannatha 22.5 ; V. 3 (Rasaganga) 

Rasikajivana of Godadhara 17.0; 17.2; 22.5; 23 ; 23 fn. 2 ; V. 2 (RJ) 

Ratirahasya 28.7.3; 28.7.4 

Ratnakara 16 

Ratnasiinha 2 

Ratnavali of Harsa 19.10 

Ravigupta 17.1.1 fn. 10; V. 2 (SRHt) 

Regnaud P. 17. 2 fn. 7; V. 2 (RJ) ; (Re) 
religion of Ksemendra 4; 9; 21.2.2 
religious verses see devotional verses 
riddle ( antaralapa ) 23 



Roy P. G. V. 3 (Mbh) 

Ruben W. V. 3 (P) 

Rupa Goswamin see Padydvali of 

Ruyyaka, Rajanaka 23 ; sec also Alamkdrasarvasva 

Ryder A. W. V. 3 (PP) 

Sabhayulamkarana of Govindajit 17.0; 17.2; 22.5; V. 2 (SG) 

Sad-ukti-karnamrta of Sndharadasa 17.1.2 ; 22.1 ; 22.5 ; 23 ; V.2 (Skm) 
Sahityadarpana of Visvanathakaviraja 22.5; V. 3 (Sah) 

Sajjannnanda 2; 5.2 
SakalavTdyakara 22.3 
Sakya-Sri 7.1.1 

Samayamatrka 5.37 ; 7.1.2; 9; 10; 19.11 5 24; 29; V. 1 (Sam) 
Samayocitapadya(rattia)tnalik<2 (an.) 17.3; 23; V.2 (Sama) 

Sambasiva Sastri V. 2 (SRHt) 

Smskrtapnthopakara V. 2 (Sskr) 

Samskrtasuktiratnnkara (an.) 17.3 ; 23 ; V. 2 (SRRV) 

Snrasamuccaya in Old Javanese V. 2 [SS(OJ)] 

Sarasvatn, grammar see Dhntupatha 

Sarma (see also Sharma) K.V. V. 1 (Sarma) 

Sarma Ramavatara V. 2 (SKm) 

Snrhgadharapaddhati 17.0 ; 17.1.1; 17.7; 19.6; 22.5; 23 ; 24 ; 27 fn. 3 ; 28.1.2 ; 

28.3.1 ; 28.4.1 ; 28.4.2; 28.7.3; V. 2 (SP), Aufrecht) 
Saiivainiamahdkdvya 5.36 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10 fn. 5 ; 15 ; 19.14 ; Annex I ; Nos. 53-57 
Sa Skya Pandita see Subhasitaratnanidhi (Tibetan) by 
Sastric poems of Ksemendra (or didactic) sec poems 
Satagatha by Vararuci (Tibetan) V. 2 [VS(T)] 

Sayana see Subasilasudhanidhi of 

Schmidt R. 5.6 ;.V. 1 (Kal) ; V. 3 (Sto); (Sts) 

Schonberg J. 5.7 ; V. 1 (Kavi) 

Sententious verses stc poems, didactic 

SevyasevakopadeSa 5.38; 7.1.2; 11; 26; 28.9; V. 1 (Sevya), Annex IV; 
No. 415 

Shahajahan 7.1.4 
Sharada Rani V. 2 [Sit (OJ)] 

Sharma (see also Sarma; Aryendra Sharma) D. V. 2 (PG) 

Sharma H. D. V. 2 (SP); (SH) 

Shastri H. P. V. 3 (R) 

She-rah-dong-pu V. 2 [ShD(T)] 



Shukla P. (see also Sukla) V. 3 [Cit(V)] 

Sieg M. V. 1 (Lokaprakafa) 

Sindhu (or Sindu) 2 
singers (see dancers) 

Sivadattakaviratna V. 2 (SSB) 

Sivananda 5.42 

Slokantara (in Old Javanese V. 2 [Sit (OJ)] 

Sobhakaramitra see Alamkdraratndkara 
Somadeva see Kathasaritsagara of 
Somapada 2 ; 4 
Somendra 2 

Sonton Lochava V. 1 (Avadana) 

^ridhradasa see Sad-ukti-karnUmrta of 
Stein M. A. 7.1.4 fn. 10; V. 3 (RT) 

Sternbach* L. 5.18; 17.1.1 fn. 2 ; 8 ; 9 ; 10; 17.2 fn. 12 ; 17.3 fn. 10; 17.1 
fn. 1; 23 fn. 1 5 V. 1 (De$a 6 ) ; V. 2 (SMS); (NBh) ; (Skm); 
rSS(OJ)]; (SP); [VS(T)]; [ShD(T)]; [^lt(OJ)] - (SH); 
(SuM) ; (SPR) ; [SRN(T)] : [SRN(Mo)] ; (SSNL); (SSSN); 
(VS) ; (SRHt) ; (Vyas) ; [Vya S (c)] ; [Vya 5 (S)] ; V. 3 (Gr) ; 
(Dvi) ; (GDH) ; (GVS) ; (HJ) ; (IS) ; (JSAIL) ; (Mn.) ; (P) ; 
(SMS) ; (Sts) ; (Sto) ; (VC) 

Students, Gauda students 7.1.2 
Subhasita. s V. 3 (GDH) 

Subhasita (Jaina) (an.) MS V. 2 (J Sub) 

Subhasitaharavali of Hari Kavi 17.0; 17.1.1 and fn. 2; 17.7; 22.4; 23 and 
fn. 1; 24 and fn.3; 27 fn. 3; 28.1.2; f 28.3.1; 28.4.1; 28.4.2; 
28.7.1 ; 28.7.4; V. 2 (SH) 

Subhasitakhanda of Gane^abhatta 17.2; V. 2 (SKG) 

Subhasitamuktavali (an.) 17.2; V. 2 (SuM) 

Subhasitapadyaratnakara (an.) 17.3; V. 2 (SPR) 

Subhasitaratnakoia of Bhatta Srlkrsna 17.2; V. 2 (SK) 

Subhasitaratnako$a of Vidyakara 17.1.2 and fn. 8; 22.5; 23; V. 2 (SkV) 
Subhasitaratnamala 17.3 ; 23 ; V. 2 (SRM) 

Subhasitaratnanidhi of Sa Skya Pandita (Tibetan) V. 2 [SRN(T)] and 
Mongolian VI. 2 [SRN(Mo)] 

Subhasitaratnasamuccaya (an.) 17.3; 23 ; V. 2 (SRS) 

Subhasitarnava (an.) V. 2 (Subh) 

Subhasitasagara (an.) 17.2; V. 2 (SSJ) 

Subafitasamgraha of Purusottama Mayarama Pandva 17.2 ; V. 2 (SSg) 



SubhnsitasaptaSati (an.) 17.3; 23 ; V. 2 (SSap) 

Subhasitasarasamuicoya (an.) 17.2; V.2 (SuSS) 

SubhSsitasavaskrta(?)sloka (an.) 17.0; 17.2; 17.3; 22.1; V. 2 (He) 
Subhasitasudhabhdndagaram 17.0; 17.2; 17.3; 22.3 fn. 1 V. 2 (SSB) 
SubflUsttasudhanidhi of Sayana 17.0; 17.1 and fn. 8; 17.2; 22.5; 23; 24 
fn. 3; 27 fn. 3; 28.1.2; 28.1.3; 28.7.2; 28.7.3; 28.7.4; 
28.7.5; V.2 (SSSN) 

Subhfijitasuradruma of Keladi Basavappa 17.2; 22.6; V. 2 (SSD) 

Subhajitavali of Vallabhadeva 17.0; 17.1.1 ; 17.1.2 fn. 10; 17.7 fn. 1 ; 22.2; 

22.3 and fn. 1 ; 22.5; 22.6; 23; 24 and fn. 4; 28.1.2; 28.2.1; 
28.6.1 ; 28.6.2; 28.7.5; 28.0; V.2 (VS) 
tiakasaptati 23 ; V. 3 (Su); Sm) 

Sukla N. S. (see also Shukla) V. 1 (Avadana 6 ) (Br) 

Suktimuktavali of Bhagadatta Jalhana 17,0; 17,1.1 and fn. 2; 17.1.2 fn. 10; 

17.7 and fn, 3; 19.3; 19.6; 22.4; 22.5; 23 and fn. 1; 

24 and fn. 3; 27 fn. 3; 28.1.2; 28.4.1 ; 28.4.2; 28.5; 28.6.1 - 
28.6.2; 28.7.3; 28.7.3; 28.7.4; V. 2 (JS) 

Suktiwtntihara of Suryakahngaraja 17.0; 17,1,1 and fn. 6, 7; 8; 9; 17.2; 

22.3; 22.5; 23 ; 24 and fn. 3, 4; 27 fn. 3 ; 28.1.2; 28.1.3; 
28.7.1; 28.7.2 and fn. 2; 28.7.3; 28.7.4; 28.7.5; V. 2 
(SRHt) (SSSN) 

Suktmhasra V.2 (SH) 

Sundarapandya see Nitiduijajtikd of 
SuryakaliAgaraja see Suktiratnahdra of 

Suryakanta Dr. 7 ; 7.2 ; 9; 10; V. 1 (Auc.) ; (Kavi) ; (Suvr) ; (Suryakantha) 
SuryasSri 2 

Suvrttatilaka 5.24; 5.38; 7.1.3; 9; 12; 15; 16 and fn. 4, 5; 19.7; 

21.2.1; 21.2.2; 21.3; V. 1 (Suvr); (see also works of 

Ksemendra of anthological character) 

Tantrakhyayika (see also Paficatantra ) 22.4; 24; 28.7.2; V. 3 (PT) 

Tawney C. H. V. 3 (KSS) 
teachers of Ksemendra 2 
Thomas F. W. 17.1.2; V. 2 (Kav) 

time of compositions of Ksemendra^s poems see chronological order 

Trailocana 23 

Trivedi P.S. V. 3 (AAS) 

Troyer M. A. V. 3 (RT) 

Udayanasimha 2 



Vagbhata see Kavyanufdsana of 
Vallabha 23; 28.7.5 

Vallabhadeva 17.1, fn, 5; 17.2 fn. 4, 10; 24 and fn. 4; (see also Subhasilavali 
of; Vidagdhajanavallabha of ) 

Vararuci see Satagatha of 
Vasantika 19.11 
Vatsa, King 19.10 

Vatsyayana 22.5; (see also Kamasutra of) 

VaLsydnasutrasnra 5.33; 7,1,1; 7.2; 9; 15; 19 A2 Annex I L 

No. 50 

Ved Kumari V. 1 (Ved Kumari) 

Vemdatta see Padyaveni of 
Venkatasubbiah A. V. 3 (PD) 

Vetdlapancauimfatika 12 fn. 2 

Vidagdhajanavallabha of Vallabhadeva 17.2; 24; V, 2 (Vjv) 

ViddhaSalabhanjikd of Rajasckhara 22.5; V. 3 (Viddha) 

Vidyabhusana Pt. H. M, V, 1 (Avadana*) 

Vidyakara see Subha$itaratnako$a of 
Vldyalaya, Sri Mahavira Jaina V. 3 (KH) 

Vidyasagara V. 3 (GP) 

Vidyavrtti of Abhinavagupta 
Vikramacarita 22.4; 23; V. 3 (VC) 

Vinayavalli 5.34; 8; 9; 15; 19,3 \ Annex IM. Nos. 51, 52 
Vinayavijayaji 5.32; V. 1 (LokaprakajSa) 

Viryabhadra 2; 4 
ViSalavIjayaji V. 2 (SPR) 

Visvanatha Kaviraja see Sahityadarpana of 
Visvesvara see Alamkarakaustubha of 
Vita-s 7.1.2 

Vrajanatha see Padyaveni of 

Vyaktiviveka of Mahlmabhatta 27.5 ; V. 3 (VyVi) 

Vyasa, Vyasamuni 7.1.1; 7.1.4; 19.9; 20.7.5 
Vyasadasa, Sobriquet of Ksemendra 19; 23 
Vyasakarya, Cylonese 17.2 
Vyasalataka T J ai 17.2 

Vyasaftaka 5.35; 7.1.4; 12 fn. 2; V. 1 (Vyasastaka) 

Vyasasubhasita-samgraha (an.) 17.1.1 fn. 10; 17.2; 28.7.2 fn. 4; V. 2 
(SRHt); (Vyas); [Vyas(C)]; [Vyas(S)] 



Weber W. 5.33; V. 1 (Br) (Lokaprakaga) 

Winternitz M. V. 2 (SP) 

Works of Ksemendra of anthological character (Auc., Kavi., Suvr) 8; 9; 12; 

13; 14; 16; 17.5.1 ; 19.0-20; 30 
Writings of Ksemendra S€€ Poems of Ksomendra 



Annex IV G; No. 354 

3TCT 3-33 JT-Sff {fTtfeTT V33 Annex I; No. 53 

3T§f ?fS^TT»Tcf fST^cTaT 33f^TTTf3ff3 Annex II; No. 96 

Annex I; No. 16 

ar^EFTlfa 333 Annex IV G; No. 355 
Annex IV A; No. 187 

Annex I; No. 17 
3r3TrIiTm^0TC? Annex IV A; No. 188 
^fajG^JlfinFTrPT Annex IV G, No. 356 
arfsm^TlTfa^TlT Annex IV A; No. 189 
Annex IV C; No. 256 
STW 33333 f3T3HT: Annex II; No. 58 

3H q^>5T5nr: tT'Ttfsw: Annex I; No. 25 

3T3T3: ^T^tmf^FsrTTTT nrjr^'arair Annex I; No. 4 

3PT 3fa4;33?^3: Annex IV A; No. 190 

3T*itenft ?3T*3 Annex I; No. 18 

31?? 3$rf3 f% c3 faw&z mvt 3 Annex I; No. 43 

3TTTcTr 5^cirnft Annex IV G; No 357 

3T?nf3 Annex IVA; No. 191 

3153^33 J#T Annex IV C; No. 257 

sreftstfT 33% 3*3 Annex III No. 97 

313% 3%3T ®T3T Annex IV G; No. 358 

3nr^ r 3T33ra^T3r Annex IV G; No. 359 

3Tf3e3 3^3 33 Annex IV G; No. 36Q 



apjTHT: STfcTTfaT Annex IV A; No. 209 
3p£T: tT^ jqflqfisrwt *T: Annex IV B; No. 243 

Sf.% fqCTT See sqTjJjeftsfT 

aTTJIVt^T ST Annex IV G; No. 361 

a r sre TT Bredfo fiRpRI Annex III No. 98 

s^q-parf^rlT fq?rr Annex IV G; No. 362 
Annex II; No. 59 

arqfTg iTO T'ITHlT STfsEir 3 ! *11 Annex III; No. 99 

qsfcq qqlemfT Annex IVA ; No. 192 
^f%q^^fsTce qq Annex IV C; No. 258 
arrff tTTTT ^r=n=rt Annex IV A; No. 193 
smmx. sr^r^TfTTTNTIf qf^srt Annex III; No. 100 
3f^qTftq<iq*q<T Annex IV C; No. 259. 

3T?faf44fl: ?T*T>faT5$ir qr Annex III; No. 101 

arfq?qeft<T5FTT: TUTT Annex IV C; No. 260 
apjfj^Tfa* *l4 faseqnm •*TTTrr Annex IV G; No. 363 
aEsnffcTqFfJcfT Annex IV G! No. 364 
3r3gc«rr»T3fnfTram*Br HVTiTefElTrffNT Annex I; No. 27 
jq-qfljqqAtJTW Annx IV G; No. 365 
3Tj(t ^raiT 5p?CTT Annex IV B; No. 244 

ar^t cfcT S5T: Annex IV E; No. 315 

qT*wm ^facT f<TcTW^ Sfa TTT3 ^TTFfrfa ^ Annex III; No. 102 
tfre’ITfirsFT^TT’ft Annex IV A; No. 194 
3TT^R rq^qfq- qTTiqmPTlqft Annex I; No. 28 
arie^TT ssTR^ffiSIR^HfERT faeqT f^ilTraTfJI^ Annex III; No. 103 
3rrf?*TeVr: 0 Annex IV E; No. 344 

qTSUT'Tt^TGS : spNlftW^c^ 7 !: Annex III; No. 104 
3TTqc^I^t93^rTg Annex IV C; No. 261 
STPrafa fTRETT Annex III; No. 105 
3nTT;qoT5rq7T®£: Annex IV A; No. 195 
3mrfqr?^?ft^?lTSr^eft HSIHRsrfaR'V Annex I; No. 6 
an^cTSTtfa Annex I; No. 1 (of. 

WT9TFTT9rf%^^#T?^^I Annex III; No. 106 



: Annex IV G; No. 366 


Annex I; No. 9 

£<447 ggfgxsTT: Annex IV G; No. 367 
$Slf ^ura; Annex IV C; No. 262 

347 T^7Tfa73T7 Annex IV D; No. 329 
3<54:<SnTT: gR^TH ni HT Annex I; No. 2 (See amTTTftfff) 
^Ftrcgfcr fmftr erfonr Annex IV A: No. 196 
34f3 nf^TT W1 Annex III; No. 197 
3tTT?T Tftcf Annex III ; No. 108 

Annex III; No. 109 

triTSST sffifTTt Annex III; No. 80 
<771747 17f c 7 Annex IV G; No. 368 
rr# ^smS^SHT Annex IV; No. 197 

Annex IV C; No. 263 

^*^gF^^WT37t*r'rt3nre-Annex II; No. 60 

7^W4f7#47T7T7tfg47W7;V7re7T 35: r. Annex I; No. 6 

Annex I ; No. 29 

spJTTiqeelirWlfrwr'T^ Annex II; No. 61 
Annex IV A; No. 198 
^fqf<T7 <T%7T*J Annex IV D; No. 330 
i^mwrteT 73T7 sp\4 Annex III; No. Ill 

-N ' 

SF^xTnir f77'7%<’i I4i7T Annex IV B; No. 245 
SpHT: ‘PH? 77T377317797ritoTlft’ Annex I; No. 50 
4117717 77431 ff 5374$ 7^7f3: Annex IV G; No. 369 
4U7?7 %791T7T Annex IV A; No. 199 
4H7: 7faff3T<77: Annex IV G; No. 370 

f4lf73 jfe73fT7frT74ll741731771 f7f771 77>T Annex I: No. 19 

Annex III ; No. 112 
7<7 13373 Annex IV A; No. 200 



PfT 3xT^«Pftf*PTT far: *R*J smWRS Annex III; No. 113 
jqfa dt*rf*ffVT: «(fnT Annex IV G ; No. 264 
jjqfe f«|ifl , lg:%^ Annex IV C; No. 265 
jzrfsr ifrg'arfTTtPJTfcrf Annex IV G ; No. 266 
jqfsff ^JjarfT See ST 

gpffcr IPRT Annex IV C; No. 267 

5j5nf*WI% ftwft Annex III; No. 114 
jjjjrgrQ'T qpmft 3T f5T?T vr^^T W?T Annex I; No. 30 
Annex IV A; No. 201 
^frsfr RWFT^nV Annex IV A; No. 202 
srt 5 t57T7r?nxTfin7T Annex III ; No. 115 
qiYst fTjrrVerf uffTHT JPTOT Annex IV A ; No. 203 
5PTf^?F3pR^TT 0 Annex IV A; No. 204 

fsrte 3TWWT6 rV.' i TH Annex IV C; No. 268 

■> "> 

8fl?rWSrm5ITtr 3TTf^?HT SP^ff ^WRIT Annex IV H; No. 412 
(S'sr cf ITT gWTRT Annex IV G ; No. 371 

*g-f^^r*rftr muifr Annex IV F; No. 346 
Annex IV F; No. 347 
Sf«T*m f T Annex IV F ; No. 348 
g%2 f^prfxTT Annex IV G ; No. 372 

JR! *Ft *11*1 Annex IV G; No. 373 

m'Jsta^srmwTTJrfjR: ifmTFgfaw Annex I; No. 31 

JoRtTIft Annex IV C; No. 269 
yjps^qKT jqf<T Annex IV C ; No. 270 
pmmr^ V^rr Annex IV C; No. 271 
qtam'UcTT Annex III; No. 116 

tftarerwrsm: irtKTfNrcrmit fun:: ^PT: Annex IV D ; No. 331 
tfVisif Annex III ; No. 117 

jttRT Annex IV G; No. 374 
ff Srlt fac*I Annex IV G; No. 375 
far! ^8 f^RaTcl'i Annex IV B; No. 246 

=#t 8f?pft Annex I; No. 32 

=ajgftS'^3*r^f?r 5 ^: Annex III; No. 117 


dd e*j(d*¥ii L fl Annex II; No. 62 
'STST^T ^TcmsrrftrertTDTT Annex II; No. 63 
3FT| dW dddff^Srl Annex III; No. 119 
arcr^rmef Jdfd Annex IV C; No. 272 
d^d^ddtdfa^dfdcdSTrSId^dTdd-Annex 1; No. 7 
ddfd d dlfwd^ Annex IV G; No. 376 
Annex IV G; No. 273 

srcrnr d TdflT «nrfiRTPJfrr^:1«Tr Annex II; No. 64 

did ^cTTf^crr^prfcrarr ftdl^drfplf^dl Annex III; No. 120 

«rr?r Annex iii;No, 121 

^FTS^raf^r f?ffm jfed a 1 T3dd Annex III; No. 122 

f3Tdf dTTrTTd W5fW*f?dT Annex II; No. 65 

fd^dT^fdddWd: Annex IV F; No. 349 

dFRtr^T d¥T Annex III; No. 123 

3ftgTc3T«r 6T* dtdT Annex III; No. 124 

dTd: ddTVFWT Annex IV A • No. 205 

arETWt'nrT ddFlftsFl 3 n ¥fr%ffT dd Annex I; No. 20 

dddlfa^ddF^ dddrddff Annex II; No. 66 

dSdSTTSSTfad: STd^T ST>Wf ST'TTded'Hd Annex III; No. 125 

ddtfspjptfdfdd: Annex IV G; No. 377 

rrnffr dTFWdtTt Annex IV A; No. 206 

d^dFd^ddidPT Annex IV A; No. 207 

c^rar did Annex; III No. 126 
Annex IV G ; 378 

dl Wld fd’ftd^NlWTF dTd^^rfVTrt Annex IV H; No. 413 
fd*5f% Annex III; No. 127 

^^Fd4dtodra*ddf|4dddT Eddddddd'dfdT: Annex I; No. 33 
dt# ddfa dldTdTd Annex IV G; No. 274 
5NT: dTd ffigfd Annex IV A; No. 208-9 

srfdKFfdT did dddT dl Annex II; No. 67 
5Fd dT'dd Annex II; No. 68 
cd%d ^ired=ddd Annex IV C; No. 275 
fdFT drdfdfW: f did Annex IV C; No. 276 

Annex I; No. 12 



steff firftr fef?F Annex IV A • No. 210 
SWSTTTWTrScf JHT Annex IV G; No. 277 

PcjcTff: tfTf Annex III; No. 123 

?r^r qfaqRWT JJTlfT* Annex III; No. 129 
Annex JV G ; No. 379 
3R HRfoiT *3FRT Annex IV C • No. 278 
^TTTtrTTeTT c -fl: S^WTR Annex III; No. 130 

t|fSf «nf«Tvft^ sreft jfcft Annex IV H; No. 414 
erejfl^ Annex IV A; No. 211 
TlfcTtfrifW^l'J Annex III; No. 131 
5«r#T fntfcT Annex IV A; No.212 

'OFTT qfrfkar Annex III; No. 132 
3TOT 'Tl^TTTvfpJ Annex III; No. 133 
5c?orrf'T ITf'Ri Annex III; No. 134 
^f[ qqr^T'T fer<3(I fSTctTcTn Annex I; No. 51 (See also tflt: « faifffTSTST-JTlfT:) 
ST^tTITT SFI^jaR 3^T: Annex III; No. 135 
3TT T^q-aVr Wrfa STIR 3<r ^FeT Annex IV I ; No. 415 

?Trf Annex III; No. 136 

srqrF^cr cirsrfcT 3pft Annex IV A ; No. 213 

enf: w4 TR =T qorr srqf^tTqTTT Tfe: Annex IV B; [No 347 

spfcq EpRr vJ^r Annex IV A; No. 214 

SnfRRR 4T[qR Annex IV G; No 380 

sffa *T frqfajfel^TTft: Annex I; No. 52 (see also faifft fatfTeqr) 

q qr^JTrnrr TCTef Annex IV C; No. 279 
q fqfa TRIVET Annex IV C; No. 280 
q jqfqf«RPtHr 0 Annex IV C; No. 281 
q iprfq fipqt 4nf=T? Annex IV C; No. 282 
fr 3?>snTrgsrTJT?q Annex IV C ; No. 283 
■Ty<WRl HTcRSTTTAnnex III; No. 137 
q 3n^55T5qq fq% Annex IV C; No. 284 
q effaePTOt fqfe Annex IV C; No. 285 
q eft?T?VqtTFrt Annex IV C; 286 


enfaqfSDT Annex IV G; No. 287 
fTStftt =q ftfafTl n Annex III; No. 138 
d^StSSItrSTtTTirftTWi ^Ptctag: Annex I; No. 10 
'WiTWrFfV ir^ff^llr Annex II; No. G9 
*1 'PrftT ^4 u ft Annex II ; No. 70 

■T ffTc*T^3^jT5Fp% Annex IV C ; No. 288 
*T JWTircTffm Annex IV C ; No. 280 
rT Sr?g|?I5f?£r5rfT Annex IV C ; No, 290 

^ffa^faftnlRT Annex II; No. 71 
=1 *re«T4Pft SIR: Annex IV C; No. 201 
fl'ErrfTfrT >Tgft?t|cr 0 Annex III; No, 139 
sTJTirfem^;«T Annex IV A; No. 215 
•T 4T , »|d H^^NTfftiraT Annex 111 ■ No. 140 
ft <4fanwqT*fa Annex IV C; No. 292 
-Rdfami dFfl Annex IV D ; No. 332 
?T fsRRtT?RJ: WM Annex IV G; No. 203 
ft JnTfciTffrfftcart ner^tH qrjraflrT'f ; Annex III ; No, 141 
tTSJfRI'RlftcT: Annex IV A; No. 216 
ft 4^ Annex IV C; No 294 

TT tfaffiT cTTtTt'TT Annex IV G; No. 295 
*T ft Annex IV C; No. 296 

5T HfTtlFTr: WTItT VTttrtlVti Annex II; No. 72 

d 4*fa IK^falf^ Annex IV G; No. 297 
strftrffKff 4 Annex III; No. 142 

UTcUW«lfsfa5rr Annex IV C ; No. 298 
dTmfddlfa UfT^TtlSipfafT Annex IV B; 248 
dT4r«T4)RqT SSUT^ Annex IV C; No. 299 
fajfrqqfa Wdqf Annex III; No. 143 
fau^^faWT4r^faa>JT4?tfa4Tt: Annex II; No. 73 
f-T^rt 4rnr5®T«lt ’SPtfa *lf?R: q?S4rfuiTT Annex III; No. 144 
facUI^f U3Rt: Annex I; No. 21 

fast ft 43=4% 4fT3Rfrfq- Ufa UW f^fa ff qqfa? Annex I; No. 42 
faST^S4I%SqFUfT3R: 4fti»rtsitfagT?r: Annex IV D; No. 333 
faf?r qqt|f4«nxl4:utr4rt UU JT^eU^fa Annex IV B; No. 249 



fHWcrt *4clT fafTnrnrat Annex II; No. 74 
PrcrcnifT sftfrFwafspm’tSfcffi 5 9f!?: Annnex l; No. 26 
qfq^T 4| ffT^5JWT5& f4 Annex I; No. 44 

fsTCqTUTT: TOTRlfanft Annex IV E ; No. 301 
sr^V B *TT 4T Annex IV C ; No. 300 
;qpc; isfsf: M84 d4". Annex III. No. 145 

TTRFI'Tf^OTM'TT: Annex IV C; No. 301 

«HTR 5TT CI T Annex IV G; No. 382 

qfr^nrfH f% 3 9T Wl f%4 f4>*wmt Annex III; No. 146 

<rt3lt ^T5T5f J4?4 Annex C 5 No. 302 

4e444lfi[ 4Tfasc4 Annex IV G; No. 383 

qjfb^q qft ht*t wWfcr fET f% 44T&4T44^ Annex III; No. 147 

Tf95crT: 4744: ^4T: Annex IV D; No. 334 
qrfrrrftsfa cfiTTtfTfTT Annex IV G; No, 384 

qfqqqfH 44 iyJJTfT fef4lf4 Annex III; No. 148 

fqsflirftq fa5Tc4f44 Annex III; No. 149 

"ft* HW44 faftT4ftr*44T 43*T4Ht IRK: Annex III; No. 150 

2D?^spf*rsrrffTf4 Annex III; No. 151 

3 ° 4^44 <I 1I4 T4 Annex IV G; No. 385 

yn^srctT: ?4T4 Annex IV C; No. 303 

5 4nr4ftrt 4 Pwfir fan* $ Annex III; No. 152 

ijffqtq =q ?t4P4 Annex III 5 No. 153 

2 ^ 4^1 44t Annex III; No. lo4 

q49TI?4^4T E P i: 4T 0 Annex I; No. 11 

4r44T444(f44^f4a4 4c4 *T 3 4% Annex I; No. 34 

qqq icqfqfT4f44 Annex IV A; No. 217 

5f*f444T44 3 S4T Annex IV A; No. 218 

SJ4S[4T^ 4?4TSlt Annex IV C; No. 304 

5T^4 944T4t44 Annex IV G; No. 386 

5jT5TT% f4T44H444f4m%5n^T4T4'4 Annex I; No. 35 

5 jq?[: ipsjT f4f44T Annex IV A; No. 219 

JT^rf?4 f44Tf<JRt Annex IV G; No. 387 

RP4T4t 4 f?^mT 4 444 44?: flwn SITfiRt Annex IV B; No. 250 



gfKT Annex I; No. 24 
cfftffU^rsr sftfffmffT fcsjvuY Annex II; No. 75 

Annex IV; No. 305 
STr^^IFT mwim' Annex IV G; No. 306 
3TT^tT T^€ puff Annex IV C; No. 307 

■*m ff*RT Fgff Vftf Annex IV G; No. 308 
'flfYfi: 4TTcVcTr STtTT ffVTSTfTt Annex I; No. 36 

ffffUtrsrffTureqr Annex IV F ; No. 350 
Annex II; No. 76 

ffTUTf^UfffcTUIfffffatSffffTfT: Annex I; No. 3 

SfSUTcTTpTffi Annex III; No. 155 
ffufa Annex III; No. 156 

fftff ftffffff 5 ^- eTUffU Tuff Annex IV B; No. 205 

wt fffff«r?R^2?;*fl I TT Annex II; No. 77 
ffY^T^^frsfvrfU^fffcT 3ffT*fifffff fftffifr Annex I; No. 54 

ffrff fftcsluff^ewm Annex II; No. 78 
Annex III; No. 79 

ffSir ff^tffffffffcrcrnr^ffff^ffrff: Annex II; No. 80 
ffguY ffffffTWT Annex IV G; No. 388 
Annex IV G ; No. 386 
ffRP< faert Annex IV C; No. 309 
ffTcffUTfrcUHT: Annex IV A ; No. 220 

Annex II; No. 81 

fflfuf^sfa t ^44% efte®!! ^SISTi: IT Annex I; No. 55 
fflffta: pfff<TOT4?l: fffeTTffT Annex II; No. 82 
ffffff: UTfftff: UTffTUTff Annex IV B; No. 252 

ffTqTffT^ffff^ff 0 Annex IV A; No. 221 
ffrUDTff: STfcffff Annex IV F; No. 351 
ffPf ffle^lf^ift %Tfft Annex I; No. 45 

5ff>: ffTefftf^RTT Annex I; No. 46 

pst qftfft Annex IV A; No. 222 

ff ffqff fflY Annex III; No. 157 



444Wt4 4441 Annex IV G; No. 390 
qqqTSft fqqTfqre: Annex IV G; No. 391 

4C4T4T444: $444f4f4: Annex III; No. 158 

i|-^; Annex IV A ; No. 223 

4TSTR f^Mrefa: Annex IV A; No. 224 

*ft4 SOTTt 4!4T Annex II; No. 83 

ifrnn^rw^Trr 0 Annex IV A; No. 225 

ifrefl 9T44gRsf9 Annex III; No. 159 

fg-sn't 44T4TS4f4 Annex III; No. 160 

4: sreirirR?: 44r ffrfMWl Annex I; No, 13 

ner 4Ttcy tiM 4?lill Annex IV D j No. 335 
Annex IV C ; No. 310 

ITT 5THT 4 44R44 W RP%sf4 wnmr Annex I; No. 22 

qqT m<Z 4 4TW 4 Annex IV G 5 No. 392 

qqy ^^2Tuf Annex IV; No. 393 

34T R^vff^r; 4 4 fa44*F4: *4T444 Annex II; No. 84 

qqfsrcT 4fT4%4T Annex IV D; No. 336 

*PTTf*Hxf 4 41 f44 Annex IV G ; No. 394 

q*mft 5444 TTSHT Annex IV G ; No. 395 

q^q fq[sr q?541 *nsq Annex IV G ; No. 396 

q^mqqrfT^r^: Annex IV G ; No. 397 

q qq;q fqqyfqq; qTq>q;^^q ^snqiarT Annex IV D ; No. 337 

q^q qTc4ff q^tJ: Annex 111; No. 161 

4>S^74>Tf44: 4^144^44 Annex 1; No 37 

Tr44£4f444'T a T3 : |fK Annex II ; No. 85 
R444444l4444l Annex II ; No. 86 
^qiqifl 47T4144 Annex IV D ; No. 338 
Tqsqf Tpqr 54414T4T4 Annex IV G; No. 398 

45441 4444T41 Annex III; No. 162 


454l?l4454T SRT 4444 4Tf4: 44T4?444 Annex IV B; No 253 
44 «ta 4?1?4 Annex II; No. 87 

o o 

^54iq54e4t44n:T4T4ni4T Annex II; No. 88 



9T?%4 45J4fFF4 Annex III ; No. 163 
5jF44U[f44t ifl^T Annex III; No. 164 
$ra^srrftTT5C?T Annex IV A ; No. 226 
rraf4c444nJT?4 Annex III; No. 165 
*fl4: f44lf44^t Annex IV A ; No. 227 
effar: 44T Annex IV A; No. 228 

444 ; Annex IV C; No. 311 

4444fafe4lfflT? Annex I) No. 166 
4T fTfflT?TT??-dT: Annex III G ; No. 399 
gr faergg ttstI Annex III ; No. 167 
4744W4I 41% Annex IV O; No. <100 
STT^riTcTT^ernT Anne x IV G; No. 401 
g^fafi^anfV Annex IV C!; No. 312 
4f9r44T^fe444 Annex IV A; No. 229 
fTHTrT^fin: mf544 Annex IV A : No. 230 
4¥44 0 14q4f *444^: F4I4T Annex I ; No 14 
4444 Ffa 4iII4 Annex IV C; No. 313 

fa4?4444>'44§faf4^* Annex IV A; No. 231 
4 4ST4T Annex IV C; No. 314 
faff4 %f¥r %?4T Annex III; No. 168 
44 fa^IT Annex III ; No. 169 
faSIi $4 44 Annex IV D; No. 339 
fasrtefpft 44144: Annex IV C ; No. 315 
fagV4 4441 4141 Annex IV A; No. 332 
4fa414: Annex IV A; No. 333 
fafay?4^4444f'4441T4ltT Annex I; No. 28 
4t<44 > 4l4fl444 Annex IV D ; No. 340 
494144f4 fa9414t Annex IV C; No. 316 
4Tlfa 444 4 441 Annex III ; No. 170 
544 s 4449ft4?4 Annex III ; No. 171 
5414;frtsf4 fa4f414: Annex IV C; No. 317 
5414T1: ^%4 %54 5 % Annex IV G ; No. 402 



SBTBBfcr BTBT uTBBTTr: Annex I; No. 89 
sBrBrctB Tf^^^rn^fgcrref <t b^Ib ^bb Annex ill; No. 172 
JfBTBTfBTf^TB Annex III; No. 173 
f<TBT<T fertffir fsrift Annex III; No. 174 

sraifqTtsr BRB Annex IV A; No. 234 

^rfTWnr 8TBT Annex IV C; No. 314 

stlftM TfeBBTr?B Annex IV G ; No. 403 

JTcT^sfl- fas'! ^ Annex IV A ; No. '235 

WTWfa W *(% Annex III; No. 175 

^TT-JT*r: Annex IV G ; No. 404 

srrfBTFBB’BBffB srrnrffr srorf ncBerRl'c'TTftTBr An nex III ; No. 1 76 

sftfT BB fawfer fpVFfrf^irwr sra w wit fwB Annex IV D; No. 341 

*(N Annex IV D ; No. 342 

Sftrf STteWcTT «j!B STBBclT WBirrB*nKT6ncTt Annex III B; No. 254 
WORN: Annex IV A ; No. 236 
^7T: Bf?7 BZR3T TrBfTB: ^trr 3PTB BforB Annex I; No. 56 
srVqBBt iTif^Tjff Annex IV A ; No. 237 
sTW^smsu: Annex II; No. 90 

wt I rfTrfa4Wffm i H: Annex I; No. 15 

•STS? fBTB Annex IV C ; 319 

«rfanrg?T«T: *RJTr° Annex IV C; No. 320 
1jfrT7ITr^f?Wmt Annex IV C; No. 321 
*BTeb: jbFb: ffB*r 7>BfBTB Annex III; 177 

Annex; II No. 91 

bFb Fbwr FvjBr Annex IV C; No. 322 
BBTBRB fBBTBnrB Anriex IV G; No. 405 
B^BBSBBSftBBBtBTB Annex II; No. 92 
BrBSPFTBB'TtfB: Annex IV A; No. 238 

B?B 47Fb <?Fb BBKBBBT BBfBBTSBlFBBT- Annex IV B; No. 255 

BcB^f: 7BBTIB: Annex IV A; No. 289 

BcBl^BT^ Annex IV F; No. 352 

BBT TjnBBBUBTB Annex IV F; No. 353 


BfeBT^B^TTBT Annex IV A; No. 240 


^r^rfHfsrTTTT: Annex I; No. 39 

*TOT: SRUReRt TOf: Annex II; No. 93 
IFr’fTTC'^WFfV Annex IV G; No. 406 
HqlnifTiTTT^TRJT fniln gpc^TTf^i^nfar Annex I; No.40 
Ilf RPTIJ¥rf«R: sF^?r#: STR^SRI 5TST?T Annex I; No. 41 
FT?#* flFfar Annex IV A ; No. 211 
UTERI? Snfrpmifa Annex IV G; No. 323 
WtftmfmHSiTTSJW Annex III; No. 178 
FRR^TIW^faq'Tp^iRTr RPR^T^THT Annex II; No. 94 
mi^f |ftT TfWmrfcTfet rT?I?fl3cTra'IS?T A mux III; No. 179 
^5^q-9T^qTfr ff Tjcgfa Annex I ; No. 48 

g4' D ff i rr^'>T% <R^R4iT%4R Annex IV G; No. 407 
^tT^FTfir Annex IV ; No. 408 
n*TT Annex III; No. 180 

Rtf^T fSTfo^r: ST3T Annex III; No. 181 
Fnfft FcrsaV efterw ffTKT^ST Annex I; No. 49 

eftfor-rt if tfOTI^ Annex IV C; No. 324 
*-0t| fasqT^f Annex IV G ; No. 409 

fPROTIlt =T SRTOTF? Annex IV C; No. 325 
ff?TTEI5!rm?HrN?r 'fKTcT^SSWT faTt^m Annex I ; No. 57 
RTgiaff *FfSR: Annex IV A; No. 242 
FT^jftaT WfTt rrra^ Annex IV D ; Vo. 343 
fRFT Fri 5Rf?4 Annex IV G; No. 410 
*T f*Pm4t Annex IV G ; No. 411 
F^feTR RfTcrt fTB^T Annex IV C; No.326 
RTF! 500%? Annex I; No. 23 

SfJT ftspSRT*i faq*F*f§f4: FT'-aRfa 5"44 fT Annex II ; No. 95 
^f5!T4'®54t$1^4: Annex III; No. 172 
^cSTT fJR Annex III; No. 183 

ffffa eWfa 9T9t Annex III; No. 184 

f^lt SRtfTRFRT Annex IV C; No. 327 
f^q^Sf *JRT cf Annex IV C ; No. 328 
fezrfar *PH?*T *RT: Annex III; No. 185 

I^SDim^fer Annex III; No. 186 


p. 1 line 12 read. : Somapada instead of Sompada. 

p. 2 line 17 read : Bauddhdvadanakalpalata instead of Bauddhavadanakalpalaid 

p. 3 liny 20 read : Jimutavahanavadana instead oj Jimutavdhandvaddna 

p. 4 line 26 read : Kavikanthdbharana instead of Kavkanthabhar ana 

p. 6 line 23 read : 2t Didactic poems instead of 7. Didactic poems 

p. 14 1 inr 14 read : Sukhratnakara instead of Suktirandhara 

p. 15 line 25 read : anthology instead of arthology 

p, 16 line 11 read : Vrajanatha\ instead of Vrajafiatha’s 

p. 27 line 16 read : Sarngadharapa- instead Of fiartlgarapa- 

linc 19 read : Siiktiratnahara instead of Suktisahasra 

p. 26 line 4 read : Suktiratnahara instead of Suktisahasra 

line 6 read : Hitopadesa instead of Hitipadesa 

p. 38 line 32 read : as mama instead of a smama 

p. 39 line 3 read : Subhasitavali instead of Subasilavali