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Full text of "Three Satires Of Nilakantha Kshemendra And Bhallata Somadeva Vasudeva Clay Sanskrit Library"

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Edited & tmnsLited by 







Copyright © 2005 by the CSL. 

All rights reserved. 

First Edition 2005. 

The Clay Sanskrit Library is co-published by 
New York University Press 
and the JJC Foundation. 

Further information about this volume 
and the rest of the Clay Sanskrit Library 
is available on the following websites: 

ISBN 0-8147-8814-9 

Artwork by Robert Beer. 

Cover design by Isabelle Onians. 

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data 

Nilakantha DIksita, 17th cent. 
[Kalividambana. English & Sanskrit] 

Three satires / Nilakantha, Ksemendra & Bhallata ; 
edited and translated by Somadeva Vasudeva. 
p. cm. - (The Clay Sanskrit library) 

In English and Sanskrit; includes translations from Sanskrit. 
Includes bibliographical references and index. 

ISBN 0-8147-8814-9 (cloth : alk. paper) 

I. Title: 3 satires. II. Vasudeva, Somadeva. 

III. Ksemendra, nth cent. Kalavilasa. English & Sanskrit. 

IV. Bhallata, 9th cent. Bhallatasataka. English & Sanskrit. 

V. Title. VI. Series. 

PK3798.N54K313 2005 
89i’.23-dc22 2004029512 


Sanskrit alphabetical order 7 

CSL conventions 7 


Introduction 13 

1. Bhallata: The Hundred Allegories 27 

2. Kshemendra: The Grace of Guile 92 

3. Nila-kantha: Mockery of the Kali Era 319 

Notes 341 

Bibliography 378 

Index 383 

A sandhi grid is printed on the inside of the back cover 









adiluurf 11 e ai o aum h 
k kh ggh n 
c chj jh n 
t th d dh n 
p ph b bh m 
y r Iv 
s' s s h 


a but 
a, a rather 
i sit 
l, i tee 
u put 
UyU boo 

r vocalic r, American purdy 
or English pretty 
f lengthened r 
l vocalic /, ab le 
e, e, e made, esp. in Welsh pro¬ 
ai bzte 

o, o, o r<?pe, esp. Welsh pronun¬ 
ciation; Italian solo 
au sound 

m anusvdra nasalizes the pre¬ 
ceding vowel 

h visarga , a voiceless aspira¬ 
tion (resembling English 
h ), or like Scottish \och, or 
an aspiration with a faint 
echoing of the preceding 
vowel so that taih is pro¬ 
nounced taih 1 

k hick 

kh blockhead 

g g° 

gh bighead 

h anget 

c chi\\ 

ch matchhead 

j 7*og 

jh aspirated j, hedgehog 

h canyon 

t retroflex t, try (with the 

tip of tongue turned up 

to touch the hard palate) 
th same as the preceding but 

d retroflex d (with the tip 

of tongue turned up to 
touch the hard palate) 
dh same as the preceding but 


n retroflex n (with the tip 

of tongue turned up to 
touch the hard palate) 
t French rout 

th ten t hook 




















ye s 

r trilled, resembling the Ita¬ 
lian pronunciation of r 
l /inger 

v word 

s' shove 

s retroflex sh ( with the tip 

of the tongue turned up 
to touch the hard palate) 

s hkf 

h hood 


The acute accent on Sanskrit words when they occur outside of the 
Sanskrit text itself, marks stress, e.g. Ramayana. It is not part of tra¬ 
ditional Sanskrit orthography, transliteration or transcription, but we 
supply it here to guide readers in the pronunciation of these unfamiliar 
words. Since no Sanskrit word is accented on the last syllable it is not 
necessary to accent disyllables, e.g. Rama. 

The second CSL innovation designed to assist the reader in the pro¬ 
nunciation of lengthy unfamiliar words is to insert an unobtrusive mid¬ 
dle dot between semantic word breaks in compound names (provided 
the word break does not fall on a vowel resulting from the fusion of 
two vowels), e.g. Maha-bharata, but Ramayana (not Rama-ayana). Our 
dot echoes the punctuating middle dot (•) found in the oldest surviv¬ 
ing samples of written Sanskrit, the Ashokan inscriptions of the third 
century bce. 

The deep layering of Sanskrit narrative has also dictated that we use 
quotation marks only to announce the beginning and end of every direct 
speech, and not at the beginning of every paragraph. 


The Sanskrit text is also punctuated, in accordance with the punc¬ 
tuation of the English translation. In mid-verse, the punctuation will 
not alter the sandhi or the scansion. Proper names are capitalized, as are 
the initial words of verses (or paragraphs in prose texts). Most Sanskrit 


metres have four “feet” (pada): where possible we print the common 
sloka metre on two lines. The capitalization of verse beginnings makes 
it easy for the reader to recognize longer metres where it is necessary to 
print the four metrical feet over four or eight lines. In the Sanskrit text, 
we use French Guillemets (e.g. «kva samcicirsuh?») instead of English 
quotation marks (e.g. “Where are you off to?”) to avoid confusion with 
the apostrophes used for vowel elision in sandhi. 

Sanskrit presents the learner with a challenge: sandhi (“euphonic com¬ 
bination”). Sandhi means that when two words are joined in connected 
speech or writing (which in Sanskrit reflects speech), the last letter (or 
even letters) of the first word often changes; compare the way we pro¬ 
nounce “the” in “the beginning” and “the end.” 

In Sanskrit the first letter of the second word may also change; and if 
both the last letter of the first word and the first letter of the second are 
vowels, they may fuse. This has a parallel in English: a nasal consonant is 
inserted between two vowels that would otherwise coalesce: “a pear” and 
“an apple.” Sanskrit vowel fusion may produce ambiguity. The chart at 
the back of each book gives the full sandhi system. 

Fortunately it is not necessary to know these changes in order to start 
reading Sanskrit. For that, what is important is to know the form of the 
second word without sandhi (p vt-sandhi ), so that it can be recognized 
or looked up in a dictionary. Therefore we are printing Sanskrit with a 
system of punctuation that will indicate, unambiguously, the original 
form of the second word, i.e., the form without sandhi. Such sandhi 
mostly concerns the fusion of two vowels. 

In Sanskrit, vowels may be short or long and are written differently 
accordingly. We follow the general convention that a vowel with no 
mark above it is short. Other books mark a long vowel either with a 
bar called a macron ( a ) or with a circumflex (a). Our system uses the 
macron, except that for initial vowels in sandhi we use a circumflex 
to indicate that originally the vowel was short, or the shorter of two 
possibilities (e rather than ai, o rather than au). 

When we print initial a , before sandhi that vowel was a 
i or e , i 

u or o, u 

ai, e 








a (i.e., the same) 
i (i.e., the same) 
u (i.e., the same) 





before sandhi there was a vowel a 


When a final short vowel {a, i or u) has merged into a following 
vowel, we print ’ at the end of the word, and when a final long vowel 
(a, i or u) has merged into a following vowel we print ” at the end of 
the word. The vast majority of these cases will concern a final a or a. 


What before sandhi was atra asti is represented as atr asti 

atra aste 

atr aste 

kanya asti 

kany ” asti 

kanyd aste 

kany” aste 

atra iti 

atr eti 

kanyd iti 

kany” eti 

kanyd Ipsita 

kany” epsita 

Finally, three other points concerning the initial letter of the sec¬ 
ond word: 

(1) A word that before sandhi begins with r (vowel), after sandhi 
begins with r followed by a consonant: yatha” rtu represents pr z-sandhi 
yatha rtu. 

( 2 ) When before sandhi the previous word ends in t and the following 
word begins with s', after sandhi the last letter of the previous word is c 
and the following word begins with ch: syac chastravit represents pre- 
sandhi sydt sastravit. 

( 3 ) Where a word begins with h and the previous word ends with a 
double consonant, this is our simplified spelling to show the pr z-sandhi 



form: tad hasati is commonly written as tad dhasati, but we write tadd 
hasati so that the original initial letter is obvious. 


We also punctuate the division of compounds (samasa), simply by 
inserting a thin vertical line between words. There are words where 
the decision whether to regard them as compounds is arbitrary. Our 
principle has been to try to guide readers to the correct dictionary entries. 


Classical Sanskrit literature can abound in puns (slesa). Such parono¬ 
masia, or wordplay, is raised to a high art; rarely is it a cliche. Multiple 
meanings merge (slisyanti) into a single word or phrase. Most common 
are pairs of meanings, but as many as ten separate meanings are attested. 
To mark the parallel senses in the English, as well as the punning original 
in the Sanskrit, we use a slanted font (different from italic) and a triple 
colon (!) to separate the alternatives. E.g. 

Yuktam Kadambarim srutva kavayo maunam asritah 
Bana/dhvanav an|adhyayo bhavat’ iti smrtir yatah. 

“It is right that poets should fall silent upon hearing the Kadamba- 
ri, for the sacred law rules that recitation must be suspended when 
the sound of an arrow: the poetry ofBana is heard.” 

Someshvara-deva’s “Moonlight of Glory” 1 .15 




Where the Devanagari script reads: 

eft i 

g-iTF^ir fcrg-ffHTS'i-Rf f^T^RT^TWT^%^ll 

Others would print: 

kumbhasthall raksatu vo viklrnasindurarenur dviradananasya / 
prasantaye vighnatamaschatanam nisthyutabalatapapallaveva // 

We print: 

Kumbha|sthall raksatu vo viklrna|sindura|renur dvirad’|ananasya 
prasantaye vighna|tamas|chatanam nisthyuta|bar|atapa|pallav” eva. 

And in English: 

“May Ganesha’s domed forehead protect you! Streaked with vermilion 
dust, it seems to be emitting the spreading rays of the rising sun to 
pacify the teeming darkness of obstructions.” 

Padma-gupta’s “Nava-sahasanka and the Serpent Princess” I.3 




T he three satirists translated in this volume chose to 
pursue three very different strategies in their composi¬ 
tions. We may surmise that they wrote to fulfil three equally 
different aims, but these are not as clear-cut as might have 
been expected. 

All three were members of privileged and learned aris¬ 
tocracies linked to the royal court. While Bhallata suffered 
a humiliating fall from his high rank of court-poet, Kshe- 
mendra was an independently wealthy man of leisure, and 
Nila-kantha endured a number of vicissitudes. 


Bhallata was a protege of King Avanti-varman of Kashmir 
(reg. 855-883CE) a celebrated patron of eminent poets. 1 The 
chronicler Kalhana reports that his successor, King Shan¬ 
kara-varman (reg. 883-902CE) discontinued this royal pa¬ 
tronage and that Bhallata and his poet peers were hence¬ 
forth forced to support themselves with lowly work. 2 While 
Kalhana portrays the new king Shankara-varman as boorish 
(he preferred to speak vernacular dialects instead of cul¬ 
tivated Sanskrit), a quite different picture of him can be 
gleaned from the Agama/dambara, an historico-philosophi- 
cal drama written by the logician Bhatta Jayanta, a contem¬ 
porary of Bhallata’s. There it is rather the learned elites who 
are being ridiculed, and Shankara-varman is portrayed as 
interested in statecraft rather than the fine arts. 

“Bhallata’s Hundred Allegories” is a collection of “de¬ 
tached poems” (muktaka), each complete in itself, com¬ 
posed in sophisticated courtly Sanskrit in various metres. 
“Detached poems” are usually classified as being “free of 



context” (a/nibaddha), so that there is no narrative linking 
them. It is a common practise, however, to group verses that 
are thematically related into units (sometimes called parya 
or vrajyd). 

“Bhallata’s Hundred Allegories” is the earliest known col¬ 
lection of detached poems devoted entirely to allegorical 
satire (anyapadesa). The poet Bhallata is heir to a sophis¬ 
ticated verbal art, and both he and his intended audience 
expect literature to be crafted with genius within the bounds 
of formal rules. These verses of his allegories depend pri¬ 
marily on a few figures of speech (alankdras, as taught in 
Sanskrit rhetorics) that relate two separate senses. The rela¬ 
tion of the two senses can be of various kinds: “fusion” (slesa 
= paronomasia); the “intended sense” and the “unintended 
sense” (prakrta-aprakrta in aprastuta/pmsamsd, lit. “presen¬ 
tation of a topic not under discussion”); “compounding” 
(in samds’/okti lit. “compounded speech”) etc. 

This second sense, that serves as a pretext, is usually quite 
easy to interpret. Trees, which give shade and fruit to weary 
travellers, represent charitable donors; gleaming jewels are 
learned scholars ablaze with learning; hissing, venomous 
serpents are miscreants whispering falsehoods, etc. 

The general tone of the collection is one of resigned crit¬ 
icism, Bhallata laughs not so much at the folly of his con¬ 
temporaries as that he suffers from their mistakes. Bhallata 
emphasises this pain by occasionally using tortuous syntax 
for effect. 

Bhallata’s verses are difficult, and they need to be read 
slowly and carefully. 




The Kashmirian poet Kshemendra (fl. ca. 990/1010-1070 
ce ), 3 was a prolific writer 4 whom recent scholars have var¬ 
iously charged with vulgarity and bad taste. 5 

Many of Kshemendra’s compositions may offend mod¬ 
ern tastes, but a consequent vilification of his works’ literary 
merit may be premature (he fares better if his work is judged 
with the literary criteria prevalent in his time and milieu). 

We need to take into account that no work of Kshe¬ 
mendra’s has ever been critically edited, that he had stud¬ 
ied literary theory with Abhinava-gupta, one of the greatest 
Sanskrit rhetoricians, 6 and that his contemporaries credited 
his works with poetic merit. One sure measure of Kshe¬ 
mendra’s popularity among traditional Sanskrit aesthetes is 
the large number of his verses which are current in poetic 
anthologies. 7 Even when the chronicler Kalhana censures a 
lack of historical accuracy in Kshemendra’s now lost “List 
of Kings ” he fairly acknowledges that it was “the work of a 
poet.” 8 Kalhana has even flattered Kshemendra by rework¬ 
ing a number of his verses. 

How, then are we to account for such discrepant recep¬ 
tions of his work? 

Is it just the case that, as with so many other Sanskrit 
poems, recent literary evaluations of Kshemendra’s satires 
are based on current notions of what a literary work should 
be? The short reply to such a reception, namely, that the 
work was not written for the modern reader, will avail little, 
for it is here presented to the modern reader. Nor would it be 
fair to exhort readers to immerse themselves into the world 
of the work, to understand the premises and prejudices of 



the author and his millieu. That, of course, is the job of the 
editor and translator. 

The reader must, however, be warned that one may not 
blithely approach the works produced by one ancient clas¬ 
sical civilisation with readily preconceived norms derived 
from another. 9 When Lapanich 10 laments that the so- 
called “didactic” verses in the “ Grace of Guile” interrupt the 
flow of the narrative, this tells us merely something about 
what she believed poetic satire ought to be. To the trained 
Sanskrit ear that Kshemendra was addressing, smoothly 
flowing stories would have seemed fine in epic or Puranic 
narrative, or as refreshing interludes. But Kshemendra was 
no mere story-teller in the market-place. Like Bhallata, he 
was a learned, aristocratic wordsmith who crafted complex 
poems for connoisseurs (sahrdaya) who would scarcely be 
interested in mere colorful tales. Even worse, Kshemen¬ 
dra’s audience would have perceived such as a monotonous 
breach of poetic propriety (aucitya). As he himself observes: 

An uncultivated man, who merely cobbles together verses 
with difficidty, is a lousy poet, aware of only the lit¬ 
eral sense of words. Like some newly-arrived, over-awed 
bumpkin in the depths of the big city, he has no idea 
what to answer when questioned in an assembly of the 
learned , n 

The offending “didactic” verses, far from being a mere 
interruption to the all-important narrative, are the focus 
of Kshemendra’s poetic efforts. It is here that he shows his 
talent. He lights up these verses with varied and entertaining 
ornaments of speech (alahkdra), often involving learned 



puns (slesa) and satirical parallel meanings (samds’/okti) and 
above all he is careful to do all of this with the restraint so 
important to rhetoricians of his time. 

Kshemendra wrote a satire very similar to the “Grace of 
Guile” early on in his carreer: the Des’ / opadesa. This in 
no way implies that it is an easier or even simpler work. 
Quite the opposite, like many writers’ early work it is re¬ 
plete with learned puns and other rhetorical devices. In eight 
“lessons” (upadesa) it ridicules wrong-doers, misers, pros¬ 
titutes, bawds, parasites, and assorted cheats. That work 
consists of nothing but “didactic” verses. The “Grace of 
Guile,” on the other hand, is arguably didactically superior 
because Kshemendra has incorporated brief tales (drst’/dn- 
ta) to exemplify and reinforce his moral judgements. The 
result is the lighter and structurally more varied work of a 
mature and evidently well-established poet at the height of 
his powers. 

Since it is not the narrative development alone that drove 
Kshemendra’s creative art, we should not be too hasty to 
judge his work by (for him) irrelevant standards. 12 

What has Kshemendra himself said about his efforts? 
Forestalling critics who may charge him with vulgarity, 
Kshemendra prefaces one of his satires with a a disclaimer: 

My labor is in no way meant for those who are tainted 
even slightly by the symptoms of the disease which is the 
conceit of sanctimoniousness. 

Like many other satirists Kshemendra claims that his 
intentions are entirely praiseworthy: 



Someone shamed by laughter will not persist in his wrongs. 

To help him, I myself have made this effort d 4 

But it remains questionable if this reflects merely a pater¬ 
nalistic concern with uplifting the lower orders of society. 15 
Is his the voice of a Kashmirian moral majority, or a self- 
appointed minority with moral pretenses? Do we see a 
learned elite scorning the common people? Are they in¬ 
tended as a taxonomy of fallen characters? 16 Are there sec¬ 
tarian motivations? Who is the “public” for whose instruc¬ 
tion he claims to have written the “Grace of Guile”? 17 And 
not least, how much of it is personal? 

The scope for future scholarship is wide. 


Nila-kantha Dikshita (fl. i6i3-?ce) was born into the 
family of one the most important figures of sixteenth-cen¬ 
tury Sanskrit scholarship. As the grand-nephew of Appaya 
Dikshita {fl. 1553-1625CE) he first studied philosophy (s'ds- 
tra) and literature with his father and eventually became the 
disciple of his grand-uncle. 

Numerous hagiographical accounts agree at least that he 
was active in the seventeenth century as minister at the court 
ofTirumalai Nayaka of Maturai. 

Although Nila-kantha provides ample information about 
his ancestral lineage, he never himself mentions by name the 
prince he served. 18 

His “Mockery of the Kali Age” is a work in 102 anu- 
stubh verses that provides a catalogue of fallen characters. It 
was composed specifically for the amusement of the royal 



court. 19 As such, it was presumably intended as a warning 
to his audience. 


For “Bhallata’s Hundred Allegories” I have used the Kavyamala edi¬ 
tion, (gucchaka IV), Bombay 1899, and the polyglot critical edition by 
Vedkumari Ghai & Rampratap, New Delhi 1985 .1 have also used the 
anthologies citing Bhallata’s verses. 

For the “Grace of Guile” I have prepared a new edition the bare 
text without apparatus of which is published in this volume, using 
the following manuscripts: P=Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute 
Poona, No. 65, 24 of 1873—74, ff. zi,Jaina Devanagari dated samvat 1931. 
Q=Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Poona, No. 66, 373 of 1887- 
91, ff. 22-34, sargas 5-10, Devanagari, undated. L=India Office Library 
London, No. 114a, ff. 37, Devanagari, dated samvat yjz^. Three earlier 
editions were also consulted: 1. Pandita Durgaprasada & KasInatha 
Panduranga Parab (1886), 2. E.V.V. Raghavacarya & D.G. Padhye 
(1961), 3. Lapanich (1973). 

For the “Mockery of the Kali Age” I based my text of the edition of 
P.-S.Filliozat, ifi 36, Pondichery 1967, collating it with the lithograph 
edition by Keralavarma, Trivandrum 1886. 


The translations offered do not pretend to be poetic. Such attempts 
seem often doomed to failure, as had already been noted by Kumara- 
jiva, the early translator of Sanskrit into Chinese(Translated from the 
“Biography of Kumarajlva” in Hui-chiao’s Biographies of Eminent Monks 
by Victor H. Mair & Tsu-Lin Mei (1991:382-3)): 

Once Sanskrit is converted into Chinese, the subtle nuances are lost. 
Though the general meaning gets across, there is no way to bridge the 
gap in genre and style. It is like feeding another person with chewed - 
over rice. Not only is the flavour lost, it will cause the other person to 



Rather than risking such an outcome by attempting facile reductions 
to contemporary fashions in English poetry, this translation strives to be 
an aid so that readers may consult the original themselves and discover 
whatever poetic beauty there is in the original. 


1 Rajatarangim 5.34. 

2 Rajatarangim 5.204. 

3 Only four of Ksemendra’s works are dated: [1.] the Samayama- 
trka to the first day of the bright lunar fortnight of December— 
January in the [Laukika] year [41] 25 = 1049/50 ce (epilogue 
2ab : samvatsarepancavimsepausasukladivasare). [2.] Somendra 
writes in his Introduction to Ksemendra s Avadanakalpalata 
that it was completed during the Buddha’s birth-celebrations in 
the bright fortnight of April-May of the [Laukika] year [41] 27 
= 1052 ce ( Avadanakalpalata Introduction 16: samvatsare sapta- 
vimse vaisakhasya sitodaye krteyam Kalpalatikd Jinajanmamaho- 
tsave). [3.] The Aucityavicdracarca was completed in May—June 
of the [Laukika] year[41] 34 = 1059 ce ( Aucityalamkaroddhara 
b.o.r.1 ms no. 578/1887—91, colophon: nispannas cayam srima- 
dAnantarajanaradhirajasamaye— samvatsare catustrimse jyesthe 
sukle ’stame hani / Kavyaucityavicaro yam sisyavyutpattaye kr- 
tah. [4.] The Dasavatdracarita to October—November of the 
[Laukika] year [41] 41 = 1066 ce (epilogue 5abc: ekadhike ’bde 
vihitas catvarimse sakartike rajye Kalasabhiibhartuh). Ksemen¬ 
dra further tells us that he wrote this work “while enjoying a 
rest on the summit of the Tripuresvara mountain” (epilogue 3a: 
tena snTripuresvarasailasikhare visrantisamtosina) , an ancient 
site of great sanctity near Srinagara (see Stein (1900:192-3)). 
Secondary literature frequently makes the false assertion that 
the Brhatkathdmanjari is also dated. Sternbach (1979:1) places 
it in 1039 CE > ^en (without explaining the discrepancy) in 
1037 CE ( I 979 :I °)» where it had already been placed by Ma- 
hajan (1956b) and Suryakanta (1954:6). This would put the 



verifiable beginning of Ksemendras literary career back by io 
years, but it is based on no more than a misunderstanding of 
Brhatkathamanjan 19.37. The verse states merely: kada cid eva 
viprena sa dvadasyam upositah / prarthito Rdmayasasa sarasah 
svacchacetasa. “At one time, he, full of love, who was fasting 
on the twelfth [lunar day] was requested by the clear-minded 
Brahmana RamayaSas.” Here dvadasyam cannot mean “in the 
twelfth [Laukika] year,” e.g. 4112 = 1037 CE - The Brhatkathama - 
njarl remains undated. We further know that his works were 
composed in the reign of the Kashmirian kings Ananta (reg. 
1028-63 ce) and Kalasa (reg. 1063-89 ce). 

4 Sternbach (1979:2—5) lists forty-one works attributed to him, 
of which twenty are no longer extant. Of these twenty, four 
titles are however alternates (see Sternbach (1979:11 footnote 
2)), and the Ddnaparijata is by a different author called Kse- 
mendra Mahopadhyaya, hence we arrive at thirty-six works. 

5 Sternbach (1974:81): “His work is often vulgar and it is not an 
amusing comedy, but an acrid, cheap satire, often in bad taste.” 
Sternbach (1974:77) does at least concede that: “Perhaps the 
best of his satiric and didactic works is the Kaldvilasa. ” 

6 Brhatkathamanjan 19.37. 

7 See Sternbach (1979) for a list of 415 verses quoted in the 
surviving classical anthologies. 

8 Rdjatarangini 1.13: kavikarmani saty api. 

9 The difficulty, of course, lies in discovering that something is 
such a preconceived norm in the first place. 

10 Lapanich (1979:9): ‘. . . the only defect found in the Kalavi- 
lasa is that Kshemendra intersperses too many didactic verses 
which interrupt the smooth flow of the didactic story.” 



11 Kavikanthabharana 5.1: na hi paricayahinah kevale kavya- 
kaste kukavir abhinivistah spastasabdapravistah / vibudhasa- 
dasi prstah klistadhlr vetti vaktum nava iva nagarantarga- 
hvare ko ’py adhrstah. Elaborating on this verse, Ksheme- 
ndra demands that a poet must be a cultivated scholar, 
versed in: logic (tarka), grammar (vyakarana), dramaturgy 
(Bharata), politics (Canakya), erotics (Vatsyayana), epic lit¬ 
erature (Bharata), the Rdmayana , the Moksopaya, (this is 
the earliest dateable reference to this work), self-knowledge 
(. dtmajnana ), metallurgy/chemistry ( dhatuvada ), gemology 
{ratnapanksa) , medicine ( vaidyaka ), astronomy/astrology 
( jyautisa ), archery {dhanurveda), elephant-lore {gajalaksa - 
na ), equestrian science (turagalaksand) , physiognomy (pu- 
rusalaksana) , gambling ( dyuta ), and sorcery {Indrajala) . 

12 This will hardly be news to those familiar with a common type 
of “criticism” often met in secondary literature on Sanskrit 
poetry. As Warder & Kunjunni Raja (i986:xliv) remark in 
their introduction to the Naisadh’/ananda: ‘Such persons are 
incapable of grasping the significance of a classical play or of 
enjoying dramatic poetry. It is shocking that they have con¬ 
demned this and many other plays, novels and poems without 
troubling to read them, much worse that such empty arrogance 
has been set up by others as “authority.”’ 

13 Desopadesa 3ab: ye dambhamayamayadosalesalipta na me tan 
prati ko ’piyatnah. These words echo the famous disclaimer 
of the playwright Bhava-bhuti’s Malatimadhava: ye nama ke 
cid iha nah prathayanty avajnam/jananti[var: °u] te kim api 
tan prati naisa yatnah. 

14 Desopadesa 4: hasena lajjito ’tyantam na dosesu pravartate / 
janas tadupakaraya mamayam svayam udyamah. 

15 Unlike many more well-researched literatures, the study of San¬ 
skrit Kavya has not yet generated a substantial body of work 
that could meaningfully contribute to its Rezeptionsgeschichte. 



16 As Baldissera (2000:153) notes: “It is a work that could well 
compare with Theophrastus’ Characters .” 

17 Kalavilasa 10.43: lokopadesavisayah. 

18 P-.S. Filliozat (1967) has attempted to reconcile the conflict¬ 
ing hagiographical accounts with other data and provides a 
fuller account. 

19 “Mockery of the Kali Age” 102. 





' I 1 am bhavanim bhav’|amta| 
Saradam sarad’|ambhoda| 
sita|simh’|asanam numah! 

Yusmakam ambara|maneh prathame mayukhas 
te mangalam vidadhat’ udaya|raga|bhajah 
kurvanti ye divasa|janma|mah”|otsavesu 
sindura|patala|mukhlr iva dik|purandhrlh. 

Baddha yad/arpana/rasena vimarda/purvam 
arthan katham jhatiti tan prakrtan na dadyuh? 
caura iv’ atimrdavo mahatam kavlnam 
arth ’/antarany api hathad vitarand sabdah. 

Kaco manir manih kaco 
yesam te ’nye hi dehinah. 
santi te sudhiyo yesam 
kacah kaco manir manih. 

Nanv asraya|sthitir iyam tava, Kalaktita! 
ken’ 6ttar’|ottara|visista|pad” opadista? 
prag arnavasya hrdaye Vrsa|laksmano tha 
kanthe ’dhuna vasasi vaci punah khalanam. 


L et us praise Shiva’s consort Bhavani, 
skilled at dispelling 
the pain of mundane existence, 
who as Eloquence,* sits on a lion-throne 
as white as autumn clouds! 

May the first rays of the sky-jewel, 

rising red, bestow their blessing upon you. 
They seem to redden* with red minium 
the faces of the horizon-goddesses, 
in celebration for the birth of the day. 

The words of great poets, 

chosen with deliberation : imprisoned 
to convey a sentiment : yield, 
why do they not give up 
the intended meaning : stolen goods at once? 
They surrender : admit to 

deeper meanings : other thefts 
only after a struggle : torture, 
as if they were gentle : stealthy thieves. 

A jewel is glass and glass is a jewel 
for dumb beasts.* 

For the wise 

glass is glass and a jewel is a jewel. 

Tell me, Venom! Who instigated 

this elevation of yours to ever loftier eminence? 
First in the heart of the ocean, 

then in the throat of bull-bannered Shiva 
now you reside in the words of the wicked.* 



Dravinam apadi, bhusanam utsave, 
saranam atma|bhaye, nisi dipakah, 
bhavati ko ’pi bhavan iva sanjmanih? 

Srir visrnkhala|khal’|abhisarika 
vartmabhir ghana|tamo|malimasaih 
sabda/matram api sodhum aksama 
bhusanasya guninah samutthitam. 

Mane n’ ecchati, varayaty upasame 
ksmam alikhantyam hriyam 
svatantrye parivrtya tisthati, karau 
vyadhtiya dhairyam gate— 
trsne tvam anubadhnata phalam iyat| 
praptam janen’ amuna: 
yah sprsto na pada sa eva caranau 
sprastum na sammanyate. 



A resource in an emergency, an adornment in festivity, 
a refuge in danger, a light in darkness, 
helpful : pretty in so many ways,* 
can there be another true jewel like you? 

The Goddess of Fortune 

—a woman shamelessly eloping to her unworthy beau 
by paths black with impenetrable darkness— 
will not permit even the faintest tinkling 
of her stringed girdle. 

: will not heed even a single word 
spoken by the virtuous. 

O greed! By casting in my lot with you, 
when honor would not permit it, 
when restraint forbade it, 
when shame scratched lines on the ground, 
when free will recoiled, when fortitude left me 
as my hands trembled,— 

This has been my reward: 

He whom I would not touch with my foot 
permits me not to touch his feet. 



Patatu variniyatu dig/antaram 
visatu vahnim adho vrajatu ksitim 
ravir asav iyat” asya gunesu ka 
saka\a^oka\camatlkrtisu ksatih? 

io Sadjvrttayah sad|asad|artha|vivekino ye 
te pasya kldrsam amum samudaharanti 
caur’jasad|prabhrtayo bruvate yad asya 
tad grhyate yadi krtam tad ahas|karena. 

Patah ptisno bhavati mahate n’ opatapaya, yasmat 
kale prapte ka iha na yayur yanti yasyanti v” astam? 
etavat tu vyathayatitaram loka/bahyais tamobhis 
tasminn eva prakrti|mahati vyomni labdho ’vakasah. 

Panktau visantu, ganitah pratilomajvrttya 
purve bhaveyur iyat” apy athava traperan? 
santo ’py asanta iva cet pratibhanti bhanor 
bhas” avrte nabhasi slta|mayukha|mukhyah. 



The sun may sink into the ocean : fall into a puddle, 
may cross the horizon : run about naked, 
may be resorbed into fire* : tumble into a fire, 
may descend to the underworld : wallow in the mud. 

Does this in any way diminish his merits : peculiarities 
which delight : amuse the whole world?* 

Consider how respectable people, io 

who know truth from falsehood, speak of someone. 

If you believe what thieves, prostitutes, and others say, 
the day-maker sun has had it. 

The sinking of the sun brings no great grief, 
for in this world who has not, does not, 
or will not depart when their time has come? 

Just this is distressing— 
darkness : the outcaste, 
alien to light : black-skinned, 
seizes its : his chance in the selfsame inherently vast sky. 

The cold-rayed moon and his companions 

may keep noble company : enter in single file, 
reckoned back to front they may be considered leaders. 

Despite all this—are they ashamed? 

Though they exist it seems as if they do not 

when the sky is flooded with the light of the sun. 



«Gate tasmin bhanau 

vyatham candro nesyaty* 

anucitam ato nasty asadrsam. 
idam cetas|tapam 

janayatitaram atra yad am! 
pradlpah samjatas 


Suryad anyatra yac candre 
’py arth’jasamsparsi tat krtam 
kha|dyota iti kltasya 
nama tustena kena cit. 

15 Kltajmane! dinam adhuna 

dasa|disi nisi yad virajasi, tad anyat. 

5 arrE’|antah|sphuritaya va krta|gun’|a- 
dhyaropa|tucchaya va 
tasmai katara|mohanaya mahaso 
lesaya ma svasti bhut 
yac chaya|cchuran’]arunena khacata 
khadyota|namn” amuna 
klten’ ahitaya hi jarigama|mani| 
bhrantya vidambyamahe. 



No thought could be more unworthy or incongruous than: 

“Once the sun has set the moon will dispell all panic 
as the triple world is lost to view.” 

It stings the heart even more, 

that these lamps should have popped up here, 

their sputtering wicks raised to put an end to darkness. 

The designation “Sky-illuminator,” 

which is a misnomer for anything except the sun, 
including even the moon— 

Some beguiled man has used it for a firefly. 

Firefly! It is day now, 15 

the rays of the gentle, pale-beamed moon 
are drowned by the rays of the sun. 

It is beside the point, 

that you gleam in the night 

when the ten directions are pitch black 

with impenetrable darkness. 

We have been fooled by a bug called “glow-worm,” 
shining as it sheds a reddish gleam, 
to think it is a living jewel. 

Cursed be that faint light,* 

which flickers in the organism : the imagination, 
which is trifling as its virtues are another’s, 
which bedazzles the timid. 



samtadit’|6nnata|girir gaja eva vetti 
na krostukah sva|sisu|hunkrti|nasta|cestah. 

Atyunnati|vyasaninah siraso dhun” aisa 
svasy’ aiva catakajSisuh pranayam vidhattam 
asy’ aitad icchati yadi pratatasu diksu 
tah svacchajsltajmadhurah kva nu nama n’ apah. 

So ’purvah rasana|viparyaya|vidhis 
tat karnayos capalam 
drstih sa mada|vismrta|sva|para|dik 
kim bhtiyas” oktena va 
ittham niscitavan asi bhramara he 
yad varano dy’ apy asav 
antahlsunya/karo nisevyata iti 
bhratah ka esa grahah? 



Only an elephant, 

who batters towering cliffs 

with relentless assaults of his spear-pointed tusks, 
knows the pain of being struck 

by a net of thunderbolts which are a lion’s paw-swipes— 
Not a jackal, 

whose spirit perishes at the yapping of a puppy.* 

May now this young chdtaka bird persuade its own head, 
which is obsessed with lofty ascent. 

If it were so inclined, 

where among the many other directions 
would it not find clear, cool, sweet waters?* 

This unfamiliar way of turning back the tongue, 
this levity of the ears, 
this delirious glance which has forgotten 
the bounds of “mine” and “other’s”: 

Why say more—Oh bee! you know all this! 

My brother, what is this madness? 

That even now you dance attendance on 
this elephant : dolt 
with his hollow trunk : empty hand. 



20 Tad vaidagdhyam samucita|payas| 
toyajtattvam vivektum 
samlapas te sa ca mrdu/padal 
nyasa/hrdyo vilasah— 
astam tavad, baka! yadi tatha 
vetsi kim cic chlath’|amsas 
tusnlm ev’ asitum api sakhe 
tvam katham me na hamsah? 

Pathi nipatitam sunye drstva 
niravaran’ |ananam 
nava|dadhi|ghatlm garv’|onnaddhah 
nija|samucitas tas tas cesta 
yadi na kurute kakah kanah 
kada nu karisyati? 

Nrtyantah sikhino manoharam ami 
sravyam pathantah suka 
vlksyante na ta eva khalv iha rusa 
varyanta ev’ athava 
pantha|stri|grham ista|labha|kathanal 
labdh’|anvayen’ amuna 
sampraty etad anargalam bali|bhuja 
mayavina bhujyate. 



The skill of separating milk from water, 
those pleasant tones : conversations, 
that grace of soft footsteps : gentle words! 

Never mind about all of that, heron! 

If only you knew how to relax your shoulders a bit 
and sit still, my friend, 
then why should you not be a swan to me? 

Spying an uncovered pot of fresh curd 
fallen by the deserted road— 

If the one-eyed* crow, 

puffing himself up with pride, 
stretching out his neck, 
reeling with a hundred urges, 
will not follow his instincts, 
then when will he do so? 

No longer can we see those gracefully dancing peacocks, 
and those parrots reciting so sweetly; 
to the contrary, they are angrily chased away. 

Now this conjuror crow 

gaining a foothold by a favorable prognostication, 
freely enjoys the house of the absent traveller’s wife. 


Karabha! rabhasat 

krostum vanchasy aho sravana|jvarah! 
saranam athav” an| 

rjvl dlrgha tav’ aiva siro|dhara 

vrtti|srant” occarisyati vak cirad 
iyati samaye 

ko janlte bhavisyati kasya kim? 

Antaschidrani bhuyamsi 
kantaka bahavo bahih 
katham kamala|nalasya 
ma bhuvan bhangura gunah? 

25 Kim dlrgha|dlrghesu gunesu padma 
sitesv avacchadana|karanam te? 
asty eva tan pasyati ced anarya 

trast” eva Laksmlr na padam vidhatte. 

Na pankad udbhutir 

na jala/saha/vasalvyasanita 
vapur digdham kantya 

sthala|nalina ratna|dyuti|musa 
vyadhasyad durvedha 

hrdaya/laghimanam yadi na te 
tvam ev’ aiko Laksmyah 

paramam abhavisyah padam iha. 



Camel! You’re about to bray aloud: 

Ah, what an ear-fever! 

Fortunately, your neck is long and crooked, 
so your shriek, 
spent by winding its way 
through your long throat 
will bellow forth after a long delay. 

Who knows what might befall whom by then? 

Many holes inside : failings within, 
many thorns outside : foes without — 

How could the hlaments : virtues 

of the lotus-stalk* 

not be fragile : a sham? 

Why, O lotus, do you conceal 

your long white hlaments : pure virtues ? 

Its just this. If ignoble Lakshmi saw them 
she might be fearful to tread here.* 

O hibiscus, 

your body is tinged with a lustre 
surpassing the radiance of jewels. 

You are not born from a mire, 
you do not grow in water : befriend fools. 
Had not the wretched creator fashioned you 
with a flimsy core : ignoble heart: 

You and only you 

would be the abode of Lakshmi in this world. 


Uccair uccaratu dram 
drl vartmani tarum samaruhya; 
dig|vyapini sabda|gune 
sankhah sambhavana|bhumih. 

Sankho ’sthi|sesah sphutito mrto va 
procchvasyate ’ny’|6cchvasitena satyam. 
kim t’ uccaraty eva na so ’sya sabdah 
sravyo na yo yo na sad|artha|samsl. 

Yatha|pallava|puspas te 
ha matah! kv’ agaman drumah? 

30 Sadhv eva tad vidhav asya 
vedha klisto na yad vrtha. 
candanasya phalena kim? 

Grathita esa mithah|krtaisrrikhalair 
visa|dharair adhiruhya maha\jadah 
malayajah sumanobhir an|asrito 
yad ata eva phalena viyujyate. 



The cricket may chirp aloud 

perched on a tree on the roadside; 

But it is the conch-horn 

that is the basis for the notion 
that sound pervades all space. 

A conch is a skeletal remnant, cracked or dead. 

In truth, it blares forth with another’s breath. 

Yet it emits no sound 
that is not attractive 

nor that does not praise something worthy. 

Alas mother! Where have gone those trees— 
whose flowers befitted their shoots, 
whose abundance of fruit befitted their flowers 
whose elevation befitted the wealth of their fruits? 

It is good that the creator did not weary himself in vain 
as he fashioned the sandalwood tree. 

What use would have been an inadequate fruit? 

Since this sandalwood tree 

is exceedingly cool : ignorant, 
is pinioned with intertwining venomous serpents,* 
is not attended by flowers : the wise, 
therefore he bears no fruit. 




Candane visa|dharan sahamahe 
vastu sundaram aguptimat kutah? 
raksitum vada kim atma|sausthavam 
sancitah khadira kantakas tvaya? 

Yat kin can’ anucitam apy ucit’|anubandhi: 
kim candanasya na krtam kusumam phalam va? 
lajjamahe bhrsam upakrama eva yatum 
tasy’ antikam parigrhita|brhat|kutharah. 

Labdham cirad amrtavat kim amrtyave syad? 
dlrgham rasayanavad ayur uta pradadyat? 
etat phalam yad ayam adhvaga|sapa|dagdhah 
stabdhah khalah phalati varsa|satena talah. 

35 Chinnas tapta|suhrt sa candana|tarur 
yuyam palayy’ agata. 
bhog 7a/)/3Ras'a|sukhasikah pratidinam 
ta vismrtas tatra vah? 
damstra|kotijvis’|6lkaya pratikrtam 
tasya prahartur na cet 
kim ten’ aiva saha svayam na lavaso 
yatah stha bho bhoginah? 



We put up with poisonous serpents on sandalwood trees, 
how could anything beautiful be unprotected? 

Is it to protect your comeliness, tell us, 

O khddira tree,* that you bristle so with thorns? 

No matter what the impropriety, it can have a positive result: 
Why was the sandalwood tree 
not given any flowers or fruit at all? 

We feel abject shame even to approach it 
wielding broad axes. 

The fruit that this coarse villain of a palm tree, 
burnt by the curses of passing wayfarers, 
yields once in a hundred years— 

Attained at long last, 

does it bestow immortality like ambrosia? 

Or does it rejuvenize like an elixir? 

Lo serpents! 35 

The sandal tree, 

a friend to the scorched, 

that you went to for shelter has been cut down. 

Have you forgotten the comfort 

as you coiled : enjoyed luxuries there 
day by day? 

If you will not repay its destroyer 

with the flaming poison in your fangs 

Why did you not seek ruin along with it? 



Samtosah kim? asaktata kim? athava 
tasminn asambhavana? 
lobho v” ayam? ut’ anavasthitir iyam? 
pradvesa ev’ athava? 
astam khalv anurupaya sa|phalaya 
puspa|sriya durvidhe! 
sambandho ’njanurupay” api na krtah 
kim candanasya tvaya? 

Kim jato ’si catus|pathe? ghanatara| 
chayo si kim? chayaya 
samnaddhah phalito ’si kim? phala|bharaih 
purno ’si kim samnatah? 
he sad|vrksa! sahasva samprati sakhe 
ksobh’ jamotanajbhanj anani j anatah 
svair eva duscesdtaih. 

Sanlmulah pia.thit’\dnnatirghana/Iasac/ 
chayah sthitah sat/pathe 
sevyah sadbhir it’ ldam akalayata 
talo ’dhvagen’ asritah 
pumsah saktir iyaty asau, sa tu phaled 
ady’ athava svo ’thava 
kale kv’ apy athava kada|cid athava 
n’ ety atra Vedhah prabhuh 



Was it contentedness? Was it inability? 

Or was disregard for it? 

Or was it greed? Or was it fickleness? 

Or even hostility? 

Wretched creator! Let’s not even talk about 
a suitable load of fruit and splendor of flowers! 

Why did you not endow the sandalwood tree 
even with unsuitable ones? 

Ah, good tree! Why were you born at a crossroad? 

Why did you have to be rich in shade? 

Being rich in shade, why did you bear fruit? 

Being laden with burdens fruit, 
why did you have to bow down? 

Suffer now, for your own misdeeds, my friend, 
as people drag, shake, 
bend, and break the tips of your branches. 

Considering that: its wot : his family' is good, 
its height : his nobility is well-known, 
its shade is abundant : his beauty is intense, 
it stands on a good wad : he follows right conduct, 
it is frequented by : he associates with the good; 

the wayfarer sought the shelter of the palm tree. 

This much is in the power of men— 

but whether it will bear fruit today, tomorrow, 

or at some future time, or never at all, is in God’s power. 



Tvan|mule purus’|ayusam gatam idam 
dehena samsusyata 
ksodiyamsam api ksanam param atah 
saktih kutah pranitum? 
tat svasty astu! vivrdddhim ehi mahatim! 

ady’| api ka nas tvara? 
kalyanin! phalit” asi tala|vitapin! 
putresu pautresu va. 

40 «Pasyamah kim ayam prapatsyata iti» 
darpad duram upeksitena balavatj 
karm ’/eritair mantribhih. 
labdh’|atma|prasarena raksitum ath’ a- 
sakyena muktv” asanim 
sphltas tadrg aho ghanena ripuna 
dagdho giri|gramakah. 

Sadh’ utpata|ghan’|augha sadhu! sudhiya 
dhyeyam: «dharayam idam 
ko ’nyah kartum alam?» tav’ aiva ghatate 
karm’ edrsam duskaram. 
sarvasy’ aupayikani yani kati|cit 
ksetrani tatr’ asanih 
sarv’|anaupayikesu dagdha|sikat’|a- 
ranyesv apam vrstayah. 



I have spent my life-span at your foot 
withering my body. 

How could I go on living 

for even the shortest moment beyond this? 

So fare thee well! 

May you prosper richly! 

How could I be in a hurry today? 

My benefactor! 
may you bear fruit 
for my sons 
or grandsons. 

Thinking: “Let’s see if it dares draw near,” 
the haughty mantra sorcerers : ministers 
masters of but little cloud magic, 
preoccupied with powerful rites : busy with weighty 
matters of state, completely ignored 
the invincible hostile cloud : massed enemy army 
which seized its chance, 
released its thunderbolt : missiles and alas! 
burnt the thriving mountain village. 

Bravo, cloud of doom, bravo! The wise must wonder: 
“Who else on earth is capable of this?” 

You alone can accomplish this difficult task. 

You hurl your thunderbolt on whatever fields 
are beneficial to all 
and shower rain in scorched deserts 
of no use to anybody. 

4 ° 



Labdhayam trsi go|mrgasya vihagasy’ 
anyasya va kasya cid 
vrstya syad bhavadlyay” opakrtir ity 
astam daviyasy adah! 
asy’ atyantam abhajanasya jalad’ a- 
rany’|osarasy’ api kim? 
jata pasya! punah pur” eva parusa 
s” aiv’ asya dagdha chavih. 

Samcintya pan’|acaman’| 6 citani 
toy’|antarany asya sisevisos tvam 
nijair na jihresi jalair janasya 
jaghanya|kary’|aupayikaih payodhe! 

A|stri|sisu|prathita esa pipasitebhyah 
samraksyate ’mbudhir apeyatay” aiva durat. 
kim bhayayaty aparam urmi|paramparabhih? 

45 Sva|mahatmya|slagha| 

guru|gahana|garjabhir abhitah 
krusitva klisnasi 

sruti|kuharam abdhe kim iti nah? 
ih’ aikas cudalo 

hy ajani kalasad yasya sakalaih 
pipasor ambhobhis 

culukam api no bhartum asakah. 



When the gayal, or the bird, or any other was thirsty, 
your rain gave succor. 

Let’s completely forget about that for now! 

O cloud! What use is it to this utterly worthless 
saline wasteland? 

Look! Its scorched surface 

has become as hostile as it was before. 

Hey ocean! Are you not ashamed of your water 
used for unclean acts 
in front of someone who resorts to you 
after doubting 

other waters’ fitness for drinking and sipping? 

It is known even to women and children 
that the ocean is shunned as undrinkable by the thirsty. 
Why does it menace others 
with buffeting waves 
terrifying with ranks of mdkams 
with gaping fanged mouths? 

O ocean! Why do you assail our ears, 

sounding the praises of your own greatness 
with a deafening deep roar in all directions? 

For, a certain sage was born in this world from a pot.* 
When thirsty, 

you were unable to fill his cupped hands 
with all of your waters. 


Sarvasam tri|jagaty apam iyam asav 
adharata tavakl 

prollaso ’jam ath’ ambudhe! ’mbu/nicaye 
s” eyam maha/sattvata 
sevitva bahu| Madga/bhlsana|tanum 
tvam eva vel”|acala| 
grava|srotasi pana|tapa|kalaho 
yat kv’ api nirvapyate. 

N’ ddvegam yadi yasi yady avahitah 
karnam dadasi ksanam 
tvam prcchami yad ambudhe kim api tan 
niscitya dehy uttaram: 
nihsvasya yad drsyase 
trsyadbhih pathikaih kiyat tad adhikam 
syad aurvadahad atah? 

Bhidyate ’nupravisy’ antar yo yatha|rucy upadhina, 
visuddhih kldrsi tasya jadasya sphatik’|asmanah? 


It is because 

you are the foundation of all the water in the triple world. 
You swell with the tide : gladden with your store of water, 
O Ocean! 

You harbor many creatures : are magnanimous. 
Approaching you, 
your body terrifying 

with many waves : threatening gestures 
we endure the abuse caused by a burning drink 
to be assuaged somewhere 

in a rivulet in the mountains at the ends of the earth. 

If you won’t swell up : lose your temper, 
and lend me an attentive ear for a moment 
let me ask you something, O ocean. 

Reflect on it and give me an answer: 

How much worse than the submarine fire 
is it that you are gazed upon 
by thirsty wayfarers 
utterly stunned by total despair? 

What sort of purity 

does the dull crystal possess? 

It changes according to the hue 

of the thing that is seen through it.* 



Cintajmane! «bhuvi na kena cid isvarena 
murdhna dhrto ’ham iti» mi sma sakhe visldah 
n’ asty eva hi tvad|adhiropana|punya|bija| 
saubhagya|yogyam iha kasya cid uttam’|angam. 

50 Samvittir asty, atha gunah pratibhanti loke, 
tad dhi prasastam iha kasya kim ucyatam va? 
nanv evam eva sumane! Juta yavad|ayus. 
tvam me jagat|prasahan’|aika|katha|sariram. 

Cinta|manes trna|manes ca krtam vidhatra 
ken’ obhayor api manitvam adah samanam? 
n’ aiko ’rthitani dadad arthi|janaya khinno 
grhnan jarat|trna|lavam tu na lajjate ’nyah 



O wishgranting gem! “No king on earth 
bears me on his head.” 

My friend, do not despair at this thought. 
For in this world, 

nobody’s head is worthy of the blessing 
won by the seed of meritorious deeds 
justifying your investiture. 

5 ° 

There must be recognition 

before people can appreciate virtues. 


is anything of anybody ever praised in this world? 

Pray tell! 

O good jewel! This being so, 

please shine : endure for as long as you are alive. 

You are for me the sole embodiment 

of the rumor that the world can be endured. 

What kind of creator made the common jewelness 
of the wishgranting jewel and the electric tourmaline?* 
The one never tires in fulfilling the wishes of the suppliant; 
the other is not ashamed to accept a bit of old straw. 



Dure kasya cid esa, ko ’py akrta|dhir 
n’ aiv’ asya vetty antaram, 
man! ko pi na yacate, mrgayate 
ko ’py alpam alp’|asayah, 
ittham prarthita|dana|durvyasanino 
n’ audarya|rekh”|ojjvala 
jar” anaipuna|dustaresu nikasa| 
sthanesu cinta|maneh. 

Par’|arthe yah pidam anubhavati bhange ’pi madhuro 
yadlyah sarvesam iha khalu vikaro ’py abhimatah. 
na samprapto vrddhim sa yadi bhrsam aksetra|patitah, 
kim iksor doso ’sau na punar a|gunaya maru|bhuvah? 

Amrah kim phala|bhara|namra|siraso? 
ramya kim usma|cchidah 
sa|cchayah kadall|drumah surabhayah? 
kim puspitas campakah? 
etas ta niravagrah’|ogra|karabh’| 6 - 
llidh’|ardha|rudhah punah 
samyo. bhramyasi mudha! nirmaruti kim 
mithy” aiva martum marau? 



It is remote for one, 
another cannot perceive its essence, 
an arrogant man does not entreat it, 
the shallow minded man asks for trifles. 


the glint of the wishgranting jewel’s generosity, 
it being addicted to giving what is asked for, 
has not appeared in places of trial 
inaccessible without skill. 

It endures pressing : torment for the benefit of others, 
and remains sweet : kind even when broken, 
its reRnedproduce : good work is without fail welcomed 
by everyone in this world. 

If it fails to prosper, 

falling woefully astray on fallow ground: 

Is this the fault of the sugar-cane 
and not of the worthless wasteland? 

Are there mango trees, 

bowing their heads with burdens of fruits? 

Are there fragrant, shady plantains 
to dispel the heat? 

Are there blossoming chdmpaka trees? 

Here there are shami hardwoods, 

straggly for being chewed by fierce wild camels. 

Fool! Why, in vain, 

are you straying to your death in this windless desert? 



55 Ajanmanah kusalam anv api re kujanman 
pamso! tvaya yadi krtam vada tat tvam eva! 
utthapito sy anala|sarathina yad|artham 
dustena tat kuru, kalankaya visvam etat. 

Nihsarah sutaram laghu|prakrtayo 
yogya na karye kva cic 
chusyanto ’dya jarat|trn’|ady|avayavah 
praptah svatantrena ye 
at 3 raA/s-ara|paran|mukhena dhig aho! 
te maruten’ amuna 
pasy’ atyanta|calena sadma mahatam 
akasam aropita. 

Ye jatya laghavah, sad” aiva gananam 
yata na ye kutra cit, 
padbhyam eva vimarditah pratidinam, 
bhumau nillnas ciram, 
utksiptas capal’|asayena maruta, 
pasy’ antarikse ’dhuna 
tunganam upari|sthitim ksiti|bhrtam 
kurvanty ami pamsavah. 



Fie upon you, lowborn dust! Have you ever accomplished 55 
any good since your birth? Tell me! 

Bring to pass that for which this evil wind, 
the charioteer of fire, 
has raised you up: 

Befoul the world. 

Altogether hollow, inherently flimsy, 
useless for any task— 

Woe, alas! Look! Today the wilful, volatile wind 
turning away from the mountains : men of worth 
has raised up 

such bits of dry, withered straw as were at hand 
into the sky, the abode of the great. 

Inherently low, 

never taken into any kind of account, 
ground underfoot every day, 
clinging to the ground for a long time— 

Behold! Now, blown up by the unsteady wind, 
these motes of dust soar in the sky, 

above the towering, earth-supporting mountains. 



Re dandasuka! yad ayogyam ap’ Isvaras tvam 
vatsalyato nayati nupura/dhama satyam; 
kim sinjitani bhavatah ksamam eva kartum? 

Maulau san|manayo grham giri|guha 
tyagitvam atma|tvaco 
niryatn’| 6 panatais ca vrttir anilair 
ekatra cary” edrsi. 
anyatr’ an|rju vartma vag dvi|rasana 
drstau visam drsyate 
ya dik tam anu dlpako jvalati. bho 
bhogin, sakhe! kim nv idam? 

6 o Kallola|vellita|drsat|parusa|praharai 

ratnany amuni makar’|alaya! m” avamamsthah; 
kim kaustubhena vihito bhavato na nama 
yacna|prasarita|karah Purusottamo ’pi? 



Fie upon you, serpent! 

It is true that, though you are unworthy, 

Shiva : the king, forsooth, 

adorns with you his ankles : led you to his feet. 

Do you have the skill to susurrate, 

outrivalling the rapturous humming of swarms of bees? 

Friend snake! Why all this? 

You wear excellent gems on your crest, 

live in a mountain cave, 

and relinquish your own skin. 

You live off air, available without effort. 

On the one hand, you behave like this. 

On the other hand, 
your path is crooked, 
your tongue is forked, 
your glance is poison, 

a light gleams in whatever direction you glare. 

O Ocean! Do not mistreat these jewels 
with sharp blows of boulders rolling in the waves. 
Did not the kdustubha jewel 
bring even Vishnu to you 
his hand held out to beg? 


Bhuyamsy asya mukhani nama vidit” ai- 
v’ aste maha|pranata 
Kadrvah sat|prasavo ’yam atra kupite 
cintyam yath” edam jagat 
trailoky’|adbhutam ldrsam tu caritam 
Sesasya yen’ api sa 
pronmrjy’ eva nivartita visa|dhara| 

Varse samasta ev’ aikah 
slaghyah ko ’py esa vasarah 
janair mahattaya nlto 
yo na purvair na c’ aparah. 

aropito mrga|pateh padavim yadi sva 
nadam karisyati katham harin’|adhipasya? 



The world-serpent Shesha’s heads are numerous, 
his great power is renowned, 
he is noble progeny of Kadru. 

When he is angry the world is in peril. 

Such are his exploits, the marvel of the triple world, 
that his offense of belonging to snake-kind 
seems wiped away. 

Glorious is that wonderful day, 
even if it be just one in the whole year, 
spent in greatness, not enjoyed 
by those who have gone before 
nor by those who will come. 

If a dog, festooned with a fake mane on his shoulders, 
is put in place of a lion, king of beasts, 
how can he roar like the lord of animals, 
impatient to rend asunder the frontal lobes 
of a rutting tusker? 



Kim idam ucitam suddhehii slistam svalpaksa/samunnateh 7 . 
phala|parinater yuktam? praptam gxmalpranayasya va? 
ksanam upagatah karn’|opantam parasya, purah sthitan 
visikha! nipatan kruram duran nrsamsa nihamsi yat 

65 Ami ye drsyante nanu subhaga|rupah, sajphalata 
bhavaty esam yasya ksanam upagatanam visayatam 
niraloke loke katham idam aho! caksur adhuna 
samam jatam sarvair? na samam athav” anyair avayavaih? 

Ahutesu vihaiigamesu masako 
n’ ayan puro varyate 
madhye|varidhi va vasams trnajmanir 
dhatte manlnam rucam 
kha|dyoto ’pi na kampate pracalitum 
madhye ’pi tejasvinam 
dhik samanyam acetanam prabhum iv’ a- 



Does it befit your accuracy : purity ? 

Is it related to the position of your Retching : promotion 
of your people? 

Does it the behove of your preparation : past karma, 
or does it befit your attachment to the bow-string : virtue? 
O arrow : shaveling! That, 
for an instant you reach the ear of the chief, 
fly forth and cruelly strike down from afar 
those who stand before you, o ruthless one. 

These attractive forms that are seen 6 5 

surely, they become fruitful 

when they fleetingly become the objects of the eye. 

Now, when the world is lightless, 

alas! How is it that this eye has 

just become the same as all the other organs? 

Or rather they are not the same.* 

When birds are summoned, 

a mosquito who appears is not warded off. 

A tourmaline* placed in the depths of the ocean 
takes on the lustre of jewels. 

A glow-worm fears not to move among the luminaries. 
Curses upon similarity, 
inconsiderate of actual differences. 

6 5 


Hema|kara! sudhiye namo ’stu te! 

dustaresu bahusah parlksitum 
kancan’jabharanam asmana samam 
yat tvay” aivam adhiropyate tulam. 

Vrtta eva sa ghato ’ndha|kupa yas 
tvat|prasadam api netum aksamah 
mudritam tv adhama|cestitam tvaya 
tan|mukh’|ambu|kanikah pradcchata. 

Trna|maner manujasya ca tattvatah 
kim ubhayor vipul’|asayat” ocyate 
tanu|trn’|agra|lav’|avayavair yayor 
avasite grahana|pratipadane. 

70 Sata|padl sati pada|sate ksama 
yadi na gos|padam apy ativartitum 
kim iyata dvi|padasya Hanumato 
jala|nidhi|kramane vivadamahe? 

Na guru/vamsa/parigraha\saundata 
na ca maha/guna/samgrahan\ada.rah 
phala/vidhana/kath ” api na margane 
kim iha lubdhaka/bala\^r)\e ’dhuna? 



Goldsmith! Wise man, hail to you! 

For to ascertain repeatedly what is undetermined 
you place on your scales 

ornaments of gold and weighing stones as equals. 

O blind well! The pot has returned 
unable to win your favor. 

But you have sealed your low deed 

by taking the droplets of water from its mouth. 

In truth, what can one say about the liberality 
of both the tourmaline and of man? 

Their giving and taking extends only to 
fragmentary bits of fine straw-tips. 

If a centipede, equipped with a hundred feet, 
is unable to cross a small puddle, 
should we, on account of this, 

dispute two-legged Hanuman’s leap across the ocean? 

In the house of the young hunter : avaricious simpleton 
there is 

no devotion to selecting long bamboo : in discerning 
noble lineages, 

no zeal in twining cords : accumulating exalted virtues 
no sign ofGxing the tips on arrows : hint of rewarding 
the needy, 
why linger here? 




Tanu|trn’|agra|dhrtena hrtas dram 
ka iva tena na mauktika|sankaya 
sa jala|bindur aho! viparlta|drg 
jagad idam, vayam atra sa|cetanah. 

Budhyamahe na bahudh” api vikalpayantah 
kair namabhir vyapadisema maha|matlms tan 
yesam asesa|bhuvan’jabharanasya hemnas 
tattvam vivektum upalah paramam pramanam 

Samraksitum krsim akari krsl|valena 
pasy’ atmanah pratikrtis trna|puruso ’yam 
stabdhasya niskriyatay” astajbhiyo ’sya nunam 
asnanti gojmrga|ganah pura eva sasyam 

75 Kasy’ animesa|nayane vidite div’|auko| 
lokad rte, jagati te api vai grhltva 
pinda|prasarita|mukhena time kim etad 
drstam na balisa visad badisam tvay” antah? 



Is there anyone, who is not taken in for a long time 
by this thing 

balanced on the tip of a slender blade of grass 
wondering if it might be a pearl? 

Ah! it is a droplet of water. 

The world perceives it falsely. 

I am aware of it. 

I do not know, even after much reflection, 
by what names I should call those great-minded persons 
who use a stone as the ultimate proof 
to discern the true value of gold, 
the ornament of the entire world. 

Look at this straw scarecrow made by the ploughman 
in his own image to guard the Held. 

Now, freed from fear 

by the stillness of this propped up thing : lack of action of 
this arrogant man 

herds of deer feed on wheat right in front of it. 

Who has unwinking eyes 
except the heaven-dwelling gods? 

Endowed with these on earth, O stupid fish, 
why did you not detect the hook entering within 
as your mouth opened for a morsel? 




Pumstvad apipravicaled yadi, yady adho ’pi 
yayad, yadi pranayane na mahan api syat, 
abhyuddharet tad api visvam it’ Idrs” lyam 
ken’ api dik prakatita Purusottamena 

Svjalp’|asayah sva|kula|silpa|vikalpam eva 
yah kalpayan skhalati kaca|vanik pisacah 
grastah sa kaustubha|man’|indra|sapatna|ratna| 
niryatna|gumphanaka|vaikatik’|ersyay” antah 

Tat|pratyarthitaya vrto, na tu krtah 
samyak svatantro bhayat 
«svasthas tan na nipatayed» iti yatha| 
kamam na sampositah 
samsusyan prsadamsa esa kurutam 
mtika|sthito ’py atra kim 
gehe kim bahuna? ’dhuna grha|pates 
cauras caranty akhavah. 



Even if one strays from manliness : becomes a woman, 
even if one loses status : delves into the netherworld, 
even if one humbles oneself when begged : becomes 
a dwarf to beg 

nevertheless one can rescue the world 

this way was shown by a certain king : Vishnu. 

This petty-minded demon of a glass-merchant 
who blunders even while practising 
the highly specialised art of his family 
has become consumed with jealousy towards the jeweller 
who can effortlessly string together 
gems akin to the Kaustubha, king of jewels. 

It was taken in because it was inimical to them, 
but it was not given free scope. 

Thinking: “If it is content 

it will not hunt them down,” it was not fed its fill. 
What can that scrawny cat, become a mute, do here? 
Why say more? 

Now the rats scurry about in the master’s house. 



Evam cet ra/rasalsvabhavalmahima 
jadyam kim etadrsam? 
yady esa ca nisargatah saralata 
kim granthimatt” edrsl? 
mulam cec chuci« parikaja|srutir» iyam 
kasmad? guna yady ami 
kim chidranR sakhe mrnala bhavatas 
tattvam na manyamahe! 

80 Ye digdhv” eva krta visena, kusrrir 
yesam kiyad ganyate 
lokam hantum anagasam dvi|rasana, 
randhresu ye jagrati 
vyalas te ’pi dadhaty ami sad|asator 
mudha manln murdhabhir 
n’ aucityad guna|salinam kva cid api 
bhramso ’sty alam cintaya! 



If such is the greatness 

of your inherent sweetness : worth, why this 
coolness : imbecility ? 

If such is your spontaneous straightness : forthrightness, 
why this knottiness : perversion ? 

If your root : origin is pure : noble, 
why this appelation “mud-born”? 

If these be fibres : virtues, 
why these holes : defects ? 

O lotus-stalk! My friend, I cannot figure you out! 

Those who were created seemingly smeared 
with venom, 

whose sinuous movements : misdeeds 
are beyond reckoning, 

who have a forked tongue to slay the innocent, 
who lurk in holes : are fault-Hnders, 

—these serpents 

though ignorant of good and bad 

bear jewels in their hoods : place a worthy man in charge. 
Nowhere do the virtuous fall from propriety. 

Stop worrying! 




Aho strinam krauryam! 

hata|rajani! dhik tvam! atisathe! 
vrtha prakrant” eyam 

avaktavye pate 

jana|nayana|nathasya sasinah 
krtam snehasy’ anto- 

citam udadhi|mukhyair nanu jadaih 

Aho gehe|nardi 

divasa|vi j iglsa]j vara|ruj a 
pradlpah sva|sthane 

glapayati mrs” amtin avayavan 
udattaj svacchand’ | a- 

kramana|hrta|visvasya tamasah? 
parispandam drastum 

mukham api ca kim sodham amuna? 

Nam’ apy anya|taror nimllitam abhut 
tat tavad unmllitam 

prasthane skhalatah sva|vartmani vidher 
apy udgrhltah karah 
lokas c’ ayam a|drsta|darsana|bhuvah 
drg+vaisasan mocito 
yuktam kasthika lunavan yad asi tam 
amr’|alim akaliklm. 



Lo! the cruelty of women! 

Wretched night! Fie upon you! Utter villainess! 

Vainly you attempt this trick of releasing 
the fillet of your hair. 

Even the inert ocean & co. did what befitted 
the end of their love 

during the indescribable sinking of the moon, 
lord of the people’s eyes. 

Oho! The lamp, a defiant hero at home, 
ablaze with the fever of conquering the day, 
vainly soils its parts : family members. 
Could it bear to behold 
even the face : beginning of the darkness 
that deprives the world of 

its complete freedom of action? 

Even the name of other trees was obscured 
while it was exalted. 

The hand of God who had stumbled 
on his path was checked, 
the world was spared the eye-distress 
born from an unknown sight, 

—you were right, O woodcutter, to cut down 
the mango grove flowering out of season. 



Vat’|aharataya jagad visa|dharair asvasya nihsesitam 
te grastah punar abhra|toya|kanika|tivrajvratair barhibhih 
te ’pi krura|camuru|carmajvasanair nltah ksayam lubdhakair 
dambhasya sphuritam vidann api jano jalmo gunan Ihate 

85 Udha yena maha|dhurah su|visame 
marge sad” aikakina 
sodho yena kada cid eva na nije 
gosthe ’nyajsaunda|dhvanih 
asld yas tu gavam ganasya tilakas 
tasy’ aiva sampraty aho! 
dhik kastam dhavalasya jata|jaraso 
goh panyam udghosyate 


jahihi! na hi nabhah pangu|samcara|yogyam. 
sv’|ayasay’ aiva sadho 

tava salabha! jav’|abhyasa|durvasan” eyam 
te Devasy’ apy acintyas 



agata|giri|guravas Tarksya|paks’|agra|vatah. 



By feeding on air, snakes won 

the world’s confidence, and wrought havoc. 

They, in turn, were devoured by peacocks, who observe 
the severe vow of feeding on drops of rainwater. 
They, in turn, are slaughtered by hunters clad 
in the coarse skin of chamuru deer. 

Though perceiving this obvious hypocrisy, 
a wretched person still craves such virtues. 

He who all alone bore a great burden 
on the uneven road, 

who never tolerated another’s proud bellow in his pen, 
who was the ornament of oxenkind, 
now that the white ox has grown old, 
what shame! His price is proclaimed aloud. 

Abandon your misplaced effort! 

The sky is no place for the lame to roam. 

My good locust! 

Your harmful inclination of flitting about 
will only exhaust you. 

Even the god Vishnu cannot conceive of the gusts 
of wind, streaming from Garuda’s wing-tips 

which effortlessly shake the bound sof the world, 
and are heavily laden with mountains torn 
from their roots in his path. 


Candren’ aiva taraftga|bhaftgi|mukharam 
dadyur jlvitam eva kim giri|saric 
srotamsi yady ambudheh 
tesv eva pratisamvidhana|vikalam 
pasyatsu saksisv iva 
drag darp’|oddhuram agatesv api na sa 
kslyeta yady anyatha. 

Kil’ aika|culukena yo munir aparam abdhim papau 
sahasram api ghasmaro ’vikrtam esa tesam pibet 
na sambhavati kim tv idam bata vikasi|dhamna vina? 
sad apy asad iva sthitam sphuritam anta ojasvinam. 

Gravano ’tra vibhusanam tri|jagato, 
maryadaya sthlyate 

nanv atr’ aiva vidhuh sthito hi vibudhah 
sambhuya purn’|asisah 
sete c’ odgata|nabhi|padma|vilasad| 
brahm” eha Devah svayam 
daivad eti jadah sva/kuksi/bhrtaye 
so ’py ambudhir nimnatam 



If the moon alone imbues life, garrulous 
with fleeting waves, 
to the ocean, swelling its waters, 
then how could the mountain streams do so? 

If this were not true, 
then it would not be diminished 
as they rush to it 
headlong with a swagger, 
to look on like bystanders, 
helpless to render assistance. 

The sage* who long ago drank the boundless ocean 
with one handful, 
voracious,* he could without harm 
drink a thousand of them. 

But, surely, this would not be possible without 
a radiant brilliance? 

Though it exists, it seems not to, 
blazing within the powerful. 

There are rocks : jewels in it, 

it is the ornament of the triple world, 

it stays within its bounds. 

Indeed, the moon dwells in it alone, 
it fulfilled the gods’ desires, 

Vishnu himself sleeps upon it, 

Brahma manifest on the lotus sprouting from his navel. 
Fate decrees that even the water : ignorant ocean,* 
sinks low to fill his belly : his submarine caves. 



90 Anlrsya srotaro! mama vacasi ced vacmi tad aham 

svajpaksad bhetavyam na tu bahu vipaksat prabhavatah! 
tamasy akrant’|ase kiyad api hi tejo ’vayavinah! 
sva|saktya bhanty ete divasa|krti saty eva na punah. 

Etat tasya mukhat kiyat kamalim| 
patre kanam varino 

yan mukta|manir ity amamsta sa jadah. 
srnv anyad asmad api: 

adlyamane sanaih 

«kutr’ oddIya|gato mam’ ety» anudinam 
nidrati n’ antah|suca. 

Aste ’tr’ aiva sarasy, aho bata kiyan 
hamsasy’ asya manan na dhavati manah 
srl|dhamni padme kva cit. 

«supto ’dy’ api na budhyate tad itarams 
tavat pratlksamahe!» 
velam ity udaram|priya madhu|lihah 
sodhum ksanam na ksamah 



O listeners! If you will bear with me, I will speak. 
Fear one’s own side, not the powerful foe! 

How the stars shine 

when the horizon is invaded by darkness! 

When the sun shines, 

they cannot shine by their own power. 

It is no big deal 

that the fool mistook the water drop 
on the lotus leaf for a pearl. 

Hear more about him: 

As he gently picked it up 

it dissolved by the slight motion of his fingertip. 
“Where has it flown to?” 

Now, every day, he cannot sleep with inner grief. 

He dwells here in this lake. 

Ah! how gratifying! 

The swan’s mind does not hanker even slightly 
after the lotus, the abode of Lakshmi. 

Saying: “It’s asleep, even now it’s still not awake! 

Let’s go wait on someone else first!” 

The gluttonous bees cannot bear 
a delay of even a moment. 



Bhekena kvanata sa|rosa|parusam 
yat krsna|sarp’|anane 
datum ganda(capetam ujjhita|bhiya 
hastah samullasitah 
yac c’ adho|mukham aksinl pidadhata 
nagena tatra sthitam 
tat sarvam visa|mantrino bhagavatah 
kasy’ api lllayitam 

Mrtyor asyam iv’ atatam dhanur idam 
c’ aslvis’|abhah sarah 
siksa s” api jit’|arjuna|prabhrtika 
sarvatra nimna gatih 
antah|krauryam aho sathasya madhuram 
ha hari geyam mukhe 
vyadhasy’ asya yatha bhavisyati tatha 
manye vanam nir|mrgam 

Ko ’yam bhranti|prakaras 

tava pavana padam loka|pad’|ahatinam 
tej asvi|vrata|sevye 

nabhasi nayasi yat pamsu|puram pratistham 
yasminn utthapyamane 

jana|nayana|path’|6padravas tavad astam. 
ken’ opayena sadhyo 

vapusi kalusata|dosa esa tvay’ aiva 



That an angrily croaking frog, 

without fear, should raise its hand 
to deliver a slap 
in the face of a black cobra, 
and that the serpent should remain there 
lowering its face 
closing its eyes 

all this is the play of some powerful snake-sorcerer. 

This strung bow is like the gaping mouth of Death, 
and the arrows are like venomous snakes 
his marksmanship exceeds that of Arjuna & co, 
his movement is always stealthy. 

Lo! the cruelty within the cunning hunter and, alas! 
the sweet, captivating song : praise in his mouth. 
With this I fear the forest will be emptied of animals. 

What a blunder you are committing, o wind, 
when you raise up the abundant dust, 
crushed underfoot by the whole world 
to prominence in the sky, 

worthy of the company of a host of luminaries! 
Let’s not even mention that the vision of the people 
is impaired when it is raised up. 

What remedy is there to rid this stain of filth 
from your body? 


Ete te vijigisavo nrpa|grha| 
dvar |arpit’ |aveksanah 
ksipyante vasu|yacan”|ahita|dhiyah 
kop’|oddhatair vetribhih 
arthebhyo visay’|6pabhoga|virasair 
n’ akari yair adaras 
te tisthanti manasvinah sura|sarit| 
tire manoharini. 

Vata vantu kadamba|renu|sabala 
nrtyantu sarpa|dvisah 
s’|6tsaha nava|toya|bhara|guravo 
muncantu nadam ghanah 
magnam kanta|viyoga|duhkha|dahane 
mam vlksya din’|ananam 
vidyut kim sphurasi tvam apy akarune 
stritve ’pi tulye sati 

Prana yena samarpitas tava, balad yen’ aivam utthapitah 
skandhe yena ciram dhrto ’si, vidadhe yas te saparyam api 
tasy’ anta|smita|matrakena janayan jlv’|apaharam ksanad. 
bhratah! pratyupakarinam dhuri param vetala|lllayase! 



These ambitious men, 

fixing their eyes to the royal gate, 
intent on begging for wealth 
are scattered by gatekeepers flying up in a rage. 
The wise, made averse to wealth 
by their shunning of worldly enjoyments, 
rest on the delightful banks of the heavenly river. 

The breezes waft, speckled with kadamba pollen, 
peacocks, the foes of serpents, dance, 
threatening clouds, laden with fresh water, thunder. 

Seeing me, looking melancholy, 
sinking in the fire of separation from my beloved 
O lightning! Why are you flashing forth, merciless one, are 
we not both women? 

He who gave you life : hope, 

who helped you stand up : powerfully promoted you 
who carried you on his shoulders : retained you in 
the army for a long time, 
who adored you : gave you respect , 
in an instant, with no more than 
a secret smile you take his life. 

Brother! You are the epitome of the grateful 
behaving thoroughly like a vampire!* 



Rajjva disah pravitatah salilam visena 
khata mahl huta|bhuja jvalita van’|antah 
vyadhah padany anusaranti grhlta|capah 
kam desam asrayatu yutha|patir mrganam 

ioo «Ayam varam eko nilaya iti, ratn’|akara iti» 

srito ’smabhis trsna|taralita|manobhir jala|nidhih 
ka evam janlte nija|karajputI|kotara|gatam 
ksanad enam tamyat|timi|nikaram apasyati munih 

Visalam salmalya nayana|subhagam vlksya kusumam 
sukasy’ asld buddhih: «phalam api bhaved asya sadrsam!» 
cir’laslnam tasmims ca phalam api daivat parinatam 
vipake tulo ’ntah sapadi maruta so ’py apahrtah. 

Sarva|praja|hita|krte Purusottamasya 
vase, samasta!vibudha|prathit’|esta|siddhau 
candr’|amsu|vrnda|vitata|dyutimaty amusmin 
he kalakuta! tava janma katham payodhau? 



The quarters are fenced off with ropes, 

the water is impassable with poison, 

the earth is dug up, the brushwood is set ablaze, 

hunters, bows in hand, are hard on his heels; 

whither can the chief of the herd flee? 

Thinking: “This is the sole store of water, ioo 

the mine of jewels!” 

I approached the ocean, my heart aquiver with thirst. 

Who could have known that the sage Agastya 
would drink it down in a flash 
from his hollow cupped hands 
along with its teeming shoals of fish. 

Espying the large, eye-delighting flower 
of the silk-cotton tree 

the parrot thought: “It’s fruit will be comparable!” 

It sat on it for a long time and as luck would have it 
a fruit grew. 

When it was ripe 

there was cotton inside 

and even that was blown away by the wind. 

The dwelling place of Vishnu, 
benefactor of all, 

the granter of countless wishes to all of the gods, 
dazzlingly radiant with bundles of moon-beams, 

-Ah! Kala-kuta poison, 

how could you be born from that ocean? 



patu|dina|kara|mahasi lasati kalpa]tarau 
chay”jarthl kah pasur api 
bhavati jarad|virudham pranayl. 


In the presence of a wishgranting tree, 
skilled at dispelling the blaze of the sun with 
its dense canopy of fruit-bearing boughs 
is there even a dumb beast seeking shade, 
that would be attracted to 
a withered shrub? 




i.i A sti visalam kamala/lalital 

Sri|pati]vaksah|sthalam iva 

ram ’/ojjvalam ujjvalam nagaram. 


pralamba|nivahena yatra £es’|ahih 
bhavanani bibharti sada 

bahudh” atmanam vibhajy’ aikah. 

Vighno ’bhisarikanam 

bhavana|ganah sphatika|prabha|vikatah 
yatra virajati Rajanlj 


Yatra Trinayanajnayana| 

jlvati Manasajjanma 


i-5 Rati|lulitajlalita|lalana| 

klamajjala|lava|vahino muhur yatra 
vasita|deha vahanty anilah. 


T here is a vast, magnificent city 
with mansions blessed 
by the refining touch of wealth, 
dazzling with riches. 

It resembles the expansive chest of Shri’s consort Vishnu— 
the happy mainstay ofLakshmi’s graceful embrace, 
resplendent with the Kaustubha jewel. * 

A city where the world-serpent Shesha* 
tirelessly seems to prop up the palaces, 

—refracting himself manifold though he is one— 
by the opulence of dangling strings of pearls 
reflected in jewelled floors. 

Where gleam serried mansions, 
glaring with crystalline radiance:* 
brazen thieves of lady Night’s dark veil, 

—a dilemma for women stealing to their lovers. 

Where the God of love,* 

who is prone to behave like a moth 
drawn towards the wisps of flame 
shooting from Shiva’s third eye, 
is nurtured by the nectar of loveliness 
in the countenance of moon-faced ladies. 

Where steadily there waft breezes, 
laden with droplets of perspiration 
from the fatigue of ravishing, uninhibited women 
exhausted by love-play, 

and perfumed by the fragrance of the blossoms 
in their loosened hair. 



kasaya|kala|hamsa|kala|ravo yatra 
kamala|vanesu prasarati 

Laksmya iva nupur’|aravah. 


marakata|dhara|grh’|avall satatam 

pravrn murt” eva yatr’ aste. 


sphatika|harmyesu harina|^av’|aksyah 
yatra vibhanti sudh”|ambudhi| 

dugdha|tarang’|odgata iv’ apsarasah. 

Tatr abhud abhibhuta| 



dhuryah sri|Muladev’|akhyah. Nana|dig|des’|agata| 

dhurtair upajlvyamana|mati|vibhavah 
sa prapa vipula/sampadam 

atma|gunais cakra|vart” iva. 

Bhukt’|ottaram sa|hrdayaih 

asthanl|samsthitam kada cit tam 
abhyetya sartha|vaho 

Pranato Hiranyaguptah 

sahitah putrena Candraguptena 

provaca muhurta|visrantah. 



Where the melodious cry of wild geese, warm in timbre 
because their beaks are filled 
with shoots and fresh sprouts, 
spreads through the lotus-ponds, 
as if it were the tinkling of Lakshmi’s anklets. 

Where the rainy season seems to linger on 
with a host of rainbows and clouds, 
embodied in a row of emerald fountains,* 
and dancing, tame peacocks. 

Where ladies, with eyes like those of young does, 
shine forth on crystalline pavilions 
cloaked in moonlight, 
like nymphs* born from the churned waves 
of the ocean of nectar. 

There dwelt the foremost repository of all guile: a cun¬ 
ning man named Mula-deva* who had mastered a hundred 
categories of unsurpassed deceptions. Villains, depending 
for their livelihood on the prowess of his intellect, flocked 
to him from remote lands.* He received enormous wealth, 
just as an universal emperor exults in glory by his inher¬ 
ent virtues. 

One day, after he had dined and was seated in his audience 
hall with men of refined taste,* a caravan-leader approached 
him and offered him a jewel-inlaid chalice as a priceless gift. 

The bowing Hiranya-gupta, accompanied by his son Cha- 
ndra-gupta, received a seat and due hospitality, and after a 
brief rest, broke the silence: 




«Ayi! paricayajsa|pratibha 

tava purato madrsam iyam van! 
gramy’|angan” eva nagare 

na tatha pragalbhyam ayati. 


rucirah prajna|marici|nicayas te 
tigm’|amsor iva saha|jah 

prosita/timirah karoty asah. 


eko mam’ aisa stinuh 

samjatah pascime vayasi. 

Moha|sthanam balyam 

yauvanam api madana|manas’|onmadam 

dala|jala|capalas ca vitta|cayah. 

Harinyo harina|drsah 

satatam bhog’|abjajmadhu|kari|dhurtah. 
patita parampar” aisa 

dosanam mama sutasy’ asya. 




muktir nasty eva mugdhanam. 



“Alas! Before you, this my voice, 

which assumes the brazenness of familiarity, 
dares not become too audacious, 
as though it were a village girl in the city. 

The magnitude of your illuminating rays of wisdom, 
harboring the sagacity ofBrihas-pati, * 
gives hope dispelling blindness; 

As though it were a dazzling brother of the sun, 
who eclipses the planet Jupiter 
and frees the points of the compass from darkness. 

Since my birth I have hoarded a treasury 

brimming with many kinds of gems, pearls and gold. 

Now, in the eve of my life 

a single son has been born to me. 

Infancy is a period of folly, 

youth is a mental derangement wrought by love, 
and the survival of accumulated wealth 
is as uncertain as droplets of water 
on the petals of water-lilies, 
quivering in the breeze.* 

Ravishing, doe-eyed damsels 

are ever malicious like female bees 
concealed in the lotus of enjoyment. 

This chain of misadventures has befallen my son here. 

Truly, there is no release for balls in the hands of cheats,* 
for gems set in the anklets of prostitutes, 
and for the naive scions of wealthy houses. 





capala|mukhah pangavo ’pi sa|plutayah 
nava|vihaga iva mugdha 

bhaksyante dhurta|marjaraih. 

1.20 Airita|jana|tanayo ’yam 

tava vidvan! nija|sut’|adhikah satyam: 
na yatha prayati nasam 

tath” asya buddhim prayaccha param.» 

Iti vinaya|namra|sirasa 

tena vaco yuktam uktam avadharya 
tam uvaca Muladevah 


«Astam esa sutas te 

mama bhavane nija iva. prayatna|parah 
jnasyati may” opadistam 

sanakaih sakalam kala|hrdayam.» 

Iti tasya sasanena 

svajsutam nihksipya tad|grhe matiman 
natva tam s’|artha|yatih 

prayayau nija|mandiram muditah. 


dhusara/kantir nirambaras taranih 
abhavad alaksyah sanakaih 

dhurtair iva nirjitah kitavah. 



The untutored are like fledgling birds, 

chattering on, incautious of time and place, 
hopping about though they are yet unable to walk, 
preyed on by swindler-cats. 

Wise master! This son of your petitioner 1.20 

who is verily more than another son of yours: 
grant him your supreme wisdom 
so that he does not perish!” 

Acknowledging that he had pleaded his case diffidently, 
with his head bowed in humility, Mula-deva addressed him, 
the boundary of his lips giving way to a flood of goodwill: 

“This son of yours may stay in my home as though he 
were my own. With diligence, he will gradually come to 
understand the complete heart of guile, in which I will 
instruct him.” 

The wise caravan-master consigned his son to Mula-deva’s 
house as instructed, bowed to him and, delighted, departed 
to his own mansion. 

The sun gradually faded from sight, 

with the radiance of its beams dwindling, 
gleaming duskily without a clear outline, 

Just like a gambler with an ashen complexion, 
whose hand-control has become slack, 
who has lost even his clothes, 
eventually loses a fortune, plundered by cheats. 




Astam|ite divasa|kare 



kantir iv’ agre babhau sandhya. 

Tyakt” api pratidivasam 

divasa|dyutir anujagama divasa|karam 
anurakt” api na sandhya 

hrdayam janati kah strinam. 


sandhya|rage gate sanaih kv api 
aprapta|pad’ |akulitam 

babhrama ravi|bhramam timiram. 


timirair iva mllita babhuva mahl 
tlvro janasya hi sada 

yatah khalu vallabho bhavati. 

RajanI raraja sitatara| 

sabara|raman” iva paricita| 




When the day-maker had set, 
a half-light shone on the summit 
of the Western horizon-mountain, 
as though it were the ruddy glow of a coat of red minium 
adhering to the elephant that was darkness.* 

Although she is deserted every day, 

Daylight-splendor follows the Day-maker sun. 

Twilight does not, though she is his beloved.* 

Who can understand the hearts of women? 

When the impassioned flush of Twilight 
had gently faded away 

into the lotus-pond of the courtyard of the firmament, 
her paramour Darkness, 
mistakenly fearing this heralded the arrival 
of her husband the Sun, 

flounced about without gaining a secure foothold. 

The earth seemed to become obscured by gloom, 
unconscious because of her separation 
from the scorching-rayed sun. 

For someone who is constant and fiery 
is cherished as a lover. 

The night was magnificent 

like a forest-dwelling shdbara maiden, 
made lovely with pearl necklaces 
strung with whiter than white stars, 
adorned with a peacock-cloak 
made of intense darkness. 




1.30 Atha pathika|vadhu|dahanah 

sanakair udabhun nisa|kar’|aIokah 

vyasana|gurus cakravaklnam. 


dig|vanita|sphatika|darpano vimalah 
viraraja rajani|ramanl 

sita|tilako yaminl|nathah. 


valaya|vilasl lalasa sita|kantih 

rajani|karo raja|hamsa iva. 

Syama susubhe sasina 

taya mano|bhur madh’|utsavas tena 
mada/m i/<A'ra|manasanam 
ten’ api mrgl|drsam Ilia. 

Dhurtah samrddhi|saciva 

vicchayam padminlm parityajya 
phullani vivisur alayah 

s’|anandah kumuda|vrndani. 



Then, slowly, the light of the night-maker* rose up, 
scorching the wives of those travelling afar, 
a herald for the awakening of the night-blooming lilies, 
a teacher of separation to the chakra-vaki * birds. 

The lord of the night gleamed, 

a white parasol for the God of love, 

a crystal mirror for the ladies of the compass points,* 

a white forehead-mark 

on the beautiful damsel darkness. 

The night-maker beamed with a pale beauty 
like a flamingo on the verge of the banks 
of the celestial river Mandakini,* 
shimmering within an aura 
of the encircling filaments of his own rays. 

The dark night was made beautiful by the moon, 
love by the night, 
the spring festival by love, 
and the charms of fawn-eyed girls, 
their hearts merry with wine : thrilled with passion, 
by the spring festival.* 

Being libertines, mere fair-weather friends, 
bees deserted the lackluster lotus, 
and, in ecstasy, 

fell upon the blossoming clusters of night-lilies. 


I0 3 


1.35 Jyotsna|bhasma|smera 

tar” |asthi|patala|hara 

susubhe kapalin” iva nisa. 

Tasmin praudha|nisa|kara| 





saha Sasina nirvibhaga|mitrena 
Kandalijmukhyaih sisyaih 


Provaca Muladevo 

vlksya ciram s’|artha|vaha|sutam agre 
kurvan dasana|mayukhaih 
lajja|llnam iva jyotsnam. 

«Srnu putra vancakanam 

sakala|kalajhrdaya|saram ati|kutilam 
jnate bhavanti yasmin 

ksana|ruci|capalah sriyo ’py acalah. 

1.40 Eko ’smin bhava|gahane 

kupah patanti yasmin 

mugdha|kuranga niralambe. 



The night was radiant 1.35 

like a female skull-bearing ascetic,* 
shining with ash made of moonlight, 
with a graceful skull-bowl 
made of the pleasing lunar crescent, 
with a necklace of bone-sections made of stars. 

When the myriad rays 

of the full moon had become altogether visible 
in the inner garden of his jewelled mansion, 


serenely composed after arising from his contemplations, 

settled on a crystal seat 

with his inseparable companion Shashin. 

His disciples headed by Kandali 

attended at the side of his foot-stool. 

After gazing at the caravan-leader’s son who waited before 
him for a long time, Mula-deva spoke, making the moon¬ 
light disappear with shame, as it were, with the light-rays 
shining from his teeth. 

“Hear, my son, the extremely crooked heart-essence of 
all of the guile of swindlers. When this is grasped, wealth, 
normally fleeting like a momentary flash, becomes stable. 

In this thicket of existence there is a pit, 1.40 

concealed by a web of grass, shoots and vines, 
into whose bottomless void fall innocent deer. 



So ’yam nidhana/kumbho 

dambho nama svabhava|gambhlrah 
kutilaih kuhaka|bhujamgaih 

samvrta|vadanah sthito loke. 

M aya| rahasya| mantrah 

cinta|manir Ipsit’|arthanam 
dambhah prabhava|kari 

dhurtanam Sri|vasl|karanam. 

Matsyasy’ tv apsu sada 

dambhasya jnayate gatih kena? 
yasya na karau na caranau 

na siro durlaksya ev’ asau. 

Mantra|balena bhujamga 

mugdha|kurangas ca kuta|yantrena 
sthala|jalena vihanga 

grhyante manavas ca dambhena. 

1.45 Jana|hrdaya|vipralambho 

maya/sthambho jagajljay’/arambhah 
jayati sad”|anupalambho 

nirgata|Dambhodayo dambhah. 



This is the treasure-pot : funerary-urn* 
called “sanctimoniousness,” 
inherently unfathomable. 

In this world its opening is veiled 
by coiling villain-serpents. 

For villains, sanctimoniousness is a secret magic spell, 
a wish-fulfilling gem for all they crave, an empowerment, 
a means to subjugate the Goddess of fortune. 

Who can fathom the path of sanctimoniousness, 
which is like that of a fish 
perpetually submerged under water? 

It is indeed difficult to make out the movements 
of that which has no hands, no feet, no head. 

Snakes are captured by the power of mantras, 
trusting deer by a concealed trap, 
birds by a net on the ground, 
people by sanctimoniousness. 

Sanctimoniousness is triumphant, 
dismaying people’s hearts, 

a paralysis induced by delusion overwhelming the world 
: a pillar of deceit 

erected to commemorate world-domination, 
a perpetual unawareness, 
an incarnation of Dambhodbhava.* 




Satat’ | avarta| bhrante 

mulam dambho nabhih 

vipulatare cakrika|cakre. 


dambha|taruh suci|kusumah 

fbahu|sukhafsakha|sataih phalitah. 

Vratajniyamair baka|dambhah 

samvrta|niyamais ca kurma|jo dambhah 

ghoro marjara|jo dambhah. 

Baka|dambho dambhajpatih 

dambha|nar’|endras ca kurma|jo dambhah 
marjara|dambha esa 

prapto dambhesu cakravartitvam. 

1.50 Nlca|nakha|smasru|kacas cull 
jutl pralamba|kurco va 

parimita|bhasl prapannajpadatrah; 



Sanctimoniousness is the base, 

the hub in a vast wheel of circular reasoning,* 

which has a thousand bent spokes 

of unbearable absurdities, 

which rolls astray whirling around incessantly. 

With shut eyes for roots, 
irrigated with water 

dripping from hair moist from lengthy ritual ablutions, 
the tree of sanctimoniousness 
bears ritual purity for flowers 
and yields fruit 

with f upraised armsf for hundreds of branches.* 

Through the penance of observing vows 
arises the smugness of the heron, 
through the penance of withdrawal, 
the smugness peculiar to the tortoise, 
through the penance of fixing the eyes impassively 
on the path, 

the terrifying smugness peculiar to cats.* 

Heron-smugness is a chieftain among false pieties, 

the smugness peculiar to the tortoise is a king, 

but the smugness of cats has assumed imperial sovereignty. 

A man* with trimmed nails, beard and hair, 
a crested man, a man with matted locks, a long-beard, 
a man obsessed with smearing himself with much clay, 
a tight-lipped man, a man in boots; 






prsth’ |arpita|hema|valllkah 

ruddha|bhujo bhanda|hasta iva; 

japa|capal’|austhah sajane 

dhyana|paro nagara|raja|rathyasu; 

acamanaih sucirajmajjanais drthe 





$irasa bibharti kusumam 

vinipatitam kaka|drstim iva— 
evam|rupah puruso 

yo yah sa sa dambhiko jiieyah. 


A man who has affixed a hema-valli* 

on top of his large-knotted sacred thread, 
a man who looks like he were holding 
a casket in his hand, 
because his arm is immobilised 
by the border of his robe* tucked into his armpit; 

A man displaying his erudition by various squabbles,* 
by dithering and by gesticulated denials, 
a man whose lips are animated with muttered prayers 
in crowds, 

a man absorbed in meditation 
on the main streets of the city; 

A man at a sacred ford 

advertising the hardship of his ritual bath in mid-winter 
with chattering teeth and hissing, 
submerging himself interminably, 
ritually rinsing his mouth 
with hands bent into cupped hollows 
in a dramatic gesture; 

A man whose incessant dirt-baths 

are betrayed by the scoured roughness of his entire body, 
a man whose worship of the Gods 
with unabridged ceremonies 
can be deduced from the enormous mark 
plastered on his forehead; 

A man who wears a flower on his head 

which looks like a crow’s eye* bobbing from side to side, 
— any man of this sort must be recognised as a charlatan. 




sa|guna|stabdhah sva|bandhu|vidvesl 

klrty|arthl dambhiko dhurtah. 


pranata|siras catu|sata|karl 
sajbhru|bhango maun! 

krta|karyo dambhikah krurah. 


daityo Diti|jo ’bhavat pura Jambhah. 
Dambhah so ’yam nivasati 
bhumi|tale bhuta|dehesu. 

Suci|dambhah sama|dambhah 

snataka|dambhah samadhi|dambhas ca 
nihsprha|dambhasya tulam 

yanti tu n’ aite sat’jamsena. 



The charlatan is a villain who pays homage to the worthless, 
who is arrogant to the worthy, 
who is hostile to his own relatives, 
who acts like a compassionate relative to strangers, 
he is a man who craves fame.* 

When he needs help in some undertaking, 
the cruel charlatan bows his head 
and ingratiates himself with a hundred flatteries. 

But he frowns and remains silent 
once his immediate goal is achieved. 

Long ago, there was a titan called Jambha,* the son of Diti, 
who had thwarted the Gods’ prosperity. 

On the surface of the earth 

he now dwells in the hearts of living beings 
as sanctimoniousness. 

The sanctimoniousness of purity, 
the sanctimoniousness of quietism, 
the sanctimoniousness of the sndtaka * 
and the sanctimoniousness of exalted meditation: 
These are not even equal to the hundredth part 
of the sanctimoniousness of aloofness. 

i-6o Sauc’/asauca/vivadl 

mrtjksayalkan svalbandhav’lasparsl 
suci|dambhena jano ’yam 
Visvamitratvam ayati. 


satatam ahimsa|dambho 

vadav”|agnih sarva|bhakso ’yam. 

Khalvatah sthula|vapuh 

suska|tanur muni|samana|rupo va 


caity’|6nnata|sikhara|duhkhiko v” api. 


Affected by the sanctimoniousness of purity 
a person 

quibbles about what is pure and what is impure, 
squanders cleansing clay, * 
does not touch his own relatives, 
becomes an enemy to all and sundry,* 

: he contests the distinction 

between the pure and the impure, * 
builds an earthen penance-hut, 
becomes different from his own kin * 
and thus becomes a veritable Vishva-mitra. 

The sanctimoniousness of non-violence is a ceaseless, 
all-devouring submarine fire, 

which has destroyed all manner of creatures : treasures, 
which thirsts for water in the form of deposited wealth. 

The Snataka can be a bald man, 
a fat man, 

a man with a shrivelled body, 
or a man resembling a sage, 
a man with a cloth wound around his head, 
or a man in agony 
because his lofty crest 
protrudes like a funeral mound. 


Mundo jatilo nagnah 

chatrl dandl kasaya/clri va 

disi disi bhogl vijrmbhate dambhah. 

Lobhah pit” ati|vrddho 

jananl Maya sah’|odarah kutah 
kutil’|akrtis ca grhinl 

putro dambhasya humkarah. 

1.65 Bhagavan pura Svayambhuh 

krtva bhuvanani bhuta|sargam ca 

suciram cint”|anvitas tasthau. 
Drstva sa martya|loke 

divya|drsa manusan niralamban 
arj ava|yoga|visesad 

MIlita|nayanah ksipram 

sthitva maya|maye samadhane 
asrjan nrnam vibhutyai 

Dambham sambhavan”|adharam. 



The sanctimoniousness of exalted contemplation 
is a gaping serpent, 

which proliferates in all lands. 

It might be b!unt[-nosed] : a shaveling ascetic, 
twisted around itself : a matted-hair ascetic, 
unmarked : a naked ascetic, 
hooded : a parasol-bearer, 
stiff: a staff-bearer, 
red-banded : a red-robe, 

or with a body as white as ash : stark with white ash;* 

Greed is the ancient father of sanctimoniousness, 

Maya is his mother, 

falsehood is his uterine brother, 

deformity is his wife, 

and the sneer Hum! is his son.* 

Long ago, the blessed Self-born Brahma created the 
worlds and species of living creatures. Thereafter he re¬ 
mained for a long time in contemplation, desisting from 
all activity. With his divine eye he saw that the self-reliant 
people in the world of the mortals had not appropriated the 
pleasures of wealth etc., because of their peculiar adherence 
to forthrightness. Closing his eyes he immersed himself im¬ 
mediately in a profound meditation imbued with the power 
of creative illusion. He brought forth Dambha as a recep¬ 
tacle of esteem, to ensure the prosperity of men. 


Bibhranah kusa|pulim 

pustaka|bharam kamandalum stinyam 

dandam krsn’|ajinam khanitram ca; 


lanchita|karnah pavitra|panis ca 


1.70 Kastha|stabdhajgrivo 

japalcapal’losthah samadhi|lln’|aksah 

mrt|paripurnam vahan maha|patrim; 

Nayan’|ancalaih sa|kopaih 



kathit’|akhila|hrdaya|vanchito maunl; 

Raksan para|samsparsam 

sauc”|arthl Brahma|loke ’pi 
Dambhah puro ’sya tasthau 
utthita ev asan’|akanksl. 

Tam drstva Paramesthi 

llIa|krta|sakaIa|sarga|vargo 'pi 

nispand’|andolitas tasthau. 



Bearing a bundle* of purifying kusha grass, 
a burden of scriptures,* an empty water-pot, 
an antelope horn* as twisted as his own heart, 
the skin of a black antelope and a hoe; 

He had stuffed thick bunches of sacred grass* 
behind his ears 

wore a sacrificer’s ritual-ring* on his hand, 
and the root of his topknot was encircled by white flowers 
on his starkly clean-shaven head; 

His neck was stiff like a plank,* 
his lips restless with muttered prayers, 
his eyes deadened by yogic trance, 
a rudrdksha rosary wrapped around his hand, 
holding a large bowl of purifying clay; 

Mute, yet revealing all of the cravings lurking in his heart 
with angry side glances, with grimaces, 
grunting and frowning, 
and by all kinds of irritations; 

Wary of touching others; 
requiring cleansing even 

in the paradise-world of Brahma, 

Dambha stood before the Creator, expecting a seat. 

Seeing him, the Creator, 

although he had with ease begotten all orders of creation, 
was shaken with shivers, 
brought on by a thrill of great incredulity. 




Akalpena sumahata 

sahas” asya vaslkrtah param tena 
Saptarsayo ’pi tasmai 

pranatas tasthuh krt’|anjalayah. 

1.75 Tasy’ ati|tlvra|niyamad 

graste ’gastye ’tijvismayen’ eva 

kuncita|prsthe Vasisthe ca; 


parigata|kutse ca kunite Kautse, 
niradare Narade vihite; 


Jamadagnau magna|vadane ca, 
traste Visvamitre, 

valita|gale Galave, Bhrgau bhagne; 

Sucir’|6tthitam ati|kopad 

asana|kamale nivista|drstim ca 
sula|protam iv’ agre 

nihspandam amanda|garva|guru|gatram. 



The Seven Sages, too, 

powerfully compelled by Dambha’s great pomp, 
stood bowing, their hands folded in supplication. 

While Agastya seemed to be devoured* by astonishment 
with Dambha’s extremely severe abstentions, 
while Vasishtha hunched his back in shame 
at his own meagre store of austerities;* 

While Kautsa shrank as if a slur had been cast 
on his own very simple vow of silence,* 
while Narada was made to feel contempt 

for his own penances which lacked ostentation;* 

While Jamad-agni buried his face 
in the peaks of his own knee-caps,* 
while Vishva-mitra trembled in fear,* 
while Galava’s neck rolled about, 
while Bhrigu was crushed;* 

The four-faced Creator-god realized 

that Dambha had been standing all the while, 
and that he had furiously fixed his gaze 
upon Brahmas lotus-throne. 

He stood motionless as if impaled, 
his limbs torpid with avid arrogance. 




Jnatva tam asan’|arthinam 

avadad devas Catur|mukhah pritya 
visrjan nija|dasanajruca 

vihasann iva vahanam hamsam: 

1.80 «Upavisa putra mam’ afike. 

niyamena mahlyas” ati|citrena 
arho ’si guna|gan’|odgata| 

gaurava|samvadin” anena.» 

Ity|ukto Visvasrja 

tasy’ ankam asankaya sa|samkocah 
abhyuksya varijmustya 

krcchren’ opavisad Dambhah. 

Dambha uvaca: 

«n’ occair vacyam avasyam! 

yadi vacyam hasta|padmena 
acchadya vaktra|randhram, 

sprsto na syam yath” asya|vat’|amsaih.» 

Tat tasya saucam atulam 

drstva harsa]smita|prabha^ubhrah 
«Dambho ’s’ iti!» jagada 

Prajapatis chotikam dattva. 



Realizing that he wanted to sit down, 

Brahma spoke to him with a smile, 

as though creating his vehicle, the wild white goose, 
with the dazzle from his own teeth: 

“My son, be seated on my lap. 

You are worthy because your stupendous 
and substantial self-restraint 

accords with an earnestness born from a host of virtues.” 

Addressed in this way by the All-creator, 

Dambha, unhesitatingly, and with revulsion, 
sprinkled his lap with a handful of water 
and sat down with a show of discomfort. 

Dambha said: 

“You really must not speak so loud! 

If you have to speak, 

then cover your mouth with your lotus-hand, 
so that I will not be touched 
by the particles in the breath 
streaming from your mouth.”* 

Then, seeing his incomparable purity, 
the Creator Praja-pati, 
radiant with the lustre of his joyful smile, 
snapped his fingers and said: 

“You must be Dambha : phoney\ 




«Uttistha sakala|jala|nidhi[ 

parikha|mani|mekhalam mahlm akhilam 
avatirya bhunksva bhogan 

vibudhair api tattvato na vijnatah.» 

1.85 Ity adarad visrsto 

vidhina samsara|sagara|gatanam 
kanthe silam nibadhnan 

martyanam avatatara mahlm. 

Atha martya|lokam etya 

bhrantva Dambho vanani nagarani 
vinivesya Gauda|visaye 

nija|jaya|ketum jagama disah. 

Vacane Bahllkanam 

vrata|niyame Pracya|daksinatyanam 
adhikare Klranam 

Dambhah sarvatra Gaudanam. 

Ete Dambha|sahayah 

kurvanti ye prabhate 

yatas tato bhasmana tilakam. 

Turnam sahasra/bhagaih 

bhuvana|tale samvibhajya bhutani 
murtah satatam nivasati 

Dambho vadane ’dhikarana|bhattanam. 



Arise and descend to the earth, 

encompassed by the jewel-girdle of the oceans, 
and enjoy pleasures, 

your true nature unrecognised even by the wise.” 

Duly and respectfully dismissed, 
he descended to earth, 
tying a stone to the necks of mortals 
doomed in the ocean. 

Arriving in the world of mortals, 

Dambha ranged through forests and cities. 

He planted his triumphal banner in Bengal 
and advanced in every direction. 

Dambha lives in the speech of people in Balkh, 

in the South-easterners’ observance of vows of penance, 
in the authorities of Kashmir, 
and everywhere in Bengal. 

Those who make their forehead marks 
with ash obtained from whatever source, 
a magic powder 

at funerary ceremonies involving donations, 
are Dambha’s helpers. 

Dambha quickly isolated : devastated* 
the living beings on the surface of the earth 
in thousands of different classes : with a thousand taxes, 
and physically embodied himself 
in the faces of those in charge. 




1.90 Guru|hrdayam avisad agre 

palaka|hrdayam tapasvi|hrdayam ca 
kutilam niyogi|hrdayam 

dlksitajhrdayam svayam Dambhah. 

Tad anu ca ganaka|cikitsaka| 

sevaka|vanijam sa|hema|karanam 

cakra|caranam ca hrdayani. 

Amsaih pravisya hrdayam 

vividhajvikaraih samastajj antunam 
Dambho vivesa pascad 

antaram api paksi|vrksanam. 

Matsy’|arthl carati tapah 

suciram nihspanda ekajpadena 
tirthesu baka|tapasvl 

tena vihangan gato Dambhah. 


slt’|atapa|vrsti|kastitah satatam 
vrksa phaI’|arthino yad 

Dambhasya vijrmbhitam tad api. 

1.95 Evam vicaranlyah 

sarva|gatah sarva|hrt sada Dambhah. 
jnate tasmin vividhe 

viphala mayavinam maya. 



Dambha himself first of all entered I - 9 ° 

the hearts of religious teachers,* 
then the twisted hearts of provincial governors,* 
the hearts of ascetics, 
the hearts of commissioners, 
and the hearts of initiates.* 

Then he passed into the hearts of astrologers, 
physicians, servants, merchants, 
goldsmiths, actors, mercenaries, 
singers, story-tellers, and jugglers. 

Distributing himself, assuming many guises, 

Dambha entered the hearts of all walking creatures, 
then he even entered into birds and trees.* 

The heron-ascetic struts about in sacred fords, 
hungering for fish* 
motionless on one leg; 
through him Dambha reached the birds. 

That trees should have many tangled roots 
and be clad in bark,* 
be ever battered by cold, heat and rain, 
in the hope of bearing fruit, 
that too, is the influence of Dambha.* 

Therefore one must always be wary of Dambha 1.95 

who has permeated everything, who destroys everything. 

Once he is known in his diverse forms, 
the spell of conjurors is broken.* 



Dambha|vikarah purato 

vancaka|cakrasya kalpajvrkso ’yam. 
Vamana|dambhena pura 

Harina trailokyam akrantam. 

iti maha|kavi|srI|Ksemendrajviracite 

dambh’|akhyanam nama 
prathamah sargah. 



This diversity of Dambha is a wish-granting tree* 
before the realm of deceivers. 

Long ago, Hari vanquished the three worlds 

by the sanctimoniousness of the Dwarf-incarnation.* 

The first canto, 

named the description of sanctimoniousness 
in the “Grace of Guile” 
composed by 

the great poet Kshemendra. 



T OBHAH SADA vicintyO 

lubdhebhyah sarvato bhayam drstam 
kary ’ | akarya| vicaro 

lobha|visamjnasya n’ asty eva. 




sarva|saho mula|karanam lobhah. 


sattva|dhanaih sastra|vedibhir vijitah 
lobho ’vatam pravistah 

kutilam hrdayam kiratanam. 


ete hi divasa|caura 

musnanti muda janam vanijah. 


Hrtva dhanam jananam 

dinam akhilam vividha|kuta|mayabhih 
vitarati grhe kiratah 

kastena varatika|tritayam. 


B eware of avarice,— 

the threat of the avaricious is evident everywhere. 
Someone oblivious with greed 
does not care what is right or wrong. 


a vicious obsession of hoarding : fend lurking in a 
fordfed treasury 
is capable of anything, 
is the root cause 

of frauds and deceits : camoufaged vaults, 
of all kinds of prevarications : obstructions, 
conflations : blind corners 
and false agreements : magical boundaries.* 

Defeated by knowers of sacred scripture, 
rich in virilty, 

virtuous, tranquil and penitent, 
avarice crept into its den: 

the crooked heart of merchants. 

Merchants, indeed, are daylight-robbers,* 
they delight in robbing people 
by ploys such as witholding deposits, 
using too light weights, 
and sleight of hand while buying and selling. 

All day long 

the merchant relieves his customers of their money 
with all kinds of scams and tricks. 

But he frets to hand over three cowries 
to support his household.* 



vrajati sada punya|pustakam srotum. 
dasta iva krsna|sarpaih 

palayate dana|dharmebhyah. 

Dvadasyam pitr|divase 

samkramane soma|suryayor grahane 
suciram snanam kurute, 

na dadati kapardikam ekam. 

Dattva disi disi drstim 

yacaka/cakito vagunthanam krtva 
caura iva kutila/carl 

palayate vikata/rathyabhih. 

Na dadati prativacanam 

vikraya]kale satho vaniri mauni. 

drstva sambhasanam kurute. 

Uttisthati namati vanik 

prcchati kusalam dadaty avasthanam 
nihksepajpanim aptam 

drstva dharmyah kathah kurute. 

Kas cid vadati tam etya: 

«dravinam niksipya hanta gant” asmi, 
bhratah! param prabhate 

visti|dinam kim karomy adya?» 



Fond of tales,* 

he always runs along to hear the recitation 
of pious books. 

But he flees, as though bitten by black cobras, 
from the duty of alms-giving. 

On the twelfth lunar day, 

on the day sacred to the ancestors, 

during the solar transits, 

during eclipses of the sun and moon, 

he takes a long bath and does not donate* a single cowrie. 

Just like a thief 

he scans the directions : keeps a lookout, 
he is alarmed by beggars : startled by questioners, 
he hides himself behind a veil : disguise, 
he makes detours : behaves suspiciously 
and runs off down wide streets : escapes by secret 

The mean merchant keeps mum, he gives no reply to 
bargainers at the time of selling. Only when he has spot¬ 
ted a man with a deposit* in his hand does he strike up a 

He gets up and bows down as soon as he has seen some- 2.10 
one respectable with a deposit in his hand, asks about his 
wellbeing, offers a seat, and starts telling pious stories. 

Someone comes to him and says: “Hullo! I will go abroad 
after depositing my money with you, brother! But this 
morning it happens to be the astrologically ominous vi- 
shti-karana.* Shall I do so today?” 



Tac chrutva vikasita|drg 

vadati sa mithy” aiva natayan khedam 
karye prasarit’|aksah 

punah punah parsvam avalokya: 

«Tvad|adhInam sthanam idam, 

kim tu ciram nyasa|palanam kathinam, 
visamau ca desa|kalau. 

sadho tava hanta daso ’ham. 

Bhadra na dusit” aisa 

niksepa|ksema|karinl sasta 
ity|anubhutam satasah 

karya|jnais tvam tu janasi. 

2.15 Vistijdine kim api pura 

nyastam ken’ api mitrena 
turnam punar etya sanair 

nltam ksemena kusalena.» 

Ity|adi mugdha|buddher 

asamanjasajvarnanam rahah krtva 
grhnati kanaka|nikaram 

nrtyams tat|tan|manorath’|opayam. 

Tat|samcurnanaij ataih 

kraya|vikraya|labha|rasibhir anantaih 

upahasati dhan’|adhinatham sah. 

Purnah kadarya|vanijam 

nihsambhoga nidhana|dhana|kumbhah 
sldanti kuca|tata iva 

duhkha|phala bala|vidhavanam. 



On hearing this with widening eyes he pretends to be 
bothered. His eyes wander to his business, he glances side¬ 
ways again and again, and says: 

“This establishment is at your service, my good man, but 
it will be a nuisance to look after your deposit for long, time 
and place are adverse. Alas! I am your servant. This half-day 
of bhadra* is not unfavorable; it is taught that it ensures 
the safety of a deposit. But as you know, this has been con¬ 
firmed hundreds of times by those knowledgeable in busi¬ 
ness. Some time ago a friend of mine deposited something 
on a vishti day. He returned quickly and gradually withdrew 
it safe and sound.” 

After he has thus talked nonsense to the simple-minded 
man in confidence, he dances as he relieves him of the hoard 
of gold, the means to all of his desires. 

With incalculable profit from buying and selling that 
ground-down gold, with piles of goods for barter, he laughs 
in mockery at the God of wealth. 

The treasure-vats of miserly merchants, 
brimming with stored wealth, 
waste away : sink down 
without being put to good use, 
bringing sorrow, 
just as do the breasts 
of youthful widows. 





hiranya|raksa|krta|ksanah satatam 

visamajmahajmusaka vanijah. 

2-2.0 Atari samutkata/vestita/ 

vikata /patl/sph uta /phat ’/atopah 
kutilam karicuka/nicitah 

pura|pati|nama nidhi|vyalah. 

Atha purusah sa dig|antam 

bhrantva ken’ api daiva|yogena 
nasta|dhano jana|rahitah 

praptah suciran nijam desam. 

Prcchati kam api sasankah: 

«sa kiratah kva nu gato maha|sattvah?» 
tam upetya vadati kas cit: 

«tasy’ adya sakhe vibhutir any” aiva! 

khatika|hastah sa sada 

ganayati kotlr muhurtena. 

Asmin Meru|visale 

vara|bhavane rucira|bhitti|krta|citre 
pura|patin” apy anuyato 

vasati sukham sa hi mahajjano nagare.» 

2.25 Srutv” aitad atula[vismayaj 

lolitajmaulih sa tad|grham gatva 
dvari sthagitas tisthati 

nispratibho jlrna|karpatah suciram. 



Merchants are revolting fat rats* 

infesting the dilapidated mansion that is samsara .* 

Ever biding their time, 
they stash away gold 

out of reach from enjoyment or charity. 

As a serpent guarding a treasure 
bearing the title ‘lord of the city,’ 
he goes about hunched over : slithers about windingly, 
swathed in a robe : covered in scaly skin, 
puffed up with a plainly visible hood 

made of garish cloth wound high into a crest. 

Doomed by fate, that man who had deposited his money 
strayed to the ends of the earth. He lost his money and his 
people and returned to his own land only after a lengthy 

Full of apprehension, he asked someone: “Where has that 
sagacious merchant gone?” Somebody approached him and 
said: “My friend, nowadays, his circumstances are quite dif¬ 
ferent! Holding a piece of chalk in his hand, he ceaselessly 
calculates crores per hour* by dealing with all kinds of new 
fabrics, musk-perfume, sandalwood, camphor, black pep¬ 
per, and betel-nuts. He lives in style in the city, in yonder 
exquisite palace, towering like Mount Meru, its bright walls 
adorned with frescos. Even the governor of the city defers 
to him.” 

When he heard this he went to the merchant’s house, 
his head reeling with utter amazement. Stunned, he stood 
for a long time at the door, at a loss what to do, dressed in 
worn-out rags. 





Tam tunga|bhavana|valabhi| 
jal’|antarato vanik parijnaya 
n’ occhvasiti nasta|cetah 

tadita iva murdhni vajrena. 

Upasrtya manda|mandam 

katham api samprapta|nirjan’|avasarah 
tarn yacate sa purusah 

sva|dravinam prakatit’|abhijnah. 

Tam vadati so ’nya|drstih 

sa|bhru|bhangam vidhuta|hast’|agrah: 
«vancaka|vacanah papo 

vrtti|kslnah kuto ’yam ayatah? 

Kas tvam? kasya suto va? 

darsanam api na smarami, kim kathanaih? 
ahaha kada kutra katham? 

vada! kasya kim arpitam kena? 

2.30 Pasyata kastham anistah 

kali|kalah kldrso ’yam ayatah! 
matto rtham esa vanchati 
loko janati va sarvam. 

Haragupta|kule ’smakam 

niksepa|grahanam apy asambhavyam, 
kim punar apahnav’|odgata| 


Tad api sa tad”|abhisamsl 

samtyajyo ’yam janah katham mahatam? 
kathaya dinam! tad|divase 

likhitam sarvam, svayam pasya! 

Vrddho ’ham, nyastajbharah 
putre, sa hi vetti likhitam me.» 



The merchant recognized him through the lattice-win¬ 
dow in the pinnacle of his lofty mansion and his mind went 
numb, his breath ceased, he felt as if a thunderbolt had 
struck him on his head. 

Hesitantly, the man approached him, when he managed 
to find an uncrowded opportunity. He refreshed his mem¬ 
ory, and asked for his money. 

The merchant averted his eyes, frowned, shook his fingers 
and said to him: 

“Where has this evil wretch without any livelihood come 
from, spouting falsehoods? 

Who are you? 

Whose son? 

I do not remember ever seeing you: 

How could I have talked with you? 

Huh? When? Where? How? 

Speak up! 

Who gave what to whom? 

Woe! Behold! What has it come to in this accursed, dark 2 - 3 ° 
age. This lunatic demands money, or else the public will 
hear all about it. In our Hara-gupta* family even accepting 
a deposit is unheard of, never mind the insinuation of the 
perfidious, capital offence resulting from calumny. 

But on the other hand, how can the great simply ignore 
a man who insults with such an accusation? Say what day it 
was! Everything was recorded on that day. See for yourself. 

I am old. I have passed on the burden of management to 
my son. He knows for sure what I have written.” With this 



iti tena vinasta|dhrtih 

sa visrstas tat|sut’|antikam praptah. 

«Tato janati!» «sa me putro 
janati likhitam akhilam yat!» 
iti tasya bhavati suciram 

gat’|agatam kandukasy’ eva. 

2.35 Raja|kula|dvara|gate 

tasmin prayopaves’|arthe 
sahate narapati|kopam 

tyajati kirato na rupakasy’ amsam. 

Paripiditah sa rajna 

vividhair api yatana|sastraih 
«mama haste niksiptam 

kim cin nast’ iti» vakty eva. 

Aurva iv ati|lubdha 

bhavanti dhana|Iavana|vari|bahu|trsnah 
trna|lavam iva nijajdeham 

tyajanti lesam na vittasya. 

Devam dhan’|adhinatham 

Vaisravanam sakala|sampadam nilayam 
Sukrah provaca pura 

vitt’|arthl bala|mitram abhyetya: 

«Purnah, sakhe, tav’ ayam 

vibhavo vijit’|amar’|asur’|aisvaryah 
harsam vidadhati param 

suhrdam sokam ca satrunam. 



the merchant showed him the door. Faltering in determi¬ 
nation, he went to see the son. 

“Father knows!” 

“My son knows all that I have recorded!” 

In this manner he went to and fro like a ball, interminably. 

When he reached the gate* of the royal court and started 
a solemn fast of starvation,* the merchant suffered the king’s 
wrath, yet he did not give up a fraction of the money. 

Even though the king had him tormented with all kinds 
of instruments of torture, all he would say was: “Nothing 
was handed over to me!” 

The excessively avaricious 

are like submarine fires thirsting 
for the salt-water that is wealth. 

They will give up their own bodies 
as though they were bits of straw, 
but not even a little bit of money. 

Long ago,* Shukra,* in need of money, approached his 
boyhood-friend Vaishravana, the God of wealth, the fund 
of all affluence, and spoke: 

“My friend! Your abundant glory, surpassing in majesty 
the Gods and titans, gives utter joy to your friends and grief 
to your enemies. 




2.40 Tvayi suhrdi vitta|Nathe 

nihsvo ’ham bahu|kutumba|sambharah 
sama|duhkha|sukham mitram 

svadhlnatay” oditam prasamsanti. 

Yasasi vihit’|adaranam 

arthibhir upajivyamanajvibhavanam 

suhrd|upayogyah sriyo mahatam. 

Upanatam atipunya|cayaih 

sampurnam raksitam ca yatnena 
sampadi vipadi tranam 

bhavati nidhanam ca mitram ca.» 

Ity|ukrah sa|pranayam 

Daity’|acaryena nirjane Dhanadah 
tarn uvaca vicintya dram 

samruddhah sneha|lobhabhyam: 

«Janami bala|mitram 

tvam aham atyanta|sambhrta|sneham. 
kim tu na jlvita|jlvam 

dravina|lavam tyaktum Iso ’smi. 

2.45 Sneh’|arthl bandhu|janah, 

karyair bahubhir bhavanri mitrani, 
darah sutas ca sulabha, 

dhanam ekam durlabham loke. 

Ati|sahasam ati|duskaram 

atyjascaryam ca danam arthanam. 
yo’ pi dadati sariram 

na dadati sa vitta|lesam api.» 



While you, my friend, are the God of wealth, I, penni¬ 
less, am burdened with a huge family. A friend, constant in 
happiness and hardship, who has achieved financial inde¬ 
pendence, is acclaimed. 

It is quite in order for friends to avail themselves of the 
wealth of the great, who are earnest about their reputation, 
upon whose magnanimity the needy depend, who are born 
in illustrious lineages. 

A plentiful treasure-trove and a friend are both won 
by amassing stockpiles of exceptional merits. In prosper¬ 
ity they are safeguarded with care, and in adversity they 
afford protection.” 

Thus, in all sincerity, the preceptor of the Daityas con¬ 
fided in him in private. The God of wealth pondered this 
for a long while, torn between affection and avarice, and 
finally said to him: 

“I remember you as my boyhood companion with affec¬ 
tion beyond all measure.* But I cannot afford to give up 
even a minuscule sum of money, the essence of life.* 

A kinsman is someone who demands affection, 
friends can be made by all kinds of favors, 
wives and sons are easy to come by,— 
it is wealth alone 

that is difficult to win in this world. 

Giving away money is extremely rash, 
is beset with difficulties, 
is a most startling feat. 

Even someone who is ready to give up his own body 
could not give up even a paltry amount of money.” 






pratyakhyato Dhan’|adhinathena 
bhagna|mukho lulita|matih 
lajja|vakro yayau Sukrah. 

Sa vicintya grhe suciram 

sacivaih saha mayaya maha|yogi 
hartum dravinam asesam 

vivesa hrdayam Dhan’|esasya. 

Vaisravanah sakalam adbhuta|tyagah 

pradadau vittam dvi|jatibhyah. 

2 - 5 ° Kauberam dhanam akhilam 

hrtva yate tha danav’|acarye 
suciram Dhan’|adhinathah 

susoca vijnaya tam mayam. 


saha Sankha|Mukunda|Kunda|Padm’|adyaih 
samcintya Sukra|vikrtim 

sa jagad’ osnam vinihsvasya: 

«Suhrda marma(jnena 

vyajan mayavin” ati|lubdhena 
dhurtena vancito ’ham 

Daity’|asraya|durjayena Sukrena. 

Adhuna dravya|vihlnas 

trna|lava|laghutam ksanena sampraptah 
kathayami kasya duhkham? 

karomi kim va? kva gacchami? 



Repudiated by the God of wealth, Shukra departed with 
a haggard face, his hopes dashed. His mind was reeling, and 
he was bent low with shame. 

Back at home, he plotted with his counsellors for a long 
time. Then the great yogi magically possessed* the heart 
of the God of wealth in order to deprive him of all of his 
money. With his body possessed by Shukra, Vaishravana 
became startlingly generous and gave all of his wealth to 
brahmins who were in league with Shukra. 

After he had relieved Kubera of all of his wealth, the 
preceptor of the Daityas withdrew. The God of wealth then 
perceived the scheme and grieved for a long time. 

He put his head in his hands and brooded over Shukra’s 
sorcery with Shankha, Mukunda, Kunda, Padma etc.* He 
lamented with a hot sigh: 

“I have been duped by a thoroughly avaricious sorcerer 
masquerading as a friend. The evil Shukra knows my weak¬ 
nesses, and he is unassailable since he has the support of the 

Now, bereft of wealth, I have all of a sudden become as 
insignificant as piece of straw. To whom can I confide my 
grief? What can I do? Where can I go? 




Dhana|rahitam tyajati jano, 

jana|rahitam paribhavah samayanti. 
paribhutasya sariram 

vyasana|vikaro maha|bharah. 

2.55 Dayitesu sariravatam 

bata Dharma|lat”jalavalesu 
dravinesu jlvitesu ca 

sarvam yati prayatesu. 

Vidvan subhago man! 

visruta|karma kul’|onnatah surah 
vittena bhavati sarvo, 

vitta|vihlnas tu sad|guno ’py agunah.» 

Iti duhsaha|dhana|viraha| 

kles’|anala|losit’|asayo Dhana|pah 
suciram vimrsya sacivair 

devam Sarvam yayau saranam. 
Prak|pratipanno rha sakha 

visva|saranyo Mahesvaras tena 
vijnapto nija|vrttam 

dutam visasarja Sukraya. 

Dur’|ahutam sahasa 

prapram Sukram dhana|prabha|sukram 

provaca purah|sthiram Purajit: 

2.60 «Mitram ayam Dravina|parih 

bhavata bata! vancitah krra|jnena 
mirra|drohe prasarati 

na hi nama janah krra|ghno ’pi. 
Aganita|yaSasa tyakta| 



Retainers desert a man stripped of wealth. 

Without attendants, a man is shown contempt. 

The body of a disgraced man becomes a heavy burden, 
a pernicious blight. 

Alas! When riches or life, 2 -55 

cherished by embodied beings, 
irrigation basins for the vine of the Law, 
are lost, all is lost. 

A man with money becomes all: 

wise, handsome, respected, renowned, noble, valorous; 
but without money, 

even a virtuous man becomes infamous.” 

The God of wealth, his hopes parched by the fire which 
was the unbearable misery of losing his wealth, deliberated 
with his counsellors for a long time, then sought refuge with 
the God Shiva. Long ago he had gained a friend in Shiva, 
a refuge accessible to everyone. Appraised of events, Shiva 
sent a personal envoy to Shukra. 

Summoned by the envoy, Shukra presented himself at 
once, dazzling with the splendor of wealth, with a crown 
made of his hands folded in reverence. Shiva, the destroyer 
of the citadel, spoke to him as he stood before him: 

“Dear me! Though fully conscious of your obligations, 2.60 
you have cheated this friend of yours, the God of wealth. 

Not even a selfish ingrate goes as far as harming a friend. My 
good man! Who has ever deceived an affectionate friend, 
innocent and trusting, as you have, heedless of your repu¬ 
tation, straying from your station? 



sthitina sadho tvaya yatha kena 
snigdhe suhrdi niragasi 

visvaste vancana kriyate? 

Etat kim sruta|sadrsam 

tvad|vrata|yogyam kul’|anurupam va 
krtavan asi yat sumate 

paribhuta|gun’|odayam karma? 

Kim ayam sunay’|abhyasah 

prasamo va guru|jan’|opadeso va 
mati|vibhavah saha|jo va 

vaiicakatam yena yato ’si? 

Kasya na dayitam vittam? 

cittam hriyate na kasya vittena? 
kim tu yaso|dhana|lubdha 

vanchanti na duskrtair arthan. 

2.65 Ma ma malinaya vimalam 

bhrgu|kulam akhilam malena lobhena. 
lobha|jala|do hi satruh 


Tyaktva kirtim anantam 

anil’|akula|jala|lav’|opaman arthan 
grhnati yah sa madhye 

dhurtanam kldrso dhurtah? 

Utsrjya sadhu|vrttam 

kutila|dhiya vancitah paro yena 
atm” aiva mudha|matina 

hata|sukrto vancitas tena. 



Does this befit your learning, is it compatible with the 
vows you observe, is it in keeping with your lineage, wise 
man, that you have done a deed springing from a disregard 
of virtue? 

Was it perhaps your adherence to prudent conduct, or 
your practice of tranquility, or the instruction of your teach¬ 
ers, or your inborn high-mindedness, that led you to become 
a fraud? 

To whom is wealth not dear? Who is not fascinated by 
wealth? But those who long for the wealth of a good reputa¬ 
tion do not aspire to gain riches by illicit means. Do not! Do 2.65 
not besmirch the entire, unsullied lineage of Bhrigu with 
the stain of avarice! For the cloud of avarice is the enemy of 
the swans of untainted repute. 

What a villain among villains is he 
who throws away immortal fame and prefers riches, 
which are like droplets of water 
blown about by the wind? 

He who strays from good conduct 
and with wily cunning deceives another, 
that simpleton deceives only himself, 
wiping out meritorious deeds done in the past. 



nava|kisalaya|komala prakrty” aiva 

amodair murchita laksmlh. 

Na hi nama sajljananam 

suddha|yasah sphatika|darpano vimalah 
nisvasair malinatam eti. 

2.70 Asamanjasam atimalinam 

mohad vyaktim samagatam karma, 
tasya visuddhih kriyatam 

para|vitta|samarpanen’ aiva. 


amala|yaso mrjyatam sva|hastena! 
asmad|vacanam kriyatam! 

para|dhanam utsrjyatam etat!» 

Ity|ukrah s’|anunayam 

tri|bhuvana|gurun” api Deva|devena 

provaca krt’|anjalih ^ukrah: 

«Bhagavan, bhavatah sasanam 
langhayati ko nu mohad 

daurgatyam sattva|hari yadi na syat? 

Yasya kslnasya grhe 

bhrtya darah sutas ca sidanti 
kary ’ | akarya| vicaro 

dravin’|adanesu kas tasya? 



For those who have fallen 

and whose reputation has become tarnished, 
good fortune, 

which is by nature delicate 
like a freshly sprouted tendril, 
wilts with the fumes 

given off by the toxic tree of infamy.* 

For indeed, the pure repute of the virtuous, 
is a veritable stainless crystal mirror, 
that does not become tarnished 

by the sighs of people anguished by humiliation. 

Make amends for this unbecoming, despicable deed, per¬ 
petrated out of folly, by simply returning the money belong¬ 
ing to another. 

Wipe clean with your own hand your pure reputation, 
soiled by the dust of condemnation! Do what we say! Re¬ 
linquish the money belonging to another!” 

Even though he was thus spoken to in conciliatory tones 
by the God of gods, Shiva, the teacher of the triple world, 
Shukra, resolute in his craving for another’s wealth, folded 
his hands and spoke: 

“Blessed one! Who would foolishly dare transgress your 
command which rests on the myriad crowns of the foremost 
Gods, were it not that destitution had robbed his good 

What deliberation of right or wrong in the procuring 
of money can there be for a wretch in whose house his 
retainers, wives and sons languish in despair? 




2.75 Mitram ayam Dhana|natho 

vipadi tranam vicintitah satatam. 
vrddhim yatah sumahan 

asa|bandhas ca me hrdaye. 

Abhyetya yacito ’pi 

tyaktva lajjam maya vigatajlajjah 
cicched’ aisa mam’ asam 

sahasa pratisedha|sastrena. 

Tena prahrtam asastram 

daho ’nagnis ca nirvisam maranam 
vihitam sathena mohad 

asajbharighah krto yena. 

Tasman mam’ aisa satruh 

sukrta|samam satru|vancan” apapam. 
riktasya nirapavado 

vyajen’ oparjito ’py arthah. 

Anu dhanam api na 

tyajyam mama bhavata jnapite satyam 
vittam jivitam agryam. 

jlvita|hanir dhana|tyagah.» 

2.8° j t ; bhasamanam asakrd 

Daitya|gurum prarthitam punar bahusah 
kavali|cakara sahasa 

pratisedha|rusa Virupaksah. 

Jathar’|antare Purareh 



Sukras cukrosa s’|akrosah. 



I had always considered the God of wealth as my friend, 2.75 
and a shelter in adversity. A great expectation had grown 
strong in my heart. 

Even though I approached him and begged him, swal¬ 
lowing my pride, he, unabashed, brusquely severed my hope 
with the blade of rejection. 

That miscreant ignorantly shattered my hopes, wounded 
me without a weapon, burnt me without fire, brought death 
without venom. 

Therefore he is my foe. Deceiving an enemy is equivalent 
to a good deed, and not a sin. The wealth of an indigent 
man, even if won by guile, is beyond reproach. 

I need not give up even an atom of wealth when you 
yourself have rightly just said that fame : wealth is the 
vital spark. Giving up wealth is to lay down one’s life.”* 

The teacher of the Daityas kept on prevaricating in this 2.80 
way despite many repeated appeals. Angry at his obstinacy, 
the three-eyed Shiva suddenly swallowed him down. 

Shukra shrieked and cursed as his body stewed in the 
terrifying cavern suffused with the world-ending fire inside 
the belly of Shiva. 



«Tyaja dhanam!» iti Visamadrsa 

punah punah prerito ’vadac Chukra:h 
«nidhanam mam’ astu bhagavan 

Dhanadajdhanam n’ anujanami.» 

Atha dharana|pravrddha| 
Sukras cukrosa bhrsam 

ghora|gabh!re Har’|odare patitah. 

Tam uvaca Deva|devah: 

«tyaja durgraha|dagdha parajvittam! 
asminn udara|mah”|odadhi| 

vadav”|agnau ma gamah pralayam.» 

2.85 So Vadad: «ati(laya|tapa| 

varam iha maranam sreyo 

dravina|kanam na tyajami s’|6cchvasah.» 

Punar api ghoratar’|odgata| 
kar|anala|dharan”|anale jvalati 
Sukras cakre Devyah 

stotram ksanajlesa|ses’|ayuh. 

Stotra|pad’ |aradhitaya 

Gaurya pranayajprasadite Rudre 
tad|vacasa labdha|dhrtih 

sukra|dvarena niryayau Sukrah. 

Evam sva|bhava|lubdhah 

tlvrataram yatanam api sahante 
na tu samtyajanti vittam 

kautilyam iv’ adhamah sahajam. 



“Yield the money!” Again and again Shiva urged him. 
Shukra said: “Let me die, Blessed one! I will not give back 
the money of the God of wealth. ” 

Then Shukra plummeted downwards into the horrify¬ 
ing depths of Shiva’s bowels, horrendous with thousands of 
seething flames intensified by his yogic fixation,* and wailed 

The God of gods said to him: “Stubborn wretch! Give 
up the money of another! Don’t perish in the submarine fire 
in my stomach-ocean!” 

Shukra replied: “I prefer death here in this conflagration 2.85 
fanned up with the marrow-fat streaming from my bones 
cracking asunder by the extreme heat. I will not surrender 
any money as long as I breathe.” 

As the flames of Shiva’s yogic fixation and the ferocious 
world-ending fire flared up yet more, Shukra, with the last 
remaining moments of his life, composed a hymn to the 

Then Gauri, propitiated by the words of his hymn, affec¬ 
tionately appeased Shiva, and Shukra regained his stability 
by Shiva’s command and came forth as Shiva’s semen. 

So, those avaricious by nature endure even savage torture 
without giving up money, just as lowborn wretches cannot 
give up their inbred dishonesty. 



Tasmal lobha|samuttha 

kapata|kala kutila|vartinl maya 
lubdha|hrdayesu nivasati. 

n’ alubdho vancanam kurute. 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendra|viracite 

lobha|varnanam nama 
dvitlyah sargah. 



Therefore, the art of fraud, born from avarice, a delusion 
which moves crookedly, dwells in the hearts of the greedy. 
A man who is not greedy does not cheat. 

The second canto, 
named the description of avarice, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 


3. LUST 

amah kamaniyataya 

kim api nikamam* karoti sammoham. 
visam iva madhuna sahitam 

madhurataya jlvanam harati. 

Ete hi kama/kalitah 

parimala /tin ’/ali/valaya /h umkaraih 
sucita/danah karino 

badhyante ksipram abalabhih. 

Pad’|aghatam dasana/ 

visaya/musitah kar’/mdrah 

kim na smara/vancitah sahate? 


bhru|bhang’Jajna|vidheyatam yatah 
visayajvivaso manusyah 

keli|sikhand” iva nartyate stribhih. 


S ensuality, by its allure, 

somehow manages to make infatuation desirable. 

It destroys life by its sweetness, 
like a poison taken with honey. 

For elephants : men, 

maddened by passion : incited to lust, 

with their rut-fluid betrayed by the buzzing of encircling 
bee-swarms attracted by its fragrance 
: by the tinkling sounds of perfumed bracelets arrayed in 
rows, and who bring suitably lavish gifts, 
are quickly bound by their hind-legs : embraced by 

Does not a mighty elephant : lover, 

deprived of his open range : blinded by sensual pleasures, 

tricked by affection : duped by Cupid, 

endure being kicked,* 

let itself be shorn of its tusks : endure bites, 
driven with a goad : nail scratches, 
and fettered with iron chains : entwining in erotic 

Women make a man, 

rendered impotent by severe vices, 
tamed to obey commands given by raised eye-brows, 
overpowered by sensual pleasures, 
dance like a pet peacock. 




Rakt ’/akarsana/sakta 

mayabhir moha/dmira/rajanlsu 
naryah pisacika iva 

haranti hrdayani mugdhanam. 




strlnam na hi mucyate vasa|gah. 


Sambara|Mayam Visnu|mayam ca 
yo janati jit’|atma 

so ’pi na janati yositam mayam. 


janayanti kasya n’ antah 

vicitra|caritah striyo moham? 



Women, intent on attracting impassioned men 3.5 

on nights dark with infatuation, 

steal the hearts of the simple-minded with cunning, 

just like demonesses, 

: intent on drinking blood, 
seize the hearts of their innocent victims 
with sorcery on nights dark with witchcraft.* 

There is no escape for those under the sway of women, 
for they are snares 

for the deer that are impassioned men, 
they are a throng of chain-fetters 
for the elephant that is the heart, 
they are the thriving tangle-weed that is addiction. 

Even a self-realised person, 

who understands the strange delusion of transmigration, 

the sorcery of Shambara, 

and Vishnu’s Maya, 

cannot grasp the deception of women. 

With bodies as delicate as flowers, 
with hearts tough like slabs of diamond, 
whom do women, with their bizarre behavior, 
not trouble deep within? 



Anurakta|j ana|virakta 

namr’|otsikta virakta|raginyah 

naryo ’sadbhava|bhasinyah. 

3-io Jatah sa eva loke 

bahu|jana|drsta vilasa|kusal’|angl 

yasya na patnl prabhur gehe. 

Vijitasya mada|vikaraih 

strlbhir mukasya nasta|samjnasya 
grha|dhuli|patalam akhilam 

vadane niksipyate bhartuh. 


kama|kalabhih sva|bhava|mugdh” eva 
tilakaya candra|bimbam 

mugdha|patim yacate praudha. 


khinnayas tlrtha|darsana|vyajaih 
bharta vilasa|vijitah 

caranau mrdnati capalayah. 

1 66 


Women are hostile to those who show affection, 

contemptuous of the subservient, 

infatuated with the indifferent, 

full of regard for the words of fraudsters, 

and inclined to lie. 

Only that man becomes master of his house, 

who has a wife who is not frequented by many people, 
whose limbs are not good at flirting gestures, 
who is not a banner to the ruin of fortitude. 

Women empty the whole dustbin 
of household rubbish* 

into the face of their husband who, 
stupefied by infatuation, 
remains dumb and witless. 

In a loving, sweet tone with artificially indistinct syllables, 
the bossy matron, 

as though she were a naturally artless girl, 
begs her dim husband 

for the moon-disk as her forehead-ornament. 

The fickle woman exhausts herself 
by coming and going to amuse herself at will 
with her lovers 

under the pretext of going to see sacred fords. 

Her husband, taken in by her affected coyness, 
then massages her feet. 





Nayana|vikarair anyam 

vacanair anyam vicestitair anyam 
ramayati suraten’ anyam 

strl bahu|rupa sva|bhavena. 


para|taru|bhrngl sva|bhava|matangl 

kutilajbhujangl nija kasya? 


sambhoga|sukh’|artha|bhogim vesya 
dhany” eti» vadanti sada 

s’|occhvasa nirjane naryah. 

Capala tisthati harmye 

gayati rathy”|avalokinI svairam 
dhavaty akaranam va 

hasati sphatik’|asma|mal” eva. 

«Pasur iva vaktum kartum 

kim cid ayam mama patir na janati» 
uktv” eti grhe sva|janam 

purusa|vyaparam angana kurute. 

Pratyutthanam kurute 

vyavahara|gat’|agataih svayam yati 
uccair vadati ca gehe 

grhinl jlvan|mrtasy’ eva. 



She loves one man by flirting with her eyes, 
another with her words, 
another with her gestures, 

another physically-a woman inherently has many forms.* 

A female antelope inconstant to her mate, 
a female bee on another’s tree, 
an outcaste by nature, 
a wave of false coquetry, 
a crooked serpent 
—whose is she? 

When alone, women always sigh, saying: 

“Fortunate is a courtesan, 

enjoying the pleasure of free union with many youths!”* 

She is unpredictable: either she remains in her mansion, 
sings and at will casts an eye on the street below, 
or she runs or laughs for no reason, 

seemingly garlanded with a rosary of rock-crystal. 

“Like a brute, 

this husband of mine does not know how to say or do 

saying this to her servants in the house, 
the woman takes over the man’s business.* 

The wife, 

whose husband may as well be dead while still alive, 
welcomes visitors, 
goes herself for routine business, 
and raises her voice in the house. 




3.20 Irsyalu|vrddha|bharya 

sevaka|patni niyogi|kanta va 

lubdha|vadhuh sarthavahajvanita va; 

taruna|jane vatsala prakrty” aiva 
para|guna|ganane sakta 

nija|pati|dos’|abhidhayini satatam; 
Alpa|dhana bahu|bhoga 

rupavatl vikrta|rupa|bharya va 
mugdha|vadhuh sakala|kala 

manavatl mca|samgam’|6dvigna; 



sura|jane prakrti|paksa|pat” aiva; 

bahu|vidha|vesa nirargala|tyaga 

satya|vihlna sva|bhava|nirlajja; 

3.25 Kusal’janamaya|vartaj 

prasna|para priti|pesal’|alapa 
vijane vividha|krida| 



The wife of a jealous old man, 

the wife of a servant, 

or the spouse of a commissioner,* 

the woman of an artisan or a performer, 

the wife of a lecher,* 

the wife of a caravan-leader; 

A woman accustomed to frequenting congregations, 
a woman by nature fond of young people, 
a woman addicted to recounting the virtues of other men, 
a woman who incessantly lists the faults of her own husband; 
A poor woman who spends much, 
a beautiful woman or the wife of a misshapen man, 
the wife of a naive man, 
a woman proud of her skill in all of the arts, 
a woman excited by associating with lowly people; 

A woman who is always gambling and drinking, 
a woman accomplished in singing musical modes, 
songs and telling drawn out tales, 
a woman whose companions have many affairs, 
a woman who instinctively is partial to intrepid men; 

A woman who neglects her household duties, 
a woman with a large wardrobe of garments, 
a woman free to leave the house, 
a woman who gives audacious answers, 
a woman without honesty, 
an inherently shameless woman; 

A woman given to queries about welfare, 
health and gossip, 

a woman whose speech is tender with affection, 
a woman who is publicly a loyal Savitri* but in secret, 


dambarajsaunda prakasa|Savitri; 



yag’|6tsava|karinl sva|tantr” eva; 

sva|jana|vimukta mano|ram’|asakta 

dayita|virakta samadhi|samyukta; 

vacanajvicitra sa|sabdajpadatra 
vijneya nasta|caritra. 


mohita/janata bahu/grahas capalah 
samdhyah striyah 

pisacyo rakta/cchaya/harah krurah. 

x 7 2 


is addicted to an entanglement 
of all kinds of amorous sports; 

A woman keen to visit sacrifices, 
sacred fords, temples, astrologers, 
physicians, and relatives, 
a woman who, as though she were independent, 
arranges festivals of ceremonial offerings 
with great expense for drink and food; 

A woman devoted to monks and ascetics, 
a woman abandoned by her kinsfolk, 
a woman attached to pleasant things, 
a woman desiring to see icons and have initiations, 
a woman separated from her lover, 
but with him in meditation; 

A woman whose friends divert themselves 
with social functions, 
a woman who entertains with her words, 
a woman with clattering shoes, 
or a woman with sacrificial grass around her neck, 

—such like must be known as a woman of loose conduct. 

Women are twilight-skies, 

are ever fond of vices : ever reddening the night, 
delude people : delight people, 
take many men : are full of planets, 
are inconstant : last but a short while ; 
they are cruel demonesses 

beautiful with red cheeks : drawn by the life-glow of 



3.30 Kasya na vahana|yogya 

mugdha|dhiyas tuccha|sasane lagnah 
samdhataya prasama|rucah 

capalasu strlsu ye dantah? 


asamanjasa|dana|varnana vividhah 
etavad eva tasam 

amantra|yantram vasl|karanam. 


rajani|carlnam sahasra|mayanam 
strlnam nrsamsa|caritaih 

kasya na samjayate kampah? 


babhuva bhuvi visruto vanifijnathah 
Dhanadatto nama pura 

ratnanam asrayah payodhir iva. 

Tasy’ abhavad vibhutih 

murt” eva Manojbhuvah sulalit’|angl 
tanaya nayanajvilasaih 

vijit’|asa Vasumatl nama. 

3.35 Pradadau sa tam aputrah 

putra|pade vinihitam priyam putrlm 
vanije vibhava|kul’|odaya| 

tulyaya Samudra|dattaya. 

Ramamanah sa taya saha 

harin”|aksya svasura|mandire suciram 
prayayau kada cid agre 

dvlp’|ayatasya sarthasya. 



For whom might naive men, — 3.30 

obedient to the slightest whim of women, 
who have lost their dignity 

because they have become emasculated, 
who are subdued among women,— 
not serve as beasts of burden? 

Bragging of audacity in love, 

and various boasts of gifts to unworthy people,* 
this is sufficient to captivate* women 
without using mantras or yantras. 

Who does not tremble at the cruel deeds of women, 
who are night-stalkers 
on nights dark like the age of discord, 
who know thousands of sorceries? 

Once, there was a world-famous merchant-prince called 
Dhana-datta who surpassed the God of wealth with his 
splendor. Like the sea, he was a repository of gemstones. 

He had a voluptuous daughter called Vasumati, the mag¬ 
nificence of the God of love embodied, as it were. With the 
playful movements of her eyes she had conquered the points 
of the compass. 

Being sonless, he appointed his cherished daughter as heir 3.35 
in place of a son, and gave her in marriage to the merchant 
Samudra-datta, her equal in wealth and noble lineage. 

For a long time Samudra-datta remained in his father-in- 
law’s palace, enjoying the pleasures of love with the doe-eyed 
maiden. Then, the time came when he set out at the head 
of a trade caravan which had arrived from a foreign island. 



Patyau yate tarunl 

janaka|grhe harmya|sikharam arudha 
vilalasa vilasa|mahl| 

keli|vilola sakhlbhih sa. 

Saudhe Manmatha|rupam 

prthu|nayana pathi dadarsa purusam sa 
yam drstv” aiva gat” asyah 

kv’ api dhrtih kumati|kupit” eva. 

Sa tena capala|nayana 

sahasa musit” eva harita|vicara 
adhyavasay’|asakta nitaram 

samvarane smara|vikarasya. 

3.40 «$Ilam palaya capale! 

ma pataya nimnag eva kula|kulam» 
iti tam avadad iv occaih 

kamp’|akula|mukhara|mekhala suciram. 

Sa krtva vidita|katham 

rahasi sakhim aninaya tam tarunam. 
calitam hi kaminmam 

dhartum saknoti kas cittam? 

Kamam kama|vikasaih 

suratajvilasaih sunarma|parihasaih 

mumude sa svairini tena. 

Atha krtajnija|dhana|krtyah 

tvaritam dayita|vilokan’ jotkanthah 
avisat Samudradattah 

svasur’|avasam mah”|arambhah. 



While her husband was abroad, the young lady ascended 
to the spires of her father’s palace and diverted herself by 
playing games on the amusement-terraces* with her friends. 

While she was among the spires, the large-eyed lady es¬ 
pied on the road a man, as beautiful as the God of love. 
No sooner had she seen him, than her self-control slipped 
away, as though angered by her improper thoughts. 

The lady with tremulous eyes, deprived of her discern¬ 
ment, seemed as if she had been forcibly robbed by him, 
and was incapable of mustering enough purpose of mind 
to conceal the changes love had wrought in her. 

Her girdle, tinkling because it was shaken by tremors, 
seemed ever to call out to her in shrill tones: 

“Hold on to your morals! 

Do not drag down the limits of your family!” 

In secret, she confided the affair to her friend and ordered: 
“Bring me that young man!” For, who can grasp the volatile 
mind of impassioned women? 

The uninhibited woman made love with him to her 
heart’s content, with rising passion, with playful gestures 
during intercourse, with wit and humor, and with love- 
nests chosen at fancy.* 

Samudra-datta, with great haste, settled his financial af¬ 
fairs, and, longing to see his beloved wife, he rushed home 
to his father-in-law’s residence. 




Vip ula| mah” | otsava| llla| 

vyagra|janair bhoga|sampadam nicayaih 
ati|vahya dinam dayita 

sahitah sayyajgrhe sa yayau. 

3.45 Viracita|varatara|sayane 

baddha|vitane manorama|sthane 

sura|grha|rupe pradlpta|mani|dlpe. 

Tatra sa madhu|kara|vilulita|* 

locana|kamalam priyam samadaya 
mada|gaja iva nava|nalinlm 
bheje rati|lalasah sayyam. 

S” api hrday’/antara/sthital 
para/purusa/dhyana/baddha/Jabs ” aiva 
tasthau nimllit’|aksl 

dhyana|para yogin” iva ciram. 


nIvi|vimoksesu bahutar’|6cchvasa 
patyau sankucit’|angi 

sasmara tam eva sila|haram. 

Pranaya|kupit” eti matva 

mugdhajpatis tam Samudradatto pi 
pranipatya catu|karaih 

kim api yayace prasadaya. 

3.50 Para|purusa|raginlnam 

vimukhlnam pranaya|kopajvamanam 
purusa|pasavo vimudha 

rajyante yositam adhikam. 



The day was spent with people revelling in the merri¬ 
ment of a huge festival, and with an exuberance of exquisite 
entertainments. Then he retired with his beloved wife to 
the sleeping-quarters. 

They were furnished with an impeccable bed, covered 3.45 
with a canopy, delightfully appointed, suffused with fra¬ 
grant incense, as beautiful as a palace of the Gods, and 
provided with gleaming jewel-inlaid lamps. 

There, he took hold of his beloved, whose eye-lotuses 
were tremulous with flitting bee-pupils and, eager for love- 
making, he went to bed, just as a rutting elephant enters a 
pond full of fresh lilies. 

Her thoughts, on the other hand, centered on that other 
man who dwelt in her heart. She remained indifferent with 
her eyes shut for a long time like a Yogini deep in meditation, 
who has fixed as the goal of her meditation the supreme soul 
which abides in the innermost heart. 

Time and again she sighed while he embraced her, kissed 
her and undid her garments. She shrank from her husband 
and remembered only him who had robbed her virtue.* 

Her naive husband Samudra-datta thought her to be co- 
quettishly feigning anger.* He fell at her feet and tried hard 
to mollify her with honeyed words. 

For dim-witted man-beasts are even more fascinated by 3.50 
women infatuated with other men, who are standoffish and 
obstinate with feigned anger. 



Kim kriyate kamo yam 

parajgata|kamah sva|tantra|kamas ca? 
bata Sasa|dhara|raktayam 

Samdhyayam Bhaskaro ragl. 


nyastam sa vallabham sa|samketam 
samcintya ciram sva|patim 

visam iva sammurchita mene. 


pranaya|srante Samudradatte sa 
utthaya racitajvesa 

sanakair gaman’jonmukhl tasthau. 

Caurah ksane ’tha tasmin 

madhujmatta|jane pravisya tad|bhavanam 
gaman’|6nmukham apasyan 

mukhar’jabharanam alaksyas tarn. 

3-55 Arr’antare saf’/arikah 

sanakaih Suralraja/vallabham kakubham 
cakita iv asu cakampe 

mllita/taram samalingya. 



How can love manage to be both 
aimed at dependency on another 
and also aimed at being independent? 

Alas! The Sun loves lady Twilight 
who loves the hare-marked Moon.* 

For a long time she fantasized about her lover who lay 
waiting in a concealed bower in a grove as agreed, and 
swooning, she thought of her husband as venom. 

At last, when Samudra-datta’s eyes were sealed by sleep, 
exhausted as he was by his attemps to placate her, she arose, 
quietly put on her garments, and paused, ready to leave. 

Now, at that very moment, a thief entered the building 
while the people were intoxicated with wine. Unnoticed, he 
watched her as she stood there anxious to depart, tinkling 
with ornaments. 

Just then, the hare-marked moon, 
which had slowly risen into the eastern quarter, 
twinkling with stars, 

suddenly Bickered* with a Hash, as it were. 

: The moon, 

slowly embracing the lady of the eastern quarter, 
beloved by the king of Gods, 
who had shut her eyes, 
suddenly trembled, 
exhilarated, as it were. 





kumuda|vij rmbha|viraj amanayah 
prasasara Tuhina|kirano 

Yaminyah kapata|hasa iva. 

Ra vi/paritapa/sran tam 

vlksya Divam prasarad/indu/s’/anandam 
jahasur iva kumuda|vrndaih 

ali|kula|jhankara|nirbhara vapyah. 

Jagraha rajani|ramanl 

lajj”|anvit” eva puratah 


Supta|jane tha nis”jardhe 

candr’|aloke’pi vimalatam yate 
tamas ’ iva nirvisanka 

sa sanakair upavanam prayayau. 



The cold-rayed Moon came forth 
as though he were pretending to be 
the laughter of the Night, 

who drew back her pale red lotus-lips, 

and who was bright 

with wide open night-lily-teeth. 

On seeing the sky, 

exhausted by the scorching heat of the sun, 
rejoice at the rising of the moon, 

: On seeing lady Div, 
worn out by the passionate ardor of Ravi, 
rejoice as he reaches his climax, 
the ponds, seemed to laugh, as it were, 
with clusters of night-lilies, 
boisterous with the drone of bee-swarms. 

The beautiful lady night, 

her veiling bodice of darkness 
pulled off by the rays* of the moon, 
seemingly abashed, 

veiled herself in a cloak of swarms of bees 
excited by the scent of night-lilies. 

Then, when everyone was asleep at midnight, the un¬ 
daunted lady quietly went to the grove in a darkness of 
immorality,* as it were, even though the moon was bright. 



3.6° Atha sa vivesa vivasa 

visama/sara/plosita nij’/dpavanam 
channam bhusana/lobhad 

anuyata vismitena caurena. 

Tatra dadarsa vibhusitam 

ujjvala|lalit’|amsukam lasat|kusumam 
sanka|janakam vipine 

paksibhir upalaksitam dayitam. 




candrena kar’|analair dagdham. 


mukt’|asam priyatama|punar|milane 

valay’|alambena vigalita|pranam. 

Tam drstv” aiva villna 

vilapantl vyasana|soka|samtrasaih 
nipapata vallar” lva 

kvanad|ali|valay’jakula tanvi. 

3.65 Sammoha|mIlit’|aksI 

suciram sthitva mahlm samalingya 
sanakair avapta|jlva 

vilalapa laghu|svaraih svairam. 



The impulsive woman, 3.60 

burnt by the God of love 

who bears an uneven number of arrows, 
entered the familiar grove, 
secretly followed by the astonished thief 
out of greed for her ornaments 
: like a hunted animal wounded by terrible arrows, 
she entered her grove wishing to die, * 
secretly followed by the gleeful hunter 
greedy for trophies. 

There she beheld her lover. He wore ornaments, was 
clothed in a shimmering, sumptuous robe, he gleamed with 
flowers, ominous in the thicket, he was advertised by birds. 

He had been scorched by the banks of blazing flames 
of separation from his heart’s beloved, and blistered by the 
moon, whose splendor illuminated the quarters, with fires 
which were his rays. 

After waiting for a long time at the rendez-vous, he had 
given up hope of ever meeting his beloved again. His life 
had drained away as he hanged himself in the noose of a 
vine dangling from a tree. 

When she saw him, the slender lady faltered, and weeping 
with shivers of grief at the tragedy, she fell to the ground 
like a vine overrun by swarms of humming bees. 

Her eyes closed in oblivion, she lay there for a long time, 3.65 
embracing the earth. Then, slowly regaining consciousness, 
she sobbed without holding back with feeble tones. 



«Ha ha! nayan’|ananda! 

kva nu te purn’|endu|sundaram vadanam? 
draksyami mandajbhagya 

kim idam? kv’ aham kva me kantah!» 

Iti taruna|karunam abala 

vilapya pasam vimucya yatnena 
anke dhrtv” asya mukham 

cucumba jlvam ksipant” iva. 

Sa tasya vadana|kamalam 
nija|vadane mohita krtva 
tambula|garbham akarot 

fprakatita|sakara|rag” eva.f 
Atha tasyah kusum’|otkara| 

avisya sava|sarlram 

nasam ciccheda vetalah. 

3.70 Sa prapya capal’|6citam 

anaya|phalam chinnajnasika gatva 
bhavanam pravisya 

bhartus taram «hah” eti» cukrosa. 
Pratibuddhe sakala|jane 

nada|traste Samudradatte ca 
«sa nasika mrt” eyam 

bhartra chinn” eti» cakranda. 

prstah kupitaih Samudradatto’pi 
vikritah para|dese 

muka iv oce na kim cid api. 



“Alas! Alas! O delight of my eyes! Where now is your face, 
handsome like the full moon? Will I, hapless woman, see it 
again? What a gulf between between me and my lover!” 

The frail woman lamented tenderly and pitifully. She 
struggled to release the noose, held his face in her lap and 
kissed him as though she were transferring life back into 

Dazed, she pressed her own mouth against his mouth- 
lotus and transferred betelnut into it, fas though to demon¬ 
strate the depth of her lovef. 

Now a Vetala was summoned by the fragrance of the piles 
of flowers, musk-incense and the like. He entered the corpse 
and bit off her nose.* 

Reaping retribution for her misconduct appropriate to 
her insolence, she escaped with a severed nose.* She entered 
the house of her husband and shrieked aloud: “Alas! Alas!” 

When everyone had been awakend, and Samudra-datta 
was frightened by the noise, she wailed: “My nose is ruined, 
cut off by my husband!” 

When her angry kinsmen, headed by the father-in-law 
questioned Samudra-datta, he said nothing at all, as though 
he were a dumb person being sold in a foreign land.* 




Atha c’ asya samprabhate 

bandhubhir avedite nrpa|sabhayam 
tatr abhun nrpa|kopo 

bahu|dhana|dandah Samudradattasya. 

Cauro ’pi nikhila|vrttam 

pratyaksam aveksya vismay’|avistah 
avedya bhupajpuratah 

prapya ca valay’|adi|satkaram; 

3.75 Udyane sava|vadane 

tasyas tam nasikam ca samdarsya 

suddhim vidadhe Samudradattasya. 

Ity etah kutilatarah 

krur’|acara gata|trapas capalah 
yo nama vetti vamah 

sa stribhir n’ aiva vancyate matiman. 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendra|viracite 

kama|varnanam nama 
tritiyah sargah. 



So, in the morning her kinsmen reported the crime in 
the royal court. The king’s wrath fell upon Samudra-datta 
and he was fined a huge sum of money. 

Now the thief who had witnessed the whole affair was 
stricken with wonder. He reported it before the king, and 
on receiving a reward of a bracelet and such like, 

He pointed out her nose in the mouth of the corpse in 3.75 
the grove. Thus he exonerated Samudra-datta as it would 
have befitted a friend with no ulterior motive. 

The wise man, 

who truly understands such beautiful ladies 
to be exceedingly crooked, 
cruel in conduct, shameless and fickle, 
is not deceived by women.* 

The third canto, 
named the depiction of lust, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 



T atr’ api vesa|yosah 

kutilatarah kuta|raga|hrta|lokah 
kapata|caritena yasam| 

Vaisravanah pravanatam eti. 

Harinyas catulatara 

bahula/tarangas ca nimna/gaminyah 
nadya iva jaladhi|madhye 

vesya|hrdaye kalas catuh|sastih. 

Vesa|kala nrtya|kala 

glta|kala vakra|vlksana|kala ca 

grahana|kala mitra|vancana|kala ca; 
Pana|kala keli|kala 

surata|kal”|alingan’|antara|kala ca 

ruditajkala kopa|samksaya|kala ca; 

4-5 Cumbana|nakha|danta|kala 

nirlajj”|avega|sambhrama|kala ca 

kama|pratisedhajniscaya|kala ca; 



nispanda|kala mrt’|opama|kaIa ca; 


A mong them, courtesans are the most perfidious.* 
they ravish the world with feigned love, 
to whom, by treacherous machinations, 
even the God of wealth becomes a generous donor. 

In the heart of courtesans 
are sixty-four arts : motions ;* 

they are ravishing : destructive, fickle : heave, 
capricious : abound in waves, 

and consort with mean characters : How downwards; 
just as there are currents 
in the ocean.* 

The art of couture, 
the art of dancing, 

the art of singing, the art of sidelong glances, 

the art of recognising lustful men, 

the art of ensnaring, the art of deceiving friends; 

The art of cocktail-making, the art of amorous sport, 
the art of intercourse, the art of various embraces, 
the arts of playful jealousy and quarrel, 
the art of crying, the art of dissipating anger; 

The arts of kissing, scratching and biting,* 
the arts of being shameless, aroused, and ardent, 
the art of passion which cannot endure separation, 
the art of resolving to frustrate passion; 

The arts of perspiring, fatigue and trembling, 
the art of frequently freshening up in private, 
the arts of shutting the eyes, 
the art of appearing powerless and motionless, 
the art of appearing dead; 





sad|grha|gaman’ |eksan’ |otsava|kala ca 

yacna|kali|kala caura|parthiva|kala ca; 

niskarana|dosa|bhasana|kala ca 

nidr” (aksijrajasvalavara|kala ca; 
Ruksa|kala tlksna|kala| 

gala|hasta|grh’|argar|arpana|kala ca 
samtyakta| kamuk’ | ahrti | 

darsana|yatrajstuti|kala ca; 

4.10 Tlrth’jopavana)sur’|alayaj 

viharana|hela|kala graha|kala ca 

vrsyajkala kesa|ranjana|kala ca; 

punya|kala dvlpa|darsana|kala ca 

paryante kuttinl|kala vesya. 



The art of brawling with her own mother, 
the art of glad eyes when visiting her house, 
the art of stealing everything, 
the arts of being a king among thieves, 
and a hero among scroungers; 

The arts of indifference and cumbrousness, 

and the art of slandering without cause, 

the art of acute pain, 

the art of applying unguents, 

the arts of sleepy eyes 

and being at the lowest ebb of menstruation;* 

The art of being unkind, 
the art of vehemence, 
the art of locking, 

the art of fastening her house’s door-bolt 

the art of throttling, 

the arts of calling back jilted lovers 

and going to see deities, pilgrimages, and hymns of praise; 
The arts of being frivoulous 

while roaming about sacred fords, pleasure groves, 
and temples, 

the art of demonic possession, 
the art of drugs and mantras used for subjugation, 
the art of sexual stimulation, 
the art of dyeing hair to disguise the age; 
the art of knowing the many merits 
of Buddhist monks and ascetics, 
the art of visiting refuges, 
and the sixty-third art being decrepitude 
the courtesan ends up becoming a procuress. 





atm” api yay” arpyate dhan’|amsena 
tasya api sad|bhavam 

mrgayante megha|sankasam. 

Nikhilalj ana|vancan’ |arj itam 

akhila|dhanam raga|dagdha|hrdayanam 
khadati guna|gana|bhagno 

nagno hlno thava kas cit. 

NIcas turag’|aroho 

hasti|pakah khalataro thava silpi 

tasam api vallabho bhavati. 

4.15 Raja Vikramasimho 

balavadbhir bhumipaih pura vijitah 
man! yayau vidarbhan 

Guna|yasasa mantrina sahitah. 

Tatra sa vesya|bhavanam 

pravisya bhuvi visrutam Vilasavatim 
bheje ganikam bahu|dhana| 

bhojyam aty|alpa|vibhavo ’pi. 

Tam raja|laksanj6citam 

ajjanu|bhujam vilokya prthu|sattvam 

cakre sa tad|vyay’|adhinam. 

Sahajam anuragam adbhutam 
aucityam viksya bhu|patis tasyah 
vismaya|vivasah premna 

jagada vijane mah”|amatyam. 



She who, for a little money, 

hands herself over to men whose name and caste is unkown,* 
—her reality, which resembles that of clouds, 
is still a matter of enquiry. 

All of the money of men 

whose hearts have been burnt by desire, 
that she gained from deceiving everyone, 
is eaten up by some depraved character, 
a naked mendicant, 
who has eradicated a host of virtues, 
or even better someone lowborn. 

A base man, a horseman, 
an elephant-driver, or a villainous craftsman, 
becomes the beloved of these courtesans 
who have deceived all people.* 

Long ago, king Vikrama-simha was defeated by powerful 
enemy monarchs. Indignant, he went to Vidarbha with his 
minister Guna-yashas.* 

There, he entered a brothel and, although in reduced 
circumstances, frequented the famous courtesan Vilasavati, 
enjoyed by men of great wealth. 

Perceiving him to be a man of great vigor, with arms 
reaching down to his knees,* evidence confirming his royal 
constitution, she put a treasury of gold and all variety of 
jewels at his disposal. 

Seeing her innate affection and remarkable decorum, the 
king, unsettled with astonishment, affectionately spoke to 
his chief minister in private: 






«Citram idam bahu vittam 

ksapayati vesy” api mat|krte trnavat. 
priti|padavlm visrsto 

vesyanam dhana|nibandhano ragah. 

Mithya dhana|lava|lobhad 

anuragam darsayanti bandhakyah. 
tad api dhanam visrjati ya 

kas tasyah premni samdehah?* 

Iti vacanam bhumi|pateh 

srutva mantri vihasya s’|asuyah 
tam uvaca «kasya rajan 

vesya|carite ’sti visvasah? 

Etah satya|vihlna 

dhana|lava|llnah sukha|ksan’|adhinah 
vesya visanti hrdayam 

mukha|madhura nirvicaranam. 


madhye vyasana|pravasa|karinyah 
paryante duhkha|phalah 

pumsam asas ca vesyas ca. 

Adyapi Hari|Haradibhih 

Amarair api tattvato na vijnatah 
bhrama/vibhrama/bah ulmoha 
vesyah samsara|mayas ca.» 

Iti saciva|vaco nr|patih 

srutva krtva ca samvidam tena 
mithya|mrtam atmanam 
cakre vesya|pariksayai. 



“This is strange! Though she is a courtesan, she spares 
no expense for my sake, as though money were straw. The 
passion of courtesans depends on money, has forsaken the 
path of love. 

Harlots display affection falsely out of greed for a little 
money. But she relinquishes that very money, so what doubt 
could there be about her love?” 

When he heard these words of the king, the minister 
laughed and scornfully said to him: “O king! Who can 
trust the dealings of a courtesan? 

Courtesans are dishonest, they cling to scraps of wealth, 
rely on a moment of pleasure, and, uttering sweet cries, 
penetrate the hearts of injudicious men. 

Men’s aspirations and courtesans are akin: They give plea¬ 
sure at the first encounter, in the intervening period they 
cause calamity and exile, in the end they bear fruits of misery. 

Until this very day, even the Gods headed by Hari and 
Hara have not really managed to understand either the il¬ 
lusion of transmigration or courtesans, full of confusions, 
deceptive appearances and fallacies : full of infatuation, 
coquetry and giddiness. ” 

The king listened to the minister’s speech, and agreed 
on the ruse of pretending to be dead in order to test the 






Tasmin kunapa|sarlre 

vinyaste mantrina cita|vahnau 
sahas” aiva Vilasavatl 

vahni|bhuvam bhtisita prayayau. 

Tam prabala|jvaIit’|ojjvala| 
dorbhyam alingya nrpo 
«jlvam’ ity» abhyadhan muditah. 

Tat tasyah prema drdham 

satyam ca vicarya sambhrta|snehah 
raja nininda mantrinam 

asakrd vesya|gun’|abhimukhah. 

Atha veSya|dhana|samcayam 

atm’|adhlnam mahl|patir vipulam 
adaya gaja|turamgama| 
bhata|vikatam adade senam. 


jitva vasudh ’’/adhipan sa bhu|palah 
nijam asasada mandalam 

indur iv’ ananda|krt purnah. 


murdhni krtva bhu|bhuja Vilasavatl 
susubhe Srir iva camara| 

pavanjakulit’|alaka tanvl. 

S” atha kada cin narajpatim 
ek’|ante viracitjanjalih pranata 
uce «natha maya tvam 

kalpa|taruh sevitah svayam dasya. 



When the minister laid his corpse on the funeral pyre, 
Vilasavati, immediately rushed to the cremation ground, 
wearing her ornaments.* 

As she was about to hurl herself headlong into the blazing 
conflagration which flared up with fierce flames, the king 
clasped her in his arms, and joyfully announced: “I live!”* 

Then, convinced that her love was firm and true, the 
thoroughly infatuated king scolded the minister not once, 
being committed to the virtues of the courtesan. 

Now, the king, using the amassed wealth of the courtesan 
put at his disposal, built up a mighty army of elephants, 
horses, and warriors.* 

The king conquered the rulers of the earth with an in¬ 
undation of his well-equipped, vast forces and regained 
his own realm, spreading delight like the moon, who out¬ 
matches the mountains by raising up huge, powerful tidal 

The king installed Vilasavati at the head of the whole 
harem; the slender lady, her locks fanned by a light wind 
from Yak-tail whisks,* shone like Lakshmi. 

Then, one day, when they were alone, she folded her 
hands, bowed to the king, and said: “O lord, I have served 
you as my wish-granting tree, abasing myself as a slave. 




Yadi nama kutra cid aham 

yata te hetutam vibho laksmyah 
tan mama saphalam asam 

arhasi kartum prasadena. 


hrta/para/rajasam sva/bhava/vimalanam 
tirthanam iva mahatam 

na hi nama samagamo viphalah. 

4.35 Abhavan mama ko’pi yuva 

dayito dhana|jlvit’|adhikah preyan. 
baddhah sa Vidarbha|pure 
daivajvasac cora|rupena. 

Tan|muktaye maya tvam 

saktatarah sevito mahl|natha. 
adhuna kriyatam ucitam 

sattvasya kulasya sauryasya.» 

Iti vancanam avapto 

vismita iva tad|vaco nrpah srutva 
suciram vilokya vasudham 

sasmar’amatya|vacanam sah. 

Atha tarn tath” aiva raja pari| 

santvya vidarbha|bhu|bhujam jitva 
bandhana|mukten’ asyah 

caurena samagamam cakre. 

Ity evam bahu|hrdaya 

bahu|jihva bahu|karas ca bahu|mayah 
tattvena sattva|rahitah 

ko janati sphutam vesyah? 



If, in any way, O great one, I have contributed to your 
fortune, then you should oblige me by fulfilling my hope. 

An encounter with the great, who can be reached as the 
reward of merit, who are not tainted with the defilements 
of others, who are inherently pure, is like an encounter 
with sacred fords : which are suitable to attain great merit, 
which have destroyed the greatest sins, which are by nature 
pellucid- it cannot be unprofitable. 

I had a certain young lover, more dear to me than money 
or life. As fate would have it, he is imprisoned in the city of 
Vidarbha as a thief 

Great king! I have served you according to my abilities in 
order to free him. Now do what befits your character, your 
lineage and your valour!” 

When the king realised that he had been cheated he was 
as if dumbfounded. He stared at the ground for a long time 
and recalled the words of his minister. 

Then the king nevertheless consoled her. He vanquished 
the king of Vidarbha and brought about her reunion with 
the thief released from prison. 

Therefore, who can truly known courtesans, who have 
many hearts, many tongues, many hands, many disguises, 
who are really devoid of all essence?* 




4.40 Varnana|dayitah kas cid 

dhana|dayito dasa|karma|dayito ’nyah 
raksa|dayitas c’ anyo 

vesyanam narma|dayito ’nyah. 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendra|viracite 
vesya|vrttam nama 
caturthah sargah. 



Courtesans love one man for his praise, another for his 
wealth, another for his servility, another for his protection, 
another for diversion. 

The fourth canto, 
named the affairs of courtesans, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 




M oho nama jananam 

sarva|haro harati buddhim ev’ adau, 
gudhatarah sa ca nivasati 

kayasthanam mukhe ca lekhe ca. 

Aindava|kal” eva purna 

nispanna sasyalvitta/sampatuh 
grasta ksanena drsta 

nihsesa divira/rahu/kalay” eva. 

Jnatah samsara|kala 

yogibhir apayata|raga|sammohaih, 
na jnata divira|kalah 

ken’ api bahu|prayatnena. 


jana|dhanajvivaraih ksaya|ksapa|timiraih 
divirair eva samasta 

grasta janata na kalena. 


1 \ elusion indeed robs people of everything. 

At its onset it strips away judgement. 

Well concealed, it shelters in the mouth 
and the writing of the scribe.* 

A well-provisioned granary 
is like the phase of the moon: 
once espied it is, : it is observed to be 
completely devoured : completely eclipsed 
in an instant : for an instant 

by the scribe’s cunning : the power of the sky-going 
at making things vanish : eclipse-demon Rahu.* 


freed from delusion and craving, can see through 
the phantasms of transmigratory existence. 

But nobody, 

try as he may, can understand 
the subterfuges of the scribe. 

With a legion of hundreds of fraudulent talents, 
with open pockets for the wealth of the people, 
inscrutable like a moonless night,— 
it is scribes who consume all humanity, 
not time. 




Ete hi kala/purusah 

prth utara / danda/prapata/ha ta /lokah 

caranti bhurja|dhvaja loke. 

Kas tesam visvasam 

vrajati na yasya visaktah 

kanthe pasah Krt’|antena? 

Kalam ’/agra/nirgata/masl/ 

bindu/vyajena sanjan ’/asru/kanaih 
kayastha / khanyamana 

roditi khinn ” eva rajya|srih. 

Anka|nyasair visamaih 

ko nama jagati racitaih 

kayasthair mohito na janah? 



For, 5-5 

these men of black ink : minions of Death* 
wreak havoc among the people : kill people 
with the effluent of their large pens : blows from their 
huge staffs. 

They are demons of calculation and misreckoning, 
who march across the earth 
under a banner of birchbark. 

Who would place his trust in them, 
who are as crooked as the tips 
of the horns of Yama’s bull, 
unless Death, who brings the end 
should fasten a noose around his throat? 

The patron goddess of the kingdom, 
plundered : raped 

by scribes with inky semen 

squirting from the tips of their reed-like penises, 
seems to weep in anguish, 

shedding kohl-stained teardrops : the tears ofAhjana,* 
disguised as ink-drops squirting from reed-pens.* 

Has anyone in the world not been duped 
by the fabrications 
of these scribes 

who scribble distorted figures, 

crooked like the curling locks of lady Maya? 




vancita/visvair vinasitah satatam 

kayasthair indriyair lokah. 

5.10 Kutila lipi|vinyasa 

drsyante kala|pasa|samkasah 

mandala|llna iva vyalah. 

Ete hi Citraguptah 

citra|dhiyo guptalharino divirah 

sahitam kurvanti ye rahitam. 

Loke kalah prasiddhah 

svalpatarah samcaranti diviranam, 
gudha|kalah kila tesam 

janati Kalih Krtanto va. 



The public 

is relentlessly devastated by scribal bureaucrats, 
who deceive all by false accounting 
and officious documentation, 
who are parasites on the villages in their influence; 
just as the organs of perception, 

: which reside in the body, 

which grasp the range of sensory objects 

and mislead everyone 

with illusory manifestation and resorption, 
continuously obstruct illumination. 

Twisted jottings, 

resembling the nooses of Death, 
can be seen coiling like snakes 
on the scribe’s birch-mountain. 

For perverse-minded scribes, 

who steal in secret : stealthily take life, 
are hell’s scribal recorders of good and evil deeds. 

By deleting a mere line 

they can make the “possessor” (sa-hita), 
the “dispossessed” (ra-hita).* 

Few are the arts of the scribe 

which pass as common knowledge. 

Perhaps their secret arts are known 
to Kali or to the Bringer of the End? 







lopa|kala vyaya|vivardhana|kala ca; 

deya|dhan’|adana|karana|kala ca 
utkocair harana|kala| 

paryantajbhuvam palayana|kala ca; 

5-15 Sesa|stha|viveka|kala| 

calajrasi|samagra|bhaksana|kala ca 

nasta|vislrna|pradarsana|kala ca; 
Krayamanair bharana|kala 

yojana|caryadibhih ksaya|kala ca 
ekatra panca|dasyam 

luntha|cikitsa|samasana|kala ca; 

agama|nasas ca paryante 
yena vina vyavahari 

bhury|agrahane niralokah. 

Sa/kalahkasya ksayino 

nava/nava/rupasya vrddhi/bhajas ca 
divirasya kalah kudlah 

sodasa dos” / akarasy’ aitah. 



The art of ambiguous transcription, 

the art of obscuring whole figures, 

the art of always rifling the collected revenue, 

the art of increasing expenditure; 

the art of detaching a share of the profit, 

the art of legal documentation for appropriating the dues, 

the art of larceny through bribery, 

the art of making off to a neighbouring region; 

the art of removing surplus, 

the art of completely swallowing up moveable property, 
the art of withholding any gain, 

the art of letting reappear what was wasted or squandered; 

the art of gaining wages by purchasing, 

the art of causing loss by fiddling travel expenses; 

the art of sitting around in one place 

for a fortnight for the treatment of lameness, 
and finally, the destruction of evidence 

by completely burning the birchbark document, 
without which the litigant 

remains in the dark regarding the retrieval of his gold. 

These are the sixteen crooked arts of the scribe, 

the mine of defects, who is smeared with ink-blots, 
who diminishes wealth, who takes on many disguises, 
who appropriates a share of one’s income. 

These are the sixteen curved digits of the Night-maker, 
who bears a mark, who wanes 
and then again assumes a new form, 
waxes, and moves in the sky* 




Kuta/sthah kaya|sthah 

sarva/na/karena siddha/mantrena 
gurava iva vidita/maya 

vnti/cchedam ksanena kurvanti. 

5.20 Harita|dhana|pana|vasanah 

caurya|bhayad bandhubhih parityaktah 
babhrama mahlm akhilam 

tlvra|vyasanah pura kitavah. 

Sa kada cid etya punyaih 

Ujjayinlm tatra majjanam krtva 
vicaran vijane Purahara| 

mandiram avalokayam asa. 
$uny’|ayatane gatva 

varadam devam drstrva Maha|kalam 
nirvyaparah siseve sah. 

vipula|dhyanair nisasu nirnidrah 
tasthau tatra sa suciram 


Tasya kada cid bhaktya 

subhajsatalhutya prasaditah sahasa 
bhava|bhaya|harl bhagavan 

Bhutapatih sambabhase tam: 



Scribes trust in falsehood, 

they have mastered delusion and in an instant 
can destroy a livelihood with their magical formula 
which is made up entirely of “No’s”; 

Just as gurus, 

who have attained the unchanging supreme spirit, 
and who have seen through delusion, can terminate 
the continuation of rebirth with their perfect mantra 
which denies the existence of everything. 

Long ago, a severely addicted gambler was relieved of his 
stake of money and home. Cast out by his relatives who 
feared he would rob them, he roamed the entire earth. 

One day, by virtue of his accumulated merit, he reached 
the sacred city of Ujjayini. Strolling about there in solitude 
after his ritual bath, he beheld a temple dedicated to Shiva 
the Breaker of the Citadel. 

He entered the deserted sanctuary and saw the idol of 
Maha-kala, the God who grants boons. Abstaining from all 
other activity, he worshipped with offerings of unguents, 
flowers and fruit. 

He remained there for a long time, wakeful at night with 
hymns of praise, whispered prayers, chants, lighted lamps 
and deep meditations, seeking deliverance from his unbear¬ 
able misfortune. 

There came a time when, gratified by his devotion and 
hundredfold-fair invocation, the revered Shiva, Lord of the 
spirits, the dispeller of the dread of existence, suddenly spoke 
to him: 




5.25 «Putra grhan’ ety» ukte 

devena kapala|malikajsikhare 
ekam kapalam asakrt 

cakre samjnam Purarateh. 

Ardh’|okte sthagitajvarah 

sampldana|samjnaya kapalasya 
tusnlm cakara Rudro 

daridryat kitava|punyanam. 

Snatum yate tasmin 

vijane devah kapalam avadat tat 

Gangam iva darsayann agre: 

«Asya kitavasya sadhoh 

bhaktasya cira|sthitasya vara|dane 
kasmat tvaya mam’ aisa 

vihita sampldanaih samjna.» 

Iti Bhagavata kapalam 

prstam provaca sa|smitam sanakaih 

maur|indu|sudha|rasair jlvat: 

5.30 «Srnu Bhagavan yena maya 

vijnapto ’si sva|bhava|saral’|atman 
sulabho ’pi bodhyate va 

niskaranam Isvarah kena? 

Esa kitavo ’tiduhkhl| 

daridryad virata|sakala|nija|krtyah 
prasade ’smin racayati 




“Son, accept....” No sooner had the God said this much, 5.25 
than a skull at the crest of his chapletof human skulls of 
human skullhumans repeatedly prodded the Enemy of the 
Citadel with a signal. 

Rudra, whose boon-granting was stifled in mid-sentence 
by the tapping signal of the skull, fell silent, since now the 
meagre merits acquired by the gambler were exhausted. 

When that one had departed to bathe, the God spoke in 
private to that skull, revealing at his front the sharp edge 
of a skirt of brilliance shooting from his teeth, as though it 
were the Ganges: 

“Why, when I was about to fulfil the wish of this worthy 
gambler, a long-time devotee, did you prod me with your 

Questioned in this way by the Revered One, the skull 
smiled and softly replied, simultaneously withering beneath 
the glare of his third eye and reviving with the nectar-elixir 
of his crest-moon: 

“O Lord whose disposition is forthright, hear why I have 5.30 
apprised you. For who would admonish his master without 
reason, even if he be easily approachable? 

This miserable cheat, forsaking in his destitution all of his 
own duties, renders you respectful homage with ablutions, 
offerings, flowers and incense. 




DuhkhI bhavati tapasvl 

dhana|rahitah sadaro bhavati dharme 

sarva|pranatah priyam|vado bhavati. 

Arcayati deva|vipran 

namati gurun vetti nirdhano mitram 
kathino ’pi Ioha|pindas 

taptah karmanyatam eti. 

tisthati sarvah sad|acare, 

karma|smarane katha k” aiva? 

Aisvary’|arthl Bhagavann 
asa|pasena lambamano ’sau 
kurute param saparyam, 

prapt’|artho drsyate na punah. 

Sv’|arth’|arthinah prayattah 

prapt’|arthah sevakah sada viphalah, 
na hi nama jagati kas cit 

krta|karyah sevako bhavati. 

Deva prasade ’smin 

purne yate kitave 

vijane n’ anye karisyanti. 

Tasmat puny’|opanatam 

kitavam samraksa sevakam satatam: 
vara|danam asya bhagavan 

nirvasanam atma|pujayah.» 



A wretch becomes penitent, 
a pauper becomes earnest about religion, 
divested of rank and prestige he bows to all. 

Impoverished, he honors Gods and brahmins, 
bows to gurus, and remembers his friends. 

Although tough, 

a lump of iron,* once scorched, 
becomes malleable. 

Anyone whose heart is burnt by adversity 
adheres to righteous conduct, 
but what notion is there of remembering duties 
among those stultified by infatuation with their status? 

O Revered One, this gambler, striving for power, dan¬ 
gling in the noose of hope, offers fervent adulation. When 
he has got his reward he won’t be seen again. 

Greedy for wealth of their own, servants are diligent, but 
once they have gained riches they are uselessly idle, for on 
this earth nobody self-sufficient is a servant. 

O God, when this rewarded gambler has gone away, there 
are no others in this desolate temple to provide fruits, water, 
flowers and other comforts. 

Therefore, hold on to this gambler who is luckily at hand 
as a servant for good: to grant his wish, O Revered One, is 
to exile your own worship.” 




$rutv” aitad vakrataram 

vacanam prthu|vismaya|smerah 
tam papraccha PinakI: 

«kas tvam tattvena? kim karma?» 

5.40 Iti prstam punar uce 

sapadi kapalam vicintya sad|bhavam: 
«Magadhanam aham abhavam 

kayastha|kule svajkarmano vimukhah. 


tlrtha/rato vidita/sarvalsastr’larthah 
tyaktva Bhaglrathyam 

sarlrakatn tvat/padam praptah.» 

Akarny’ aitad Bhagavan 

uce: «kayastha eva satyam tvam 
citram kaudlya|kalam 

na tyajasi kapala|seso ’pi.» 

Ity uktva smita|kiranaih 

kurvann asa|latah kusuma|subhrah 
snatv” agataya tasmai 

kitavaya varam dadau varadah. 

Krtva tat|kitava|hitam 

pasyata ev’ asu tasya Sasimaulih 
niskasitavams tac chira 




Hearing this wily speech, Shiva, the bearer of the bow, 
smiling wide in wonder, demanded: “Who are you really? 
What was your profession?” 

Thus questioned, the skull recalled his origins and quickly 
replied: “I was born into a scribes’ family in Magadha, averse 
to the legacy of my birth. 

I delighted in ritual bathing, prayers and vows, was at¬ 
tracted to places of pilgrimage and conversant with the im¬ 
port of all the sacred texts. I abandoned my wretched body 
in the Ganges and reached your abode. 

: Actually, I embraced the legacy of my birth. I desisted 
from ritual bathing, prayers and vows, was fond of strata¬ 
gems and had no idea of the meaning of any of the scriptures. 
After giving up my soul, I reached your abode by way of 
partaking of someone else’s share. ”* 

On hearing this, the Adored One exclaimed: “So you are 
a scribe! It is true! Strange that you cannot relinquish your 
art of perfidy even though only your skull remains.” 

This said, he illuminated the vine of the celestial quarters 
with the radiance of his bright smile, so that it appeared 
white with flowers. Then, the granter of boons fulfilled the 
wish of the gambler who had returned from his bath. 

After he had ensured the gambler’s welfare before the 
scribe’s very eyes, moon-crested Shiva at once banished that 
head from his most excellent chaplet of skulls. 




5.45 Ity evam kutila|kalam 

sahajam malinam jana|ksaye niratam 
Yama|damstram iva muncati 
kayastho n’ asthi|seso ’pi. 

Susthah ko nama janah 

sa ta t ’/asuci/bhavaldusitalkalanam 
dosa/krtam sakrtam iva 

kayasthanam avastambhaih? 


vijnata divira|vancana yena 
samraksita mati|mata 

ratnajvati vasumatl tena. 

iti maha|kavi|srI|Ksemendra|viracite 

kayastha|caritam nama 
pancamah sargah. 



Thus a scribe, even if he is mere bones, 

cannot renounce his innate unclean art of crookedness, 


like the fang of death, 
is bent on destroying people. 

Who could possibly remain healthy with a blockage 
of the seven bodily substrata 

which are perpetually defiled by impure substances, 
and which produce harmful matter such as excrement? 

: Who could remain prosperous with the meddling 
of scribes, 

whose craft is always tainted by unscrupulous motives, 
who defile like excrement1 

The wise man, 

who has scrutinised the scribe’s duplicity 

with the care appropriate to the writings of a demon, 

protects the earth rich in treasures. 

The fifth canto, 

named the exploits of the scribe, 
in the “Grace of Guile” 
composed by the great poet Kshemendra. 




T7 kah SAKALA|jananam 
J —‘ hrdayesu krt’|aspado madah satruh 

yen’ avista|sariro 

na srnoti na pasyati stabdhah. 

Vijit’|atmanam jananam 

abhavad yah krta|yuge damo nama 
so ’yam viparltataya 

madah sthitah kali|yuge pumsam. 

Maunam vadana/nikunanam 

urdhv’/eksanam anya/laksyata c aksnoh 

agryam rupam madasy’ aitat. 

^aurya|mado rupajmadah 

srngara|madah kul’|onnati|madas ca 

mada|vrksa dehinam ete. 



vata|stabdh’|opamo ’tha bhutajsamah, 
bahu/bhoge vibhava|madah 




Intoxication. Possessed by it, 
one sees nothing, hears nothing, 
is transfixed. 

The pursuit of “self-restraint” (da-ma), 

common among the enlightened people of the golden age, 

has in this decadent age 

inverted to “self-indulgence” (ma-da). 

The first signs of intoxication are 
taciturnity : vows of silence, 
sneering : pursing the lips for breath-control, 
ambition : gazing upwards between the eyebrows, 
looking at something else : focussing the eyes on the 

and daubing the limbs with lotions : dusting the limbs 
and clasping them together.* 

The mania of valor, 
the giddiness of vanity, 
the dizziness of infatuation 
and the delirium of nobility, 

—these are mankind’s trees of intoxication* 
sprung from one root: pomposity. 

A pompous man* 6.5 

in the midst of affluence : over-indulging, 
seems wracked by the onset of a morbid fever.* 

He seems to be impaled on a stake : suffering from a colic, 
appears to be bloated with blocked wind, 
resembles a wraith. 



$aurya|mado bhuja|darsl 

rupa|mado darpan’|adi|darsl ca 
kamajmadah stri|darsl 

vibhavajmadas tv esa jaty|andhah. 

An tah/sukha /rasa /m urccha/ 

mllitajnayanah samahita/dhyanah 
dhana|mada esa naranam 

atm’laram’lopamah ko ’pi. 

Unmadayaty avisaye 

vividha/vikarah samasta/guna/hlnah 
mudha|madas tv anyo ’yam 
jayad vicitro niralambah. 

Stambhan na pasyati bhuvam 

khecara|darsl sada tapasvi|madah, 
bhakti|mado ’dbhuta|kari 

vismrta|dehas calah prakrty” aiva. 



The valor-maniac admires the arm, 
the vain man gazes at mirrors and such like, 
the infatuated man leers at women, 
but the pompous man is born blind. 

The “daze of riches” 
manifests itself in people somehow 
like the bliss of self-realisation: 
brooding on hoarded wealth, : absorbed in meditation, 
the eyes are shut 

in a swoon : repose 

at the sweet taste of a hidden elation : delight of inner 

Yet another is the unstoppable “imbecile fixation.” 

It deranges : causes euphoria 

without incitement : when sensory objects are shunned, 
is degenerative in many ways : has many stages, 
has no virtues at all : is free from all attributes. 

It is eccentric and baseless : wondrous and supportless. 

Due to its paralysing nature, 

the “stupor of the ascetic” does not see the ground 

but instead looks always toward the sky-going celestials. 
The “befuddlement of devotion,” 
unsteady by nature, 

performs miracles but neglects its own body. 



6.10 Akopa|rakta|nayanah 

para|vah|matr’|asahah pralapl ca 
visamah sruta|mada|nama 

dhatu|ksobho nrnam murtah. 


parus’|akrosI hath’|abhighata|parah 
adhikara|madah pumsam 

sarv’|asl raksasah krurah. 


kula|mada ekah pumsam 

su/dlrgha/darsl mah ’’/ajnanah. 

Varjita /sakala/sparsah 

sarv’/asuci/bhavanan niralambah 
akase ’pi sa/lepah 

saucajmado nitya/samkocah. 

S’|avadhayah sarva|mada 

nijajnija|mula|ksaye vinasyanti, 
vara|mada ekah kutilo 

vijrmbhate niravadhir bhogl. 



The harrowing “delirium of erudition” 

is an embodied upheaval of the bodily elements: 

The eyes are reddened by rising anger, 

one is unable to bear the mere voice of others, 

but is oneself a prattle.* 

The “hysteria of authority” is an all-devouring, 
brutal demon afflicting mankind. 

It is loathsome with incessantly knitted eyebrows, 
crudely abuses people, 
and is prone to violent assault. 

The “delirium of noble lineage” 

is preoccupied with tedious tales of ancestral glory 
but forgets its own duty towards others. 

Unique among men, 

it is a farsighted, great folly : an acute vulture.* 

The “lunacy of purity” 

cowers perpetually : is an uninterruptedyogic withdrawal. 
recoils from the slightest contact : shuns any sensory 

is friendless : a supportless trance 

because it imagines everyone to be impure : by realising 
that all sensory objects are unreal, 
and fears contamination even from the sky : perceiving 
even emptiness as an obstacle. 

All these forms of insobriety are limited, 
they pass away when their respective root is cut. 

The “conceit of self-importance” stands alone: 
an endless coiling serpent with gaping jaws.* 




6.15 Panajmadas tu jaghanyah 

sarva|j ugups” [aspadam mahajmohah 
ksaniko ’pi harati sahasa 

varsa|sahasr’|arjitam sTlam. 

Vidyavati vipra|vare 

gavi hastini kukkure sva|pake ca 
madya|madah sama|darsl 

sva|para|vibhagam na janati. 


prapto yogi|dasam api 

narakam kslbah svayam patati. 

Roditi gayati vihasati 

dhavati vilapaty upaiti sammoham 
bhajate vividha|vikaran 

samsar’|adarsa|mandalah ksibah. 


pasyati dayitam na yati samtapam; 
kslbo ’pi gadha |ragl 

pltva madhu vlta|ragah kim? 



But liquor-induced drunkenness is vilest, 

a condition entirely repulsive, a sheer stupidity. 

Though lasting but a fleeting moment, 
it abruptly strips away merit 
amassed in thousands of years. 

Drunkenness regards as equal 

a learned and saintly brahmin, a cow, 
an elephant, a dog and a dog-cooker, 
and does not understand the distinction 
between “mine” and “another’s.”* 

Unhampered by the distinction between real and unreal, 
considering gold, mud and stones to be the same, 
the drunkard, 

even though he has thus attained the state of the Yogin, 
propels himself into hell.* 

The drunkard is a mirror image of transmigration: 

He weeps, he sings, he laughs, 

he runs and bawls, falls prey to bewilderment, 

swings from mood to mood.* 

He can see his wife 

engrossed in kissing the husband of another woman 
and yet feel no outrage. 

Has the drunkard, 

even though he is extremely Hushed : passionate, 
been freed from desire by guzzling liquor? 


6.20 Visrjati vasanam dure 

vyasanam grhnati duhsaham ksibah 
anjalijpatraih pibati ca 

nija|mutra|vijrmbhitam candram. 

Cyavanah pura maharsih 

yauvanam Asvi|prayogato labdhva 
yajne svayam krta|jnah 

tau cakre Somajbhag’|arhau. 

Kruddhas tam etya Sakrah 

provaca: «mune! na vetsi kim api tvam? 
bhisajav apankti|yogyau! 

Som’|arhav Asvinau kasya?» 

Iti bahusah Sura|patina 

pratisiddho ’pi sva|tejasa Cyavanah 
na cacala niscit’|atma 

nija|krtyad Asvinoh pritya. 


Jambharer ayatam bhujajstambham 
astambhayan mun’|indrah 


6.25 Asrjac ca tad|vadhaya 

Pralamba|kay’|opamam catur|damstram 
yoj ana|sahasraj vipulam 

krtya|rupam mah”|Asuram ghoram. 

Ten’ avistah sahasa 

bhlto Vajri tam ayayau saranam 
«Somo ’stu Deva|bhisajoh» 

iti c’ ovaca pranasta|dhrtih. 



The drunkard casts off his garments (vasana) far away 6.20 
and takes up unbearable depravity (vyasana). 

With his cupped hands he sips the moon 
waxing in his own urine. 

Long ago, the great seer Chyavana had regained his youth 
by the ministration of the twin Ashvins. Grateful, he hon¬ 
ored them by entitling them to draughts of Soma at his 

The enraged Indra appeared to him and reprimanded: 
“Sage! Don’t you know anything? Physicians are unaccept¬ 
able as company at meals! Who would honor them with 
Soma libations?” 

Though the Lord of the Gods thus repeatedly forbade 
him, the determined Chyavana, secure in his own might, 
out of love for the Ashvins, did not waver from his resolve. 

The best of seers paralysed Indra’s huge, pillar-like arm, 
an object of awe due to its power, with thunderbolt raised 
up in rage at him. 

Then, to slay Indra, he fashioned a hideous, colossal 6.25 
Asura whose body resembled that of Pralamba,* with four 
fangs, whose bulk measured a thousand leagues in extent, 
an incarnation of evil sorcery. 

Indra the thunderbolt-bearer was violently possessed by 
him. Dismayed, he came running to Chyavana seeking shel¬ 
ter, and failing in courage, he conceded: “The Gods’ twin 
physicians may have their share of Soma!” 



Munir api karuna|sindhuh 

bhltam pranatam mah”|Endram asvasya 
Madam utsasarja ghoram 


So ’yam asurah pramathl 

munina kruddhena nirmito hrdaye 
nivasati sarlra|bhajam 

stambh’|akaro gunair baddhah, 

Maune srijmattanam 

nihspanda|drsi pravrddha|vibhavanam 

dhanikanam bhru|pute vit’|adlnam, 
6.30 Jihvasu duta|vidusam 

rupavatam dasana|kesa|vesesu 
vaidyanam ostha|pute 

grivayam guru|niyogi|ganakanam; 
Skandha|tate subhatanam 

hrdaye vanijam karesu silpavatam 

chatranam stana|tatesu tarunlnam; 
Udare sraddh’|arhanam 

janghasu ca lekha|hara|purusanam 
gandesu kunjaranam 

barhe sikhinam gatau ca hamsanam. 



The seer for his part, a river of compassion, consoled great 
Indra as he was frightened and humbled, and sent forth the 
terrible demon “Intoxication” into gambling, women, drink 
and hunting. 

That rending demon, fashioned by the angry seer, now 
dwells in the hearts of living beings in the guise of paralysis, 
held in check by virtues.* 

In the silence of those drunk with wealth, 
in the immobile stare of those grown in stature, 
in the faces of the wealthy, disfigured by frowning, 
in the knitted eyebrows of rakes etc.; 

In the tongues of envoys and scholars, 

in the teeth, hair and garments of the beautiful, 

in the puckered lips of physicians, 

in the necks of gurus, of petty officials, and astrologers; 

In the bulging shoulders of champions, 
in the hearts of merchants, 
in the hands of craftsmen, 
in the stretched out throats, 
torn birchbark-manuscripts 
and bent fingers of students, 
in the upright breasts of slender ladies; 

In the bellies of those entitled to funerary offerings, 
and in the calves of couriers, 
in the cheeks of elephants, 
in the tailfeathers of peacocks, 
and in the gait of swans. 


Ity evam madanama 

maha|graho bahu|vikara|drdha|mohah 
ange kasthI|bhuto 

vasati sada sarva|bhutanam. 

iti maha|kavi|srI|Ksemendra|viracite 
sasthah sargah. 



In this way the mighty demon called Intoxication, 
having become insensible like a log, 
a profound delusion assuming many forms, 
for ever inhabits the bodies of all living beings. 

The sixth canto, named the description of intoxication, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 



rtho nama jananam 

jlvitam akhila|kriya|kalapasya. 
tam api haranty ati|dhurtas 
chagala|gala gayana loke. 

Nihsesarn kamal’lakara/kosarn 

jagdhv”apikumudam asvadya 
ksina gayana/bhrnga 

matanga/pranayitam yanu. 


bahu/dimbha m ukta Ikes aka /kalapah 
ete yoni/pisaca 

bhupa/bhujo gayana ghorah. 


T he incentive for the vast profusion of human striving 
is prosperity. 

It is this 

that utterly unscrupulous, goat-throated singers 
plunder in this world. 

Even though they have completely exhausted 
the buds of the red day-lotus pond 
and Snished off the white lilies, 
the singer-bees, still emaciated, 
yearn for the fragrant rut-fluid of elephants. 

: After completely depleting their patron’s treasury 
abounding in riches 
and then tasting his anger, 
the singer-rakes, impoverished, 
solicit the meanest outcastes.* 

Followed by caravans of carts crammed with 
pots and blankets, a train of brats in tow, 
with their dishevelled hair unkempt, 
awful are these singers, royal parasites, 
reared on meat. 

: Followed by troops* in wedge-formation, * 
striking kettle-drums* of war, in great affray, 
equipped with quivers* of powerful missiles* and 
arrows, * 

terrible are these goblin-spawned, 

regicidal* warriors of the God of war.* 



Tamasi varakas cauro 

haha|karena yati samtrastah, 
gayana|caurah prakatam 

haha krtv” api nayati laksam ca. 

7.5 Papadhadhaninigamasa| 

krtva svara|pada|pallm 

gayana|dhurtas caranty ete. 


vamsa/vikarais ca mukha/vikarais ca 
gayati gayana|samgho 

mardala|hastas dram maunl. 


svayam| ukta|sadhu|vadair 

antarayati gayano gltam. 



The wretched thief moans: ‘Ah! Ah!’ 

and shudders as he skulks in rhe darkness. 

The singer-thief also intones Ah! Ah!’ 

in broad daylight and carries off a fortune. 

“Pd pd dha dha ni ni ga ma sa 
dhd dha ma ma sa ma sa gd dha ma ” 
rehearsing phrases* of the notes 
of the musical scale in this way, 
these singers are on the prowl. 

The troupe of singers performs their song, 
drum in hand, 

it is faulty with convoluted “revolving ornamentations, 
with mutilated “Bute ornamentations, ” 
with a disHgured opening theme, 

: reeling with crooked gyrations, 
and with twisted spines, * with contorted faces, 
their hands trembling like rattle-drums, 
followed by lengthy silence. 

The bard encumbers the song 

with salutes and hails of: “Victory!,” 
with gurgling noises, cymbal crashes, 
with buzzing twangs after every musical phrase, 
and applauds himself with cries of “Bravo!.” 



Jala|patite saktu|kane 

matsyair bhukte sti k” api dharm’|aptih, 
gayana|dattasu param 

kotisv api bhavari praja|pida. 

Mugdha|dhananam Vidhina 

ruddhanam andha|kosa|kupesu 
vihito vivrta|mah”|asyo 

gayana|nama pranal’|aughah. 


N’ aitat prakatita|dasana 

gayana|dhurtah sad” aiva gayanti; 
ete gat’|anugatikan 

hasanti mugdhan grhlt’|arthah. 

Pra tar gayana/dh urta 

bhavand dhirah Sahara/keyurah 
madhy’/ahne dyuta/jita 

nagna bhagna niradharah. 



Should a morsel of gruel be dropped into the water 
and be swallowed by fish, 
there may accrue some gain of merit. 

But when donations are made to singers, 
even if they be tens of millions, 
public misery ensues.* 

The Creator has made provision 

for a large-mouthed, gaping overflow 

called “singer” 

on stagnant treasury-wells 

for the clogged-up wealth of idiots. 

It is not even the case 

that this protruding-toothed rabble of minstrels 
is always busy singing; 
they are also busy laughing 

at simpletons who follow the crowd 
after they have grabbed their money. 

Early in the morning, 

the singer-libertines are undaunted, 
adorned with pearl necklaces and gold armbands. 
At midday, 

beaten at dice, they stand disrobed, 
humiliated and bereft of patronage. 

: At dusk, 

the singer-rakes are virile in thrilling* love-sport, * 
at midday, 

exhausted by love-play, they are still undressed, 
aching and sapped of essence. * 





vacana|saraih kapata|kuta|racanabhih 
gltair gayana|lubdha 

mugdha/mrganam haranti sarvasvam. 


ksanena laksani gayano labdhva 
«dasl|sutena dattam 

kim?» iti vadan duhkhito yati. 


vrddhayah sakala|soka|kalitayah 
sapo yam eva Laksmya 

gayana|bhojy” aiva yat satatam. 

7.15 Devah pura suranam 

adhinatho Naradam cir’|ayatam 
papraccha Ioka|vrttam 

caritam c’ aitan mahlpanam. 

So ’vadad «avani|patlnam 

jayinam bahu|dana|dharma|yajnanam 
carata maya nr|loke 

sura|pati|yogyah sriyo drstah. 




take the wealth : life 
of their foolish victims : innocent deer 
by means of songs, composed with praise-snares, 
with lyric-arrows, with arrangements 
in the form of concealed traps. 

Presented immediately with great largesse 

for songs whose note-phrases have already faded away 

the musician grumbles: 

“What has he coughed up, that son of a slave,” 
and walks out disgruntled. 

Such is the curse of Lakshmi, 
the Goddess of fortune, 
that though haunted by everybody’s grief, 
she must shun saintly Brahmins 
and eminent, distinguished elders, 
ever to be enjoyed by singers. 

Long ago the god Indra, overlord of the celestials, en¬ 
quired from the sage Narada, who had arrived after a long 
time, for news of the world, and how fared the earth- 
protecting kings. 

He replied: “As I wandered in the world of men I saw 
among the victorious rulers of the earth, abounding in char¬ 
ity, Dharma and sacrifices, splendors befitting the king of 





Anu ca tvam spardhante 

vibhavair Varunam Dhan’|adhinatham ca. 
sata|makha|samjham asakrd 

bahutara|yajna hasanty eva.» 

Srutva tan muni|vacanam 
jata|dvesah Satakratuh kopat 
hartum dhanam pisacan 

visasarja bhuvam nar’jendranam. 

Te glta|nama|mantrah 

sura|pati|distah pisacajsamghatah 
hartum sakala|nrpanam 

dhanam akhilam bhu|talam prayayuh. 

Mayadasah prathamam 

Dambaradasasca Prasiddhidasas ca 

Kharadaso Vajradasas ca, 

Vadavadasas c’ astau 

te gatva martya|lokam ati|bhayajdah 
vi vrt’ | asya| ghoraj kuhara 

gayana|srsdm sasarjur ati|vikatam. 

Tair ete hata|vibhava 

disi disi hrta|sakala|lokajsarvasvah 
yajn’|adisu bhu|patayo 

jatah sithiI’|odyamah sarve. 



And they rival you, Varuna, and the God of wealth 
taken together with riches. They mock your title “having-a- 
hundred-sacrifices” as they perform such worship not once, 
but many times over.” 

When he had heard the sage’s words, Indra, the hun¬ 
dredfold powerful one, his hostility flaring up, sent forth 
demons to the earth, to plunder the wealth of the kings of 

This company of demons, Mantra-regents* called “songs” 
commanded by Indra, the Lord of the Gods, advanced 
against the earth, to seize the entire wealth of all kings. 

Foremost among them was 
the “Servant of ilusion,” 
next the “Servant of verbosity,” 
the “Servant of notoriety,” 
the “Servant of ruin,” 
the “Servant of pillage,” 
the “Servant of harshness,” 
the “Servant of the thunderbolt,” 
and the “Servant of the submarine inferno.” 

These eight extremely fearsome beings came into the 
world of mortals, a hideous guttural roar in their gaping 
jaws, and summoned forth the utterly horrible creation of 

All around, they impoverished these kings who seized the 
wealth of the whole population. All of the earthly king’s zeal 
for sacrifices and such like diminished. 




Ete hi karnajvivaraih 

pravisya glta|cchalena bhu|panam 
sahasa haranti hrdayam 

karna|pisaca maha|ghorah. 

Tasmad esam rastre 

na dadati vikarinam pravesam yah 
tasya sakar|artha|sampad| 

yajnavatl Bhumir adhlna. 

7.25 Nata|nartaka|cakra|carah 

kusllavas carana vitas c’ aiva 

caranti; tebhyah sriyam rakset. 

Gayana|samghasy’| aikyad 

uttisthati glta|nihsvanah sumahan 
asthane dattaya 

Laksmya iva sambhram ’/akrandah. 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendra[viracite 

saptamah sargah. 



For, these terrifying ear-demons enter, in the guise of 
songs, through the auditory passages of earth ruling lords, 
and violently take hold of the heart. 

Therefore, to him who refuses these corruptors entry into 
his kingdom, the lady Earth, abounding with all fortune, 
success and sacrifices, remains subservient. 

Actors, dancers, jugglers, mimes, minstrels and procurers 
swarm around as locusts on the rice of dominion; fortune 
must be defended from them. 

A mighty din of singing resounds 
from the united horde of minstrels, 

the distressed cry, as it were, ofLakshmi 
offered in unbefitting matrimony, 

: the confused disharmony of a Lakshmi-verse recited 
in the wrong musical register. 

The seventh canto, named the description of singers, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 




' 1 atr api hema/kara 

harana/kala/yoginah prthuldhyanah 
ye dhamni bahala/laksmyah 

sunyatvam darsayanty eva. 

Saram sakala|dhananam 

sampatsu vibhusanam vipadi raksa 
ete haranti papah 

satatam tejah param hemnah. 

Sahas’ aiva dusayanti 

sparsena suvarnam upahata|cchayam 
nity’|asucayah papah 

candala hema|karas ca. 

Masrna|kas’|asmani nikaso 

manda|rucih kraya|gata kala tesam 
parusa|kas’|asmani nikaso 

vikraya|kale ’pi labha|kala. 


O f similar temper, also, are goldsmiths, 
adepts in the art of gold : making things 

who, thanks to a far-fetched, visionary imagination, 
can make a show of insolvency in the midst 
of their fabulously prosperous residences. 

: There are also Yogins 

with the ability* to endure the hardship* of snow, 
who, absorbed in profound meditation, 
manifest the attainment of emptiness 
in a state* replete with beatitude.* 

These wicked goldsmiths incessantly seize 
the essence of all possessions, 
an ornament in prosperity 
and a security in misfortune,— 
the supreme splendor of gold. 

A brief contact, and wicked outcastes, ever unclean, 
pollute the higher castes, 
corrupting their purity, 
and just so, evil, unsavory goldsmiths 
tarnish gold with their impetuous fumbling, 
dimming its lustre. 

Their ploy when buying 
is a streak of dim lustre 
on a soft touchstone. 

At the time of selling, 

the ploy of making profit is a streak 
on a coarse stone as assay.* 

S’|opasnehah svedyah 

sikthaka|mudro ’pi valuka|prayah 
s’|osma ca yukti|bhedat 

tul’|6palanam kalah panca. 

Dvijputa sphota|vipaka 

suvarna|rasajpayinl sa|tamra|kala 

grahana|para satjkala mtisa. 

Vakra/mukhI visama/puta 

susira/tala nyasta/parada mrdvl 
katu/kaksya granthimatl 

kusikyita bahu/guna puro/namra 
vata/bhranta tanvi 

gurvl va parusalpatra/dhnalcurna 
nirjlvana sajtva 

sodasa hemnas tulasu kalah. 


The swindles with balance-stones are five: 

Though stamped with an official-looking seal* of beeswax 
they are made mostly of sand, and depending on the ploy, 
they are soaked in water, dried, or heated. 

Six are the foibles of the crucible: 

It is a double vessel : has a double bottom*, 
easily undergoes the calamity of bursting asunder, 
it drinks up liquid gold, 
it has a copper inlay, and is designed 
to retain led and alkaline salt powder. 

The scales for weighing gold have sixteen failings: 
a bent indicator, unevenly matched bowls, 
a perforated layer, they are loaded with mercury, 
they are bendable, have an inert scale, 
their cords are knotty, badly strung, and many-stranded, 
they are out of balance before used, 
can be disturbed by the wind, are too light, or too heavy, 
they retain gold-dust in their coarse bowls, 
and are magnetically static, or volatile. 

: these are the sixteen traits of winter: 

the points of the compass become hostile, 

the hollows become impassable, the ground cracks open, 

it becomes soft as if with quicksilver scattered about. 

With severe wraps, knotted together, 

indecorously looped around the body many times, 

one leans forward, shaken by stormy winds, 

whether one is thin or stout, 

snowy powder clings to coarse garments, 

and inanimate objects are blown about as though alive.* 





Mandah s’|avego va 

madhyajcchinnah sa|sabda|phut|karah 
patl slkara|karl 

phut|karah sat|kalas tesam. 

Jval’|avalayl dhuml 

visphotl mandakah sphulingl ca 

tesam api sat|kalo vahnih. 

Prasnah katha vicitrah 

kanduyanam amsuk’|antara|drstih 

ati|haso maksik’|aksepah 
kautuka|darsanam asakrt 

sva|jana|kalih salilajpatra|bhangas ca 
bahir api gamanam bahuso 
dva|dasa cesta|kalas tesam. 

Ghatitasy’ opari pakah 





bhumijnyaste ’pi kanta|lohajtale 
dhavati vadanena tula 

rikt” api muhuh supurn” eva. 



Their blowing is sixfold: 
puffing feebly or restlessly, 
breaking off in the middle, 
wheezing noisily, spluttering and hissing. 

Their fire also has six aspects: 
it can be ringed in flames, 
smoky, roaring, smouldering, shedding sparks, 
and is supplied with copper dust* placed in front of it. 

Twelve are the traits of their behavior: 

Questions, weird tales, scratching, 

looking inside their garments, 

checking the sun for time of day, 

excessive laughter, swatting flies, 

showing impatience, 

much quarrel with their own people, 

smashing the water-pot, and frequently going out.* 

By smearing it with saline acid 
in a gentle fire of cow-dung, 
the finish of the worked article 

becomes dazzlingly radiant with artificial color. 

And because there is a magnetic layer 
concealed in the ground, 
the indicator of the scales, 

with its bowls made of common iron, 
suddenly jumps as if they were full, 
though they are empty. 





Pratibaddhe jatu|yogye 

tulite purana|kale 

mukhena hartum samayati. 

Ujjvalane ’pi ca tesam 

patanam ati|sukaram asma|kale ca 

parivartana|laghav’|apasaras ca. 

Purn’|adanam ghatane 

dane ksamarpanam prabha|yogah 

pratipurana|yacanam bahu|slesah. 

Eka|dasa yukti|kalah 

tesam etah samasena 
ek” aiva kala mahatl: 

nisi gamanam sarvam adaya. 

Eta hema|karanam 

vicara|labhyah kalas catuhjsastih 
anyas tu nigudha|kalah 

Sahasra|netro ’pi no vetti. 



At the time of completion, 8.15 

when the ornament is being weighed, 
he proceeds to extract a concealed lump of gold, 
which he had secreted within while the ornament 
was being inlaid with the use of lac, 
through a hole. 

fWhen the fire flares up, 
or when they are working with a touch-stone 
it is exceedingly easy for them to strike off a piece, 
or an exchange with a similar shining ornament 
might occur, f * 

fThey receive the full weight of gold for their work, 

they apply a glossy shine, 
make timely collection impossible, 
demand more material, 
and use much double-talk.f 

In brief these are their eleven practical arts. 

Their ultimate art is to sneak away in the night, 
taking everything with them. 

Such are the sixty-four arts of goldsmiths 
which can be inferred by reason, 
but even thousand-eyed Indra does not know their other, 
secret arts. 



8 . 20 Meruh sthito vidure 

manusya|bhumim bhiya parityajya 
bhlto ’vasyam cauryad 

cauranam hema|karanam. 




pura krto mtisakair Meruh. 

Tatr akhir|akhu|sena| 

sithilita|mulah sahasa 

babhuva Meruh pura niyatam. 


SuMerur uccaistaram susubhe, 

patalaih kapila babhuh kakubhah. 

Tasmin jarjara|sikhare 

kalp’l ant’ | agamane 

bhayam avir abhud akhila|Devanam. 

8.25 Tan uce divya|drsa 

vilokya sarvan mun’|Isvaro ’gastyah: 
«ete hi Brahma|ghna 

nisacaras tridasa|samgare nihatah. 

Jata musakajrupa 

Merujnipate krt’|arambhah 
vadhyah punar api bhavatam 

asrama|bhangan muninam ca.» 



Forsaking the world of men in fear, Mr. Meru towers far 8.20 
away. Without a doubt he was afraid of the plundering of 
the thieves called goldsmiths. 

Long ago, rats, by the sheer number of huge tunnels 
driven into the veins* of hundreds of gold-ore deposits, 
made the peak of Mt. Meru teeter on the brink of collapse 
by erosion. 

Inevitably, the foundations of Mt. Meru were vehemently 
shaken by the excavations burrowed by the claws of this 
whole army of rats. 

Mt. Meru, laid waste by the rat’s claws, became exceed¬ 
ingly beautiful, its peaks shone with a reddish hue, covered 
by a veil of thrown up gold-dust. 

Because its summit was shattered, because its ridges, 
peaks and slopes were rent asunder by chasms and clefts, all 
of the Gods became alarmed that the end of the eon was 
upon them. 

Agastya, lord of sages, scrutinised the calamity with his 8.25 
divine eye and said to them all: “Forsooth, it is the night- 
stalkers, slayers of brahmins, who were annihilated in the 
war with the Gods!* 

Reborn as rats, they are making efforts to topple Mt. Me¬ 
ru. You must destroy them again, for they have also de¬ 
stroyed the sanctuaries of the sages.” 



Srutv” aitan muni|vacanam 

dhumena bil’lavallm samapurya 
sapena purva|dagdhan 

jagdhus tridasa maha|musan. 

Te hema|harah 

suvarna|karah ksitau jatah 
janm’|abhyasad anisam 

kancana|curnam nikarsanti. 

Tasman mahl|patlnam 

asambhave garadajcora|dasytinam 
ekah suvarna|karo 

nigrahyah sarvatha nityam. 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendra|viracite 

suvarna|kar’|otpattir nama 
astamah sargah. 



When they heard these words of the sage, the Gods filled 
the row of holes with smoke and burnt the great rats, who, 
in their previous existence, had been burnt by a curse. 

These gold-robbers were then resurrected on earth as 
goldsmiths.* In each rebirth they ceaselessly scratch together 

Therefore, in the absence of poisoners, thieves, or ban¬ 
dits, kings must ruthlessly persecute goldsmiths without 

The eighth canto, 
named the origin of goldsmiths, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 



V ancaka|maya mahatl 

mahl|tale jaladhi|mekhale nikhile 
nasta|dhiyam matsyanam 
jal’|all dhivarair vihita. 

Sarvasvam eva paramam 

prana yesam krte prayatno ’yam, 
Vaidya vedyah satatam 

yesam haste sthitas te ’pi. 

Ete hi dehi|daha 

viraha iva duhsaha bhisajah; 
grlsma|divasa iv’ ogra 

bahu|trsnah sosayanty eva. 

Vividh’|ausadhi|parivartair yogaih 
jijiiasaya sva|vidyayah 
hatva nrnam sahasram 

pascad vaidyo bhavet siddhah. 

5 Vinyasya rasi|cakram 

graha|cintam natayan mukha|vikaraih 
anuvadati cirad ganako 

yat kim cit prasniken’ oktam. 

Ganayati gagane ganakah 

candrena samagamam Visakhayah 
grhinim na janati. 

T here is a great veil of deception 
covering the surface of 
the whole, sea-girdled earth, 
a train of nets set up by fishermen : cunning men 
for fish whose wits have perished.* 

The vital breaths are the ultimate possession, 
all this striving is for their sake. 

Know those, in whose hands they are at all times, 
to be the Gods of the Vedas : physicians.* 

For, these dire physicians 

burn the body like separation from a lover; 
like ferocious summer days, 

they bring much thirst, and dehydrate. 

The physician becomes a renowned success 
after he has killed a thousand patients with his concoctions, 
swapping around their various constituent drugs 
in an attempt to figure out his own science. 

After sketching the zodiac, 9.5 

and affecting concern about the planets by pursing his lips, 
after a long pause, 

the astrologer finally paraphrases 
whatever the questioner had asked. 

The astrologer calculates 

the rendez-vous of the constellation Vishakha* 
with the moon in the sky, 
unaware that his wife at home 

is addicted to love-play with numerous paramours. 



Prathamam sva|vittam akhilam 

kanak’|arthl bhasmasat svayam krtva 
pascat sadhanan rasikan 

vinasayaty esa varnika|nipunah. 

«Sata|vedhI siddho me 

sahasrajvedhl raso ’pi niryatah» 
iti vadati dhatu|vadl 

nagno ruksah krso malinah. 


dhurto ’pi rasayanl jara|jlrnah 

khalvatan eva musnati. 

9.10 Prahladana|suci|taraka| 

sambara|ramanlj|ane ’pi baddh’|asah 
bilv’jadibhir ati|kaml 

hutva dhum’|andhatam eti. 

«Khecarat” aptajpraya 

yatnad yadi labhyate nabhah|kusumam; 
uktah prayoga|vidbhir 

masak’|asrhisu siddhayo vividhah. 



First, the gold-maker* 

reduces his own fortune to ashes in failed experiments. 
Then, having become skilled in gold-plating, 
he goes on to ruin wealthy alchemists. 

The alchemist boasts: 

“I have mastered the art of hundredfold-piercing mercury 
and perfected even the thousandfold-piercing mercury.” 
—He is naked, 

The quack rejuvenator, 

with a head bald like a copper pot, 

withered with old age, 

pilfers bald men with tales of sprouting hair.* 

The lecher, 

yearning for gorgeous mistresses 
with exhilarating bright eyes, 
makes burnt offerings of bilvas etc. 
and is blinded by the smoke.* 

“The state of being a sky-goer is readily attained 
if one strives to get a sky-flower;* 
sorcerers have revealed 

that there are many powers in mosquito-bones.* 





pasyati gagane sur’|Endra|caritani; 

bhavati puman vallabho ’psarasam.» 

Ity uktva punar asam 

disi disi vilasanti dhurta|samghatah 
yair vividha|siddhi|lubdhah 

ksiptah sataso narah svabhre. 


pathi pathi raksam dadati narinam, 

mulam mantram na janati. 

9.15 Bahavo rathya|guravo 

laghu|dlksah svaIpa|yogam utpadya 
vyadhaya iva vardhante 

mugdhanam dravina|dara|harah. 

«Hastajstha dhana|rekha 

vipulatar” asyah patis tu cala|cittah» 
mrdnati kula|vadhunam 

ity uktva kamala|komalam panim. 



With an eye-salve made of the dung 
of a black horse 

one sees the doings of Indra in the sky; 
smeared with frog-fat, 

a man can become the lover of celestial nymphs.” 
With such assertions, 

hordes of swindlers perpetually fan hopes the world over, 
casting down hundreds of men, 
lusting for all kinds of powers, 
into the chasms of hell. 

On every street, 

an adept at love-enchantment offers amulets to women, 
without knowing 

the magical roots* used in the science 
nor the root-mantra. 

Numerous street-gurus, 

who have received only minor initiations 
and mastered but little yoga, 
rob the wealth and wives of the innocent, 
proliferating like diseases. 

Alleging that: 

“The wealth-line in her hand is extensive, 
but her husband is a half-wit,” 

the palmist squeezes the tender hands of noble ladies. 




Khadge ’ngusthe salile 

pasyati vividham janajbhramam kanya 
na prapyate tu cauro 

moho ’sav indra|jalasya. 

Khadati pibati ca dhurtah 

pralapa|karl nrnam tal’|aghataih 
cet’|avesam krtva 


«Kaksa|pute Nagarjuna| 

likhita vartir vidhlyatam dhupe 
sa dagdha mohad! iti» 

dhurto ’gnau ksipati para|vittam. 

9.20 Yaksl|putras cora 

vijneyah kuta|dhupa|kartarah 
yesam pratyaksa|phalam 

darirdyam raja|dandas ca. 

«Bahutara|dhanena vanija 

putrl sa putravad|grhlt” eva 
mad|adhln” eti» kathabhih 

kany”|artham bhujyate dhurtaih. 

Cintyas c’ engita|vadl 

marma|jno hrdayajcaura ev’ asau 
tisthati para|prayukto 

mithya|badhiro ’thava mukah. 



The virgin sees a diverse crowd of people 

in a sword-blade, in her thumb-nail, or in water, 
but the thief is not caught, 
such is the futility of divinatory magic.* 

The fraud gorges himself and drinks, 

he prattles on, applauded by the public, 

after he has made his low-born side-kick become possessed 

using just a little incense and no mantras.* 

“The collyrium described by Nagarjuna in th eKaksha-puta* 
must be prepared in the smoke of incense. 

By accident it has burnt!” With this excuse the villain 
throws the wealth of other people 
into the fire. 

Sons of yakshis must be known as 
thieves who produce narcotic fumigants; 
for them the visible reward 
is poverty and punishment by the king.* 

“An extremely wealthy merchant 
has appointed his daughter, 
who is dependent on me, 
as legal heir in place of a son,”* 
with such tales 

villains gorge themselves at the expense of a girl. 

Suspect is also the specialist of physiognomy.* 

A knower of vulnerabilities, he is a heart-thief. 

He makes his appearance feigning to be deaf or mute, 
masterminded by an adversary. 




Bhasma|smera vesya 

vrddha sramana sa|daivata ganika 
etah kula|narinam 

caranti dhana|slla|harinyah. 

«Vidhava tarunl sa|dhana 

vanchati divyam bhavad|vidham ramanam* 
dhurto jadam ity uktva 

sarvasvam tasya bhaksayati. 

9.25 Pratyaha|vetana|yuktah 

karmasu ye karu|silpino dhtirtah 
vilasanti karma|vighnaih 
vijneyah kala|cauras te. 

Aksa|vyajair vividhaih 

ganana|hast’|adi|laghavair nipunah 
dhurtas caranti gudham 

prasiddha|kitava videsesu. 


bahu|vyayo dyuta|madya|vesyabhih 
vijneyo grha(cauro 

bandhu|jano vesma|daso va. 

«Krtakam sastram asatyam, 

saksad|drstas ca kena para]lokah?» 
iti vadati yah sa sankyo 

nirankuso matta|matangah. 



A prostitute pallid with sacred ash, 

an old nun, or a courtesan carrying an idol; 

these destroyers 

of the wealth and virtue of noble ladies 
are on the prowl. 

“A young, rich widow 

lusts after a divine lover like you,” 

saying this to a dim-wit 

the villain eats into his money. 

Corrupt artisans and craftsmen, 
day-labourers who divert themselves 
with disruptions to their job, 
should be known as time-thieves. 

Expert gamblers, 

villains adept in dice-tricks, miscalculation, 
and sleight of hand etc., 
pass unmarked in foreign lands.* 

A relative, 

who shows himself only at mealtimes, 
who squanders a lot 

on gambling, wine and loose women, 
should be known as a house-thief 
or house-fiend. 

“Sacred scripture is fabrication and false. 

Who has actually seen the hereafter?” 

He who speaks thus should be feared 

like a rutting elephant running out of control. 





haranti ye duhsahena lobhena 
ma|dhanam adhika|vidagdha 
vijneya labha|cauras te. 

9-3° Des’|antara|sambhavibhih 

bhoga|varair vamana|ramyaih 
ye ’pi nayanti videsam 

pasujsadrsan desa|cauras te. 


jvalanti vadav”|agnayah sakala|bhaksah 
jitajjana|vinimayino ye 

bhatt’|akhya jnana|coras te. 


duhsaha|vipad|anila|vega|vimukha ye 
suhrdas te sukha|caurah 

caranti laksml|lat”|ahutah. 



Those who, skilled at excess, 
with unbearable greed, 
rake in the debts 

of those hoping to make much profit, 
should be known as profit-thieves. 

Those who entice people abroad like cattle, 
with the choice enjoyments 
available in other lands, 

enchanting with the praises heaped upon them, 
are land-thieves.* 

Those, who bear the title “honorable,” 
who are all-devouring submarine fires 
smoldering in the midst of 
the oceans of law-courts, 
who collude with the defeated party 
to arrange the outcome, 
are knowledge-thieves. 

Friends, who are 

honey-drinking bees on the lotus of prosperity, 
who are blown away by the force 
of the wind of unpalatable hardship, 
are comfort-thieves, who rove about 
attracted by the vine of fortune. 




Yad yat kim cid apurvam 

para|carit’|akalpanad asambaddham 
varnayati harsa|kari 

bahu|vacanah karna|cauro ’sau. 

Dosesu guna|stutibhih 

sraddham utpadya catura/vacana ye 
kurvanty abhinava|srstim* 

sthiti|cauras te niracarah. 

9.35 Atma|guna|khyad|parah 

para|gunam acchadya vipula|yatnena 
prabhavanti parama|dhurta 

guna|cauras te vimudha|hrdayesu. 

Vallabhatam upayatah 

para|vallabhyam vicitra|paisunyaih 
ye varayanti dhurta 

matsaryad vrtti|cauras te. 


abhibhavati pratipattya 

sadhujjanam kIrti|cauro ’sau. 



The entertainer who recounts all kinds of things 
which are unheard of, 
which are incoherent, 
because he does not formulate 
what was done by others, 
is a talkative ear-thief. 

Those, who, with pleasing voices : clever words 
generate faith 

by praising virtues where there are only defects, 
create a rival world-order, 
are lawless thieves of the bounds of morality. 

Those utter villains, who, 

intent on proclaiming their own virtues, 

exert themselves mightily to obscure the virtues of others, 

are virtue-thieves, 

they wield influence among the simple-minded. 

Those villains, who have won royal favor, 
who out of jealousy obstruct others from royal favor 
by all manner of backbiting, 
are livelihood-thieves. 

A man lacking in tranquility, restraint and devotion, 
but seized by a mania to observe severe religious vows 
overwhelms good people with his determination. 

He is a renown-thief. 




N ana|hasa| vikaraih 

bahu|vaidagdhyaih sa|narma|parihasaih 
ramayati divasam asesam 

prakrti|vyaparajcauro ’sau. 

Bhaksita|nijajvibhava ye 

parajvibhava|ksapana|diksitah pascat 
anisam vesy”|avesa| 

stuti|mukharas te vitas cintyah. 

9.40 Ati|sucitaya na vrttim 

grhnati karoti c’ agryam adhikaram 
yo niyama|salila|matsyah 

pariharyo ’sau tu nihsprha|niyogI. 

Rathya|vanijah papah 

svayam etya grhesu yat prayacchanti 
tat ksana|ratnam udaram 

bhavati param kaca|sakalam api. 

Chand’|anuvartino ye 

svabhr’|apate ’pi sadhu|vada|parah 
sarvasva|harinas te 

madhura visavad visanty antah. 



The thief of habitual occupation fritters away 
the whole day 

shifting into diverse types of laughter, 
with many clever quips 
abounding in jokes and farces. 

Those who have squandered 
all of their own money 

and then devote themselves to wasting the wealth of others, 
who incessantly prattle on 
acclaiming brothels, 
are suspect as pimps.* 

The abstemious commissioner,* 
who discharges the highest office 
but does not accept any wages 
out of inordinate purity, 
must be shunned 

as a shark in the water of moderation. 

Wicked street-peddlers call at houses uninvited. 

Whatever they proffer, 

becomes in a flash a jewel of distinction, 

be it nothing but a bit of glass. 

Sycophants, who are ready to cry “Bravo!” 
even when one plummets into a chasm, 
rob everything with a pleasing voice, 
they spread within like poison. 




«Tava nara|patih prasadl 

guna|ganana|parah param» vijane 
uktv” eti raja|dasaih 

sevaka|lokah sada musitah. 

«Svapne may” abja|hasta 

drsta §ris tvad|grham pravista ca 

Devi Srih sadara praha: 

9.45 <Mad|bhaktas te dasyati 

sarvam.> labdho maya tat tvam» 
ity uktva saralanam 

vilasanti grhe grhe dhurtah. 


yajnajvivah’ |otsav’ |adi|j ana|samghe 
pravisanti bandhu|vesah 

pare ’pi sarv’|apaharaya. 


pibati na madyam, nisasu jagarti 
dhyanajparah, svair’jarthl, 

kim api ca kartum krt’|odyogah, 



“The King is favorably inclined towards you, 
he knows well to appreciate your many virtues.” 
With such private avowals, the royal menials 
ever rifle the servants. 

“In a dream* 

I saw the Goddess of fortune, 
and she entered your house 
with a lotus in her hand. 

Gratified by my month-long fast, 

the Goddess Lakshmi, though usually diffident, 

spoke to me: 

‘My devotee will give you everything’. 

So I have come to you.” 

With such pretenses, villains take advantage 
of the simple-minded faithful, 
house by house. 

When crowds congregate 
because the city is in affray, 
because of sacrifices, 
wedding-festivals or the like, 
strangers dressed as kinsmen 
intrude to carry off valuables. 

When the company drinks 
he does not touch wine. 

He stays awake at night 
absorbed in brooding. 

He is inclined to be self-willed, 

and has hatched plans for some venture. 




Na dadati prativacanam, 

prativakti ca gadgad’|aksarair visamam 
nasta|mukhah s’|occhvasah 

pravepate tat|ksanam corah. 

Yas c’ adhika|parisuddhim 

prarthayate ratati yas ca s’jatopam 

sank’layatanam sa papah syat. 


Pratyakse ’pi parokse 

krtam akrtam kathitam apy anuktam ca 
yah kurute nirvikrtih 

sa param pumsam bhaya|sthanam. 


sandha iva stri|svabhava|samlapah 
vicarati yah strl|madhye 

sa Kama|devo grhe dhurtah. 



He gives no answer. 

Or he gives a reply 
muffled with stammering. 

He hides his face, he sighs, 
he trembles in an instant: 
the thief. 

He, who demands inordinate purity 
and clamors arrogantly, 
that miscreant is a source of suspicion, 
a source of terrifying dissimulation. 

He who, 

whether it was witnessed or not, 
turns what has happened 
into what has not happened, 
and what was said 

into what was not said, 
without batting an eyelid, 
he is the ultimate source of danger 
for men. 

The villain 

who affects an artificial innocence, 
who, like a eunuch, 
talks in the manner of a woman, 
who loiters around the women 
is the God of love 
in the house. 




Satatam adho|mukha|drstih 

sati vibhave malina|gatra|vasanas ca 
vilasan kosa|niyuktah 

kosajgrhe musakas dmjah. 

Tisthati yah sakala|dinam 

grha|dasah priti|vesma|bhavanesu 
grha|dlrgha|kathah kathayan 

sa carah sarv’|atmana tyajyah. 

Nindye bahu|dand’|arhe 

karmani yah sarvatha pratarayati 

tena nibaddhah payo|rasih. 

9.55 Drstva guhyam asesam 

tasya rahasyam ca Illaya labdhva 
dhurtena mugdha|Iokas 

tena sila|pattake likhitah. 



The treasurer 

whose eyes are always cast down, 
whose body and clothes are filthy 
even though he has money, 
who frolics in the treasury, 
should be feared as a thief : rat.* 

The servant attached to a house 
who stays all day 

in the inner apartments 
as a favor, 

telling long-winded tales about the house, 
must be scrupulously avoided as a spy. 

He who persistently instigates others to commit 

sinful undertakings meriting severe punishment, 

has dammed the ocean 

which he must enjoy with apprehension 

for the remainder of his life. 

The villain, 
once he has seen all 
of the private affairs 
of unsophisticated people, 
and has without difficulty uncovered their secrets, 
proceeds to inscribe them 
on a stone slab. 




Raja|viruddham dravyam 

rupyam va kuta|lekhyam anyad va 
niksipya yaty alaksyam 

dhurtas tesam vinasaya. 

Ksudrah kslno ’pi grhe 

labdh’|asvadah krto dhanair yena 

sa Pasa|hasto dhrtas tena. 

Lajja|dhanah kullnah 

narikriyate dhurtaih 

prayena sa|garbhatnarlbhih. 

Drstabhir abhijnabhih 

krurabhih krtaka|vacana|mudrabhih 
dhurto musnati vadhum 

mugdham viprosite patyau. 

9.60 Sa|jane ’pi sadhujvesa 

vidhrt’|abharanas ca helaya dhurtah 
dhlra haranti satatam 

drste haso ’nyatha labhah. 



To ruin them, 

the villain plants illegal goods, 
money banned by the king, 
a forged document or something similar, 
and then absconds unnoticed. 

Someone who affords succor in his own house 
to an emaciated wretch at his own expense, 
is then held to ransom 
by that veritable God of death 
holding a poisoned knife and a noose. 

By means of pregnant women, 
villains commonly make a woman 
of an easily embarrassed, highborn man 
who respects the boundaries of pure conduct.* 

When her husband is abroad, 

a villain robs his innocent wife, 

with cruel, made-up messages and seals, 

with tokens of recognition which he has observed. 

Even in the midst of people, 

bold gentlemen-thieves dressed in respectable finery,* 
bedecked with ornaments, 
are ceaselessly stealing without effort. 

If it is noticed, it is a joke, 
if not, it is a gain. 




Dese krtva sphlte 

kumbha|dhan’|adambarair grham purnam 

varsena palayate dhurtah. 


tanu|vasanaih samvrtas ca ptijyante 

vyajena grhe grhe dhurtah. 

Adaya desa|vrsabham 

punya|cchagam ca dhurta|vikritam 
mugdhasya duhkha|pakah 

samargha|labh’)odito harsah. 

S’|adhi|ksepas tyage 

mahatam sampatsu yah krt’|asuyah 
tasmai bhayena vittam 

rikto ’pi dadati yatnena. 

9.65 Nihsara|bhurja|saraih 

krtva gantri|yutam maha|sartham 
dhurto disi disi vicaran 

dhanika|sahasrani musnati. 

Dhurtah prasannajveso 

nirdisya Surapaga|gaya|yatram 
bandhu|nidhaya sarthe 

dravinam grhnati mugdhebhyah. 


Once the con-man, 

who steals hundreds of thousands worth of deposits, 
has crammed his house in a prosperous foreign land 
with piles of treasure-vats, 
he disappears within a year. 

Bedecked with hollow golden ornaments and fine garments, 

impostors are honored in house after house 

in the guise of princes usurped by a common enemy. 

After a fool has bought a lucky goat 
from a swindler with a country bull, 
his glee at a valuable bargain 
ripens into grief. 

Even an impoverished man, out of fear, 
is intimidated into giving money to an extortionist 
who is abusive when ignored, 

who is envious of the prosperity of eminent people.* 

With wares which are really worthless bundles of birchbark, 9.65 
a villain sets up a vast caravan furnished with carts, 
crisscrosses the world, 
and robs thousands of wealthy people. 

A fraud, dressed in discreet robes, 
announces a pilgrimage to the river Ganges 
and then takes money from simple people 
in order to deposit 
the cremated remains of relatives. 



Musnati sartha|ramanl 

satim adaya nidraya mugdham. 
dhurtena kuta|rupam 

dattva nisi vancyate s” api. 

Badhiram va mukam va 

vanijam niksipya bhanda|salayam 
dhurto nayati tvaraya bahu|mulyam varnaka|dravyam. 

Kim cit paricaya|matraih 

kim cid dharstyena katthanaih 
kim cid vivada|kalahaih sarva|jno vancakas carati. 

9.70 Mithya/dambaraldhaniko 

mala/patrakalpanditah katha/jnanl 
varnana/suras ca parah 

Catur|mukho jrmbhate dhurtah. 


krta|samketan vibhajya gehesu 
bhoktum vrajati digantan 

vedh’|acaryo maha|dhurtah. 



The caravan-harlot 

steals the gown of a dozing simpleton. 

Given a counterfeit coin by a villain, 
she is cheated the same night. 

A villain locks a deaf or dumb merchant 

in his store-house 

and quickly makes off 

with heaps of stock and gold. 

The cheat* sets out, omniscient, 
in part through mere acquaintance, 
in part through audacity, 
in part through boasting, 
in part through quarrel and disagreement. 

Loudly asserting falsehoods, learned by reading title-pages, 

expert in disputation, heroic in embellishment, 

the villain is prominent as another four-faced Brahma 

: who powerfully confounds falsehood, 

who is the scholar seated on stainless lotus-petals, 

who knows sacred lore, 

who is heroic in creating the universe.* 

After investing houses with stooges ready to fake 
violent tremors in their whole bodies, 
the great deceiver roams hither and thither 
to enjoy himself as a master of piercing-initiation.* 




«Sata|varsikam amalakam 

bhuktva sri|parvatad aham praptah» 
dhurto vadati gurunam 

puratah «Sakunim smaram’ iti.» 

Ete lesena maya 

kathita maya|kalas catuh|sastih; 
ko vetti vancakanam 

mayanam sata|sahasrani? 

iti maha|kavi|sri|Ksemendrajviracite 

nana|dhurta|varnanam nama 
navamah sargah. 



The villain proclaims in front of the gurus: 

“I have come from Mt. Shri-parvata 
where I have eaten 
a hundred year old Myrobalan fruit. 

I remember Shakuni.”* 

These, succinctly told, 

are the sixty-four arts of deceit. 

Who knows 

the hundreds of thousands of tricks of swindlers? 

The ninth canto, 

named the description of assorted villains, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 




-*— 4 vijneya na tu punah svayam sevyah 
dharmyah kala|kalapo 

vidusa|mayam Ipsito bhutyaih. 

Dharmasya kala jyestha 

bhuta|day”|akhya par’|opakaras ca 
danam ksam” anasuya 

satyam alobhah prasadas ca. 

Arthasya sad”|otthanam 

niyamah paripalanam krama|jnanam 
sthane tyagah patutaj 

anudvegah strlsv avisvasah. 

Kamasya vesa|sobha 

pesalata caruta gun’|otkarsah 
pritih pranayo llla| citta|jnanam ca kantanam. 

10.5 Moksasya viveka|ratih 

prasamas trsna|ksayah sva|samtosah 
sanga|tyagah sva|layah 

samyam paramajprakasas ca. 

Etas catustaya|kala 

dvajtrimsat|krama|dhrtah samasta va 

bhavanti vidyavatam. 


O ne must know these tricks of charlatans, 
but one should not pursue them oneself. 

The wise seek their welfare 
in the profusion of virtuous arts. 

The most excellent arts of righteousness are known as 
compassion for living beings, assistance to others, 
charity, forbearance, goodwill, truthfulness, 
contentment, and serenity.* 

Of gain they are 

unflagging exertion, regularity, saving, 
knowledge of business, selling in due time, 
proficiency, calm, and distrust in women. 

Of pleasure they are 

beautiful clothes, gentleness, elegance, excellent virtues, 

affection, trust, playfulness, 

and knowing the mind of the beloved. 

Of liberation they are 

a love of discernment, tranquility, eradication of craving, 
self-contentment, giving up clinging, merging into the self, 
equanimity, supreme illumination. 

For wise deceivers of transmigration 
these are the thirty-two arts 
of the quartet of worldly aims 
practised in order or all at once.* 





priya|vaditvam sadhairyam akrodhah 
vairagyam ca par’|arthe 

sukhasya siddhah kalah panca. 

Sat|sarigah kamajjayah 

saucam guru|sevanam sad|acarah 
srutam amalam yasasi ratih 
mula|kalah sapta sllasya. 

Tejah sattvam buddhih 

vyavasayo nltir ingita|jnanam 
pragalbhyam susahayah 

krtajjnata mantra|raksanam tyagah; Anuragah pratipattih 

mitr’|arjanam anrsamsyam astambhah 
asrita|j anajvatsalyam 

dasa|sapta kalah prabhavasya. 

Maunam alaulyam ayacna 

manasya ca jlvitam kala|tritayam 
etah kala vidagdhaih 

svajgatah karyas catuh|sastih. 

sakta|virodhe gamanam 

tat|pranatir va bal’|odaye vairam 
artasya dharma|carya 

duhkhe dhairyam sukhesv anutsekah; 
Vibhavesu samvibhagah 

satsu ratir mantra|samsaye prajna 
nindyesu parafi|mukhata 

bhesajam etat kala|dasakam. 



Giving up envy, kindly speech, fortitude, 
freedom from anger, 

and dispassion towards the wealth of others, 
are the five magical arts of happiness.* 

The seven fundamental arts of integrity are: 
association with the good, 
vanquishing sensual desires, purity, 

service to the preceptor, good conduct, stainless learning, 
and striving for a good reputation. 

Dignity, character, intelligence, determination, statecraft, 
knowledge of gestures betraying secret intentions, boldness, 
loyal friends, gratitude, confidentiality, generosity; 

Devotion, sanctioned authority, acquisition of friends, 10.10 
mercy, modesty, and kindness towards dependents 
are the seventeen arts of power. 

Reserve, firmness and not begging, 
this triad of arts is the life of honor. 

The wise should make 
these sixty-four arts their own. 

When opposed by a greater power 
one should leave or bow to it, 

one should show hostility when force is brought to bear, 
righteous conduct towards the oppressed, 
fortitude in suffering, courtesy in happiness; 

Sharing in wealth, fondness for good people, 
clear insight when counsels are doubtful, 
and aversion to reprehensible people; 
these ten arts are remedial. 



Gurujvacanam satyanam 

karyanam go|dvi|jati|sura|puja 
lobhah papatamanam 

krodhah sarv’ |opatapa|janakanam; 

10.15 Prajna sarva|gunanam 

yasasvita vipula|vittajvibhavanam 
seva duhkhataranam 

asa prthu|kala|bhujaga|pasanam; 
Danam ratnajnidhlnam 

nirvairatvam sukha|pradesanam 
yacna mana|haranam 

darirdyam sapa|tapas’|arthanam; 
Dharmah patheyanam 

satyam mukha|padma|pavanataranam 
vyasanam roga|gananam 

alasyam grha|samrddhi|nasanam; 
Nihsprhata slaghyanam 

priya|vacanam sarva|madhuranam 
darpas timira|bharanam 

dambhah sarv’|opahasa|patranam; 
Adrohah saucanam 

acapalam vrata|visesa|niyamanam 
paisunyam apriyanam 

vrtti|cchedo nrsamsa|caritanam; 

10.20 Karunyam punyanam 

krta|jnata purusa|ratna|cihnanam 
maya moha|matInam 

krta|ghnata naraka|pata|hetunam; 



In this world,* it is renown, 

which is the guru’s word among truths, 

the worship of cows, brahmins and Gods among deeds, 

greed among heinous sins, 

wrath among all that leads to sorrow; 

Wisdom among all virtues, 

prestige among all the dignities of vast affluence, 

servitude among miseries, 

hope among thick snares and black cobras;* 

Charity among jewel treasures, 

freedom from enmity among the happy realms, 

begging among erasers of honor, 

poverty among all penitences caused by curses; 

Righteousness among waybreads, 

truth among the purifiers of one’s mouth-lotus, 

vice among epidemics of diseases, 

sloth among the destroyers of the prosperity of a house; 

Desirelessness among things worthy of praise, 

kind words among all that is sweet, 

arrogance among all that is impenetrably dark, 

false piety among all that is laughable; 

Absence of malice among purities, 
steadfastness among the observances imposed 
by difficult vows, 
slander among unpleasant deeds, 
severing a livelihood among mean acts; 

Compassion among meritorious feats, 
gratitude among the marks of the superior man, 
deceit among foolish ideas, 

ungratefulness among the causes for a downfall to hell; 






Madanas chala|cauranam 

strl|vacanam jnati|bhedanam 
kruras candalanam 

fmayavl kali|yug’|avataranamf; 
sastram mani|dlpanam 

upadesas cabhisekanamab: 
sneho visama|visanam 

vesya|rago visarpa|kusthanam; 
Bharya grha|saranam 

putrah para|loka|bandhunam 
satruh salyajsatanam 

dusputrah kula|vinasanam; 
Tarunyam ramyanam 

rupam rucir’|opacara|vesanam 
vrddhatvam klesanam 

rogitvam nidhana|tulya|duhkhanam; 
Prabhu|saktir bhagyanam 

putra|janih sarva|saukhyanam 
manah pusti|karanam 

acarah karma|dharma|niratanam; 
Samtoso rajyanam 

satjsangas cakra|varti|vibhavanamab: 
cinta sosa|karanam 

vidvesah kotar’|agni|dahanam; 

3 10 


The God of love among sneaky thieves, 
women’s words among dividers of kinsmen, 
a cruel one among chanddlas* 
a necromancer among those incarnated 
in the age of darkness; 

Scripture among jewel-lamps, 
instruction among consecrations, 
love among cruel poisons, 

attraction to prostitutes among spreading rashes 
and leprosies;* 

A wife among domestic properties, 
a son among relatives helpful for the next life,* 
an enemy among hundreds of barbs, 
a bad son among the destroyers of families; 
Youth among lovely things, 
beauty among splendid pomp and garments, 
old age among afflictions, 
sickness among agonies equal to death; 
Sovereignty among good fortunes, 
the birth of a son among all joys, 
self-respect among invigoraters, 
customary observance among those devoted 
to ritual and religion; 

Satisfaction among kingdoms, 

good company among the glories of emperors, 

worry among things which parch, 

hatred among fires smoldering in hollow trees; 




Maitri visrambhanam 

niryantranata mah”|arhajbhoganam 
samkoco vyadhmam 

kautilyam nirjal’|andha|kupanam; 
Arjavam amalataranam 

vinayo vara|ratna|mukutanam 
dyutam durvyasananam 

stri|jitata madhumatam pisacanam; 
Tyago mani|valayanam 

srutam ujjvala|karna|ratnanam 
khala|maitri capalanam 

durjanaiseva vrtha|prayasanam; 

10.30 Nirvrtir udyananam 

priya|darsanam amrta|varsanam 
tattva|ratir labhyanam 

murkha|sabha guna|viveka|nasanam; 
Kutajah sa|phala|tarunam 

saubhagyam krta|puravataranam 
raja|kulam sakyanam 

strl|hrdayam prakrti|kutilanam; 
Aucityam stutyanam 

guna|ragas candan’|adi|lepanam 
kanya soka|karanam 

buddhi|vihIno ’nukampyanam; 
Vibhavah saubhagyanam 

jana|ragah klrti|kandanam 
madyam vetalanam 

mrgaya gaja|gahana|yaksanam; 



Amiability among intimate confidences, 
independence among priceless enjoyments, 
self-abasement among diseases, 
duplicity among waterless concealed wells; 

Sincerity among unsullied things, 
modesty among diadems of choice gems 
gambling among depravities 
defeat by women among appealing goblins; 

Renunciation among jewelled bracelets, 
learning among dazzling earrings set with gems, 
friendship with villains among uncertainties, 
service to the wicked among futile endeavours; 

Beatitude among gardens, 
the glance of a friend among nectar-showers, 
rejoicing in truth among things within reach, 
an assembly of fools 

among destroyers of the discernment of virtues; 

The kutaja* among fruit-bearing trees, 
good fortune among the consequences of former deeds, 
the royal family among wherewithals, 
a woman’s heart among the inherently deceitful; 

Harmony among the praiseworthy, 

attachment to virtue among unguents of sandalwood etc., 

a daughter among causes of grief, 

the dunce among those deserving pity; 

Wealth among good destinies, 
popularity among the roots of renown, 
drink among zombies, 

hunting among yakshas in the elephant wilderness; 




Prasamah svasthya|karanam| 
atma|ratis tlrtha|sevanam 
lubdhah phala|rahitanam 

acara|vivarjitah smasananam; 

10.35 Nltih strl|raksananam 

indriya|vijayah prabhavanam 
Irsya yaksmajsatanam| 

ayasah kusthana|marananam; 

Mata mangalyanam 

janakah sukrt’|otsav’|6padesanam 
ghatas tlksna|saranam 

Pranatir manyu|haranam 

sauhardam krcchra|yacnanam 
prabhu|bhaktir nltanam 

yuddhi nidhanam saukhya|vlthlnam; 
Punyam prapyatamanam 

jnanam parama|prakasanam 
klrtih samsare ’smin 

saratara sarva|lokanam. 

Jneyah kala|kalape| 

kusalah sarv’|artha|tattva|vijnata 
pravarataro loke ’smin| 

brahmana iva sarva|varnanam. 

10.40 Ity uktam satam etad 

yo vetti subh’jasubh’|6daya|kalanam 
tasy’ aiva vyavahare| 

drsta drsta|prayojana laksmih. 



Tranquility among health-tonics, 
delight in the self among visits to sacred fords, 
the hunter among those without merit, 
the dissolute among burning grounds; 

Prudence among ways to protect women, 
conquest of the senses among mighty deeds, 
jealousy among the hundred forms of consumption, 
disrepute among inglorious deaths; 

A mother among blessings, 

a father among teachings for the festivity of good deeds, 
murder among sharp arrows, 

severing of the vital ligatures among bright razor weapons; 
Deference among appeasers of anger, 
friendship among things difficult to ask for, 
devotion to God among guiding principles, 
death in battle* among paths to happiness; 

Merit among things one must attain, 
knowledge among the brightest illuminations, 
which is most precious to all people. 

An adept at this whole collection of arts, 

who discerns the truth of all things, 

must be acknowledged as unsurpassed in this world, 

just as a brahmin is among all the castes. 

Fortune smiles, making her intention clear, 
upon the endeavours of those alone who know 
the one hundred arts just revealed, 
which lead to either fortune or misfortune. 





Uktv” eti Muladevoj 

visrjya sisyan krt’|ocit’|acarah 

ninaya nija|mandire rajanlm. 

Kell|mayah smita|vikasa|kal”|abhiramah 

lok’|opadesa|visayah sukathajvicitro 

bhuyat satam dayita esa Kala(vilasah. 

Kala|vilasah Ksemendra| 

sas” lva manas’|ahladam 
karotu satatam satamj 

iti maha|kavi|sri[Ksemendra|viracite 

sakala|kala|nirupanam nama 
dasamah sargah. 



This said, Mula-deva 

dismissed his pupils with the appropriate rite, 
and spent the remainder of the night, 
which blossomed with clusters of rays, 
in his own palace. 

May this “Grace of Guile” be dear to the good: 

Made up of amusements, 
merry with the art of wide smiles, 
a bright lamp on the inner workings of all dispositions, 
meant as instruction for the public 
relieved by edifying tales. 

May the “Grace of Guile,” 
which has come forth 

from the ocean of Kshemendra’s talent, 
ever delight the minds of the good, 
as does the moon. 

The tenth canto, 
named the description of all arts, 
in the “Grace of Guile” composed by 
the great poet Kshemendra. 




\T a bhetavyam na boddhavyam 
^ na sravyam vadino vacah 
jhatiti prativaktavyam sabhasu vijiglsubhih! 

Asambhramo, vilajjatvam, avajna prativadini, 
haso, rajnah stavas c’ eti pane’ aite jaya|hetavah. 

Uccair udghosya jetavyam madhya|sthas ced apanditah 
pandito yadi tatr aiva paksa|pato ’dhiropyatam. 

Lobho hetur dhanam sadhyam drstantas tu purohitah 
atm”|otkarso nigamanam anumanesv ayam vidhih. 

5 Abhyasyam lajjamanena tattvam jijnasuna ciram 
jiglsuna hriyam tyaktva karyah kolahalo mahan. 
Pathanair grantha|nirmanaih pratistha tavad apyate 
evam ca tathya|vyutpattir ayuso ’nte bhaven na va? 

Stotarah ke bhavisyanti murkhasya jagati|tale? 
na stauti cet svayam ca svam kada tasy’ astu nirvrtih? 
«Vacyatam! samayo ’tltah. spastam agre bhavisyati.» 
iti pathayatam granthe kathinyam kutra vartate? 
Agatitvam atisraddha jnan’|abhasena trptata 
trayah sisya|guna hy ete murkh’|acaryasya bhagya|jah. 


io Yadi na kv’ api vidyayam sarvatha kramate matih 
mantrikas tu bhavisyamo yogino yatayo ’pi va. 
Avilambena samsiddhau mantrikair apyate yasah 
vilambe karma|bahulyam vikhyapy’ avapyate dhanam. 



I f you want to triumph in a meeting, do not be afraid, 
do not pay attention, do not listen to the opponent’s 
arguments,—just immediately contradict them! Unflappa¬ 
bility, shamelessness, contempt for the adversary, derision, 
and praise of the king: these five are the grounds of victory. 

If the arbitrator is not learned, one wins by shouting. 

If he is learned one has only to insinuate bias: “Greed” is 
the premise, “money” is the probandum, “the priest” is the 
example, “personal advance” is the result: such is the correct 
syllogistic procedure.* 

The humble seeker after wisdom must ponder the truth 5 
for a long time; the careerist has to set aside modesty and 
cause a great commotion. A reputation is above all won by 
composing works and by teaching; and might perhaps even 
true erudition be achieved in this manner before the end of 
life, or not? 

Who, on this earth, will praise a fool? Were he not to 
praise his own work, could he ever be happy? “Read on! We 
are behind time. It will become clear further on,”—with 
such a method of teaching, what could prove difficult in a 
text? Resourcelessness, excessive faith, satisfaction with the 
appearance of knowledge—these three qualities in a student 
are a blessing for a dimwitted teacher. 


Should our intellect absolutely fail to penetrate any sci- 10 
ence at all, then we can always become mantra-sorcerers, 
yogins, or ascetics. When success is immediate, mantra- 



Sukham sukhisu duhkham ca jlvanam duhkha|salisu 
anugrahayate yesam te dhanyah kdialu mantrikah. 
Yavad ajnanato maunam acaro va vilaksanah 
tavan mahatmya|rupena paryavasyati mantrike. 


Caran vicarya daiva|jnair vaktavyam bhubhujam phalam 
graha|cara|parijnanam tesam avasyakam yatah. 

15 «Putra ity» eva pitari «kanyak” ety» eva matari 
garbha|prasnesu kathayan daiva|jno vijayl bhavet. 
Ayuh|prasne dlrgham ayur vacyam mauhurtikair janaih 
jlvanto bahu|manyante mrtah praksyanti kam punah? 

Sarvam koti|dvay’|opetam sarvam kala|dvay’|avadhi 
sarvam vyamisram iva ca vaktavyam daiva|cintakaih. 
Nirdhananam dhan’|avaptim dhaninam adhikam dhanam 
bruvanah sarvatha grahya lokair jyautisika janah. 

Satasya labhe tambulam sahasrasya tu bhojanam 
daivajjnanam upalambho nityah karya|viparyaye. 

20 Api sagara|paryanta vicetavya vasun|dhara 
deso hy aratni|matre ’pi n’ asti daiva|jna|varjitah. 

Varan ke cid grahan ke cit ke cid rksani janante 
tritayam ye vijananti te vacas|patayah svayam. 



sorcerers become celebrities; when there is a delay, exorbi¬ 
tant rituals are prognosticated and they make money. 

Blessed indeed are mantra-sorcerers, whose livelihood 
benefits from both the happiness of the well-off and the 
misery of the wretched. Provided the sorcerer keeps quiet 
in his ignorance or adopts bizarre behavior, his greatness 
is ensured. 


Because insight gained from the movements (cam) of the 
planets is indispensable for them, astrologers announce a 
prediction to the king after consulting spies (earn). 

When asked about a pregnancy, the astrologer wins if 15 
he tells the father: “A son!” and the mother: “A daughter!” 
When asked about the length of life, the astrologer predicts 
a long life. Those who survive will be in awe of him. Who 
will the dead call to account? 

Astrologers should say that everything has two sides, ev¬ 
erything happens within two time-limits, and everything 
appears to be in flux. The people will always welcome as¬ 
trologers who predict a gain of wealth to the impoverished, 
and even more wealth to the wealthy. For a predicted gain 
of a hundred, an astrologer earns some betelnut, for a pre¬ 
dicted gain of a thousand a meal, and for a predicted fiasco 
eternal censure. 

One may scour the earth up to the edge of the sea, 20 
but nowhere is there even a single ell of land free from 
astrologers. Some know the days, some the planets, some 
the constellations,—those who know all three are veritable 
Vachas-patis.* Fortune-tellers, interpreters of dreams, and 



Naimittikah svapnajdrso devat”|opasaka iti 
nisarga|satravah srsta daiva|jnanam ami trayah. 


Svasthair asadhya|rogais ca jantubhir n’ asti kim cana 
katara d!rgha|rogas ca bhisajam bhagya|hetavah. 

N’ atidhairyam pradatavyam n atibhltis ca rogini 
naiscintyan n’ adime danam nairasyad eva n’ antime. 

25 Bhaisajyam tu yatha|kamam pathyam tu kathinam vadet 
arogyam vaidya|mahatmyad anyathatvam apathyatah. 

Nidanam roga|namani satmy’|asatmye cikitsitam 
sarvam apy upadeksyanti roginah sadane striyah. 
Jrmbhamanesu rogesu mriyamanesu jantusu 
roga|tatrvesu sanakair vyutpadyante cikitsakah. 

Pravartan’|artham arambhe madhye tv ausadha|hetave 
bahu|man’|artham ante ca jihlrsanti cikitsakah. 
Lipsamanesu vaidyesu cirad asadya roginam 
dayadah samprarohanti daiva|jna mantrika api. 

30 Rogasy’ opakrame santvam 

madhye kim|cid|dhana|vyayah 
sanair anadarah santau 
snato vaidyam na pasyati. 



priests;* these three natural enemies have been created for 


The healthy and the terminally ill are of no interest, 
doctors thrive on hypochondriacs and those suffering from 
chronic diseases. The patient must neither be given too 
much hope nor too much fear. In the first case he will not 
pay up because he has no worry, in the second because he 
has no hope. . 

A doctor prescribes medicine ad libitum, but insists on 25 
a difficult, meager diet. If health is restored it is by the 
greatness of the physician, if not, the dietary regimen was 
not followed. 

Pathology, diagnostic, what is agreeable and disagreeable, 
treatment,—the women in the patient’s house will instruct 
him in all.* As epidemics spread, as people succumb, doctors 
learn, eventually, about the nature of diseases.* 

Initially to make a housecall, in the interim for medicine, 
at the end out of gratitude,—physicians demand payment. 
When doctors, greedy for money, have at last secured a 
patient, two co-inheritors pop up: the astrologer and the 
mantra-sorcerer. * 

At the onset of the disease the patient shows him kind- 30 
ness, in the middle stage he parts with some money, as health 
returns he looses interest in him, after the bath of conva- 
lescense the physician has become a persona non grata. 




Daivajjnatvam man trikata bhaisajyam catu|kausalam 
ek’|aikam artha|labhaya dvi|tri|yogas tu durlabhah. 
Anrtam catu|vadas ca dhana|yogo mahan ayam 
satyam vaidusyam ity esa yogo daridrya|karakah. 
Kataryam durvinltatvam karpanyam avivekatam 
sarvam marjanti kavayah sallnam musti|kimkarah. 

Na karanam apeksante kavayah stotum udyatah 
kim cid astuvatam tesam jihva phuraphurayate. 

35 Stutam stuvanti kavayo na svato guna|darsinah 
kitah kas cid «alih» nama—kiyatl tatra varnana? 

Ek” aiva kavita pumsam gramay’ asvaya hastine 
antato ’nnaya vastraya tambulaya ca kalpate. 
Sabd’jakhyam aparam Brahma samdarbhena pariskrtam 
vikriyate katipayair vrth” anyair viniyujyate. 

Varnayanti nar’|abhasan Vanim labdhv” api ye janah 
labdhv” api kama|dhenum te langale viniyunjate. 

Prasamsanto nar’|abhasan pralapanto ’nyath” anyatha 
katham tarantu kavayah kamajparamya|vadinah?. 

40 Yat sandarbhe yad ullekhe yad vyangye nibhrtam manah 
samadher api taj jyayah Sankaro yadi varnyate. 




Astrology, sorcery, medicine, skill in flattery: each on 
its own is profitable, but it is rare to find two or three 
together. Dishonesty and flattery are a great conjunction 
auguring wealth; the conjunction of honesty and erudition 
leads to poverty. Cowardice, barbarity, avarice, and lack of 
judgment, poets can expunge it all, hirelings for a handful of 
rice. Poets, poised to praise, require no reason: when they are 
not praising something their tongues vibrate. Poets praise 35 
what is already praised, they are not in fact appreciative of 
virtues: there is a gnat called “bee,” —and what poetic labor 
is wasted in its portrayal? 

“Unique” is the poetry which men compose in return for 
a village, for a horse, an elephant, when it comes to it for 
a meal, for clothing, for some betel. The second Brahman 
called “Speech,” arranged beautifully in poetic composition, 
is peddled by some, is squandered in vain by others. These 
wretches who, attaining the Goddess “Speech,” abuse her 
to eulogise would-be heroes, they might even yoke a wish¬ 
granting cow to the plow! 

Praising reprobates, twisting everything with their prat¬ 
tle, how can poets find salvation, professing that desire is 
supreme?* Captive attention on whatever composition, on 40 
whatever description, on whatever suggestion, is superior 
to meditative trance, if Shiva is the topic. 

32 7 



Grhini bhaginl tasyah svasurau syala ity api 
praninam kalina srstah panca prana ime ’pare. 

Jamataro bhagineya matula dara|bandhavah 
ajnata eva grhinam bhaksayanty akhu|vad grhe. 
Matulasya balam mata jamatur duhita balam 
svasurasya balam bharya svayam ev’ atither balam. 
Jamatur vakrata tavad yavac chyalasya balata 
prabudhyamane saralyam prabuddhe ’smin palayanam. 
45 Bharya jyestha sisuh syalah svasruh svatantrya|vartinl 
svasuras tu pravas” iti jamatur bhagya|dhoram.*. 
Bhusanair vasanaih patraih putranam upalalanaih 
sakrd agatya gacchantl kanya nirmarsti mandiram. 

Grhinl sva|janam vakti susk’|aharam mit’|asanam 
pati|paksyan tu bahv|asan kslrajpams taskaran api. 
Bharye dve putrajsalinyau bhaginl pati|varjita 
asranta|kalaho nama yogo yam grhajmedhinam. 

Bharye dve bahavah putra daridryam roga|sambhavah 
jlrnau ca mata|pitarav ek’|aikam narak’|adhikam. 


50 Smrte sldanti gatrani, drste prajna vinasyati 

aho! mahad idam bhutam uttama|rn’|abhisabditam. 
Antako ’pi hi jantunam anta|kalam apeksate 
na kala|niyamah kas cid uttama|rnasya vidyate. 




A wife, her sister, her parents, and the brother-in-law: 
these five additional vital breaths Kali has created for men. 
Sons-in-law, nephews, maternal uncles, the in-laws, feed in 
the house-holder’s home like rats without his knowledge. 
The mother is the power behind the maternal uncle, the 
daughter is the power behind the sons-in-law, the wife is 
the power behind the father-in-law, the guest is his own 
power. While the son-in-law is young—the brother-in-law 
is deceitful; when he begins to understand—he is forthright; 
when he has grown to understand—he takes flight. 

A wife who is the eldest daughter, a brother-in-law who 45 
is a child, a wilful mother-in-law, a father-in-law abroad, 
this is an easy ride for the son-in-law. In just one visit, 
a daughter departs with jewellery, garments, vessels, and 
children’s toys,—pillaging the home. 

A wife claims that her parents eat dry scraps, sparingly, 
but that her husband’s parents are gluttons, drink milk, or 
may even be thieves. Two wives blessed with many children, 
and a sister without husband: this is a conjunction called 
“incessant quarrel” for the house-holder. Two wives, many 
children, poverty, disease, an aged father and mother, each 
one is worse than hell. 


When he is remembered, the limbs hang loose, when he 50 
is seen, the spirit perishes. Lo! Mighty is the wraith called 
“money-lender.” Even Death awaits the last days of crea¬ 
tures, but a money-lender is not bound by time. We cannot 
detect a fang in his mouth, nor a noose in his fist, never- 



Na pasyamo mukhe damstram na pasam va kar’|anjale 
uttama|rnam aveksy’ aiva tath” apy udvejite manah. 


Satrau santvam pratlkarah sarva|rogesu bhesajam 
mrtyau Mrtyun|jaya|dhyanam daridrye tu na kim cana. 
Saktim karoti samcare sTt’|osne marsayaty api 
dlpayaty udare vahnim daridryam param’jausadham. 

55 Giram skhalantlm mllantim drstim padau visamsthulau 
protsahayati yacnayam raj’jajn” eva daridrata. 

Jlryanti raja|vidvesa jlryanty avihitany api 
akimcanya|bal’|adhyanam antato ’sm” api jlryati. 

N’ asya cora na pisuna na dayada na parthivah 
dainyam rajyad api jyayo yadi tattvam prabudhyate. 


Prakasayaty ahamkaram pravartayati taskaran 
protsahayati dayadal laksmih kim|cidjupasthita. 
Vidambayanti ye nityam vidagdhan dhanino janah 
ta eva tu vidambyante Iriya kim|cid|upeksitah. 

60 Pramanya|buddhih stotresu devata|buddhir atmani 
kita|buddhir manusyesu nutanayah sriyah phalam. 

Srnvanta eva prcchanti pasyanto pi na janate 
vidambanani dhanikah stotran’ ity eva manvate. 

Avrtya sri|maden andhan anyo’|nya|krta|samvidah 
svairam hasanti parsva|stha baP|onmatta|pisaca|vat. 



theless, as soon as the money-lender is spotted the heart 


Against an enemy peace-negotiations are the remedy, 
there is a medicine for every disease, to ward off death there 
is the Mrityun-jaya mantra, but against poverty there is 
nothing. It gives one the strength to make one’s rounds, 
even makes heat and cold bearable, kindles the digestive 
fire,—poverty is the ultimate medicament. 

Stammering words, lowered eyes, tottering feet—poverty 55 
spurs one on to beg as does a royal condemnation. Those 
abounding in utter destitution can digest the contempt of 
the king, they can digest what is beyond the pale, and in 
the end they can even digest stones. For him there are no 
thieves, no denouncers, no inheritors, no kings,—poverty 
is superior to kingship if seen for what it is. 


A slight increase in prosperity heightens egoism, encour¬ 
ages thieves, and emboldens inheritors. But the rich who 
always belittle the learned, are themselves derided when for¬ 
tune no longer smiles upon them. Believing flattery to be 60 
fact, considering oneself divine, thinking common people 
to be worms,—such is the result of new money. 

Though they can hear they moot the question, though 
they see they do not understand, the rich take even mock¬ 
ery to be praise. Hangers-on, colluding with each other in 
secret, laugh freely at those blind with the intoxication of 
wealth, as if they were children, deranged or demonically 



Stotavyaih stuyate nityam sevanlyais ca sevyate 
na bibheti na jihreti tath” api dhaniko janah. 
Ksanajmatram grah’|aveso yama|matram sura|madah 
laksml|madas tu murkhanam a|deham anuvartate. 

65 Srir masam ardha|masam va cestitva vinivartate 
vikaras tu tad|arabdho nityo lasuna|gandha|vat. 

Kanthe madah kodrava|jo hrdi tambulajjo madah 
laksml|madas tu sarv’|ange putra|dara|mukhesv api. 
Yatr’ asld asti va laksmls tatr onmadah pravartatam 
kule ’py avataraty esa kusth’|apasmara|vat katham? 
Adhyapayanti sastrani trnl|kurvanti panditan 
vismarayanti jatim svam varatah pancasa kare 

Bibhartu bhrtyan dhaniko dattam va deyam arthisu 
yavad yacaka|sadharmyam taval loko na mrsyati. 


70 Dhana|bharo hi lokasya pisunair eva dharyate 
katham te tarn laghu|kartum yatante ’paratha svatah? 
Sram’|anurupam pisune kim upakriyate nrpaih? 
dvi|gunam tri|gunam v” api Krt’|anto lalayisyati. 



He is ever lauded by those he ought to praise, he is served 
by those deserving his service, despite this the wealthy man 
knows no fear and no shame. Possession by an astrological 
demon lasts but a moment, drunkenness lasts for a watch, 
but the foolish are intoxicated with wealth for as long as 
the body endures. The goddess of wealth lends a helping 65 
hand for a month or perhaps for half a month and then 
withdraws, but the change she brings to pass lasts for ever, 
like the stench of garlic. 

The inflammation wrought by ditch millet* numbs the 
throat, betel-nut stuns the heart, but the stupor caused by 
wealth affects the whole body, even the faces of wives and 
children. It makes sense that delirium afflicts someone who 
once was or still is wealthy, but how can it spread in a family, 
like leprosy or epilepsy? Five or six small coins in the hand 
give licence to lecture on science, consider the learned as 
chaff, let one forget one’s caste. 

The wealthy man may support his dependents, may give 
charity to beggars, but as soon as he looks like he might ask 
for a favor, nobody will suffer his presence. 


Surely, the world’s burden of wealth is borne by informers 70 
alone; otherwise why are they striving all by themselves to 
lighten it? Does the king compensate the informer with a 
reward appropriate to his effort? Twice, and even three times 
more, Death will care for him. 



Go|karne Bhadra|karne ca japo duskarma|nasanah 
raja|karne japah sadyah sarva|karma|vinasanah. 

Na sv’lartham kim cid icchanti na preryante ca kena cit 
par’/arthesu pravartante sathah santas ca tulya|vat. 
Kal’|antare hy anarthaya grdhro geh’|opari sthitah 
khalo grha|samlpa|sthah sadyo ’narthaya dehinam. 


75 Susk’|opavaso dharmesu bhaisajyesu ca langhanam 
japa|yajnas ca yajnesu rocate lobhajlalinam. 

«Kim vaksyat’ iti?» dhanikad yavad udvijate ’dhanah 
«kim praksyat’ iti?» lubdho ’pi tavad udvijate tatah. 
Sarvam atithya|sastr’jartham saksat kurvanti lobhinah 
bhiksa|kavalam ek’|aikam ye hi pasyanti Meru|vat. 

Dhana|palah pisaco hi datte svaminy upasthite 
dhana|lubdhah pisacas tu na kasmai cana ditsate. 

Dataro 'rthibhir arthyante datrbhih punar arthinah 
kartr|karma|vyatlharad aho nimnjonnatam kiyat! 

80 «Svasminn asati n’ arthasya raksakah sambhaved iti» 
niscity’ aivam svayam api bhunkte lubdhah katham cana. 
Prasthasyamanah praviset pratistheta dine dine 
vicitran ullikhed vighnams tisthasur atithis ciram. 



Murmuring mantras at rhe sacred fords called “Cow¬ 
ear” and “Lucky-ear” annihilates past misdeeds. Murmuring 
into the king’s ear at once annihilates all deeds. They have 
no interest in their own affairs, they cannot be guided by 
anyone, they meddle in other people’s business, the wicked 
as well as the good, who for themselves want nothing, are 
not goaded by anyone else, andactfrom the highest motives. 
It seems a vulture perched on the house is an omen for some 
future disaster, but a villain loitering near the house heralds 
immediate doom. 


The avaricious favor the meager fast among religious ob- 75 
servances, starving the system among medical cures, mur¬ 
mured prayers among sacrifices. Just as the pauper dreads 
the rich: “What will he say?” so the avaricious dreads the 
pauper: “What will he ask for?” The avaricious directly per¬ 
ceive the scriptural teaching* concerning hospitality, for 
they perceive each mouthful of almsfood to be like Mt. Me- 

The demon “treasurer” gives when his lord arrives, the 
demon “miser” wants to give to nobody whomsoever. The 
charitable are implored by the needy, then the needy by the 
charitable. Lo! in this reversal of subject and object,—what 
ups and downs! 

Reasoning in this way: “If I were no longer alive, there 80 
would be no guardian for my wealth,” the miser somehow 
forces himself to eat. Day by day, on the verge of departing,* 
he comes back in and stays put, pointing out all manner of 
impediments,—he is a guest eager to draw out his visit. 




Pradlyate vidusy ekam, kavau dasa, nate satam 
sahasram dambhike loke srotriye tu na kim cana. 
Ghatakam samyag aradhya vairagyam paramam vahet 
tavad arthah prasiddhyanti yavac capalam avrtam. 

«Ekatah sarva|sastrani tulasl|kastham ekatah» 
vaktavyam kim cid ity uktam vastutas tulasl para. 

85 Vismrtam Vahaten’ edam tulasyah pathata gunan 
visvaisammohinl vitta|dayin” lti guna|dvayam. 

Kauplnam bhasit’|alepo darbha rudr’|aksa|malika 
maunam ek’|asika c’ eti murkhajsamjivanani sat. 

Vasah punyesu tlrthesu prasiddhas ca mrto guruh 
adhyapan’|avrttayas ca klrtanlya dhan’|arthibhih. 
Mantrajbhramse sampradayah prayogas cyuta|samskrtau 
desa|dharmas tv anacare prcchatam siddham uttaram. 
Yatha jananti bahavo yatha vaksyanti datari 
tatha dharmam caret sarvam na vrtha kim cid acaret. 

90 Sada japa|pato haste madhye madhye ’ksi|milanam 
«sarvam Brahm’ 6ti» vadas ca sadyah|pratyaya|hetavah. 
A|madhy’|ahnam nadl|vasah samaje devat”|arcanam 
santatam suci|vesas c’ ety etad dambhasya jivitam. 

Tavad dlrgham nitya|karma yavat syad drastrjmelanam 
tavat samksipyate sarvam yavad drasta na vidyate. 




One gives one to the learned, ten to the poet, a hun¬ 
dred to the actor, a thousand to the horde of sanctimonious 
hypocrites, but nothing to the orthodox brahmin.* After 
petitioning the pimp,* one should show off extreme aus¬ 
terity. Fortunes are gained, as long as the duplicity remains 

“On the one hand there are all the scriptures, on the 
other there is the wood of the holy basil. ”* This is just a 
figure of speech: in reality holy basil is supreme. Vahata,* 85 
enumerating the properties of the holy basil, had forgotten 
this pair of properties: the power of universal delusion and 
the ability to provide wealth. A loin-cloth, a dusting of ash, 
sacred darbha-grass, a rosary of mdrdksha beads, a vow of 
silence, and sitting in solitude,*—six are the livelihoods of 
the fool. 

Lodging at sacred fords, a famous but dead guru, re¬ 
peated cycles of teaching, these are valued among people 
on the make. When the mantra is wrong, it is “a tradition,” 
when there are lapses in the rites, it is “an applied proce¬ 
dure,” when the comportment is improper, it is “a local 
custom”—this is the effective answer to those who protest. 

All religion should be practised so that many know of it, 
so that they report it to a donor; do nothing pointlessly. 
The rosary-veil ever in hand, closing the eyes from time to 90 
time, prattling that “everything is Brahman,” these are the 
causes for instant confidence.* Loitering by the river until 
midday, worshipping the gods in public gatherings, always 
wearing a religious costume, this is the life of hypocrisy. 



Ananda|baspa|romancau yasya sveccha|vasam|vadau 
kim tasya sadhanair anyaih—kimkarah sarva|parthivah. 


Dandyamana vikurvanti lalyamanas tatas taram. 
durjananam ato nyayyam dtirad eva visarjanam. 

95 Adanam Isad|danam ca kim|cit|kopaya durdhiyam 
sampurna|danam prakrtir viramo vaira|karanam. 

Jyayan asamstavo dustair Irsyayai samstavah punah 
apatya|sambandha|vidhih sv’|anarthay’ aiva kevalam. 

Jnateyam jnana|hlnatvam pisunatvam daridrata 
milanti yadi catvari tad dise ’pi namo namah. 

Para|chidresu hrdayam para|vartasu ca sravah 
Tpata\marmasu vacam ca khalanam asrjad vidhih. 

Visena puccha|Iagnena vrscikah praninam iva 
Kalina dasam’|amsena sarvah Kalo ’pi darunah. 
ioo Yatra bharya|giro Veda yatra dharmo ’rtha|sadhanam 
yatra svajpratibha manam tasmai sri|Kalaye namah! 

Kamam astu jagat sarvam Kalasy’ asya Vasam|vadam 
Kala|kalam prapannanam Kalah kim nah karisyati? 
Kavina Nllakanthena Kaler etad vidambanam 
racitam vidusam prityai rajasthan’|anumodanam. 



Long-winded daily ritual while there is a crowd of onlook¬ 
ers—when nobody is watching all is abbreviated. 

For one who can shed tears of bliss and whose hair stands 
on end at will, what need is there for other practices,—all 
kings are his lackeys. 


Punishment makes them worse, kindness even more so. 
Therefore, for the wicked the rule is distant exile. Giving 95 
nothing and giving little provokes the anger of the evil- 
minded just somewhat. They take giving to satiety for 
granted, a cessation of gifts turns them rabid. Better no deal¬ 
ings with the wicked, familiarity engenders their jealousy. 

A marital alliance with their offspring leads only to ruin. 

Family, ignorance, slander, poverty, if these four meet in 
the same person, then “Hail to the horizon.”* 

The creator fashioned the heart of the wicked for the 
bodily openings : failings of others, their ear for the ru¬ 
mors of others, and their voice for the vulnerable points* 
of others. 

Just as the whole scorpion terrifies living beings with 
the poison lodged in its tail, so the whole of Time terrifies 
living beings with its tenth part, the Kali era. Hail to the 100 
glorious Kali era, where the words of the wife are the Veda, 
where religion is a means to making money, where one’s 
own fantasy is the law! 

Granted, the world may be under the sway of this era, but 
what can Time do to us who are sheltered by the Slayer of 
Time, Shiva? The poet Nila-kantha composed this Mockery 
of Kali for the delight of the learned and the pleasure of royal 




Bold references are to the English text; bold italic references are to the 
Sanskrit text. An asterisk (* ) in the body of the text marks the word or 
passage being annotated. Bh= “The Hundred Allegories of Bhallata”; G= 
“The Grace of Guile”; M= “Mockery of the Kali Era” 

Bh i Sharada is the patron Goddess of Kashmir, often identified 
with Sarasvati, the Goddess of eloquence. 

Bh 2 The commentary of Mahesvara [Mah] notes that such face¬ 
reddening was customary at the celebrations for the birth of 

Bh 4 Mah: te nye dehino (hastacara)nadyavayavasya sarlrabharasya 
vodhara eva, “They are mere bearers of the burden of the body 
with its limbs such as hands and feet etc.” 

Bh 5 Mah: “If a wicked person attains a minor position he strives to 
rise higher and higher.” 

Bh 6c abhyupakara°Q2J\ mean both “embellishment” and “assistance, 

Bh 9 Mahesvara comments: dinante svatejo ravir niksipatlti lokava - 
dah, “It is popularly believed that the sun deposits its brilliance 
into fire at the end of the day.” 

Bh 9 The alleged misdemeanours of the sun punningingly describe 
the antics of a drunkard. It may be possible to read loka as 
having a second sense of “light” too but that struck me as 

Bh 16 Faint of light: the unexpressed second subject is the ignoramus 
scholar and his “trifling knowledge.” 

Bh 17 Mah: dhiram dhtra eva vetti na murkhah, “Only the brave have 
profound experiences, not fools.” 

Bh 18 The commentator Maheshvara explains the intended sense as 
follows: etad uktam bhavati: manasvl manam vihayavanatim 
karoti cet sarvatra loke sulabham eva jivanam, tathapi manasvl 
na karoty avanatim maranam eva kartum adhyavasyatlti, “This 

34 2 


is what is meant: If a learned man were to give up his pride 
and humble himself, he could easily get a living anywhere. If a 
learned man, despite this does not humble himself, then he is 
determined to die.” A.A. Ramanathan translates as follows in 
the MaSuSam: “Let the young cataka bird cultivate friendship 
with one who holds his head high like himself, for, if he is so 
inclined, where will water pure, cool and sweet, not be available 
in the broad expanse of the sky.” This implies that he had read 
svasyeva but did not correct the text. 

Bh 21 One-eyed crows are believed to roll their single eye from one 
side of their head to the other. 

Bh23 Lotus-stalk: Secondarily, kamala / nalasya shifts its sense to 
something like “scion of the Kamala dynasty.” 

Bh 25 Subhasitavali 922. This verse is not commented on by Mahe- 
Svara. LaksmI, the Goddess of fortune, is in this verse portrayed 
as a fickle woman fearing her beauty would be outshone by the 

Bh 31 Intertwining venomous serpents through secondary indication 
(laksana) needs to shift its sense to something like: “is beholden 
to evil men who have made pacts with each other.” I could not 
produce this required sense by punning alone (slesa). 

Bh 32 Khadira: =Acacia Catechu, an ugly, thorny hardwood tree. 

Bh 45 The sage Agastya who drank the whole ocean. 

BI148 My translation avoids the technical terminology of Sanskrit 
philosophy used here. An upadhi is a “limiting adjunct,” a 
mark which lies somewhere between a “property” (dharma) or 
“characteristic” (laksana), and an “adventitious mark” (upala- 
ksana). It serves to distinguish objects it qualifies but need not 
perdure until the action it is involved in is completed. The 
commonly given example is that of a row of crystals (sphati- 
ka) placed before a row of china-rose blossoms (japakusuma). 
The colour transmitted to the crystal by the blossom serves 



to distinguish the crystals, but once a crystal is selected and 
removed the colour vanishes. 

Bh 51 Electric tourmaline: Sometimes known as the “electric stone,” 
tourmaline becomes statically charged when heated or rubbed, 
attracting dust, bits of straw etc. The word tourmaline itself is 
derived from trna/mani. 

Bh 65 Maheshvara explains this apparent paradox by the fact that the 
eyes do not function at night and are thus debased to the state 
of all the other organs, yet they are not the same because the 
other organs still function in the dark. 

Bh 66 Tourmaline: See note to 51. 

Bh 88 The sage Agdstya. 

Bh 88 Ghasmara: Maheshvara takes this either as the submarine fire 
or as Samhara-rudra. I follow Gai in taking it as an adjective 
describing Agastya. 

Bh 89 Read jala for jada in this pun. 

Bh 98 The verse alludes to the tales of “Vikrama and the vampire.” 

Kaustubha: Vishnu bears on his chest the fabulous Kaustubha 
jewel, churned from ocean of milk, cf. Rdmayana 1.44.24. 

G 1.2 Sesa: The world-serpent Sesa or Ananta bears the earth at the 
behest of Brahma, cf. Mahabharata 1.32.18-24. Vibhajya : This 
is appropriate, for Shesha is said to have one thousand heads. 

G 1.3 Gleam: virdjati. This Parasmaipada form of the root raj with 
the prefix vi- is not a grammatical lapse on Kshemendra’s part. 
The form is attested in the Chandogyopanisad, the Mahdbha- 
rata and the Rdmayana. 

G 1.4 God of love: Kshemendra is alluding to Siva’s destruction of 
the God of love with the fire shooting from his third eye ( Brah - 
mapurana 36.1—135 etc.). See Kumdrasambhava 1—8 for the most 
attractive retelling of this episode. 



G 1.7 Dhdragrha: sometimes also described as “shower-rooms,” cf 
Mallinatha to Meghaduta 1.64. 

G 1.8 Apsarases are celestial nymphs of surpassing beauty born from 
the churning of the ocean by the Gods and Asuras, cf Rama- 
yana i.44.i8ef; Agnipurdna 3; Ndtyasastra 

G 1.9 Mula-deva: A legendary rogue, see Bloomfield (i9i7:6i9ff.). 

G1.10 Remote lands: This is reminiscent of the opening of the Prakrit 
Dhuttakhana of Haribhadra (fl. late eighth to early ninth cent.) 
where hundreds of rogues headed by Mulasiri (Mulasri= Mu- 
ladeva), Kandaria, Elasadha, Sasa, Khandavana, gather in a 
garden pavilion outside Ujjainl. For the very similar virtues of 
the ideal emperor who receives tribute from distant feudatories, 
see Arthasastra 6.1.6. 

Gi.ii Sahrdaya: a sensitive reader of poetry, or person of refined 
taste. Such connoisseurship is defined as ‘the ability of attaining 
identity with the heart of the poet’ ( Abhinavabharatl vol. 2 
p. 339: kavihrdayatdddtmydpattiyogyata ). 

G1.13 Brhaspati: The preceptor of the Gods and also the name of 
the author of the root-text of the Carvaka materialists, the 

G1.16 The stages of life parody verses such as Vairdgyasataka 50, where 
it is life itself that is uncertain, even in the midst of wealth. The 
simile of water on lotus-leaves/petals is a distortion of Bhaga- 
vadglta 5.10. See also Desopadesa 3.28. 

G1.18 Dhurtakarakandukanam: A gambling game? Lapanich be¬ 
lieves this to be kandukaknda a “game famous among boys 
and girls.” Sanskrit poets often describe the graceful ball-play 
of young ladies (see Lienhard (1999:403-418)) but this seems 
rather inappropriate here and I thus consider emending to 
dhurtakarakantakanam , e.g. the “fingernails of villains” with a 
transferred sense of: “there is no release from the clutches of 



G 1.25 Ked glosses: timirasamuha eva hastl , e.g. a metaphor (rupaka): 
“the elephant who was a mass of darkness.” Cf also Sisupalava- 
dha 4.20. The mountain-elephant simile is appropriate because 
the eight points of the compass are believed to be supported 
by elephants. The name of the western elephant is Anjana. 
This in itself alludes to the famous Anjanadri, Mountain of 
Antimony, cf Kathasaritsagara VIII,108. Matanga: from Dvi- 
rada by laksana. Punningly we may read the verse as: “When the 
man who occupied her days had gone to sleep, lady Sandhya’s 
chest shone, as if with the pale red lustre of a vermillion body- 
paste because she was embracing an extremely dark-skinned 

G 1.26 The tragic love of the sun and twilight is a popular topos among 
Sanskrit poets, cf Dhvanyaloka 1.13c, 3.34. 

G 1.30 Night-maker: The moon. 

G 1.30 chakravaki: The shelldrake, or brahmany duck. It is a Kavya 
convention that monogamous shelldrake (cakravaka) couples 
are doomed to spend each night in separation, calling out to 
each other with plaintive cries. 

G1.31 Ladies of the compass points: digvanita. The eight points of 
the compass (asa, dis) are in Sanskrit poetry often personified 
as beautiful ladies who are amorously involved with various 
celestial bodies. 

G1.32 Celestial river: The river Ganges has three currents (trisrota): 

the earthly Ganga, the celestial Mandakini and the subter¬ 
ranean Bhagirathi. Cf Ramayana 1.43.6: ganga tripathaga na- 
ma divya bhagirathiti cal tripatho bhavayantiti tatas tripathaga 
smrta. To complete the simile in the formal manner of the 
rhetoricians: the subject of comparison (upameya) is that the 
moon must be shining at the border of the Milky Way, the 
object of comparison (upamdna) is a flamingo on the banks 
of a river, the common property (sadharanadharma) is “being 
encircled with rays,” and the word triggering the simile (upa- 
madyotaka) is “like” (iva). Since all of these four elements are 



explicitly mentioned, the simile is what later rhetoricians term 
“complete” (purnopama). 

G 1.33 The poetic ornament Kshemendra employs here is called a 
“garland-metaphor” (maladipakalankara), cf. Kavyaprakasa 

G 1.35 Female skull-bearing ascetic: Kapalika ascetics take on the vow 
of wearing the “six accoutrements” (sanmudra) made of human 
bone. Kshemendra here repeats a common simile, cf. e.g. Ka- 
vyaprakasa io.7cd:tt. It is remarkable that literary references 
to female skull-bearing ascetics tend to focus not on the sin¬ 
ister but on their beauty. Kshemendra, of course, also con¬ 
demns the fierce Kapalika ascetic, wearing a bone necklace, as 
someone to be shunned {Darpadalana 7.14, 7.63). At Nltika- 
Ipataru 84.19 he describes the Kapalika as follows: pitrvanavaso 
mala narasthibhih pdrand suramamsaih /patram kapalam arghyo 
narabalina bhairavo devah /, “He lives in the forest dedicated 
to the manes, wears a necklace of human bones, he nourishes 
himself with liquor and meat, his begging-bowl is a skull, his 
respectful offering is made with human phlegm, his God is 

G1.41 Nidhanakumbho : The urn in which the ashes of the deceased 
are deposited after cremation until they are dispersed in the 
Ganges or some other sacred ford, cf. Visnudharma 19.11. Dam- 
bha conveys the senses of “religious hypocrisy,” “priggishness” 
and “smugness.” The arrogance of religious hypocrites is also 
the topic of the final chapter of Ksemendra’s Darpadalana. 

G 1.45 Dambhodaya= Dambhodbhava, the invincible but arrogant 
and quarrelsome emperor, cf. Mahabharata 5.94.5—35. He was 
finally tamed by the two Rsis Nara and Narayana. Note the 
six - ambha alliterations (anuprdsa). Kshemendra himself has 
retold Dambhodbhava s tale at Darpadalana 5.29—45. 

G 1.46 Circular reasoning: as a technical term in Nyaya-logic denotes 
the fallacy of circular argument. The verse further parodies 



logical treatises such as the Hetucakra , an investigation of ad¬ 
missible syllogistic reasons used by logicians to ascertain the 
validity of propositions. 

G 1.47 I suspect an emendation is here required. Something like ud- 
bahu ? Tree: With the simile of the flourishing tree Kshemen- 
dra may be alluding to a well-known verse in the Manusmrti 
9.255: nirbhayam tu bhavedyasya rastram bahubalasritam/ ta- 
sya tad vardhate nityam sicyamana iva drumah , “A kingdom 
which is secure, protected by the might of its ruler’s arm, will 
ever flourish, like a well-watered tree.” Kshemendra is fond of 
the tree simile, in Darpadalana 1.37 he describes a similar tree 
sprouted from arrogance. 

G 1.48 To adjust the sense for the heron we must read vrata with sec¬ 
ondary sense of “always eating the same food,” attested only 
in lexicons. Smugness of the heron: Cf. Rajatarangim 5.305. 
Ksemendra also uses the same metaphor for an aging courtesan 
who pretends to be a widow, dresses in white and who then 
performs religious ceremonies for her supposedly departed hus¬ 
band at a sacred ford. In this way she ensares a wealthy man who 
believes her to be pious (see Samayamdtrka 2.28—30). Smugness 
peculiar to cats: A parody of the modest practise of keeping 
the gaze fixed on the ground when moving in public. Cf. the 
puns on cats and herons in the description on the Vatsyayana 
sages, Harsacarita 1, p. i 8 ^ _2 4 . 

G1.50 Here, Kshemendra does not intend to ridicule false ascetics, 
but merely hypocritical ascetics. Literary works attest to the 
proliferation of spies and criminals disguised as false ascetics 
(already mentioned in th zArthasastra). On hypocritical ascetics 
see also Kathasaritsdgara II,2-5. 

G1.51 Hemavalll: Hoy a Viridijlora. The practice of affixing apotropaic 
herbs on to auspicious knots (mangalagranthi) is described in 
the Krtyacintdmani cited in the Nirnayasindhu. It is possible 
that this is the same string referred to in the second chap¬ 
ter of the Samayamdtrka. The prostitute, assuming the false 



name Ardhakslra, becomes the nurse to the son of the minis¬ 
ter Mitrasena. The boy wastes away with fever because of her 
neglect, and as he lies dying she does the most vile thing possi¬ 
ble: she steals his protective hemasutrika (condemning him to 
certain death) and runs away at night: drstva tatraturam balam 
trnavat sutaragini / sa yayau nirdaya ratrau grhitva hemasutri- 
kam (Samayamdtrka 2.73). Cf also Kuttammata 63. Armpit: 
Ksemendra is here refining a motif he had already used at 
Narmamala i.73ab. 

G1.51 Robe: Cf Vasisthadharmaio. 20b: na sabdasastrabhiratasya mo- 
kso na capi lokagrahane ratasya / na bhojanacchadanatatparasya 
na capi ramyavasathapriyasya , “There is no liberation for a man 
obsessed with grammar [and science], nor for a man fond of 
seeing people, nor for a man interested in food and clothing, 
nor for a man fond of beautiful dwellings.” 

G 1.52 Squabbles: Cf Manusmrti 6.50: “[The ascetic] must not seek 
to win almsfood by reading omens and portents, by astrology 
or physiognomy, by instruction or by debates.” 

G 1.55 Crow’s eye: Crows are believed to have but one eye which they 
move from socket to socket. The emendation kakavistam iva 
may also be considered: “like crow’s dropping fallen upon him.” 
Meyer (i903:xlii) takes this to mean that he casts crow-glances 

G 1.56 Craves fame: cf. Yama cit. Yatidharmasamuccaya 7.45ab: la- 
bhapujanimittam hi vyakhyanam sisyasamgrahah “For the sake 
of profit and adulation, [false ascetics] discourse on scriptures 
and collect disciples.” 

G 1.58 Jambha was the leader of the Daityas who stole the nectar of 
immortality from Dhanvantari, cf Agnipurana 3. 

G1.59 Snataka: A brahmana who has taken the ritual bath which 
marks the end of his studentship. The Manusmrti 11.1-2 enu¬ 
merates nine types, others give three. All support themselves 



by begging, Manu ordains that they must be given food and 
money in proportion to their learning. 

G1.60 Cleansing clay: Kshemendra is here probably insinuating that 
the purity-manic appears to be continually smeared in clay 
which makes him look filthy. 

G 1.60 An enemy to all: E.g. visva+amitra. See Mahabharata 13.95.35 
for Visvamitra’s own explanation of his name to the hag Ya- 
tudhanl: visvedevas ca me mitram mitram asmi gavam tat ha 
visvamitram iti khyatam , “I am called Visvamitra because the 
Visvedevas are my friends, because I am a friend to cattle (vis)? 

G 1.60 The pure and the impure: Cf Visvamitras justifications of his 
theft of dog-flesh from the Candala in Mahabharata 12.139. 

G 1.60 Different from his own kin: Visvamitra was born as a Ksatriya 
but later on became a Brahmin by his penance, cf. Mahabha¬ 
rata 9«38.22cd. 

G1.63 The ornament is a samasoktyalahkara , or “compounded ex¬ 
pression,” in which the subject (serpent) has only one sense 
but all of the attributes are equally applicable to something 
not explicitly mentioned, namely, an “ascetic.” 

G 1.64 I am not sure which epic source Kshemendra is following 
here. The Bhagavatapurana 4.8.2 mrsa dharmasya bharyasid 
dambham mayam ca satruhanl asuta mithunam tat tu, makes 
Dambha the twin of Maya and son of Adharma (son of Bra¬ 
hma) and Mrsa. The sound Hum is also a commonly used 
destructive seed-mantra. 

G 1.68 Bundle: puli f. “a bundle,” not in MW. For the ascetic’s para¬ 
phernalia cf Vaikhanasadharmasutra 2.6. In the Darpadalana 
7.12—13 Kshemendra describes such vows and paraphernalia as 
a form of bondage if the ascetic should be devoid of holiness. 
Burden of scriptures: Vasistha, cit. in Yatidharmasamuccaya 
7.47: atratmavyatirekena dvitiyam yadi pasyatH tatah sastrany 
adhiyante sriiyate granthavistarah, “A person would undertake 
the recitation of texts and the study of a lot of books only if 



he regards something in this world as a second reality besides 
himself.” A horn: This presumably refers to the prohibition on 
using the hands to scratch oneself during the Jyotistoma rite. 
Instead, the horn of a black antelope is to be used ( Taittiriya- 
samhita 6.1.3). 

G 1.69 Bunches of sacred grass: pavitraka , two blades of kusha grass 
used at sacrifices in purifying and sprinkling ghee. What might 
be intended, is that these ear-ornaments reveal his status as one 
who has officiated at prestigious sacrifices. Ritual-ring: A pa- 
vitra is a ring worn on the ring-finger, made of twisted blades 
of Kusa- or Darbha-grass, the tips of which project outwards 
into a sort of brush, which is used to wipe away or sprinkle 
(proksana) water etc. in rituals. Cf. Yajnavalkyasmrti 1.226. For 
a similar description of the ascetic’s paraphernalia see Darpa - 
dalana 7.68. 

G 1.70 Neck stiff like a plank: compare Darpadalana 1.24 (also 1.57: 

akharvagalah) , where Kshemendra describes a stiff neck as a 
sign of arrogance. Similar is also Narmamdla 1.62: kasthasta- 

G 1.75 Kshemendra is here using assonances (anuprasa-) to provide 
fanciful new nirvacana-style etymologies for the sage’s names: 
graste gastye. Devoured: A further allusion to the myth of 
Agastya devouring the Asura Vatapi, cf. Mahabharata Aranya- 
kaparvan 3.94.97. For Vasistha Kshemendra provides the fol¬ 
lowing analysis: alpa/tapo/vrata/lajjd/kundta ^rsthe. Hunched 
his back: An allusion to Vasistha’s birth from a pot. 

G 1.76 Note the alliteration . . . kutse. . . Kautse. Simple vow of si¬ 
lence: An allusion to Kautsa’s unwillingness to ask for money 
from Raghu. Note the alliteration niradare. . . Narade. 

G 1.77 Knee-caps: Another alliterative play on the etymology of his 
name which Jamadagni gives to the hag YatudhanI, cf. Ma- 
habharata 13.95.37: jajamadyajaja nama mrja mdha jijdyise ja- 
madagnir iti khyatam ato mam, viddhi sobhane. Trembled in 



fear: That the fearless ViSvamitra should tremble in fear is 
a hyperbole (atisayokti) demonstrating Dambha’s ridiculous 
ascetic pomp. Neck rolled about: Galava, son of Visvamitra, 
received his strange name because his mother, trying to raise 
money to feed her other children during a famine, tied a rope 
around his throat (gala) and in this manner led him to be sold. 
Crushed: Perhaps an allusion to the myth of Nandi breaking 
open the termite-hill which had risen up over the meditating 
Bhrgu, cf. Padmapurana 20. 

G 1.82 Dambha is here outdoing even the law-books. Manu states that 
particles of water in the breath are not contaminating. This is 
the reason why Brahma suddenly recognises who Dambha is. 

G 1.89 Isolated: Deriving - bhajya from the root bhaj cl. 1, “to share.” 
Devastated: Deriving -bhajya from ^ jbhahj cl. 7, “to break.” 

G 1.90 Religious teachers: At Darpadalana 2.50 Kshemendra makes 
Mati censure the sycophantic teacher who lives offhis students. 
palaka = paripalaka, cf. Narmamala 1.62—70. Niyogin, “com¬ 
missioner,” a supervisor of villages who also settles civil and 
criminal cases. Cf. Narmamala 1.97-127. Initiates into esoteric 
cults consider their religions superior to mundane religion. 

The unexpressed second sense: “[Just as a serpent], after creep¬ 
ing into the cavities of all of the Jantu-trees, by squeezing itself 
in many ways, bit by bit, finally enters the hollows in trees full 
of nesting birds.” 

G 1.93 Matsyarthv. Hungering for fish or: “Someone observing the 
fish-vow (matsyavrata).” Or: “Supplicating with the Matsyasu- 

G1.94 Clad in bark: For garments of bark (valkala) see Emeneau 
1962. The verse echoes Ksemendras own Muktavall as cited at 
Aucityavicdracarca 29 (84). 

The unexpressed second subject are penitent ascetics burdened 
with chunky matted locks, who wear bark garments, are con- 

35 ^ 


tinuously exposed to cold, heat and rain, and are eager for 
rewards in heaven. 

G 1.95 Can also be read as sada+adambhah: Adambha is a name of 
Shiva. A parody of descriptions of Sadasiva as sarvajna, sarvaga 
and sarvakrt, cf. Rauravatantra Upodghata 8. 

G 1.96 Wish-granting tree: Five wish-granting trees are supposed to 
have been produced by the churning of the milk-ocean, these 
exist in the world of the Gods (devaloka). Dwarf: Visnu’s in¬ 
carnation as Vamana, an ascetic dwarf, cheated Bali out of the 
possession of the three worlds by asking for only three steps of 
land. Bali readily acceeded to such a paltry demand but Visnu 
then in three steps covered the entire triple universe. 

G 2.2 Cf. Arthasastra 2.5.2—4 for details about the construction of 
a treasure vault. Kshemendra is not exaggerating, Kautilya 
even recommends the construction of secret treasuries by con¬ 
demned men who are then immediately put to death. Ksheme¬ 
ndra associates treasuries with death also in his Darpadalana 
2.70—71, where the miser Nanda finally dies in his treasury, with 
his back resting against his pots of money, suffering because he 
was too stingy to pay for medicine. 

G 2.4 Kshemendra is here elaborating on Manu’s twofold classifica¬ 
tion of thieves, those who steal openly (prakasavancaka) and 
those who do so in concealment, such as burglars, robbers, and 
thieves, cf. Manusmrti 9.257. 

G 2.5 For Kshemendra the stinginess of merchants is proverbial. See 
especially Darpadalana 2.11—113. Kshemendra there recounts 
the tale of the mean merchant Nanda, a miserable miser, who 
is reborn as a pitifully deformed and diseased Candala and 
is then raised with dog’s milk. When he one day happens to 
beg for alms from his own former son Candana, he is brutally 
beaten. Just then the Buddha happens to be passing by. With a 
compassionate glance he cures the Candala’s leprosy and reveals 
his former identity to his son. Three cowries: In Kshemendra s 



day, the cowrie was still in use as the lowest monetary unit 
cf. Stein (1961:308-328), The Term Dlnnara and the Monetary 
System ofKasmlr. Kshemendra describes a similarly tight-fisted 
merchant in Samayamatrka 8.80. 

G2.6 Fond of tales: Kalhana alleges that merchants like to listen 
to the recitation of sacred texts because they are embezzlers 
and hope for purification Rdjataranginl%. 7o8cd. Black cobra: 
In the Darpadalana Kshemendra again associates misers with 
black cobras, but there it is the miser himself who appears to 
others like the ominous serpent. 

G 2.7 Donate: See Kane, History ofDharmasdstra V. pp. 212, 243-5. 
In his Darpadalana 6.8 Kshemendra criticises those who think 
that giving alms during a solar eclipse constitutes liberality. 
Rather, giving alms on such occasions was considered to profit 
the donor. The merchant in the present verse is too greedy 
to realise this. That it was common to consider all kinds of 
contributing factors (such as the position of the sun) before 
giving alms is evident also from Darpadalana 6.11. Kshemen¬ 
dra himself recounts his father Prakasendras liberality during 
a solar eclipse in the Bharatamanjan Kaviprasasti 4: suryagrahe 
tribhir laksair dattva krsnajinatrayam / alpaprado ’smity abhavat 
ksanam lajjanatananah, “On the occasion of the solar eclipse 
after he gave away three hundred thousand black antelope [- 
skins], he stood with his head bowed in shame, thinking: ‘I 
have given but little.’” 

G 2.9 Deposit: Laws regarding the guarding and return of sealed 
deposits were stringent and detailed, Cf. Manusmrti 8.179— 

G 2.11 A tale similar to the following is recounted by Kalhana at 
Rajataranginl 8.123—158. Vistikarana: Visti is the seventh of 
the immovable karanas. Each lunar day (tithi) is made up 
of two karanas. Since Vistikarana is presided over by Yama, 
the God of death, it is considered an extremely inauspicious 
period for any new undertaking. Brhatsamhita 99.4c: na hi 



vistikrtam vidadhati subham , “For something undertaken dur¬ 
ing visti does not produce an auspicious [result].” 

G 2.14 Bhadra : The merchant is deliberately using this alternate name 
for Visti because it also means “auspicious.” 

G 2.19 Rats: A rat infesting decrepit houses is occasionally encoun¬ 
tered as a motif used to warn of the future suffering of a fallen 
ascetic. He is first reborn for sixty thousand years as a worm in 
excrement. “Then,” says Satatapa (fit. Yatidharmasamuccaya 
7-54ab: sunyagaresu ghoresu bhavaty akhuh sudarunah), “he will 
become a horrible rat infesting dreadful abandoned houses.” 
Samsara: The world of rebirth. 

G 2.23 A muhurta is more precisely a time-period of about forty-eight 

G 2.31 Haragupta: The merchant of course intends Haraguptakula to 
mean “family protected by Siva,” but it can also mean a “secret 
gang of thieves,” e.g. haranasildnam guptakulam. 

G2.35 The gate of the royal court: In the final instance, litigation 
can be taken to the king himself. The legal formula for this is 
a representation at the Royal Gate (mjadvara). Already in the 
third-cent. ce Kroraina Prakrit documents we repeatedly en¬ 
counter the formula: ko pacima kalammi icheyati eta amnatha 
karamnae rayadvarammi muhucotam apramana siyati tamda 
prapta , “Whoever, at a later time, wishes to make this [agree¬ 
ment] otherwise, his representations at the royal gate shall be 
without authority and he will be punished” (see Boyer, Rap- 
son Senart 1920). Solemn fast to starvation (prayopavesa): for 
this emendation cf. Rdjatarangim 6. 25—27 etc. 

2.37-86 A retelling of a tale found in the Mahabharata. 

G 2.38 §ukra: The son of Bhrgu and the teacher of the Daityas. Vai- 
sravana or Kubera is the God of wealth. 

G 2.44 I take the Bahuvrihi cpd. atyantasambhrtasneham adverbially 
rather than adjectivally to tv dm. Essence of life: That misers 



consider money to be the essence of life is another popular 
image in Kshemendra’s work, see for instance the words of 
the mean merchant Nanda in Darpadalana 2.25—26, who con¬ 
cludes that “poverty is death.” 

G 2.48 Possessed: The art of entering another’s body (whether alive 
or dead) is described in Tantric texts such as Malimvijayotta.' 
ra 21.9—19 (samkrantividhi ). See also Kathasaritsagara IV,46; 

G 2.51 Sarikha, Mukunda, Kunda, and Padma are the names of some 
of Kubera’s fabulous treasures. Here, the beings presiding over 
them, who are part of Kubera’s retinue, are intended. 

G 2.68 To complete the metaphor (sangarupaka), yarns, “good repu¬ 
tation,” must punningly also be taken as “water,” and “good 
fortune” must be taken as the Goddess of fortune, LaksmI, 
who faints from noxious fumes. 

G 2.79 Shukra here twists Shiva’s words to mean the opposite. He can 
do this because the word vitta has the double sense of “wealth” 
and “fame.” 

G 2.83 Dharana : Shiva is evidently practising the “fire fixation” (ague- 
yidharana) which raises up the abdominal fire. In Shaiva Sad- 
angayoga this is one of usually four or five “fixations which 
are counted as one of the six ancillaries (anga) of yoga.” Cf. 
Matangaparamesvara yp 2.35c—65. 

Nikdmam: Hapax? 

G 3.2 By their hind-legs: reading abalabhih as avarabhih. This is 
permissible since va/ba and ra/la may be interchanged under 
certain circumstances. A dual is not required as the elephants 
are plural. For such puns (slesa) see Kavyadarsa 2.185 (jada/jala) 
etc. It is possible that men ( karino , “handed creature”) is not 
intended and that the ornament is thus a samdsokti (only the 
epithets have double meanings, not the subject “elephants”) 
rather than a fully worked out simile. Suitably lavish gifts: 



Su+ucita+dana. There may be a further set of puns with sexual 
innuendos: °humkaraih is a particular humming sound used 
in lovemaking, cf. Kamasutra 2.7 for the classification such 
sounds. The members of the compound parimalalmali all are 
also technical terms of erotic science but I am not able to 
construe a convincing second meaning here. 

G 3.3 Sensual pleasures: visaya. Kicks: Kicking forms part of ancient 
Indian love play. Less convincingly: “fall at her feet.” Bites and 
scratches with the nails: ankusaghatana, cf Kamasutra 2.4 on 
the various techniques of amorous scratching (nakhakarma) 
and biting (dasanacchedya). In the present case the more intense 
variety, which breaks the skin (chedya) and leaves painful marks 
(ksata, cihna) is intended. Entwining in erotic gymnastics: e.g. 
an arthaslesa : nigada= bandha. 

G 3.5 The image occurs already in Kuttanimata 3i6cd. Kshemendra 
uses similar imagery also at Darpadalana 4.5, courtesans, he 
says, devour the flesh and blood of men just as old age does. 

G3.11 Dustbin: Dhulipatala may also mean “cloud of dust.” 

G 3.14 Kshemendra has here reworked Nitisataka 47. See Sternbach 

G 3.16 This indeed was the commonly understood duty of courte¬ 
sans. A procuress advises the young courtesan DohanI: putri! 
kim etadyad ekam evalingyayauvanam viphallkarosi ? vesyanam 
anekaih saha ramanakridocita, “Daughter! What is this, that 
you waste your youth embracing only one man? For courte¬ 
sans, love-sport with many [men] is proper.” 

G 3.18 Lapanich seems to read a double accusative construction with 
kurute : “compells (sic) her relative to perform the functions of 
a man in the house.” 

G 3.20 Commissioner: niyogin see note to 1.90. Lecher: Lubdha might 
equally be a “hunter” or a “greedy man.” 



G 3.25 Savitrl, the wife of Satyavan, by her virtue reprieved her hus¬ 
band from death, cf. Mahabharata 3.281. 

G 3.31 Boasts of gifts: not only are the gifts made to unworthy peo¬ 
ple, but Manusmrti 4.236d {net dattvaparikirtayet) strictly for¬ 
bids publicizing charitable gifts. Captivate: vaslkarana : “mag¬ 
ical subjugation.” 

G3.37 Amusement-terraces: E.g. vildsamahi = vilasavatayanam. 

G 3.42 Note the skilful alliterations (anuprasa). 

G3.46 Ked reads inappropriately madhumada : e.g. «eye-lotuses un¬ 
steady with sweet wine.» 

3.48—52 Kalhana describes in very similar terms the symptoms of the 
princess Anangalekha’s secret affair with the minister Khankha 
(Rdjatarangini 3.501—5). 

G3.49 For feigned anger cf. Dhanika to Dasarupaka 4-58cd: pre- 
mapurvako vasikarah pranayah, tadbhange mdnah pranayama- 
nah\ “Pranaya is the subjugation preceded by love, the disdain 
shown when it is interrupted is coquettish anger.’” 

G 3.51 The poetic ornament is an “apparent paradox” (gunasya gune- 
na virodhabhasalankarah). The paradox is resolved by a slight 
shift in the meaning of svatantra to “unrestrained.” Cf. Kavya- 
prakasa 10.24—25b. 

G3.55 Flickered with a flash: E.g. cakita < ^fkan, cf. Dhatupatha 
1.488: kani diptikantigatisu. There is an indirect (samlaksyakra- 
ma), sense-based (arthasaktimula) suggestion based on subordi¬ 
nated denotation (vivaksitdnyaparavacyadhvani) of the theme 
(vastu) “stealthy love is thrilling” (cauraratasya ramyataratvam). 

G 3.58 Kara: “ray,” punningly also: “hand.” 

G 3.59 Tamas can mean both “darkness” and “ignorance.” 

G 3.60 Wishing to die: vivasa. 



G3.69 The following story is also given in Vetalapahcavimsatika (of 
Sivadasa) pp. i5fF. and in Kathasaritsagara 77.48ff. etc. Veta- 
las are demons which animate dead corpses. The lady’s hot, 
fragrant kisses are compared to the rites of the terrifying Vetala- 
invocation, in which the adept makes offerings into a sacrificial 
fire lit in the mouth of a hanged criminal. The corpse then 
becomes animated by a Vetdla, and its tongue begins to rise 
up. If the adept fails to cut it off, the Vetala will eat him. If he 
succeeds, the tongue transforms into a magical sword which 
gives him supernatural powers. Cf Picumata 15 (Mahayaga- 
vetalasadhana), Harsacarita 3. Nose bitten off: For this motif 
compare Kathasaritsagara 6.188; 9.76. 

G 3.70 Severed nose: This is intended as a form of divine vengeance, 
for faithless wives were often punished by cutting off their 
noses, see Kathasaritsagara V,i23. Also Manusmrti 8.125. 

G 3.72 Sold in a foreign land: Kshemendra uses the same image of 
someone being sold in a foreign land in Darpadalana 3.15 to 
ridicule the beauty of an inarticulate fool. 

G 3.76 A paraphrase of Manusmrti 9.15-17. 

G4.1 Courtesans: The reader may wish to consult Kamasutra 4. 
Kshemendra discusses courtesans also in the third chapter of 
the Desopadesa and he has even devoted an entire work to this 
subject, the Samayamatrka. Vaisravana, or Kubera, the God 
of wealth, is as notoriously stingy as prostitutes are said to be 
greedy for money (cf. Mrcchakatika 5.35—7, Kuttanlmata 227— 
8, Samayamatrka 4.18—25, 4.80—93). Ked reads sramanatdm eti , 
e.g. even “the God of wealth is reduced to a beggar-monk 
by their machinations.” The morality Kshemendra puts for¬ 
ward here is more commonly found in prescriptions specific 
to ascetics, cf Galava, cit. Yatidharmasamuccaya 10.105: sakrt 
sadharanlm gatva hrahmahatydprayascittam caret , “If someone 
has intercourse with a prostitute just once, he should perform 
the penance prescribed for killing a Brahmin” (transl. Oliv- 
elle 1995:171). Damodaragupta’s Kuttanlmata gives probably 



the more popular view in Kshemendra’s time (789a!): dararatih 
samtataye kanduprasamaya cetikaslesah ), “Love of one’s wife 
serves to continue the family-lineage, courtesans are embraced 
to satisfy the itch.” 

4.2 Here and in the following verses Kshemendra compares cour¬ 
tesans to rivers or streams. All of the descriptive epithets he lists 
may have been intended to bear double meanings, but some 
remain obscure to me. He makes a very similar punning com¬ 
parison between loose women and rivers in Darpadalana 1.65. 
Sixty-four arts: Compare the list in Kamasutra 1.3.15. The var¬ 
ious lists of these arts found in Sanskrit literature are discussed 
by Venkatasubbiah & Muller (1914:355-367). 

G4.5 Scratching and biting: Cf Kamasutra 2.4. 

G 4.8 Menstruation: An important skill, see Arthasastra 2.27.14-15 
for the punishment of courtesans who refused to entertain 
their paramour. Cf Manusmrti 4.40—42 for the prohibition 
on connubial intercourse during the woman’s courses. Kshe¬ 
mendra accuses prostitutes of using this ploy also at Desopadesa 

G 4.12 Men whose name and caste is unkown: Prostitutes were re¬ 
quired to serve all customers e.g. Kuttammata 3i4ab: ujjhi- 
tavrsayoga api ratisamaye naravisesanirapeksah. See the verses 
collected in Sternbach (1953:64#). 

G 4.14 Based on Kamasutra 2.9-39cd. 

4.15—39 The same tale is also found in Soma-deva’s Kathdsaritsaga- 
ra (book 10) 58.2—53. There the minister’s name is however 
Anantaguna and the courtesan is called Kumudika. 

G 4.17 Arms reaching down to his knees: Long arms were considered 
an outward sign of greatness, cf Brhatsamhita 57.45a. 

G4.25 Compare this with the tests and temptations advocated by 
Kautilya to ascertain a minister’s loyalty, Arthasastra 10. 



G4.26 That she wore ornaments indicates that she was prepared to 
cast herself into the flames. 

G 4.27 Self-immolation: in the Samayamatrka 2.32—36, Kshemendra 
makes the courtesan Arghagharghatika pretend to follow her 
wealthy husband of one month into the fire also. The king 
intervenes to save the apparently pious woman and she ends 
up inheriting his fortune. 

G4.29 For the historical truth behind such stories see for instance 
the courtesan Sambavatl’s influence over the Tantrin soldiers, 
Rajataranginl 5.296. 

G 4.31 The use of chowries is usually reserved for royalty. 

G 4.39 A parody of Visnu’s manifestation as Visvarupa, cf Bhagavad- 
glta 11.16. 

G 5.1 Cf Arthasdstra 2.7—8. Kayasthas are bureaucrats, scribes, ac¬ 
countants etc. See the Narmamala for their many grades and 
duties (cf. Baldissera 2000). In Kshemendra’s satires the scribes 
career usually ends with imprisonment or worse, see e.g. Da- 
rpadalana 2.54. 

G 5.2 My emendation aindavakaleva attempts to account for P’s vari¬ 
ant raudra and also to ensure that the simile is not defective. 
Both Lapanich and the km edition read °kala iva and thus make 
the object of the simile formally a plural, (pace the translations 
of Schmidt and Lapanich) but the subject - sampattih is sin¬ 
gular. This is a poetical defect because the words expressing 
the common property cannot be construed in concord with 
both the subject and the object of the comparison. This prob¬ 
lem is discussed in the prose to Kavyaprakasa 10.55—6. Rahu: 
The severed head of the dragon-like demon Rahu , who causes 
eclipses by swallowing the sun or moon, is the ascending node— 
the point in the ascending half of the moon’s orbit at which 
it intersects the earth’s orbital plane from below. Divira : Kshe¬ 
mendra uses the word divira firstly in its conventional sense of 
“scribe” (< Old Persian dibit) and secondly in its etymological 



sense of “sky-going” (< divi-ra). Thus the metaphor (mpaka) 
divira-rahu'kala must be interpreted in two ways: “the power 
of the sky-going Rahu,” and “the scribe’s ingenuity at making 
things vanish.” 

G 5.5 Black men: Kala denotes both the color “black” and the “God 
of death” (derived from kal meaning ‘movement of time’). 
The scribes are evidently black because they are smeared with 
ink. The attendants of Death bear wooden staffs with which 
they strike down those whose span of life has reached its end. 
Birchbark: The prepared, soft inner bark of the birch tree (Skt. 
bhurja) has been popular as a material for writing on in North¬ 
western India from before the common era until quite recently. 

G 5.7 Raped: khanyamana, lit. “being dug into.” The tears of Ahjana: 
Sanjanasru Anjana was the mother of the monkey-god Ha- 
numan. When she was pregnant, Valin poured molten metal 
alloys (pancaloha) into her womb trying to abort his future 

G 5.11 Citragupta: The recorder of souls’ good and bad deeds who lives 
in the realm of Yama, lord of the dead. cf. Mundakopanisat 
1.20. By deleting a mere line: For a recorded perpetration of 
this trick, see Rajatarahginl 6.39. 

G 5.18 As is evident from this verse the preceding list needs to be 
punningly construed with the 16 digits of the moon as well. 

G 5.33 Lump of iron: Ksemendra has taken over this image from Si- 
vasvamin’s Kapphinabhyudaya 4.28cd: dradhimam ayamayo hi 
prajyatejo ’bhisangad vighatitakathinatvam yati karmanyabhd- 

G 5.41 Partaking of a share: e.g. bhagin + rathya. 

G 6.3 The attributes used to describe this intoxication punningly 
describe the diametrically opposed restraint of the ideal yogin. 

G 6.4 A parody of the inverted cosmic tree. See Bhagavadglta 15.1—2, 
and Kathopanisad 6.1. 



G 6.5 In light of 6.7 it might be more appropriate to translate not 
as “pompous man” but “pomposity” itself (so also at 6 .6.). 
But the English reads better with this license. On samnipa - 
ta as a cause of fever see Carakasamhita Nidanasthana 1.29. 
The symptoms of this incurable fever are also Ksemendra’s 
metaphors of choice to describe the arrogant “Superintendent” 
(paripalaka) at Narmamala 1.62—64 (Baldissera 2000 fails to 
connect verses 1.62—3 to the simile in 1.64 as they clearly should 
be). Impaled on a stake: Or: suffering from a colic (sula). 

G 6.7 A parody of Bhagavadgita 5.24: “He who is inwardly blissful, 
who delights in the self, who has an inward illumination, that 
Yogin, having become Brahma, goes to the Nirvana of Brah¬ 

G 6.10 Again medical imagery: “[The patients] eyes are reddened by 
the outbreak of a morbid disorder of the humors, he is unable to 
endure even the faintest sounds, and babbles.” Compare Kshe- 
mendra’s description of the arrogant young Brahmin Tejonidhi 
at Darpadalana 1.46. A similar lampoon of a scholar is also 
given in the Padmaprabhrtaka in the prose after 16 describing 
the grammarian Dattakalasi who has just been defeated in a 
debate. A+kopa: “Outbreak of a disorder of the humors.” 

G 6.12 An acute (mahd+ajnanam yasya sah) vulture (dlrghadarsl). This 
“delirium of noble lineage” is treated in greater detail in the 
Darpadalana 1. 

G 6.14 A parody of Puranic cosmography. Just as the infinite world- 
serpent Ananta supports the earth, so “self-importance” is the 
base of the various trees of intoxication. 

G 6.16 A parody of Bhagavadgita 5.18: “The wise see as equal the 
learned and saintly brahmin, a cow, an elephant, a dog and 
a dog-cooker.” 

G6.17 An allusion to the Bhagavadgltas description of the Yogin 
6.8cd: . . .yogi samalostasmakancanah, “. . . the Yogi, consid¬ 
ering as equal clods of earth, rocks and gold are the same.” 



Kshemendra makes a similar allusion at Darpadalana 2.60 and 
at Desopadesa 1.6 he uses the image yet again to show that a 
rogue who cares not for friend or foe etc. is equivalent to an 
initiate who has received the highest liberating consecration 
{nirvanadlksitah ). 

G 6.18 A parody of the symptoms of certain mystical states. See, 
for instance, Kulasara fol. 25V: udgiret kauliklm bhasarn mu- 
drab andhamanekadha / hasate gay ate caiva nanacestani kurvate , 
“He speaks in mystical KaulikI language, spontaneously mani¬ 
fests various yogic seals, laughs, sings and fidgets.” Utpaladeva 
describes the Shaiva devotee very similarly at Shivastotravall 
15.3: rudanto vd hasanto va tvam uccaih pralapanty ami / bha- 
ktah stutipadoccaropacarahprthageva te. See also Skandapurana 
2i.47ab, Vadanyaya 2. 

G 6.21 A retelling of the story told in Mahabharata 3.i22ff., Satapa- 
thabrahmana 4.1.5ff., Jaiminlyabrahmana 3.i2off. 

G 6.25 Pralamba was a notorious demon slain by Balarama. 

G 6.28 Punningly: appearing immobilised, bound by cords. 

G7.2 Riches: kamala. Third sense: After completely mangling (ja- 
gdhva) the collection of Kamaladhruva songs, and then chewing 
up the Kumudadhruva songs, the feeble (kslna) singer-drones now 
show an interest (pranayita) in the compositions of Matanga s Br- 
haddesi. Matanga is the author of an early musicological work: 
the Brhaddesi. The impact of this verse occurs in two stages. 
1. Initially the metaphor gayanabhrnga “singer-bee,” fuses two 
obvious parallel paranomastic interpretations of the epithets, 
[a] Thus we have kamalakara first as “a lotuspond,” kosa as “a 
bud,” kumuda as “a waterlily” and kslna in the sense of “emaci¬ 
ated.” The verbs jhaks and a+svad retain theit literal meaning 
of “consuming.” The subject gayanabhrnga itself may be read 
as “humming bee.” The bee’s longing (pranayata) for the ichor 
of rutting elephants (matanga) is a popular conceit in Sanskrit 
Kavya. [b] Secondly kamalakara may be rendered as “a hoard of 



wealth,” kosa as a “treasury,” ku+mud as “displeasure” and ksina 
as “impoverished.” Due to an incompatibility of the primary 
sense (abhidha) of the verbs jhaks and a+svad with the contex¬ 
tual meaning of the verse (anvaya) —eg. wealth and displeasure 
are not edible—their literal sense is barred (mukhyarthabadha) 
and a secondary (laksanika) meaning is forced upon them: jhaks 
> “squander,” much like the english devour can refer both to 
the act of consumption as also to destruction; a+svad > “experi¬ 
ence, suffer.” The metaphor gayanabhrnga becomes singer-rake 
(i bhrnga: “a libertine”) and matanga denotes an outcaste of ex¬ 
tremely low standing. The humor of the situation is that the 
licentious singers first ruin their patron, are driven out by him, 
and then, with no dignity or discernment, entreat even the 
lowliest outcastes. 

G 7.3 Troops: skandha. Wedge-formation: sakata. Ghatapata: Not 
attested as a synonym for pataha kettledrums. Quivers: kalapa. 
Powerful missiles: isaka. Arrows: muktaka . Regicidal: bhiipa- 
bhuj. Warriors of the God of war: Gayana cf. Mahabharata 

G 7.5 Padas: “musical phrases,” see Natyasastra 28.11,16-17; 32.28- 
29. For the names of the notes (svara) see Natyasastra 28.21. 
The concealed pun eludes me. 

G 7.6 Faulty: bhranta. Revolving ornamentations: dvartaka is one of 
the 33 tonal ornaments defined by Bharata, Matanga etc. See 
5 r/;^^(?/fVarnalahkaraprakarana 6, Alankaralaksana 23: aroha- 
varohabhyam astau svaran uccarya praksvaroccaranante kramaso 
’stakala avartakah. Flute ornamentations: I am taking vamsa as 
a synonym for the “flute-ornament” venvalankara. See Brhad' 
desl Varnalankaraprakarana 6, Alankaralaksana 8: aknditavada- 
rohavarohakramena saptakalo venuh. Opening theme: mukha. 
Reeling: bhranta. Gyrations: avarta. Spines: vamsa. 

G 7.8 Both because of the resultant higher taxation and because the 
wrongdoing of the king is believed inevitably to result in some 
sort of calamitous epidemic or natural disaster. 



G7.11 Thrilling: Sahara. Love-sport: -keyurah. Sapped of essence: 


G 7.19 A parody of the Saivasiddhanta’s account of creation by eight 
“sovereigns of mantra,” (vidyesvara, mantramahesvara). 

G 8.1 Visionary imagination: prthudhyana. Yogins with the abil¬ 
ity (kala) to endure (aharana) the hardship (kara) of snow 
(hema): An instance of sabdabhangaslesa, read compounded 
as: hemakaraharanakalayoginah. State: dhamni. Replete with 
beatitude: hahalalaksmyah. Kshemendra has based some of his 
verses on chapters 2.13—14 of Kautilyas Arthasdstra. 

G 8.4 A reversal of Arthasdstra 2.13.23—24: a touchstone (nikasa) with 
the color of elephant-skin tinged with green, and reflective (pra- 
tiragi'), is good for assaying at the time of selling. A durable, 
rough, uneven-colored, and non-reflecting stone is good for 

G 8.5 The goldsmith had to buy his counterweights from the super¬ 
intendent of weights and measures, the Pautava ( cf. Arthasd¬ 
stra 2.14.15-16). Furthermore, they needed to be stamped, for 
a small fee, on a daily basis. To prevent the fiddles described 
by Kshemendra, Arthasdstra 2.19.10 recommends that coun¬ 
terweights should be made of iron or of stones coming from 
Magadha or Mekala which do not increase in weight when 
soaked in water or decrease when heated. 

G 8.6 Double bottom: Kshemendra here intends the mukamusa con¬ 
traption mentioned at Arthasdstra s 2.14.23. Bursting asun¬ 
der: This is the trick called “bleeding” (visravana) described 
in Arthasdstra 2.14.24—25. The crucible is deliberately caused 
to burst open and some grains of gold are then removed by 
sleight of hand when it is fastened again. Copper inlay: Cf. 
the practise of “adulteration” apasarita explained at Arthasdstra 
2.14.20—22. Led and alkaline salt powder: Cf. the practices 
known as “folding” (petaka) and “counterfeiting” (pinka) in 
Arthasdstra 2.14.26-33 and 2.14.34-42. 

3 66 


G 8.7 I count as follows: [1.] a bent indicator, [2.] unevenly matched 
bowls, [3.] a perforated layer, [4.] they are loaded with mer¬ 
cury, [5.] they are bendable, [6.] have an inert scale (-kaksya), 
[7.] (their cords are:) knotty, [8.] badly strung, and [9.] many- 
stranded, [10.] they are out of balance before used, [11.] can be 
disturbed by the wind, [12.] are too light, or [13.] too heavy, 
[14.] they retain gold-dust in their coarse bowls, and [15.] are 
(magnetically controlled to be) static, or [16.] volatile. Perfo¬ 
rated layer: E.g. to siphon off gold-dust. Loaded with mercury: 
This probably corresponds to the Arthasastras 2.14.19 “hol¬ 
lowed out” (upakanthi) defect. A quantity of heavy mercury 
travels along the hollow arms of the scales, altering the bal¬ 
ance. Static or volatile: The last two defects probably allude to 
the Arthasastras final defect: that of being controlled magnet¬ 
ically (ayaskdnta ca dustatulah)', see Kaldvilasa 8.14. Quarters: 
mukha. Hostile: vakra. Hollows: put a. Impassable: visama. 
Ground tala. Cracked open: susira. Quicksilver: Kshemendra 
must somehow have taken parada as a synonym (or by laksana ) 
for “snow.” Severe: katu. Wraps: kaksya. Knotted together: gra- 
nthimatl. Indecorously looped around: kusikyita. 

G 8.10 Copper dust: See the note on visrdvana to 8.6. 

8.11-12 The Arthasastra (2.14.53) gives a similar list of behavioral oddi¬ 
ties as signs from which to infer a goldsmith has been misusing 
alkaline salts etc. I understand these as indications not just of 
shiftiness and guilt but as symptoms of self-poisoning. It is pos¬ 
sible that this was an inevitable occupational hazard, since gold 
was often obtained amalgamated with mercury (rasaviddha), 
cf. Arthasastra 2.13.3. Note, finally, that with a little ingenuity 
this passage might equally be read as describing a dog. 

8.16—17 These two verses must be corrupt, I cannot produce a satis¬ 
factory text ot translation. 

G 8.21 Veins: samdhi , lit. “joints.” 



G 8.25 Gods: tridasa- Kslrasvamin’s commentary on the Amarakosa 
claims that this term refers to the number of the Vedic gods, 
“the thirty”: trir dasa parimanam esarn tridasah , but, as the 
scriptural evidence he adduces shows, there are of course thirty- 
three Gods ( trayastrimsad vai dehah somapah). Much more 
plausible is the explanation offered by Jatarupa ad Amarakosa 
1.1.7: balyayauvanapraudhatvakhyas tisro dasa esam iti tridasah , 
“ Tridasa-, are those who have [only] three stages of life, child¬ 
hood, youth and maturity [but no old age].” 

G 8.28 According to Manusmrti 12.61 rebirth as a goldsmith is a pun¬ 
ishment for the theft of gems, coral or pearls in a previous 

G 8.29 A sentiment echoing Manusmrti 9.292: sarvakantakapapistham 
hemakaram tu parthivah/pravartamanam anyaye chedayel lava- 
sah ksuraih , “The king shall have the dishonest goldsmith, the 
most evil thorn of all, cut into pieces with razors.” 

G9.1 The con-men described in this section are what Manu calls 
“thorns” (kantaka), cf. Manusmrti 9.253—60. By removing these 
“thorns,” and by protecting the subjects, kings reach heaven. 

G9.2 Vaidya: “physician” derived from vidya (vidya asty asya an); 
and “belonging to the Veda” (veda+an). 

G 9.6 The sixteenth lunar asterism. The moon is here fancied as the 
lover of the lady Visakha, and the astrologer is a voyeur. Wife: 
The choice of the word grhini for “wife,” is appropriate (padau- 
citya) because Visakha is also a grhini, e.g. a “lunar mansion,” 
of the moon. In the Darpadalana too, Kshemendra portrays 
the astrologer as an idiot-savant, for despite his astral science 
he cannot even figure out who is continuously robbing him. 

G 9.7 Kanakarthin: also “greedy for gold.” The problem appears to 
be that transmutational experiments required some gold as a 
catalyst. See Kathasaritsagara III,161/2. Medhatithi on Manu¬ 
smrti 9.58b: “alchemists who pretend to change base metals into 
precious metals.” Kalhana recounts that the king Jalauka was 



believed to have an alchemical substance which could trans¬ 
mute base metals into gold (Rdjatarangini i.iio, also another 
account at 4.246—7). 

G 9.9 Bald: Compare the story of the bald man and the hair-restorer 
at Kathasaritsdgara V,83-4. 

G 9.10 I have preferred the reading of KedL because the contrast be¬ 
tween the bright eyes of the celestial damsels and the lechers 
blindness appears to be original. 

G 9.11 Sky-flower: In Sanskrit philosophical texts sky-flowers and rab¬ 
bit’s horns are usually given as standard examples of completely 
non-existent entities (atyantdbhava)', one cannot even imagine 
them (vikalpakajnana), that is, one can imagine cow’s horns 
on a rabbit, or pond-lotuses in the sky, but not horn of a rabbit 
or a flower which grows in the sky. 

9.11-12 Sorcery of this kind is taught already in the Atharvaveda. One 
of the earliest sources to give more detailed recipes of magical 
power-substances is the Arthasastra 14.1—4. The efficacy of the 
magic Kshemendra is describing in these two verses depends 
entirely on the power-substances, mantras etc. are not required. 

G9.14 Root: Cf Manusmrti 9.290c. The rites involving the bury¬ 
ing of magical roots are meant to subjugate a person. The 
lawbooks permit these rites if practised against a husband or 
relative. Ksemendra also intends love-potions made with such 
roots, cf Samayamdtrkd 2.25, and especially Dasavatdracarita 
8.509—513 on the diseases wives caused their husbands with such 
homemade concoctions. 

G 9.17 In the divinatory practice of prasena or prasanna an oracular 
apparition manifests in water, in a sword-blade, in a mirror, in 
the eye of a virgin, or in the thumb-nail smeared with oil, in 
the sun or moon etc. and there reveals the future or past events. 
The vision appears either to a mantra-adept, or to a girl or boy 
who has become possessed for the occasion. 



G9.18 In a story in the Kathasaritasagara (70.56-62) it is a high¬ 
born Ksatriya boy who serves as the medium. Kshemendra is 
probably insinuating that only a lowly spirit would possess a 
Ceta medium. On mcagraha , “lowly possessing spirits” such 
as goblins, cf Abhinavabharati 17.yj (those so-possessed speak 
vulgar Prakrit languages), dhupa: a ball of incense paste, for 
most rituals preferably made o iyaksakardama, burned on coals 
in a censer (dhupapatra). 

G 9.19 The earliest reference to the famous “collyrium of Nagarjuna” 
(nagarjunavarti) is provided by Vrnda’s Siddhayoga 61.148—152 
(repeated verbatim by Cakrapani). He gives a recipe with 14 
ingredients, including the expensive killed copper and blue 

G 9.20 Kshemendra is here ridiculing the use of occult fumigants made 
with all sorts of weird and wonderful ingredients. That they 
should be peddled by “sons of yaksis may intend that they 
are successful practitioners of rites to summon a yaksu At the 
first meeting the yakst is supposed to address the successful 
acolyte as: “putra!”, “my son!” Another vague connection I see 
is that the most popular fumigant is called yaksakardama. Or, 
perhaps cf Arthasdstra 13—14 for spies masquerading as Nagas, 
Raksasas, Varuna and various Gods. 

G 9.21 A man without a son may “appoint” his daughter as a so-called 
putrika. Her sons subsequently inherit all of her father’s wealth. 
If she dies without a son, her husband inherits. Cf. Manusmrti 

G9.22 Reader of body-language: ingitavadin. Cf Kulluka to Ma¬ 
nusmrti 9.258d: iksanika hastarekhadyavalokanena subhasubha- 
phalakathanajivinah, “Physiognomists are people whose liveli¬ 
hood it is to descry auspicious and inauspicious fortunes by 
investigating the lines on the palms etc.” This was not only 
done with human beings but also with animals, chapters 91—92 
of the Brhatsamhita are devoted to auspicious and inauspicious 
marks of bovines and horses. 



G9.2 6 Cf. Manusmrti 9.258b. 

G 9.30 Cf. Arthasastra for the difficulties of colonising virgin 
lands. Immigration by force or inducement is advocated. 

G9.34 The expression abhinava/srstim echoes a famous benediction 
verse composed by Abhinava-gupta, who taught Ksemendra 
literature. Could this be intended as censure of his teacher? 

G9.39 This corresponds more or less to the Kdmasutra (1.4.32) defi¬ 
nition of the pimp. 

G 9.40 Commissioner: See 1.90. 

G 9.44 Dream: Ksemendra is here by no means ridiculing the idea 
that deities may appear in dreams itself, rather just the ex¬ 
ploitation of the faithful. Somendra records that Ksemendra 
was encouraged in a dream by the Buddha to complete the 
Avadanakalpalata. Sarada: Adj. meaning “shy” is attested only 
in lexicons. 

G9.52 Rat: Kshemendra likes to introduce the image of rats when 
he describes treasuries. In Darpadalana 2.36 the miser Nandas 
wife Mati points out that he stupidly starves himself taking 
only rice-water while rats carry off the jewels stored up in his 
treasury. The descriptive epithets shift their sense slightly when 
construed with the rat: “. . . whose snout and eyes always face 
downwards in case there might be something extra, who has 
an unclean body and nest, who appears in the pantry.” 

G 9.58 In the Dhuttakhana 5.79—no the cheat Khandavana uses just 
such a ploy to blackmail a rich banker to pay her off. With a 
recently deceased infant swaddled in layers of cloth she accosts 
her victim. When his servants throw her out she wails that they 
have murdered her baby. Alarmed that the uproar may reflect 
badly on him the banker gives her a gold earring to remove the 
dead child. 



G 9.60 Dressed in respectable finery: Kshemendra is perhaps referring 
to what Manu calls the Bhadra swindlers. Cf Kulluka to Ma¬ 
nusmrti 9.253d: bhadrah kalyanakarapracchannapapa ye dha- 
nagrahinah , “Respectable [thieves] are those who steal wealth 
conceiling their evil and appearing respectable.” 

G9.64 This verse probably refers to the “extortionists” (aupadhika) 
mentioned in Manusmrti 9.258a. Kulluka glosses: aupadhika 
bhayadarsanad ye dhanam up aj tv anti, “‘Extortionists’ are peo¬ 
ple who extort money by threats.” 

G9.69 Cheat: vancaka. Medhatithi ad Manusmrti 9.258b glosses: 

“Men who promise to transact business for others, and do 
not keep their word.” 

G 9.70 Kshemendra is fond of describing the failings of arrogant schol¬ 
ars. In the third chapter of his Darpadalana Kshemendra por¬ 
trays the career of Yavakrlta, the idiot son of the sage Bharad- 
vaja. He performs penance and is rewarded with learning but 
then becomes an egomaniac and quarrelsome nuisance who 
irritates his own father by continuously babbling in difficult 
Sanskrit metres. Since his learning lacks “peace of mind” (cetah- 
santi) a tragedy ensues. Malapatraka : Lapanich takes this as 
a synonym for malaprstha, “dust-jacket of a book.” We may 
add that this malapatra does seem to have been inscribed, per¬ 
haps with summaries of contents or the like. See, for instance 
Narmamald 2.36a, where Ksemendra is ridiculing the imbecile 
Mathadaisika who walks about with his malapatra which is 
there probably a kind of notebook or diary. 

G9.71 Piercing initiation-guru: A “piercing initiation” (vedhadlksa) 
is in Shaiva Tantric literature presented as a high salvific act 
performed by a guru for a fortunate chosen few. The preceptor 
enters the initiate s body and pierces various centres along the 
central channel of his subtle body. As Kshemendra indicates, 
the initiate perceives signs, such as trembling, while this is 
taking place (cf. Tantraloka 29.236-82). The context Kshe¬ 
mendra describes appears to be much more humble: a low¬ 
life officiant does the rounds like a door-to-door salesman, 



tricking his gullible clients into parting with their money by 
planting stooges to demonstrate the efficacity of his technique. 
Sanderson has pointed out to me that the purpose of the vedha 
Kshemendra describes is uncertain. Perhaps the guru comes to 
a house and performs a vedhadiksa for the household, the stooge 
serving to show that it is the real thing and perhaps to set off a 
chain reaction in which the conned will believe that they too 
have been touched by the Goddess. Or perhaps he comes and 
offers to bless the household by performing a simple pujd of 
the Goddess, the stooge’s performance being the proof that he 
has succeeded in summoning her. 

G 9.72 Shakuni: There are several mythical Sakunis who could be 
meant but I take this as a more concrete reference to that 
£akuni who is known from the Rdjatarangini as the great¬ 
grandfather of the famous emperor Asoka. Lapanich, reading: 
kale sakunim smarami, translates: “I can summon a bird at the 
right time.” This remains obscure to me. Schmidt believes the 
fraud to be boasting: “I know how to fly like a bird.” 

10.2—6 The four aims of life (purusartha). 

G 10.6 The thirty-two arts are thus presented as thirty-two kalas of 
a long mantra with four padas which the mantrin (<vidyavat) 
manipulates in various ways (krama, samasta) for specific 

G 10.7 A parallel to magical powers such as leaving the earth (bhumi- 
tydga), poetic power (kavitva) etc. promised as siddhis for the 
perfection of various mantras. 

G 10.14 Verses 14—38 make up a single sentence containing an elaborate 
“consequential metaphor ” (paramparitarupaka), cf. Kavyapra - 
kasa 10.9. The structure of the sentence is: “In this world, it is 
renown, which is the Guru’s word among truths. . . knowledge 
among supreme illuminations, that is indispensable for all peo¬ 



G 10.15 



G 10.37 

M 4 


M 21b 
M 22b 

M 26 
M 27 
M 29 

Snares and black cobras: I am assuming that Kshemendra is 
here using a common epic metaphor, which Emeneau (i960: 
291—300) has shown to be a pi dvandva compound, e.g. “snakes 
and bonds.” 

chandalas: In Kavya literature outcastes are portrayed as inher¬ 
ently cruel. Kshemendra follows this convention unquestion- 
ingly. In a story in Darpadalana 1, Kshemendra uses this prej¬ 
udice to show that the arrogant and cruel Brahmin Tejonidhi 
was in fact the son of a Candala ( see especially Darpadalana 
1.54—55). Necromancer: mayavin, cf. KathasaritsagaraW ,35. 

Visarpa , Erysipelas. 

The eldest son performs the funeral rites. 

Kutaja Wrightia antidysenterica, also known as Indrayava, “In- 
dra’s grain,” the seeds of which are used as a vermifuge. 

Death in battle: As Ksemendra explains in Darpadalana 4.31, 
the fallen hero could expect to be welcomed into heaven by 
beautiful Apsarases such as Urvasl. 

A parody of the standard example of a syllogistic inference 
taught in Nyaya logic: the premise is smoke, the probandum is 
fire, the example is the kitchen, the conclusion is the presence 
of fire. 

A mantra-sorcerer (mantrika) is an initiate into the cult of a 
mantra-deity who has achieved supernatural power (siddhi). 

Vachas-pati: the teacher of the gods. 

Priests: Filliozat takes devatopasakah as “mediums.” I have 
translated as “priests” for that is closer to the literal sense: “wor¬ 
shippers of gods.” 

All: These are the five departments of Ayurvedic medicine. 
Cf. Kalavilasa 9.4. 

Filliozat translates differently: “Quand le medecin soutire 
I’argent dun malade quil visite depuis longtemps... 



M 39 This is probably not a general statement about poets glorifying 
love but rather a dig at the rhetoricians’ theories which teach 
that the aesthetic sentiment of love is the most important in 
poetry (cf. Dhvanyaloka 2.7). 

M 45 DhoranI: sv. Amarakosa 2.7.1048 dhorana. 

M 62 Children etc.: Nllakantha is here alluding to a Smrti list which 
is a shorthand for all utterly unreliable persons. 

M 77 An allusion to the scriptural teaching that any food one gives 
to a mendicant becomes in the next world a reward of food 
the size of Mt. Meru and any water one gives an ocean (See 
Parasarasmrti 1.53). 

M 81 Departing: or, reading prasthapyamanah : “Sent away each 
day. . . .” 

M 82 Orthodox brahmin: A srotriya is a brahmin learned in the Veda. 

M 83 Ghataka: A ghataka is an agent who predominantly arranges 
marriages, but Nllakantha here seems to consider him a kind 
of pimp. 

M 84 Wood of the holy basil: The TulasI tree is sacred to Vaisnavas 
who fashion rosaries from its wood. 

M 8 5 Vahata or Vagbhata is the author of a compendium of Materia 

M 86 Ekasika: sitting alone or sitting in one place. 

M 90 Sadyahpratyaya: “giving immediate proof of efficacy.” 

M97 Hail to the horizon: I assume Nllakantha intends no more 
than: “I will flee,” but it may be a reference to the mahapd' 
thaprasthana , the rite in which the elderly brahmin leaves his 
home and walks towards the Himalayas until he dies. Filliozat 
translates: ‘Je salue la direction ou ces quatre sont reunis. 


M 98 Chidra means both ‘bodily opening’ and ‘fault’. 




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Sanskrit words are given according to the accented CSL pronuncuation aid 
in the English alphabetical order. They are followed by the conventional 
diacritics in brackets. 

Abhinava-gupta, 17, 370 
ablutions, 219 
absurdities, 109 
accountants, 360 
accusation, 141 
actors, 127, 337 
Adambha, 352 
Adharma, 350 

fervent, 221 
adversary, 321 
affairs, 335 

Agastya (Agastya), 121, 267 
alchemist, 275 
alkaline salt, 261, 366 
alms, 353 
almsfood, 335 
aloofness, 113 
amulets, 277 
amusement-terraces, 177 
Ananta, 23, 344, 363 
Anantaguna, 360 
Anangalekha, 357 

elephant of the West, 345 

Mountain of Antimony, 345 
anklets, 95 
antelope, 119 
Apsaras, 373 
archery, 24 
Ardhaksira, 348 

Arghagharghdtika, 360 
arguments, 321 
armbands, 249 
army, 201 
arrogance, 121, 309 
arrow, 245 
artificial color, 263 
artisan, 171 

virtuous, 305 
as white as ash, 117 
ascending node, 361 
ascetics, 173, 321 
false, 348 

female skull-bearing, 105, 347 
hypocritical, 348 
Kdpalika , 346 
matted-hair, 117 
stupor of, 231 
ash, 337 

Ashvins (Asvins), 237 

violent, 233 
assay, 259 
asterism, 367 

astrologer, 127,173,239,273,323, 
325, 367, 368 
astrology, 24, 327 
astronomy, 24 
Ashdka, Asoka, ypi 
atmajhana, 24 
atom, 155 



audacity, 299 
hall, 95 

with the king, 25 
aura, 103 
austerity, 337 
authorities, 125 
avarice, 151, 327 
backbiting, 285 
balance, 261 
balance-stones, 261 
Balardma, 363 
bald men, 275 
Baldissera, 24, 360 
Bali, 352 
Balkh, 125 
ball, 143 
bandits, 269 
barbarity, 327 
bard, 247 
bark, 127 

ritual, 349 
battle, 315, 373 

trimmed, 109 
beatitude, 313 
bee-swarms, 163 
bees, 327 
female, 97 
beeswax, 261 
beggar-monk, 359 
beggars, 333 
begging-bowl, 347 
bizarre, 323 

Bengal, 125 

betel-nut, 187, 327, 333 
Bhadra , 371 

Bhagfrathi (Bhagirathi), 346 
Bhairava, 347 
Bharadvdja , 371 
Bharata, 24, 364 
Bhava-bhuti (Bhavabhuti), 24 
Bhrigu (Bhrgu), 121,151, 351, 355 
Biography of Kumdrajiva, 25 

banner of, 211 
worthless bundles of, 297 
bird, 103,107,127,185, 352, 372 
fledgling, 99 
bites, 163 
black cobra, 309 
blanket, 245 
blindness, 97, 368 
bliss, 339 
blood, 165 
Bloomfield, 345 
blue vitriol, 369 
boasting, 299 

abandoning of, 223 
neglect of own, 231 
shrivelled, 115 
bone, 157, 225 
human, 347 
bone-sections, 105 
books, 135 
boots, 109 
bossy matron, 167 
bowls, 261 
boyhood-friend, 143 
bracelet, 189 



Brahma (Brahma), 117, 119, 121, 
123, 299, 344, 350, 351, 362 
Brahman, 327, 337 
brahmany duck, 346 
brahmin, 147, 251, 350, 359 
orthodox, 337 
brazenness, 97 
breasts, 239 
breezes, 93 
bribery, 215 

Brihas-pati (Brhaspati), 97, 345 
Bringer of the End, 213 
brothel, 197, 287 

uterine, 117 
brother-in-law, 329 
Buddha, 22, 353 
Buddhist, 25 

country, 297 
of Yama, 211 
bureaucrats, 360 
burning ground, 315 
buzzing twangs, 247 
Cakrapdni, 369 
calumny, 141 
Candanana, 353 

Chandra-gupta (Candragupta), 

canopy, 179 
caravan, 175, 245, 297 
caravan-harlot, 299 
caravan-leader, 95,105 
caravan-master, 99 
cart, 245, 297 

Carvaka, 345 
caste, 333 

smugness peculiar to, 109 
cattle, 349 
cavern, 155 
Canakya, 24 
celebrities, 323 
celestial, 277 
eternal, 323 
central channel, 372 
Buddhist, 25 
unabridged, hi 
Ceta, 369 
chaff, 333 
chains, 163 
chalice, 95 
champions, 239 

chandala (candala), 311, 350, 353, 

chaplet, 219 

depraved, 197 
charity, 333 
charlatan, in 
chataka (cataka), 37 
chattering, 99 
cheeks, 239 
chemistry, 24 
child, 329 

children, 329, 331, 333 
Chinese, 21 

Chyavana (Cyavana), 237 

claws, 267 


38 6 


smearing with, 109 
clothing, 327 
cloud of doom, 49 
clouds, 197 
cobras, 135, 353 
coin, 333 

counterfeit, 299 
colic, 229, 362 
collyrium, 279, 369 
commissioner, 171,127 
abstemious, 287 
commotion, 321 
compass points, 103, 346 
ashen, 99 
con-man, 297 
condemnation, 153, 331 
congregations, 171 
connoisseur, 18 
consecration, 311 
liberating, 363 

hundred forms of, 315 
contamination, 233 
exalted, 117 
convalescense, 325 
copper, 261, 263 
coquetry, 169 
coral, 367 

corpse, 187,189, 358 

religious, 337 
counsellors, 147 
counterweights, 365 
courtesan, 169,199 

the virtues of, 201 
cow, 235 
Cow-ear, 335 
Cowardice, 327 
cowrie, 135, 353 
coyness, 167 
Creator, 119, 339 
creatures, 127 
cremation ground, 201 

lofty, 115 
crest-moon, 219 
criminal, 358 
crookedness, 225 
crucible, 261 
crystal mirror, 103 
currents, 193 
curse, 269 
cymbal crashes, 247 
daitya, 145, 147,155, 355 
Dambha, 117, 119, 121, 123, 125, 
127,129, 347, 350, 351 
Dambhodbhava, 107, 347 
arrogant and quarrelsome e- 
mperor, 347 

doe-eyed, 97 
darbha , 337 
dark age, 141 
darkness, 97 

paramour of twilight, 101 
Dattakalasi, 362 
daughter, 175, 323, 329 
appointed, 175, 369 
cause of grief, 313 
day-labourer, 281 



day-lotus, 245 
day-maker, 101 

death, 155, 157, 311, 315, 329, 333, 
353. 357. 361 
fang of, 225 

pillar of, 107 
deceiver, 129, 299, 305 

innocent, 105 
delirium, 333 
of erudition, 233 
delusion, 107 
demon, 333, 335, 358 
demoness, 173s, 165 
demonically possessed, 331 
demons, 253 
denouncers, 331 
dependents, 333 

deposit, 133, 135, 137, 141, 267, 

*97> 354 
deranged, 331 
derision, 321 
deserts, 49 
desire, 327 
despair, 153 
destitution, 331 

befuddlement of, 231 
Dhana-datta, 175 
dhanurveda, 24 
Dhanvantari, 349 
dharma, 343 
dhatuvada, 24 
diagnostic, 325 
diamond, 165 

dice, 249 
dice-tricks, 281 

meager, 325 
future, 335 
disciples, 105 
age of, 175 
disease, 325, 329 
chronic, 325 
disharmony, 255 
dishonesty, 327 
disputation, 299 
disrepute, 315 
ditch millet, 333 
Diti , 113 
Div, 183 
divine eye, 267 
doctors, 325 

greedy for money, 325 
forged, 295 
legal, 215 
does, 95 
dog, 363, 367 
dog’s milk, 353 
dog-cooker, 235, 363 
theft of, 350 
Dohani, 357 
dominion, 255 
donor, 337 
doom, 335 
door-to-door, 372 
double-talk, 265 



dramaturgy, 24 

interpreters of, 323 
drinking, 171 
drugs, 273 
drunkard, 235 
dumb, 167,187 
dust-jacket, 371 
dustbin, 167 
Dwarf-incarnation, 129 
dyuta, 24 
ear, 335, 339 
earrings, 313 
earth, 49, 323 
ecstasy, 103 
egoism, 331 
elders, 251 
elephant, 163, 327 

wilderness, 313 
elephant-driver, 197 
elephant-lore, 24 
elephant-skin, 365 
emaciated, 275 
embellishment, 299 
embezzlers, 353 
emperor, 311 

ideal, 345 

empowerment, 107 

an obstacle, 233 
enemy, 115,155, 331 

end of, 267 
epic literature, 24 
epidemic, 365 
epidemics, 325 

epilepsy, 333 
equestrian science, 24 
erosion, 267 
erudition, 321, 327 
eulogy, 25 
evil sorcery, 237 
exile, 339 
failed, 275 

transmutational, 368 
extortionist, 297, 371 
eye-brows, 163 
eye-salve, 277 

eyes, 95, 109, 117, 119, 137, 141, 
169, 175, 177, 179, 181, 185, 
187,193, 195, 223, 229, 231, 
233, 275, 293, 362, 370 
sleepy, 195 
third, 93, 344 
fabrication, 281 
fair-weather friends, 103 
faith, 321 
fallacies, 199 
falsehood, 141 
fame, 151,155, 356 
craving for, 113 
fangs, 237, 329 
farce, 287 
fast, 335 

month-long, 289 
father, 315, 323 
father-in-law, 175,187, 329 
fawn-eyed girls, 103 
fear, 325 
fever, 348 
fiasco, 323 
fiddles, 365 



fields, 49 
filaments, 103 
finery, 295 

fire, 149, 155, 157, 185, 263, 265, 
279, 311, 331, 344, 356, 373 
of cow-dung, 263 
sacrificial, 358 
submarine, 115, 283 
fire fixation, 356 

courtyard of the, 101 
fish, 107, 249, 273 
fishermen, 273 
fist, 329 
fixation, 157 
flamingo, 103 

momentary, 105 
flattery, 331 
flies, 263 

flowers, 119,187, 219 
flute ornamentations, 247 
fools, 321 

assembly of, 313 
foot-stool, 105 

sacred, 167 
white, 103 

forehead-ornament, 167 
foreign land 
prosperous, 297 

magical, 217 
fortune, 99, 331 
Fortune-tellers, 323 

fountains, 95 
four-faced, 299 
fragrance, 187 
friendship, 315 
frog-fat, 277 
fumes, 153 
fumigant, 279, 369 
occult, 369 
gajalaksana, 24 
Galava (Galava), 121, 351 
gambler, 99, 217, 221, 281 
gambling, 24,171 
Ganges, 219, 223, 297, 346, 347 
gardens, 313 
garland-metaphor, 346 

stench of, 333 
garments, 181, 329 
Gauri, 157 
gemology, 24 
gems, 313, 367 

set in the anklets of prostitu¬ 
tes, 97 

gentlemen-thieves, 295 
flirting, 167 
ghataka, 374 

priceless, 95 
girl, 279 
artless, 167 
glee, 297 
gloom, 101 
gluttons, 329 
gnat, 327 
goad, 163 



lucky, 297 

goblin-spawned, 245 
goblins, 313, 369 
God, 137,143,145, 147, 149,155, 
157. 344 

devotion to, 315 
of death, 295, 354 
of love, 93, 103, 175, 177, 185, 
191. 344 

of wealth, 145,175, 253, 359 
Goddess, 157, 251, 289, 355, 372 
of fortune, 107 

Gods, hi, 113, 143 , 337 s, 345, 
352.. 369 

gold, 97, 137, 139, 197, 215, 235, 
liquid, 261 

gold-dust, 261, 267, 269, 366 
gold-maker, 275 
gold-ore, 267 
gold-plating, 275 
gold-robbers, 269 
golden ornaments 
hollow, 297 

goldsmiths, 127, 259, 265, 267, 
goose, 123 
gossip, 171 
governors, 127 
grammar, 24 
grammarian, 362 

of wheat, 209 
grass, 119 

sacrificial, 173 

greed, 283 
grief, 297 
grimaces, 119 
grove, 185,189 
gruel, 249 
guardian, 335 
guest, 335 

guiding principles, 315 
guile, 95 

Guna-yashas (Gunayasas), 197 
gurgling noises, 247 
guru, 217, 221, 301 
dead, 337 
gymnastics, 163 
gyrations, 247 
hair, 339 

sprouting, 275 
trimmed, 109 
hair-restorer, 368 
half-light, 101 
slack, 99 

happy realms, 309 
Hara, 199 
Hara-gupta, 141 
Hari, 199 
Harmony, 313 

having-a-hundred-sacrifices, 253 

severed, 361 
health, 325 
health-tonic, 315 
heart, 331 
of guile, 99 

extremely crooked, 105 



hell, 329 

chasms of, 277 
hema-valli (hemavalli), hi 

apotropaic, 348 
hero, 373 

smugness of, 109 
high-mindedness, 151 
Hiranya-gupta (Hiranyagupta), 

hirelings, 327 
hoe, 119 
hole, 265, 269 
holy basil, 337 
honesty, 327 
hooded, 117 
hope, 325 
hopes, 147 
Western, 101 
horse, 327 

dung of a black, 277 
horseman, 197 
hospitality, 95, 335 
house-holder, 329 
Hui-chiao, 25 
hum (hum), 117 
humors, 362 

morbid disorder of, 362 
hundredfold-piercing, 275 
hunter, 185 
hunting, 313 
dim, 167 

hypochondriacs, 325 

hypocrisy, 337 
hypocrites, 337 
icons, 173 
idiot-savant, 368 
idol, 281 

ignorance, 323, 339 
illumination, 305 
illusion, 117 
imbecile fixation, 231 
nectar of, 349 
impatience, 263 
impostors, 297 
in-laws, 329 
incense, 219, 279, 369 
India, 25 
indicator, 261 
indistinct syllables, 167 
Indra, 237, 251, 253, 277 
Indrajala, 24 
Infancy, 97 
infatuation, 163 
informers, 333 
ingrate, 149 
inheritors, 331 
initiate, 363 
initiates, 127 
initiations, 173 
minor, 277 
integrity, 307 
intellect, 321 
Intoxication, 229 
iron, 263 
lump of, 221 

foreign, 175 

Jamad-agni (Jamadagni), 121,351 



Jambha, 113 
japakusuma, 343 
jealousy, 315, 339 
jewel-lamp, 311 
jewelled floors, 93 
jewellery, 329 
jewels, 197, 370 
joke, 287, 295 
jugglers, 127, 255 
Jupiter, 97 
jyautisa, 24 
Kalasa, 23 

Kalhana (Kalhana), 17, 353, 354, 
357 j 368 

Kali, 213, 329, 339 
Kamaladhruva, 363 
Kandali (Kandali), 105 
Kane, 353 
Kdpalika , 346, 347 
Kashmir, 125 
Kaulikt language, 363 
Kaustubha jewel, 344 
Kautsa, 121, 351 
Kautilya , 353, 360 
kettle-drums, 245 
khadira (khadira), 45 
Kharikha, 357 
killed copper, 369 
kind words, 309 
kindness, 325, 339 
king, 23, 109, 143, 181, 189, 195, 
197, 199, 201, 203, 323, 331, 
333’ 355 
praise of, 321 
kingship, 331 
kinsfolk, 173 

kinsman, 145 
kisses, 358 
kitchen, 373 
knee-caps, 121 

poisoned, 295 

auspicious, 348 

appearance of, 321 
Kroraina Prakrit, 355 
Kshemendra, 17—19, 23,129,159, 
189, 205, 225, 241, 255, 269, 
301, 317, 344, 346-363, 365, 
Kubera, 147, 355 
Kulluka, 370, 371 
Kumara-jiva, 21 
Kumudadhruva, 363 
Kumudika, 360 
Kunda, 147, 355 
Kunjunni Raja, 24 
kusha (kusa), 119 
kutaja, 313 
lac, 265 

lack of judgment, 327 
lackeys, 339 

Lakshmi (Laksmi), 41, 95, 201, 
251, ^ 55 ’ 289, 355 

Lakshmi-verse, 255 
laksana, 343 

treatment of, 215 
Lapanich, 18,21,23,345,357,361, 
371, 372 
larceny, 215 
lattice-window, 141 



laughter, 263 
Laukika, 22 
Law, 149, 339 
lawbook, 368 
learned, 331 
led, 261 
leprosy, 333 
liberation, 305, 349 
libertines, 103 
Lienhard, 345 

length of, 323 
stages of, 345 
light-rays, 105 
lilies, 103 
lineage, 203 
noble, 175 

animated with muttered pra¬ 
yers, hi 

boundary of, 99 
liquor, 235, 347 
litigation, 355 

matted, 109 
locusts, 255 
logic, 24 
loin-cloth, 337 
Lord of the spirits, 217 
lotus, 103 

of enjoyment, 97 
lotus-lips, 183 
lotus-pond, 101 
love, 97 
tragic, 346 

love-enchantment, 277 

love-play, 93, 273 
love-potion, 368 
love-sport, 249 
lover, 101, 167 
Lucky-ear, 335 
lunar crescent, 105 
machinations, 193 
Magadha (Magadha), 223, 365 
magic, 368 

divinatory, 279 
magical art, 307 
magnanimity, 145 
magnetic layer, 263 
magnetically static, 261 
Mahajan, 22 

God who grants boons, 217 
Mallinatha, 344 

jealous old, 171 

Mandakini (Mandakini), 103, 

manes, 347 
mansion, 99, 141 
jewelled, 105 
mantra-adept, 369 
mantra-deity, 373 
mantra-regents, 253 
mantra-sorcerer, 321, 323, 325 
mantras, 175, 279, 331, 335, 337, 

power of, 107 
mantrika, 373 
Manu, 351, 371 
marriage, 175, 374 
marrow-fat, 157 
Matanga, 363, 364 



materialists, 345 
maternal uncles, 329 
Mati, 352, 370 

unbefitting, 255 
Maya (Maya), 117,165, 211 
twin of, 350 
meal, 323, 327 
meat, 245, 347 
Medhatithi, 371 
medicament, 331 
medicine, 24, 325, 327 
Ayurvedic, 373 
meditation, 173 
exalted, 113 
medium, 369 
meeting, 321 
Mekala, 365 
men of refined taste, 95 
mercenaries, 127 
merchant, 127, 141 
deaf or dumb, 299 
mercury, 261, 275, 366, 367 
merit, 145, 203, 235 
Meru, 267 
metallurgy, 24 

metaphor, 345,355,361,364,372, 


Meyer, 349 
midnight, 183 
milk, 329 
milk-ocean, 352 
Milky Way, 346 
mimes, 255 


volatile, 177 
minister, 348 
red, 101 
minstrels, 255 
miracles, 231 

crystal, 153 
image, 235 
chain of, 97 
misdeeds, 335 
miser, 335 
misery, 249 
Mitrasena, 348 
mockery, 331 

musical, 171 
modesty, 321 

money, 141,143,145,147,153,157, 

197> 3 2 3> 339 
money-lender, 329, 331 
monks, 173 
Buddhist, 195 
mood, 235 

moon, 103,105,135,181,183,185, 
187, 201, 237, 273, 317, 346, 
361, 367-369 
phase of, 209 
moon-crested, 223 
moon-disk, 167 
moon-faced, 93 
moonless night, 209 
moonlight, 95,105 
morals, 177 
mosquito-bones, 275 



moth, 93 

mother, 315, 323, 329 
mother-in-law, 329 
funeral, 115 

Mountain of Antimony, 345 
mouth-lotus, 187, 309 
Mrityun-jaya (Mrtyunjaya), 331 
Mt. Meru, 267 
Mt. Meru, 335 
Mukunda, 147, 355 
Mula-deva (Muladeva), 95, 99, 
105, 317, 345 
murder, 315 
music, 25 
musk-incense, 187 
Myrobalan fruit, 301 
Ndga, 369 

Nagarjuna (Nagarjuna), 279, 


trimmed, 109 
naked, 275 
Nanda, 353, 370 
Nandi, 351 
Nara, 347 

Narada (Narada), 121, 251 
Narayana, 347 
narrative, 18 
neck, 119, 351 
necromancer, 311 
nectar-elixir, 219 
nectar-shower, 313 
nephews, 329 

train of, 273 

night, 317 

night-lilies, 103,183 
night-lily-teeth, 183 
night-maker, 103 
night-stalker, 175, 267 
Nirvana, 362 
noose, 185, 295, 329 
nose, 187,189 
bitten off, 187 
nun, 281 
nurse, 348 
Nyaya, 373 
nymphs, 95 
object, 335 
religious, 335 

ocean, 125,193, 283, 317, 374 
churning of, 344 
of milk, 344 
of nectar, 95 
offence, 141 
offerings, 219 
funerary, 239 
oil, 369 

Old Persian, 361 
Olivelle, 359 
omen, 335 
omniscient, 299 
orbit, 361 
ornaments, 181 
outcaste, 169, 346 
overflow, 249 
Padma, 147, 355 
palace, 175, 317 
palmist, 277 
paradise-world, 119 
paralysis, 107, 239 



parasites, 245 
parasol-bearer, 117 
parents, 329 
parody, 345, 373 
particles, 123 
Pathology, 325 
patient, 273, 325 
patronage, 249 
pauper, 221, 335 
Pautava, 365 
payment, 325 
peace of mind, 371 
peace-negotiations, 331 
peacock-cloak, 101 
peacocks, 95,163, 239 
pearls, 93, 367 
penance, 125, 350 
earthen, 115 
perfidy, 223 
performer, 171 
perspiration, 93 
petty officials, 239 
phlegm, 347 

physicians, 127,173,237,239,273, 

physiognomy, 24, 279 
piercing-initiation, 299 
false, 109 
places of, 223 
to the river Ganges, 297 
pimp, 287, 337, 374 
pit, 105 

planets, 173, 273 

plank, 119 
pleasures, 163, 305 
plow, 327 
poet, 337 

poetic composition, 327 
poets, 327 
poison, 287, 311, 339 
poisoner, 269 
politics, 24 
pomposity, 229 
pond, 245 
possession, 352 

demonic, 195 

copper, 275 

poverty, 327, 329, 331, 339 
power, 307 

power-substances, 368 

Praja-pati (Prajapati), 123 

Prakrit, 369 

prattle, 327 

prayer, in, 119, 335 

prediction, 323 

pregnancy, 323 

priests, 325 

prison, 203 

probandum, 373 

procurers, 255 

profession, 223 

prosperity, 331 

prostitute, 281, 311, 348, 359 

prudence, 315 

pun, 356 

punishment, 339 

puns, 19 

pupils, 317 




inordinate, 291 
sanctimoniousness of, 115 
purusalaksana, 24 

funeral, 201 
quack, 275 
quarrel, 299, 329 
quicksilver, 261 
rabbit’s horn, 368 
Raghu, 351 
rags, 139 
rain, 49 
rainbows, 95 
rakes, 239 
raksasa, 369 
Ramayasas, 23 
rashes, 311 
rat, 267 

ratnapanksdy 24 
rats, 269, 329, 370 
rattle-drums, 247 
Ravi, 183 

ray, 103,105,183,185, 317, 346 

razor weapons, 315 

red-banded, 117 

red-robe, 117 

regicidal, 245 

rejuvenator, 275 

relatives, 115 

religion, 221, 311, 337, 339, 352 
religious hypocrisy, 347 

cremated, 297 
remedy, 331 
reprobates, 327 
reputation, 321 

resourcelessness, 321 

retribution, 187 

revolving ornamentations, 247 

reward, 333 

rhetoricians, 374 

rhyme, 25 

rice, 327 

rice-water, 370 

rich, 331 

ritual, 311, 339 

ritual bath 

hardship of in mid-winter, hi 
ritual purity, 109 
ritual-ring, 119 
rituals, 323 
river, 337 
celestial, 103 
robe, hi, 139,185, 297 
rock-crystal, 169 
root-mantra, 277 
roots, 368 

magical, 277, 368 
rosary, 119,169, 337, 374 
rosary-veil, 337 
royal menials, 289 

household, 167 
rudraksha (rudraksa), 119, 337 
ruin, 339 

rut-fluid, 163, 245 
sacrifices, 173, 253, 335 
Sadasiva , 352 
sages, 121, 267 
salvation, 327 

the courtesan, 360 
Samudra-datta (Samudradatta), 



175, 177, 181, 187, 189 
sanctimoniousness, 107 
sanctuaries, 267 
sandalwood, 313 
Sanderson, 372 
Sandhya, 346 
Sanskrit, 21 
Satyavan, 357 
Savitri (Sdvitri), 171, 357 
Schmidt, 361, 372 
science, 321, 333, 349, 356 
astral, 368 
of love, 277 
scorching-rayed, 101 
scorpion, 339 
scratches, 163 
scratching, 263 

scribe, 209,211,213,215,223,225, 
scripture, 25 

edge of, 323 
seal, 261, 295 
secret arts, 265 
seeker, 321 
seer, 239 

self-abasement, 313 
self-importance, 233 
self-indulgence, 229 
self-knowledge, 24 
self-poisoning, 366 
self-realisation, 231 
self-respect, 311 
self-restraint, 229 
semen, 157 
sensory objects, 231 

serpent, 93, 139, 169, 233, 350, 
352, 353 
gaping, 117 
servants, 127 
shabara (sabara), 101 
Shakuni (Sakuni), 301 
shame, 147 
shamelessness, 321 
Shankha (Sankha), 147 
Shashin (Sasin), 105 
shelldrake, 346 
Shesha (Sesa), 93 
Shiva (Siva), 93,149,153,155,157, 
217, 223, 327, 339, 356 


clattering, 173 
shoots, 95 
Shri (Sri), 93 

Shri-parvata (Sriparvata), 301 
Shukra (Sukra), 143,147,149,155, 
i57> 356 
siddhi, 373 
side glances, 119 
side-kick, 279 
signal, 219 

mountain-elephant, 345 
sin, 155 
singers, 127 
sister, 329 
skill in flattery, 327 
skull-bowl, 105 
skulls, 105, 219, 223, 347 
chaplet of, 223 
sky, 233 

sky-flower, 275, 368 
sky-goer, 275 



sky-going, 361 

of diamond, 165 
stone, 293 
slander, 339 
slave, 201 
smile, 123 
bright, 223 
wide, 317 
smoke, 269, 279 
smugness, 347 
smugness of cats, 109 
snake, 213 

snakes and bonds, 373 
snares, 165 

Snataka (Sndtaka), 115, 349 
sanctimoniousness of, 113 
sneering, 229 
social functions, 173 
Soma, 237 
Soma-deva, 360 

son, 95, 97, 99,105,113,123,141, 
143, 145, 153, 175, 311, 323, 
350, 351, 369 
bad, 311 
birth of, 311 
eldest, 373 
of a slave, 251 
of Dambha, 117 
son-in-law, 329 
songs, 171, 255, 363 
sorcerers, 275 
sorcery, 24,147,165, 327 
South-easterners, 125 
sovereigns of mantra, 365 
Sovereignty, 311 

sparks, 263 
speech, 125, 327 
sphatika, 343 
spies, 323 
spines, 247 
spirit, 329 
bent, 109 
spring festival, 103 
sprouts, 95 
staff-bearer, 117 
stars, 105,181 
starvation, 143 
statecraft, 307 
Stein, 22, 353 
Sternbach, 22, 23 
stiff, 117 
stock, 299 
stomach-ocean, 157 
stones, 331 
stooges, 299, 372 
store-house, 299 
stories, 135 
story-tellers, 127 
straw, 143,147 
street-gurus, 277 
street-peddlers, 287 
strength, 331 
student, 321 
stupidity, 235 
subject, 335 

seven bodily, 225 
subtle body, 372 
sun, 97, 99, 101, 135, 183, 263, 
346, 361, 369 

superintendent of weights and 



measures, 365 
swan, 151 
swindler-cats, 99 
swindlers, 105 
sword, 358 
sword-blade, 279 
syllogistic, 321 
taciturnity, 229 
tail, 339 

tailfeathers, 239 
talent, 317 
tales, 135,171 
tangle-weed, 165 
Tantrin soldiers, 360 
tarka, 24 
task, 49 
taxation, 365 

dimwitted, 321 
teaching, 321, 337 
teeth, 105,123, 219, 239 

chattering, hi 
Tejonidhi, 362, 373 
temples, 173 
termite-hill, 351 
text, 321 

Theophrastus, 24 
thief, 135,181,185, 203, 247, 279, 
291, 293 

thieves, 93, 269, 279, 329, 331 

thorn, 367 

threat, 371 

thumb-nail, 279 

thunderbolt, 49,141, 237 

time, 329 

titans, 143 

title-pages, 299 
tongues, 327, 358 

smugness peculiar to, 109 
torture, 143,157 
touch-stone, 265, 259 
toys, 329 
tradition, 337 
tragedy, 185, 371 
trance, 119, 327 
tranquility, 151 
translator, 21 

transmigration, 199, 235, 305 
trap, 251 

concealed, 107 
travel expenses 
fiddling of, 215 
treasure-vats, 297 
treasurer, 293, 335 
treasury, 97,197, 245, 370 
treasury-wells, 249 
treatment, 325 

tree, 127, 129, 153, 169, 185, 347, 
348, 352 
birch, 361 
cosmic, 362 
fruit-bearing, 313 
hollow, 311 

of intoxication, 229, 363 
of sancimoniousness, 109 
wish-granting, 201 
trembling, 372 
troops, 245 
truth, 321 
Tulasi, 374 
tunnels, 267 
turagalaksana, 24 



tusks, 163 
Twilight, 101 
Ujjayini, 217 
unconscious, 101 
unguents, 313 
universal emperor, 95 
upalaksana, 343 
urine, 237 
Urvasi, 373 

Vachas-pati (Vacaspati), 323 
Vagbhata, 375 
Vahata (Vahata), 337, 375 
vaidyaka, 24 

Vaishravana (Vaisravana), 143, 

Vaisnavas, 374 
valour, 203 
Vdmana , 352 

Varuna (Varuna), 253, 369 

Vasishtha (Vasistha), 121,350, 351 

Vasumati (Vasumati), 175 

Vdtdpi, 351 

Vatsyayana, 24 

Veda, 273, 339, 367 

veil, 135 

veins, 267 

vermillion, 346 

vessels, 329 

Vetala (Vetala), 187, 358 
victory, 321 
Vidarbha, 197 
city of, 203 
king of, 203 
Vikrama-simha, 197 
Vilasavati (Vilasavati), 197, 201 
village, 327 

village girl, 97 

villain, 95,107,113,151, 279, 281, 
285, 289, 291, 293, 295, 297, 
299, 301, 313, 335, 345 
villain-serpents, 107 
vine, 185 

violent tremors, 299 
virtue, 151, 327 
Vishakha (Visdkha), 273, 367 
Vishnu (Visnu), 93,165,344,352, 

vishti-karana (vistikarana), 135 
Vishva-mitra (Visvamitra), 115, 
121, 350, 351 
visitors, 169 
Visvarupa, 360 
Visvedevas, 349 
vital breath, 273, 329 
vital ligatures, 315 
vital spark, 155 
visti, 354 

bottomless, 105 
vomit, 21 

severe religious, 285 
voyeur, 367 
vulture, 335, 362 
vyakarana, 24 
Vrnda, 369 
war, 267 
Warder, 24 
wardrobe, 171 
water, 279 

droplets of, 97 
petals of, 97 



water-pot, 263 
waybread, 309 
wealth, 97,105, 323 
wedge-formation, 245 
well, 313 

wheel of circular reasoning, 109 

Yak-tail, 201 
white parasol, 103 
wicked, 339 
widow, 281 

wife, 117,167,169,171,177,179, 
235, 273, 311, 329, 367 
innocent, 295 
of Satyavan, 357 
wild geese, 95 
wine, 181, 281 
winter, 261 
wisdom, 97 
supreme, 99 
wish-fulfilling gem, 107 
wish-granting cow, 327 
witchcraft, 165 
witless, 167 
wives, 145, 333 
women, 165, 325 
defeat by, 313 
hearts of, 101 
pregnant, 295 
world-serpent, 344, 363 
worms, 331 
worry, 325 

would-be heroes, 327 
wraith, 229, 329 
yakshas (yaksa), 313 
yakshi (yaksl), 279 

Yama, 349, 354, 361 
yantra, 175 
the hag, 349 
Yavakrita, 371 
yoga, 277 

yogic seals, 363 
yogin, 147, 209, 321, 362 
youth, 97 
zodiac, 273 
zombies, 313