(A Software on Panini's Sutras)

Developed by
Dr Shivamurthy Swamiji
Sri Taralabalu Jagadguru Brihanmath, Sirigere - 577 541
Karnataka, India.

Instructions to Download and Install

How to Download?

  • If you are downloading the software for the first time, click the Program file button of the Version you want (Panini 1.0 etc) in the table given below and when prompted, save the Programme file (panini*.exe) to a temporary folder (eg: c:\temp).
  • Click the corresponding Data file button (Data 1.0 etc) in the table below and when prompted, save the Sutra data file (sutra*.exe) to the same temporary folder (c:\temp).

How to Install?

  • Go to the temporary folder (c:\temp) and run the downloaded Programme file (panini*.exe) which is a self-extracting zipped file.
  • Select the same folder (c:\temp) to save the expanded files.
  • Run setup.exe from the temporary folder (c:\temp) and follow the Instructions on the screen for Installation.
  • The corresponding Data file (sutra*.exe) in the temporary folder (c:\temp) is automatically expanded and installed by Setup.exe to the target directory.

Ganakashtadhyayi Date of Release Program File Data File
Version 1.0 March 15, 2000 2.5MB 150KB   (March 20, 2000)
Version 1.1     (Under Progress)

How to Update?

  • If you have already installed the programme earlier and want to update the data only, there is no need to download the Programme file again. Just click the Data file button (Data 1.0 etc) corresponding to the version you have.
  • Save the selected data file (sutra*.exe) to a temporary folder (eg: c:\temp).
  • Go to the temporary folder (c:\temp) and run the downloaded data file (sutra*.exe).
  • Save the expanded data file (sutra.pni) to the same folder where you had installed the Panini software previously. Default directory is c:\Program Files\Ganakastadhyayi.

Copyright © 2000 Sri Taralabalu Jagadguru Brihanmath, Sirigere.